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Everything posted by Christrinka

  1. The thing about alcohol is that it brings down inhibitions. Like, I want to inhibit myself from eating whatevertheheck is in front of me, especially the sweet stuff, especially when maybe I am feeling a little stressed or bored or just crabby. So saying "no" to drinking anything for a quest is awesome, and good luck!
  2. I am the boss when it comes to drinking water. Everyone else at my meeting today was sucking down Diet Cokes and I shone with valor as I drank my water. Also I walked, but haven't figured out an app that will measure. I am out of town again (Mexico City this time)with gorgeous sweets set out at all times; nonetheless, I took deep breathes, eschewed temptation, drank H2O and wrote everything down. The reward is feeling pretty good tonight, and knowing that tomorrow (a long and challenging day) will be that much better for my good choices today.
  3. Learned a lot in the Jan quests. Some good! some not so much. Here is what i learned: I can be 100% perfect on my quests when I'm at home. When I'm traveling for business it all goes to hell in a hand basket. (I am curious where that phrase came from.) So here are my Feb Quests QUEST 1 Start the trek to MORDOR! I shall begin to sing. . . la la la. Practicing now for that glorious moment. QUEST 2 Max of one each of glass of wine or sweet thing in any given day QUEST 3 Write everything I eat down. Plus a life quest: one new Spanish word or phrase everyday, in case there are cute señores on the road to Mordor. Success is 80%
  4. Until I figure out how to post, here is today's post: All good. Losing weight. Making good choices. Drinking water. Walking, which is HARD, but I'm doing it. 100%, feeling good, and knowing that with 3 straight weeks of traveling coming up, there is a challenge ahead of me

  5. I'm tired. It's not that late, but I'm tired. I was 100% again today, despite dinner out at a lovely restaurant (me: fish, broccoli, water)

  6. Took two coats layered, a hat a scarf warm gloves and a promise of 20 minutes of Solitaire to get me to do it, but I got out the door and did my walk in 27 degree weather

    1. fitnessgurl
    2. Maggie-Miau


      Awesomesauce! No, seriously you deserve an actual medal. 27 degrees. Brrrrr :o

  7. Today was Day 7 of the Challenge; I let myself go a long time without eating and then when I started was wanting to . . .not stop. I did stop, though, because I have to WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN, so that worked. 7 days, still at 100% because I'm very motivated and I set really manageable quests.

    1. Mr_Willes


      Aaah the power of accountability at work. Great job keep it up, this is probably the thing that helps me the most too, so keep going!

    2. fitnessgurl
  8. I'm excited about being able to daily walk a brisk half-hour To wearing all white To not just lose this 12 pounds, but to keep it off through good habits To have a really fun year of NF, leveling up every dang month, and meeting some cool people along the way file:///Users/lauriepass/Desktop/excited-geese.gif PS to figuring out how to add memes to my posts!
  9. Introduction of myself: I'm Christrinka. This is my year for incremental steps to healthy, sustainable habits to rock my way into the third third of my life. I am feeling: Pretty good about this. My goal is to do 12 4-week challenges. In January my challenge is 1. 65 oz water/day; 2. 5 minute walk outdoors; 3. Write down everything I eat and when, every day. So far I am at 100%. I have a story about the push/pull relationship I have with the parts of me I call Azucara, Rosablanca and Gloriana, which I'll write about another day.
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