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About TalionDal'lwen

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/15/1991

Character Details

  • Location
    Canberra, Australia
  • Class
  1. I never liked running, i prefer cycling but im not sure if that will achieve the same result as running laps. ultimately i want to run a kilometer without stopping, which in my head means i have to run to build up that endurance, as much as i am no good at it. ive seen the zombie run thing before. im not sure if itll work. i could always try it on a run this week. its only a couple of dollars after all. i could try breaking it up with the pushups/situps. thanks for the idea. ill see how i go this week
  2. RP content for week 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ive been on this journey for several days now, still grieving for the loss of everything that lay in ruin behind me; the village, my father…but I couldn’t stay. There was nothing left for me. The only way I see now is forward. Yet, I still don’t know if this is the right path. I am hoping to seek out the Rangers. They headquarters is widely known to be secret, but my father always told me it was hidden somewhere in the Oscillian Forest, at the base of the Thorian Mountain Ranges. Is this true? Is this just a perpetuated rumour that has found its way into myth and legend? I don’t know. But I have nothing else to go on. The borders of the Forest is still a week’s travel, I do not want to appear to be truly unskilled. I decided to increase my skills, and tried hunting with the bow I recovered from the fires that swept through my village. In the stream beside me, one that had followed me since I left, fish glided with the currents as they swam downstream, as if they joined me on my journey. Some did not make it. I attempted to hone my skills, and use my father’s bow to catch a fish or two as they swam past. I had not eaten since I left the village, even the smallest fish that swam past looked tasty. I made a small camp next to an elbow in the stream, where the currents were slower, and the fish, hopefully, easier to catch. My first few attempts were a failure, feeling my stomach rumble as my insides felt they were turning themselves inside out, trying to find a single scrap of food still left inside to nourish itself with. But I pushed through it, focused on quelling that pain with a juicy fish. After an hour of numbing persistence, an arrow found its target. A medium sized fish, enough to feed 2 mouths. Filleting the fish was harder, losing some of its tender flesh as my father’s knife destroyed a portion of it. Something I needed to practice more. Nonetheless, I ate, with some small fruits foraged while the fillets slowly cooked over the fire. 2 days past, and I practiced my new art when I could, and started to become more proficient at it. Able to train my eye onto a fish, a target, and loose and arrow into its soft belly. I started carrying a days’ worth of foraged food with me, snacking as wandered closer to my destination. That’s when things took a turn. Late at night, I laid around my little campfire, as its embers hypnotically glowed softly. When a soft rustle in the trees aroused me. My elven eyes, as sharp as they were, could only just pierce the blackness of the night, to see a faint silhouette leaping amongst its branches. It was fast. Too big to be a creature, despite its swiftness. I left the comfort of my little camp to investigate, taking the hunting knife with me. Slowly. Silently. I crept through the brush. I could not see the…creature…in the trees anymore, but I could see a faint light glowing in front of me, not far away. I made my way closer. I could see shadows, casted from the glow. A campfire maybe. I got closer again. The shadows had a more definite shape. Humans. What were they doing? Were they friendly? I felt something jerk me back. An arm, wrapped around my chest, and a knife to my throat. “Sneakin’ about eh?†said the mysterious figure in a dry, raspy tone. “We don’ like little elves sneakin’ round. Too nosey, they can be.†The knife which rested just above my collarbones rested deeper into my skin. I could feel the knife’s honed edge. A sudden movement would open my throat with ease. My keen eyes darted around, trying not to move my head, yet trying to get a look at my captor. I could not see his face, yet something truly more horrifying. His forearm. The padding was branded with an insignia. One that matched the band of raiders that sacked my village, killing everyone that breathed its air. My heart sank at the realisation. I had caught up to their rear guard. “Lets lock you up. See what the boss wants to do wit’ you!†with a sharp jerk, he pulled me towards the camp. I had to get out. I had to get away. I had to think fast… The knife! He hasn’t noticed it on my belt. I have to get it. Slowly, I tried to remove it from its sheath, trying to match the timing of he’s slight hobble to remove the knife without notice. I misjudged. He stopped and looked at me and his knife inched closer into my throat. “What are ye doin’ boy?!†he exclaimed. Loudly. No time to subtlety now. I pulled the knife from its sheath, and stuck it deep into his side. With a deep gasp, his arms flung open, removing the danger of the knife’s edge from my throat. Without a second thought. I ran as fast as I could away. Back to my camp. A sudden burning sensation entered my shoulder. It turn into something sharp. The burning turned to pain. It flooded my shoulder, as a knife dislodged itself from the top of my shoulder, and cut the air infront of me. “DON’ THINK A LITTLE KNIFE CAN STOP ME BOY!†I ran. Faster, longer than I ever had before. Clutching my shoulder in attempts to stop the bleeding. The raider’s knife buried itself in the ground in front of me. Leaning over, I grabbed it and continued to run. “HEY! THAT’S ME KNIFE! GIVIT BACK YE ROTTEN LITTL’ THIEF!†My camp was getting closer. I could see the glowing embers, the stream. But I couldn’t stop. He was hot on my tail, and would surely kill me. I snatched up my father’s coat, his bow and quiver, pocketing both knives, and dived straight into the stream. The current was stronger than earlier, towing me downstream for several metres while I regained my bearings as I floated away. I swam to the other embankment, 100 metres from the campsite, and darted into the treeline. I could see my old camp, and my pursuing raider standing on the water’s edge, looking for me. He called out to me one last time. “Mark my words Boy! I will find you! An’ when I do, I’ll strip the flesh from your bones while you still breathe! I will find you! An’ I will kill you. SLOWLY!†He walked back into the forest, presumably back to his camp. The adrenaline that filled my veins started to thin out. My body slowed down. My eyes becoming heavier...
