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About ZugTheMegasaurus

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  1. Your main quest is such a cool idea! And good job on the gym visits, sounds like you're really getting in the habit.
  2. Thanks to everybody for the input! I'm feeling pretty focused and on-track, so I'm cautiously optimistic. @Luciana: I'm actually basing the number on what I lost a couple years ago (then gained most of it back because stupid reasons). I've been struggling for months about whether to attach a timeline to weight loss and what it would be and so on, then finally came up with a compromise: make the goal what I know I can do (since I did it before), and focus on getting from there to goal weight when I come to that point. Hopefully it's workable! @Blaidd: Thanks for the info!
  3. This is my first attempt at a challenge, and I'm hoping it'll give me some incentive to actually stick to things (I've developed a scary habit of being totally okay with failing or just not trying). Finally got a permanent job, so I'm going to throw the stress I was using to worry and look at eight million job listings every day at creating better behaviors instead. Main Goal: Lose 50 pounds by end of 2015. Goal 1: Walk the dog every day. When I adopted her two months ago, I swore I would help her lose some weight for her own health; now that it isn't snowing constantly, I need to keep that promise. Goal 2: Drink four bottles of water daily. I have no idea why I stopped, but I'm pretty sure this is why I have headaches every afternoon. Goal 3: Cook at home three nights per week. Somehow I've found myself ordering out or getting frozen dinners every single night, mainly because I'm too lazy to clean my kitchen. This has to stop, not just for my health, but for my bank account! Life Goal: Reconcile budget weekly. Fell out of the habit of tracking my budget and it's only sheer luck that I didn't get myself in trouble.
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