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Everything posted by Trewest

  1. I have had bouts of insomnia since I was 11. I am now 30. Needless to say I have tried pretty much EVERY sleep aid trick in the book, and most of them don't work. OR they do work but the side effects are simply NOT worth it. Last night I took sleeping pills. I hate taking sleeping pills because I get some FUNKY side effects (I sweat a LOT, my body temp rises EVEN MORE and I'm already hot blooded enough, I get locked into nightmares that I can't wake up from, and I end up with brain fog all the next day) but last night I needed to take them. I know a bout of insomnia when it walks up to me and slaps me in the face. We'll see tonight if I managed to derail this bout. Usually my bouts are 4-5 days with about 10 hours of sleep altogether. Mostly done in hour long unconsciousness and then awake again. Usually I can keep functioning during them but they really WHALLOP my physical reserves, and can trip me into depression if I'm not careful. All of that wordiness is to say that I have balloon brain today and only a 50/50 chance of actually sleeping tonight.
  2. Thanks sweetie! I totally will if I need it. I just know that it means I'm going to be a little radio silent for the next bit, but I should come back swinging for the stars as always.
  3. I'm not dead, just busy. This summer has been hectic and I'm trying to drop a bad habit. Today is day one of cold turkey treatment for not doing the not healthy thing lol.
  4. So I had Monday off this week and did my best to sleep. I also have Wednesday off this week. I will try to get my hair cut as well.
  5. My brother in law is going next year. He's 6'9 so he's awfully hard to lose in a crowd of people But I sadly I cannot.
  6. Would someone kindly please update the sheet so that I have completed each of the worlds? Also, thank you GL for the meditation one; I got into a meditative GROOVE yesterday and now my writing muse has woken up today. I assume those two things are linked.
  7. Yah, I'm currently having technical difficulties too. Would someone kindly put on the sheet that I have done both Stitch and Mario? I need only do the last one now.
  8. I'm just blessed that way Oh, turns out I am not hitting up Wacken next year Sadly trying to save up so the hubby and I can have our honeymoon in Mexico next year. Just he and I. Thanks sweetie, I'll be back to normal just in time for the weekend
  9. .............................................*head desk*......................................................... I definitely did more than 100. .............................................*head desk*......................................................... LOL, yeah no I didn't read carefully. My bad. I still feel like I've got no energy but at least I have an appetite again today.
  10. I managed to not throw up on myself, that is about the extent of my success that day though. Not my best numbers for jumps at all, but considering how I felt, I'm just glad I did ANY.
  11. Someone please remind me: on a day where I have a confrontation with food poisoning, it's a bad idea to try and ALSO do an AMSAP for box jumps. That was..... just not pretty. Anywhere.
  12. So yesterday I got food poisoning! YAY! *bleh* Not fun. Not fun at all. Today I feel like I've been hit by a truck.
  13. My husband is already convinced that I'm a little weird, fairly certain that lighting myself on fire repeatedly, all over, isn't going to help that situation any
  14. I'm fairly certain you won this day too
  15. We currently have 2 new worlds open for us. Now I have to choose whether or not to tackle Stitch (LOVE his movie) or Mario first
  16. Cold baths are wonderful (why would the Rangers argue against that, are they daft?) and it does help, but while I'm at work it's a littler harder to manage that solution. Mostly I just try to ignore the itchiness.
  17. SO MANY BUG BITES. This was a long weekend for me, and we were up at the camp. Got LOTS of walking in. So much walking. Also carried a 4 year old the size of a 7 year old for a kilometer because he was exhausted. Also got mauled by BUGS. Sand fleas went to TOWN on my one arm. I have over 10 welts from wrist to elbow on one side. Planning on hitting up a hill for climbs after work tonight, tomorrow, and Thursday. Or at least trying to get more walking in.
  18. It was not comfortable let me be honest. My professor was super apologetic to me for it after the interview ended, and the officer escorting us around complimented me on not letting my reaction show in any way shape or form. I just said 'no thanks' and went on with my interview.
  19. Here are all these Assassin's going forward with a smart, reasonable workout plan in place to tackle these minis. Meanwhile I'm DOMSing my way through the week because I did all mine within the day I started each one. Lesson to be learned little assassins: don't be like me, for the love of bacon please take care of yourself better than I take care of myself......
  20. I have a degree in Criminal Psychology, I know the areas you're referring to. I spent 4 years of my life learning about and learning to try and help people that fall into that category. Also learning how to think like them to help STOP them too, to be honest. Trust me when I say that being an adorable, pudgy, white chick has never been more terrifying in my life. I pretty much ticked ALL the boxes for some of the people I interviewed. And one straight up TOLD me that to my face. Nothing quite like having a serial rapist and killer say to you 'oh man, you're my type, this is my lucky day' to make you glad that they're in containment.
  21. I am the person you need around. Even if I can't do something well, I have no pride and thus no shame, so I go ahead and do it anyways and laugh at the failed results. My husband can sing. I mean, full on sing. But ask him to wear a Halloween costume out??? NOPE. But I will wear mine even if he isn't wearing his, which somehow translates as 'he might as well wear it because at least then people will think we're intentionally cool'. Whatever you do, never look up the search history of a novelist My poor husband had to do a history search after I did writing research and now he's convinced that if I ever want a divorce, they'll never find his body.
  22. Meanwhile at my work we have to keep making sure that nothing like that EVER happens at our site. LOL.
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