  3. Week 1 Exercise I did the NerdFirtness beginners workout twice this week, with the second time I kicked it up to a third set instead of only 2 because I felt like I didn’t work out enough (i.e. I wasn’t overly sore or tired). The runs slacked off a bit. I did walk a lot during the week so not all was lost. Running isn’t that appealing to me so I might look into changing it to something else (any ideas?). Also did a heavy cardio/strength session today for Quidditch training. Tweaked my shoulder a bit but itll pass So this week I’m going to keep to the same fitness schedule, but increase the beginners workout to 3 reps and keep the following circuit. · 30 body weight squats · 15 push ups · 30 walking lunges · 20 dumbbell rows (using a gallon milk jug) <= need to change this to something else if possible as I do not have anything that is as heavy as a gallon milk jug · 30 second plank · 45 Jumping Jacks Diet Mostly clean, had about 4 cans of coke over the week and a pizza and beer, otherwise been water, basically food only from the cheatsheet, with milk, cheese and bread. Still adjusting to what to make in regards to meals and im still looking for a food plan/recipes. For as an evaluation for the last week…it’s a huge improvement. I used to have 4 cans of soft drink a day on average, eat whatever I felt like. This week im going keep the liquid calories down and look into recipes/meal plans (going to do that tonight so I can buy everything tomorrow). Studies On top of everything (Woot!) It may not be entirely reflective, but I do feel like ive lost some weight (not gunna weigh myself after the challenge), through either diet or exercise (or both!). So while I may not have lost any weight, I feel better, and that’s motivation enough for me! RP to follow tomorrow. im half way through and im getting tired
  4. Sorry been busy with uni all week. Ive got 2 i mainly play atm a demon hunter and a crusader, look for Aquazorxx#6371
  5. Hey guys! I'm generally crap at intros (usually very shy in nature) but here we go I'm Chris, im keen on getting fit in a fun way, and reading what each of the classes have to offer, the ranger fits what i want to achieve. so here i am. playing the game called real life Im currently doing my first 6 week challenge. i want to try and lose a few kilos before my girlfriend's sisters wedding in mid april. the timing was so good i couldnt miss it im doing something different with my challenge, as in write a small block of RP content, based on how i went for the week. I type up what ive done over a couple days as normal, and compile it into a weekly RP and log. if you like to follow it, theres a link in my sig. i hope you enjoy reading it as i enjoy writing it otherwise i hope to meet some of the fine rangers that reside these forums (and anyone else that roams into different boards ) and hope to learn from those who have been through what im attempting
  6. Just an update: Ran/jogged around one of the uni ovals today for 20 minutes (had to cut short because of time constraints). ended up doing just over 2k in a cycle of 3/4 lap running and the rest walking. completed 2 sets of the beginners workout, though i had a bit of trouble dude to muscle aches from soccer last night and the run this morning (gunna need to look into warm up and stretch routines) in between walking everywhere at uni, i have tried to get atleast 30 minutes of continuous walking in Been eating mostly clean food wise, though i have had 2 cans of soft drink and a beer today (oops, that one got away from me...). oh well tomorrow is a new day with a personal best to beat Studies today have gotten away from me, just been alot happen in one day. still got tonight to try and stay ahead another update in a couple days, otherwise the weekly log and RP on sunday
  7. Thanks for the support guys I didn't know about the tags. Still learning my way around the site... And I plan to have my first log up tomorrow, after all my uni stuff and fitness for the day. I want to do logs at least every 2 days, or when something big happens
  8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It’s gone. All gone. Everything I’ve ever known, gone in one colossal ball of ash. I didn’t have much mind you. Just a small farm, roosted atop a hill with my father, overlooking the valley where the small village called Pestilence resided. Not the most charming of names, and its inhabitants weren’t much better. But it was home. I had few friends, ‘few’ being the emphasis. No-one liked the pointy ears. Oh I didn’t mention? Yes I am an elf – Half Elf in fact. My mother was of middle class Elven decent, yet she died during my birth. My father had already brought shame for his mingling, and her death only added to the insult. We were exiled; removed from the clan to never return. But we made do, growing crops and selling them at market. “Enough to live off†he always told me, returning from the village after a day’s trade. I didn’t have much, but it was mine. But it’s all gone. The little farm. Pestilence. My ‘friends’. My father…gone… I don’t know how it happened, how it all vanished. My hard day’s labour always concluded with running into the hills, laying in the meadow and listening to the winds race through the tall blades of grass. The evening was like any other. I closed my eyes, as the grass swayed in the wind. Yet, I did not expect the manner of arousal. The shrilling cry from a woman. I recognised it. It was the Baker’s wife. Perhaps the only lady that was ever kind to me. I heard it again. I panic. And in a second, I sprang up from my comfy setting in the tall grass, and ran to the peak of the hill where I bedded for the evening. I gasped for air as I made my approach, taking in huge volumes of air with every breath. My sides pained me as my delicate muscles contracted tightly, not showing and signs of relaxing any time soon. It wasn’t a far sprint, nor a fast one. Yet it to drained me of all my endurance. Despite what pain my body felt in that moment, it was nothing compared to the emotional pain I was presented with, upon looking across to the village. Flames and plumes of smoke rose from the village centre. Screams and cries of pain pierced the night, not unlike the whistle a volley of arrows makes as they pierce the wind. Slightly to the left, a small flame kindled to life. It enveloped the small farmland it arose from…my farmland! FATHER! I broke into a sprint. As fast as my legs would allow. 2 distinct lights separated from the greater entity. Perhaps people with torches? Did they investigate the fire…or start it? The sharp pain that ran swiftly across my chest broke my concentration. I clutch it, as if trying to slow or even stop the pain from diffusing further across my body, failing to notice the ditch underfoot. I tumble down hill, unable to stop or even slow down… Father… I awoke in the valley, only a short distance to the fires. Father! I pick myself up, inspecting the cuts and bruises and the pains in places I did not think possible. I am still whole, if a bit battered. The farmhouse was still alight. For how much longer, I wasn’t sure. I waste no effort hobbling myself to the farmhouse, in hopes of finding my father alive, if there at all. I scoured the farmhouse, looking for signs of my father. Looking for clues to either his whereabouts, or if he even made it out before the flames began. His coat still hung by the door. He never leaves without his coat. I run through the building, dodging what I could as it fell from the roof, making my way to my father’s quarters. Empty… My quarters… And there he was. Sprawled on the floor, lying in a pool of his own blood. I looked away for a moment, refusing to take in the sight I was presented with. But there was no time. A large crack was heard, as the roof began to give way. I know I couldn’t do it, but I had to at least try. I circled my father, trying to determine where to pick him up, and carry his lifeless corpse to safety. I put his arm around my shoulders, trying to drag him to the door. Flames started to lick the threshold. Can’t go that way… Out the window! With everything I had, I pulled his body to the window, and heaved it through. Bit by bit. The flames encroaching on the room created a sense of urgency, as I quickened my attempts. But it was to no avail. With a heavy heart. I abandoned the rescue and fled from the building. I took solace in thinking that he was given a burial fit for a king. I watched my world burn that night. I laid in the dirt as the fires danced through the farm, consuming everything no doubt with utter glee in its soul. I watch it. Studied it. As memories flooded my mind, of stories my father used to tell me as a child. He spoke of Paragons. Unique individuals that had reached the pinnacle of their craft, and continued to push past it. Individuals that could move mountains with their bare hands. Individuals that could slip into the shadows as if they were an ethereal veil to another realm. Individuals that learned what it is to be one with Gaia, and listen to her stories. He told me of individuals that could fly across the land, without the need of any rest. Individuals that could move through trees as silent and as swiftly as any woodland creature and even those who move so fluently, so swiftly, it was akin to a dance of death. With nothing to my name the following morning. I moved through the rubble, grieving for everything that I had lost, inspecting the remains for anything salvageable. I found my father’s remains, what was left of them anyway. He taught me a little Elven prayer as a child, something he said my mother had taught him so long ago. In his honour, I recited it over his gravesite, under the dust and ash and rubble, saying my final goodbyes. In the corner, I spotted my father’s hunting gear – a small bow, a quiver of arrows and a hunting knife. And I found his coat surprisingly intact, if a little singed from the fire. I gathered them up, and headed into town. The village was a shamble. No building was left standing, not a single body