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Everything posted by Ladygazza

  1. Ladygazza

    Campus Tours

    This was exactly the kind of challenge I needed! 1. I jumped on the scale yesterday, achieved a weight I think could be ok (48.5 kgs / 107 lbs - 157 cm / 5'15" height), and spent all the day panicking about... what should I eat now? If I eat the same, will I stay this weight or go further down? Is this dieting (about 1500 kcal a day) extreme now I have a correct weight and I'm training harder? Panic panic panic. 2. I read an interesting article from Steve, and after that other similar ones, all sources that I trust. Looking for reassurance, I opened a thread here. 3. In any case, Steve's article and all the sources confirmed I should eat way more and stop starving myself now. I'll try eating the right food in right (=higher) amounts and seek help from the community, to figure out if I'm doing right ore not.
  2. Hard weekend, indeed! Maybe your body is getting used to clean eating and you just felt sick. You showed a great willpower in working out nonetheless. The community helps me a lot too
  3. Hi everyone I'll try to be brief, if you need more data to answer my question, please ask! Gender: Female Height: 157 cm / 5'15" Weight: 48.5 kg / 107 lbs Starting point: 50.5 kg / 111 lbs, feeling fat and extremely weak, running twice a week (or less) 10 km / 6.2 mi. I was starting to need for new clothes as I gained weight (N.B. a few pounds or kilos may not seem a great difference to you, but consider my height). What do I see in the mirror now? Overall, I see the muscles "curves" meaning I can guess the deltoids, biceps, some abs, the calves, the hamstrings though I'm not at all ripped. I still got fat in the inner tights and all around the hips, which is normal. Thought, just down the external side of the glutei I see a... pocket/bulge/bag of.. water? Adipex? Both? It really seems different from the tissue all around. Funny thing is, it has always been there since I hit 20 yo, but now I'm training and getting an awesome @ss it really shows up when naked. Diet About 1500 kcal a day, not paleo but paleo-ish (I still have a small portion of simple carbs at dinner, especially if I went running). Before , I eat the same 1500 kcal, with more carbs and once a week binge eating and drinking. I drink lots of water and green tea, occasionally a diet coke but I cut it now. Current training I have been running three times a week 10 km / 6.2 mi, and doing a BBWW three times a week. Question 1: what should be my weight goal? Or, I see it from a wretched point of view, and should consider another parameter for fitness? Question 2: should I eat more now that I weight less? Steve's article (http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/02/26/level-up-your-life-4-determining-your-calorie-level/) and some others (yes, i did a lot of research) suggest I should eat way more, like 2000-2100 kcal a day now I'm training that much. A couple years ago I weighed 45.5 kg / 100 lbs through dieting and stopped menstruating, so I really don't want to be there again.
  4. C'mon you're gonna nail it Let's start this third week and earn our first lvl up!
  5. PUahahahahaha ahahha my cheeks hurt from laughing.. is it normal? SOOO TRUE
  6. I'd encourage the food journal - with emotions associated to food, too, so in the future (next challenge?) you got lots of data to define your starting point and goals. OMG You really can do all of them? Wow!! Just wow!!
  7. I love all this energy surplus you have =) I'm kinda experiencing that as well, after the BBWW I wanna do more, so I jog longer and try out some handstand, just for fun! I could do a crow pose YAAAY
  8. Beginner Body Weight Workout http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/ How an amazing week! And with a sick kid... aaaw I don't know how you did that!! Kudos! ---lurking, we see youu
  9. Yes, be careful with your joints, they tend to be your "Achille's heel" and never fully recover if you really damage them. But still, I'm impressed with your progress! Yard work is really hard!!
  10. It felt just toooo much I try to see that as an improvement: I could eat insane amounts of food. Now, it's my own body telling me: stop, please, I can't take anymore of this.
  11. Hi rabeck! I'm so happy to read all of this! I really can feel you happier that's amazing! Your dog is so beautiful! The pic made me smile ^.^ I also had the lightheadedness, take your time. Eventually your body will get used to all of that. Maybe it's the arteries, the heart, the valves.. I really don't know exactly.
