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The Little Acorn

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Everything posted by The Little Acorn

  1. Oh wow! This awesome... great idea... Thanks Chammy!
  2. Your optimism is really wonderful.. and addictive... keep on being awesome!!
  3. Thanks for the encouragement VolFan I'll start posting blog links when I get a couple posts under my belt!
  4. Sooooo who has not been kicking ass and taking names at this challenge? *raised hand* Turning actions into habits is hard. I kept coming up with excuses and life got in the way and............... So. I sat and thought of each goal and the excuses I kept coming up with and thought up solutions to them. That's all a part of learning right, problem solving and learning from mistakes. So here they are, my excuses and solutions: Nourish! Excuse - lugging two bottles of water to work (particularly when I'm starting to take public transport since the cost of gas is ridiculous and draining my bank account), is kinda cumbersome! Solution - cut the drinking to one bottle, and try to get more water consumption in while at home. Solution - on Mondays bring in 5 bottles, so I wont have to carry bottles during the week. Soution - Get a bigger hand bag (umm this will have to wait till I get paid) Protein Up! This is the most challenging habit. Excuse 1 - I'm always in a rush and don't have time to think of what to eat, so I nom on what's convenient and what's handy Solution - Plan plan plan. I realise I NEED to plan what I eat or else this won't work. So every evening I'm going to plan and prepare food for the next day. That way I know what I'm going to eat and can be sure I have good food readily available! Excuse 2 - But I can't afford to buy any food now so I just have to eat what everyone else is! Solution - Nuh uh! GOOD Food is not that expensive, and the 20 bucks you spend on Chinese food for lunch you can buy something healthier and prepare yourself (with love) Excuse 3 - Ummmm my office doesn't have a microwave... How do I get yummy HOT food for lunch? Solution - Beats me! lol.. I used to keep my food in my vehicle, and it stayed pretty warm till lunch. But since I'm ditching that for cheaper public transport I have no idea what to do. I guess I can try keeping the food in my draw and pray it doesn't get cold It's Insane! Excuse - I get home from work so late, and I'm tired and I just don't wannnnnnna!! Solution - Just &^#%ing Do It! Yeah.. pretty much. I think just zoning out and getting into my workout gear and starting to exercise will help, because once I get into the first 10 mins or so it's not so bad. And I feel amazing afterwards! Solution - Leave work on time! Exercise is a priority and I have to be sure that I get home on time to work out! Blog it! Excuse - I don't have time Solution - Make the time! Time doesn't make itself you have to find time to do things you need to so Schedule regular time to blog. Have a schedule of topics and time to draft, edit and post... Soooooooo armed with these solutions I'm getting back on the horse and I WILL make the best of the upcoming weeks! Yay me!
  5. Great job Maggie! Having a bike instead of a car will really help with exercise. I've been to Edinburgh before years ago... beautiful place!!!
  6. So how have I been doing? Day one: Okay. Drank more than 3 but less than 4 litres, took my vitamins, drank my warm H2O. Did not follow Paleo I did exercise and felt grrrrreat afterwards! Did not blog Day two: Not so awesome. Drank maybe 2 litres, forgot to drink my warm water and take my vitamins. No Paelo, no exercise (was so sore I had to struggle to sit/stand), no blog post (was exhausted when I got home from work). Excuses excuses Here we go again. So today I learnt that I need to go to bed early enough to wake up so that I have time to prep for the day, and not wake up late and be in a rush. Day three: Worse one yet. Started off okay. On course with the water drinking. Got a few texts from my ex with a few hurtful words and everything just went down hill from there. Spent a great deal of time crying in the bathroom at work. Struggled to concentrate and just make it through the day. Got home and just curled up in a ball in bed. The silver lining is that in the past I would have binged on something utterly unhealthy to help myself feel better but I didn't. That's a good sign. Day four: On par!? Well the good thing about going to bed so early meant that I woke up around 4 a.m. and though the sadness rushed up to great me, I decided to not let it define my day. Got productive and I've finally typed up this thread! Yay! I'm not as sore so I'm definitely gonna exercise today. Though I know I may be down, there may be tears, I won't stuff my face with food to numb the pain. I may do some writing. Both blog and personal. I'm not giving up!
  7. Just &^#%ing Do It Challenge! Consistency is the name of the game! Hi I'm The Little Acorn. An old friend gave me this name years ago. He said that I have so much potential that I'm like a little acorn waiting to grow into a huge tree. We've since lost contact, but I'm so thankful for those words and have carried them with me ever since. I have tried to tap into that potential, but have a big problem with being consistent. I know what I need to do to level up in life but consistently doing it and turning them into habits? I come up with a billion escuses. But mostly I'm just scared of what the change will bring, and scared that I'd fail. In any case I came across Nerdfitness a few days before the challenge started. I read a lot of self help blogs (I'm sorta addicted), and I thought "AWESOME SAUCE I'll DO THIS!!!!" I was so pumped and made the goal to be consistent over the next 6 weeks in the following: Nourish! Drink 4 litres of water daily, including starting the day with warm water, lime and flax, and take vitamins. Protein Up! Follow Paleo 4 days a week (on days when I don't I will not gorge on carbs but try to increase veggie and protein consumption more than usual) It's Insane! Workout with the Insanity programme / exercise 6 days a week Life goal: Blog it! At least one blog post in each blog per week (started 3 blogs, one of which is a self improvementish type blog, under the name..... you guessed it! The Little Acorn)
  8. This is awesome.. I love how you compared who you are with who you want to be then bridged the gap... Good luck!
  9. Whoo Hoo I found nerdfitness just in time! I'm so doing this!! I shall type out my goals in the morning. I'm both excited and terrified!
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