standing. Though I did notice some strangely dressed men amongst those who I knew. They wore brandings – insignias emblazoned on all there garb, and it was easy enough to identify. Shadow Raiders – a gang of ruthless folk who pillage towns and villages for the sheer thrill. I had even heard stories of their attempts of piracy in the waters that surrounded the realm. I thought on one thing my father told me whenever he spoke of the Paragons. They all shared one thing - They had all started from the same path, and all they had to do is take one step, and they were closer to greatness. I knew I had to leave, I needed to better myself, become greater so that I may prevent this from happening to other towns. I don’t know who will take me in…maybe the monks hidden in their Monastery amongst the mountain ranges, or the Assassins Guild, lurking in the shadows of the greatest cities. Maybe the Rangers deep in the forest will take me in…maybe. Will I avenge my father’s death? I am not certain. My first goal is to become stronger, so I can protect those who need it. I do not know where this journey will take me, or if it is the right thing to do…I do know that this…adventure will be tough, gruelling, but no matter where I end up, I know I will be on the right path. And at the end of that path, I will be stronger, I will be Great. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ive been on this journey for several days now, still grieving for the loss of everything that lay in ruin behind me; the village, my father…but I couldn’t stay. There was nothing left for me. The only way I see now is forward. Yet, I still don’t know if this is the right path. I am hoping to seek out the Rangers. They headquarters is widely known to be secret, but my father always told me it was hidden somewhere in the Oscillian Forest, at the base of the Thorian Mountain Ranges. Is this true? Is this just a perpetuated rumour that has found its way into myth and legend? I don’t know. But I have nothing else to go on. The borders of the Forest is still a week’s travel, I do not want to appear to be truly unskilled. I decided to increase my skills, and tried hunting with the bow I recovered from the fires that swept through my village. In the stream beside me, one that had followed me since I left, fish glided with the currents as they swam downstream, as if they joined me on my journey. Some did not make it. I attempted to hone my skills, and use my father’s bow to catch a fish or two as they swam past. I had not eaten since I left the village, even the smallest fish that swam past looked tasty. I made a small camp next to an elbow in the stream, where the currents were slower, and the fish, hopefully, easier to catch. My first few attempts were a failure, feeling my stomach rumble as my insides felt they were turning themselves inside out, trying to find a single scrap of food still left inside to nourish itself with. But I pushed through it, focused on quelling that pain with a juicy fish. After an hour of numbing persistence, an arrow found its target. A medium sized fish, enough to feed 2 mouths. Filleting the fish was harder, losing some of its tender flesh as my father’s knife destroyed a portion of it. Something I needed to practice more. Nonetheless, I ate, with some small fruits foraged while the fillets slowly cooked over the fire. 2 days past, and I practiced my new art when I could, and started to become more proficient at it. Able to train my eye onto a fish, a target, and loose and arrow into its soft belly. I started carrying a days’ worth of foraged food with me, snacking as wandered closer to my destination. That’s when things took a turn. Late at night, I laid around my little campfire, as its embers hypnotically glowed softly. When a soft rustle in the trees aroused me. My elven eyes, as sharp as they were, could only just pierce the blackness of the night, to see a faint silhouette leaping amongst its branches. It was fast. Too big to be a creature, despite its swiftness. I left the comfort of my little camp to investigate, taking the hunting knife with me. Slowly. Silently. I crept through the brush. I could not see the…creature…in the trees anymore, but I could see a faint light glowing in front of me, not far away. I made my way closer. I could see shadows, casted from the glow. A campfire maybe. I got closer again. The shadows had a more definite shape. Humans. What were they doing? Were they friendly? I felt something jerk me back. An arm, wrapped around my chest, and a knife to my throat. “Sneakin’ about eh?†said the mysterious figure in a dry, raspy tone. “We don’ like little elves sneakin’ round. Too nosey, they can be.†The knife which rested just above my collarbones rested deeper into my skin. I could feel the knife’s honed edge. A sudden movement would open my throat with ease. My keen eyes darted around, trying not to move my head, yet trying to get a look at my captor. I could not see his face, yet something truly more horrifying. His forearm. The padding was branded with an insignia. One that matched the band of raiders that sacked my village, killing everyone that breathed its air. My heart sank at the realisation. I had caught up to their rear guard. “Lets lock you up. See what the boss wants to do wit’ you!