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Everything posted by Cupcake_Kim

  1. I know, right? The other day, after 12 or so years of being together, and almost 5 years of marriage my husband dropped a bomb. He said he was politically conservative. I had to leave the table, I'm not even kidding. He is just such an open, and very forward thinking person, I don't get what he's saying. I think maybe he feels he falls in with the Conservative party because of their fiscal policies, and perhaps criminal policies (he works in law), but man I really don't know how to begin to talk about this. It's freaking me the fuck out. : / Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Yeah it would be a real shame if we took that power away from them....Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. We are opposites. I hate to cuddle, and even though I may be attracted to someone, the thought of cuddling is off-putting with very few exceptions (current partner is an exception). Lol. I know what you mean about meeting lesbians though, I don't have a big flashing "I'm gay" sign flashing over my head, and unfortunately tend to stay off the gaydar, so meeting women was often very difficult for me in the past. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Did I hear someone say "nude beach"? Aw man, this time last year I was on a nude beach in Montego Bay. That's my happy place, and not even being shaped like a cylinder wearing an inner tube could ruin my mood. Too bad I was too poor to go back this year. North Americans need to get over their body image issues and get on board with the nude beach, wobbly bits and all. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Yes, she subsists on mainly bananas or dates (never bananas and dates together), blended with coconut sugar into enormous smoothies. And then she adds flavoured stevia drops. I would pass out from the sweetness. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. lol wut is vaporware? Haha! I have spent some dark hours on YouTube. It started innocently enough watching makeup and fitness, tutorials and then it got a little negative hate watching bad makeup and fitness tutorials, and then all of a sudden I was like hate-watching that Freelie Banana Chick and her disciples for over an hour. What is her deal?!? How is she not dead??? She eats like 30 bananas a day!!! I think eating her way sounds terribly unsafe but I almost want to do it as a science experiment now. At one point I contemplated buying a whole case of bananas to eat to prove her wrong... I'm going mad. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. I need this cold to go away. I am jonesing for a workout! I've watched so freaking much TV in the past couple days. I'm on overload. [emoji342][emoji379] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. You had me at "Lesbian Pirates". Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. ...and now I think I may have missed something. Can we, blame this on cold meds? I've been reading and napping, then napping and reading. Not very conducive to a cohesive conversation. Oops.
  10. I'm in Canada and luckily able to choose who I marry, but gah, the whole marriage issue drives me nuts. As someone of First Nations heritage (ok, half First Nations), I can tell you that we had marriage long before Christianity was introduced, and yes sometimes it was between same-sex partners. Why should people get to tell me or anyone else that we can't continue with that? It is beside the point that I choose not to marry, and instead have a common-law partner who I call "husband" for sake of ease. Anywho, I hope that everyone is granted this basic human-right sooner rather than later. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Alright, I'm sick in bed and on vacation from work for a week. Also, my partner's off on a fishing trip (read drinking trip) for a few days. I needs the help. Suggestions for web comics or downloadable comics would be much appreciated. I usually read Marvel mostly X-Men and Thor, but I'm bored of the mainstream stuff. What are you people reading? Inclusion of les or bi characters is always a plus. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. "Also want to do She-Ra (which might happen sooner rather than later)" YES! I really want to do a She-Ra cosplay. It's on my list. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Thanks guys! I'm not at all worried about that guy anymore. I tend to care a lot less about what people think these days. A formal troll does sound pretty bad-ass though. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. Hey everyone, I just wanted to say hi. I'm a bi-nerd, so I guess this is where my peeps will be! Wow...I would never say peeps. Wut? Anywho, I was a part of the NF forums before, but I had some health problems and life changes, and there was a dude here that used to like to try to have pissing matches with me whenever I had a different opinion from him, so I got exhausted and quit. God forbid someone not love milk....LOL. But I missed the forums so I'm back under a new name. So, hi I guess. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Yeah man, I totally need to get into a Dark Phoenix costume without my gut sticking out! #goals I'll be working on a Sailor Jupiter costume next. Also, here's my first costume...Chun Li, it was basic at best but oh well: Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Thanks, that's a good idea.... I have a crockpot but I have never used it. Not once. Haha. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. I'm clearly more sensitive (read: my stomach is more effed up) than most people, so sugar-free gum irritates me, but I don't think in general it's a big problem. If it is bothering you though, or if you want to stick on the safe side, try chewing sticks. I'm addicted. They are cheap at many health food stores and are usually birch toothpicks infused with tea tree and peppermint oil. They are natural and effective fresheners and stop my food cravings. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Love this thread. I can't tolerate eggs, dairy, garlic or onions (and a bunch of other FODMAP foods are highly suspect) and I'm having such a hard time with paleo because of it. I can get pretty creative with other meals, but for me breakfast without eggs is the hardest (and BTW fish at breakfast makes me gag ) So far I've stuck to frying up a couple slices of local turkey bacon, taking it out of the pan and then cooking sweet potato, a bell pepper, carrot and kale in a little grass-fed butter or coconut oil. Near the end I add some organic apple cider vinegar and coconut aminos for flavour, and then add the turkey bacon back in after chopping it up. It's a good filling meal. So filling in fact, that I usually pack up half and eat it later at work. It's also really easy to do if you cut up your veg the night before. Sooooo, that's my contribution...I hope it helps! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. -Time: It's hard to make time for workouts and home cooked allergy-friendly meals after working a full-time day job and running a part-time business. My poor husband only sees me at the dinner table and from across the gym. To overcome this I have to be very organized and plan ahead. If I don't wash my dishes, do my laundry, or grocery shop at regular planned intervals the whole plan falls apart very quickly. -Cravings: I want to eat all the things all the time!!!! Running an allergy-friendly bakery makes this harder as I constantly have cupcake batter and frosting within reach... This has been a major problem. It's pretty impossible for me to work off that giant Thai dinner, those home made cupcakes and the vodka I want to drink all in the same day. I'm trying to overcome this by scheduling indulgences. For example I get a cupcake on Wednesday after I get home from the track, and I get Thai food on Saturday after I do some weight training. It will hopefully keep me from having a major food-related train wreck. We shall see... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. I can't answer your question fully, but I can tell you that it can help since dairy can effect allergies. Dairy can stimulate mucous production which makes seasonal allergy symptoms worse. Also, I'm intolerant to a bunch of random foods, and I can tell you from experience eating them exacerbates seasonal allergies in addition to whatever other discomfort they cause. Basically, long story short if I eat primal it helps because I'm off dairy, but personally I also need to cut other foods as well to ease my allergy symptoms. So....eating primal alone may or may not do it for you. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. Hey there, I'm a former vegan, not by choice but because of digestion issues, and I think I can offer some help. Have you tried a low FODMAP diet? I first tried it for a week and immediately had positive results. The bloating and pain I'd been living with for years was gone so quickly. Most people can do the FODMAP diet while doing other styles of eating as well (paleo for example), however veganisim is a tough one to make work with it, as a lot of vegan staples are off limits. Anywho, I recommend looking it up and cutting out all FODMAP foods for at least 4 weeks. These foods can include otherwise healthy foods that contain problematic food sugars and other things that cause problems for people with delicate digestion. Things like apples, cherries, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, garlic, wheat, beans, lentils etc. will be cut out. Foods can be reintroduced after a time, so you can see if the bother you personally. The Monash University is a great resource and even has an app that tells you what is and isn't ok to eat. Anyways, this diet has really improved my health, and I hope it helps you too. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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