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About Gregoreeeee

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  1. I did 60kg here, but my max 5x5 is about 100kg. By my 5th set I do tend to find myself having a bit of forward lean on the last couple of reps. I've been at 100 for a while though - beginning to frustrate me. PS Yes Stronglifts 5x5 is the routine I use.
  2. Woops! Can this be moved to the power lifting form check forum?
  3. Hi guys, Would you mind having a look at my squat form? I've been lifting a few months now and progress has kind of stalled - wondering if its due to bad form. Please be critical - I'm looking for any advice I can get. Thanks, Greg
  4. Yeah I'm completely with you. I tend towards a low bar squat too and I find a perpinducular forearm hurts my wrists - though I'm aware I have a positive ape index which is probably responsible. Regarding the shelf I think the arms are more of a cue than anything else. The more I lift the more neuromuscular control I seem to have over my traps and delts, and so can flex them almost independently. By moving elbows back the traps seem to have more tendency to recruit as its similar to a pulling motion - thereby contracting the shelf muscles..... Isn't broscience great!? I've had a look again just to see what you mean about lower body not being right... Only thing I could maybe mention is your knees track over your toes - not sure its avoidable?
  5. Looks really good - I wish I was as disciplined in my form as you are. I'd be interested to hear how you change your arm position as above. I've read varying things: Rippetoe seems to suggest arms parallel to ground to create a 'shelf' while some well liked youtube trainers (e.g. Candito) advocate a perpindicular arm position.
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