†with a sharp jerk, he pulled me towards the camp. I had to get out. I had to get away. I had to think fast… The knife! He hasn’t noticed it on my belt. I have to get it. Slowly, I tried to remove it from its sheath, trying to match the timing of he’s slight hobble to remove the knife without notice. I misjudged. He stopped and looked at me and his knife inched closer into my throat. “What are ye doin’ boy?!†he exclaimed. Loudly. No time to subtlety now. I pulled the knife from its sheath, and stuck it deep into his side. With a deep gasp, his arms flung open, removing the danger of the knife’s edge from my throat. Without a second thought. I ran as fast as I could away. Back to my camp. A sudden burning sensation entered my shoulder. It turn into something sharp. The burning turned to pain. It flooded my shoulder, as a knife dislodged itself from the top of my shoulder, and cut the air infront of me. “DON’ THINK A LITTLE KNIFE CAN STOP ME BOY!†I ran. Faster, longer than I ever had before. Clutching my shoulder in attempts to stop the bleeding. The raider’s knife buried itself in the ground in front of me. Leaning over, I grabbed it and continued to run. “HEY! THAT’S ME KNIFE! GIVIT BACK YE ROTTEN LITTL’ THIEF!†My camp was getting closer. I could see the glowing embers, the stream. But I couldn’t stop. He was hot on my tail, and would surely kill me. I snatched up my father’s coat, his bow and quiver, pocketing both knives, and dived straight into the stream. The current was stronger than earlier, towing me downstream for several metres while I regained my bearings as I floated away. I swam to the other embankment, 100 metres from the campsite, and darted into the treeline. I could see my old camp, and my pursuing raider standing on the water’s edge, looking for me. He called out to me one last time. “Mark my words Boy! I will find you! An’ when I do, I’ll strip the flesh from your bones while you still breathe! I will find you! An’ I will kill you. SLOWLY!†He walked back into the forest, presumably back to his camp. The adrenaline that filled my veins started to thin out. My body slowed down. My eyes becoming heavier...
  9. Week 1 Exercise I did the NerdFirtness beginners workout twice this week, with the second time I kicked it up to a third set instead of only 2 because I felt like I didn’t work out enough (i.e. I wasn’t overly sore or tired). The runs slacked off a bit. I did walk a lot during the week so not all was lost. Running isn’t that appealing to me so I might look into changing it to something else (any ideas?). Also did a heavy cardio/strength session today for Quidditch training. Tweaked my shoulder a bit but itll pass So this week I’m going to keep to the same fitness schedule, but increase the beginners workout to 3 reps and keep the following circuit. · 30 body weight squats · 15 push ups · 30 walking lunges · 20 dumbbell rows (using a gallon milk jug) <= need to change this to something else if possible as I do not have anything that is as heavy as a gallon milk jug · 30 second plank · 45 Jumping Jacks Diet Mostly clean, had about 4 cans of coke over the week and a pizza and beer, otherwise been water, basically food only from the cheatsheet, with milk, cheese and bread. Still adjusting to what to make in regards to meals and im still looking for a food plan/recipes. For as an evaluation for the last week…it’s a huge improvement. I used to have 4 cans of soft drink a day on average, eat whatever I felt like. This week im going keep the liquid calories down and look into recipes/meal plans (going to do that tonight so I can buy everything tomorrow). Studies On top of everything (Woot!) It may not be entirely reflective, but I do feel like ive lost some weight (not gunna weigh myself after the challenge), through either diet or exercise (or both!). So while I may not have lost any weight, I feel better, and that’s motivation enough for me! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. EDIT: Decided to move all the RP elements to one of the other posts Hi all, this is my first challenge and im keen to get started! So ill put down my intro thread here... During the Challenge, i want to do something different. i want to try and RP the next 6 weeks, so ill update the 2 posts below, one with RP content and another with the weekly progressions. lets see where this takes us It's been a long time since i've actually done any RP stuff, so please be nice if there's any inconsistencies Now im Spending some time trying to get my SMARTGoals right, so please help me if they aren't right. Motivation: Simply put, i dont like that i feel overweight. Ive always had the mind set that i dont really need to exercise because i was comfortable with how i look and felt, thus exercise never really