  12. Ok, time for a recap: My 6-week challenge is working like a charm! It helps me stay focused and go training. I also managed to maintain a Crow pose for 25"! Ok, that wasn't exactly one of my quests, but after a BBWW I played around in the park, trying some handstands, wall planks, that kind of things. And it clicked! Food: not bad at all, I just eat what I'm supposed to, though I get really hungry before the afternoon snack and a couple times while running, I felt like every energy was gone from my legs. Today, I tried eating something more (nothing drastic, added a banana to my pre-running snack) and i just run my 10K at pace 5'20"/km even restraining me a little. I think that this was also due to my legs accustoming to this training -I mean, they kinda have to get used to it, right? I'm wondering if I should eat a little more now that I see a little bit of my abs in the mirror to keep the energy high. Yesterday I went out dining with my husband to celebrate our first year's anniversary. I decided to eat sensibly but without stressing out excessively. I had an avocado+shrimps salad, a carpaccio with pine nuts, pesto and french goat cheese, and as a dessert greek yogurt with berries. Not bad uh? Then we had a long walk and, well, he wanted so badly to buy me an ice-cream in like the best place, the view of the city, the lights the sunset etc etc, so I accepted. It turns out that I couldn't finish it and also felt a little sick from all the sugar I literally felt the sugar all over my mouth. Ok, I can therefore conclude that your stomach REALLY behaves as a muscle and gets used to smaller (or bigger) amounts of food. Lesson learned. So far so good!
  13. Today's run: it felt sooo good! 10K in 53'26" http://runkeeper.com/user/ladygazza/activity/557053079?tripIdBase36=97nkwn&activityList=false& And here's the pick of the day, a Branta canadensis grazing the grass. Yes, a Canada goose. They were introduced in France in 17th century.
  14. Seems like rangery, I think that you may use these 4 weeks to find out what you do like the most, or it is the most fun. If you end up enjoying all of them, maybe rangers. I don't think the decision is carved in stone though, as you can switch from one guild to another every 6-week challenge.
  15. Woooo seems a hard day that you've got ahead! Lol wet shoes
  16. 2015/04/25 Warm-up: 20 minutes brisk walk Circuit training x3 20 body weight squats 4 knee push ups + 6 elevated push ups 20 walking lunges 10 bench dips 15 seconds plank 30 jumping jacks Stretching It felt soooo good! I also managed to do a 25" Crow pose, never thought I could but I tried it anyways. And it worked! It helped to be on the grass, I knew I could really not injure myself. Ok, form is not so good, toes are low etc but.. I did it this means there's plenty of room for improvement!! Here: Gettin' to my spot.
  17. Sweet! If it feels definitely easier, maybe yes it's time
  18. It's like a huge adventures park That's one of the main reasons why I chose my flat, even if it has a higher rental. The Leaping Lizard? Argh, this 6-week challenge is giving it such a hard time! But I know it is lurking. I'm a bit scared, because when I will start working full-time again (now I'm in part-time due to medical reasons, I cannot work in the lab so I only do some biblio research, data analysis, stuff like that) I fear it will come back in full force. I try to hope that this challenge will in the meantime make me stronger. I must have faith in that.
  19. Thanks! Taking pics helps a lot in terms of accountability. I never do 2 hours of training, they're just scheduled: I now that from 1800 to 2000 I won't be available (no social, no groceries, no cleaning home), so if I get home later from work, I'll still have time to train. It feels like a safety net. In the past, I tried with "I'll go running at 18h30" and then, if I came home at 1900- life happens!, I felt like it was too late, and therefore excusable not going. Same thing for social. I was weak and said "Uhm, ok I was supposed to go running but whatever". Now, I say "ok, but I'll join you later, I'm busy until 8 PM" If I only knew it was so easy
  20. I think that you have to do what it's fun for you! I mean, running instead of weights is faaaar better then ending up doing nothing, right? Now that you now that reps are not quite your thing, you can focus on something more funny (therefore more doable especially in the long term) for the next challenge! Stay strong and focus on the bigger prize for these 6 weeks At your disposal, m'lady.
  21. Yeah! You two keep up one baby step at a time and you'll end up doing it.
  22. Today's run: http://runkeeper.com/user/ladygazza/activity/555670838?tripIdBase36=96tyd2&activityList=false& Go me, it felt really good! I took it easy (10K in 55'05") and so I hope my legs will begin to recover more quickly
  23. That's what you get for rubbing SP on my nose
  24. Thank you bookwormdee, this is so sweet I got the idea from this great article: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/03/03/game-of-life/ Steve says "reward yourself with stuff that rewards you back" exactly as if you were a RPG hero: whenever you level up or defy a boss, you get better equipment! I'm getting a cooler armor here Still, I need to counterbalance the reward with something I'd really hate putting money into, because otherwise I could give up saying "the heck, I'll just save that money".
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