stuck. so i didnt really exercise or watch what i ate. over the last 6 months or so, i started to notice. and i started feeling uncomfortable. so now i want to correct it before it gets out of hand. Then theres my dad. He works for himself in IT, which means he sits in front of a computer all day. he works from stupid oclock in the morning to stupid oclock at night. this means he gets little sleep and doesnt even stop for a proper meal let alone exercise. as a result, he has put on a dangerous amount of weight, where doctors have told him multiple times he needs to change his habits to get healthy. he hasnt. he thinks he is fine, yet complains of back pain and stuff and wont even stand on a scale to prove it to himself (i get it, hes likely denying it because he doesnt want to believe it. Sharing this has kinda scared me a little but another topic for another day). I used to think like that too. deny that i needed to exercise. watching what is happening to him has made me think otherwise. My mum and sister on the other hand are avid fitness lovers. Mum has lost heaps in the 2 or 3 years she has been doing it and is impressive where shes at, and I wanna join in too Main Quest: By the end of the 6 weeks i want to be able to fit back into my <6 month old suit for my girlfriend's sisters wedding in mid April (i know, perfect timing ). This means losing about 5 kilos (Currently around 78kg but needs to be rechecked). id be happy if it were a little less but still fit comfortably into the suit pants without feeling snug around the waist. Side Quests: Side Quest 1 - Exercise 3 times a week following the beginners fitness guide I will start off with as laid out, with 2 sets per workout, with each successive week increase the reps by 5-10 (depending on the exercise) until the 6th week, where i want to increase the sets to 3. i will also be doing cardio on the off days (indoor soccer, Quidditch training and walking/running cycles for 45 minutes) and a fitness class part of the Quidditch training. Side Quest 2 - Learn to eat Paleo and stick with it While i have cleaned out most of the bad food from my diet, id like to try and clean it up more. By the end of the 6 weeks, id like all liquid calories removed bar 2 off days at most, bread and dairy down to once a week, and have a couple basic paleo recipes up my sleeve. Side Quest 3 - Long distance running By the end of the 6th week, i want to convert the running/walking cycle to a whole 1km run without stopping. Life Quest: Studying Engineering can be pretty full on and if you slip it takes ages to get back on track, so i would like to have any and all homework and study completed within 48 hours of it being issued. should be achievable as my timetable isnt overly full. Tomorrow it will all start, and I'm excited
  11. An icebreaker... Ahem... Now that's over with... Hi, I'm new but i am definitely keen to be here. i never thought to get fit by ways of a video game (BEGADS!) My name is Chris, I live in Canberra, Australia (any other Canberra folk here?) and im studying Engineering at ANU (Australian National University for those who done know) studying my second year. I'm not overweight but i've definitely fallen into a shape that I'm not happy with, and would like to get back to one that i am happy with, and maybe build a little muscle to keep my girlfriend happy up until very recently, i do very little in terms of exercise and just sit in front of my computer and play games. i used to walk and ride my bike everywhere, then i got a car I have wanted to change that for years now, but i never knew how to. i would try but it would fizzle out after a few weeks. at the start of this year i decided to commit, but ease into it. I found Nerd Fitness through imgur. someone had posted a gif of Steves video of exercising all over the world. i thought it was a cool little montage That's when i found this site, and his TED talk. I'd like to think many people felt the same, but that talk really spoke to me, more than what anything else i tried. My first thought that it was awesome that a gamer could transform himself with enough dedication. i was more than impressed. I started reading his blog. i read many articles on dietary and fitness and even the NerdFitness Academy. Everything that i read made sense (As Steve had said everything was just logical) i started changing my diet, i started drinking more water, i started exercising. and now im here, it improve myself even more. ive signed up for the Academy, taking that step by step while attempting the first challenge. I look forward to meeting some of what this forum has to offer, and meeting some people new and old, newb and vets alike Talion P.S. games im playing at the moment if anyone is interested EVE Online Dragon Age Inquisition Diablo 3 Homeworld Remastered (when that is released) Mass Effect from time to time Elite Dangerous and various other little games from time to time I'm always looking for more people to play with
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