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Everything posted by tourennatrix

  1. Oh right, daylight savings is a thing.
  2. OH WAIT this is week 4 LOL WUPS. I stayed up WAY too late on Friday (like I went to bed at 12 after playing board games until 11:30, I feel so old) and so I was super wiped for work today. (the good news is I had fun!) Friend bailed on swole dancing tonight and I've been pooped. I've pretty much just been eating easter candy instead of dinner and watching installments of the 100 baby challenge instead of studying. I felt gross and self-hatey for it so I tried to do swole dancing on my own but I just felt worse, so after a short deliberation I remembered my program director being all ~nnyehhh~ about my janky shoulder so I went and did an intensive PT/upper body workout thing infused with indignant energy. Nothing near what I'd like to be doing, but I at least did something. I'm hoping for a decent night's rest. I actually got my salad kit so as long as I give myself more than 30 minutes to get ready in the morning, I should be able to pack lunch. Tomorrow is going to be packed with work all day (during which I hope I'll be able to work on school, didn't get that chance today), followed immediately by my nephew's birthday. This means that Monday is going to have a buttload of schoolwork D= *waves a tiny victory flag*
  3. KJ friend, I hope you are able to get some proper rest this weekend. Good on you for acknowledging that you need it As a side note, I remember putting that exact sweater on my to do list years ago! It's so pretty!
  4. Woot woot! (And since you did this one while under the weather, the next one should be a piece of cake, right?
  5. Thanks guys I think I'm in a place where I can recognize that I'm still getting stuff done, but i'm still wishing I was getting more done and it was less friggin hard but, I'm handling it better than I might have in the past... and that counts for something!
  6. standing upright and/or with hand on the floor... meia lua de compasso? (what a glorious snapshot to use as the thumbnail) Here's another version that looks just weird to me: The above examples are more-or-less thrown at waist height. There's a similar version where you can aim more for the head. In that version, you don't do the crouch-pivot thing so much, and your hands don't touch the ground. Keeping the standing leg straight, you pivot and, well, throw your head towards the ground to produce the torque to bring your kicking leg high, up, and around. This guy does a kind of one-handed version
  7. Haha, nice! I love it when capoeira gets infused into other things Since all movements in capoeira typically stem from our foundational movement (the ginga), that movement helps in keeping the flow and determining which foot you have your weight on, etc. If I could see what you were trying to do, I might be able to find a video or something of the movement in portuguese which might break it down more/differently than you're seeing in class? Otherwise I would say "observe, mimic, practice, reassess." Looking cool comes with practicing so much you get the movement into your bones so you don't look like you're trying any more I still definitely don't look cool most of the time I'm playing these days! (a factor I attribute to not practicing as much as i did a while back when I was training 2-3 times per week and doing other exercise on top of it)
  8. Oof, you guys, this week has been one massive strugglebus. On Monday I woke up planning on conquering the world, but that plan started with sleeping in just a little, taking a shower, doing my math test, and taking lots of me-time between studying. What actually happened was getting woken up early (from a series of not great dreams) as Chu was all "Doggo needs to go to the vet to be groomed in the next 45 minutes but I am dead pls halp" and then as I was rushing to brush my teeth before making my public debut at least an hour earlier than planned, I found out that the pipes froze :| WELL THEN. I tried real hard to not let these things get to me, and I think I did alright (at least, I think I did better than I might have some number of months ago?), but not having plumbing lead to not drinking enough water, and cancelling capoeira because I was behind on everything and I wasn't sure if I would be able to shower afterwards (the gym we train at is pretty iffy when it comes to the bathroom/locker room). I did manage to eventually get my shower over at the Chu's place and then came back to find the water was almost back to working. Yaayyy Tuesday I think i missed my lunch goal because of the water problem (I hadn't had the chance to wash necessary dishes... Well, the water came on and I'm sure I had the chance to do it, I just... failed at doing it). And despite not having the first class of the day, I still managed to be completely unprepared when it was time to leave. In my lab, I discovered that (when one is uninjured) ice massage is the worst. I was assured that if my elbow had been full of inflammation it would have felt amazing. My elbow was not full of inflammation, but it was full of much discomfort as I had an ice cube rubbed on it for 9 minutes. In DnD, my druid seems to be coming more druidy. We are now trying to prevent a tower on a cloud from crashing into the center of Baldur's Gate. Wednesday I think I did get to sleep in, but again with the dreams and the not sleeping well. "Sleeping in" meand 8am and then I managed to take my Psych test and my Modalities test and a Kinesiology quiz all before going to therapy, and then got a bunch of things at the store that I've been needing for weeks... But I think my productivity petered out and I ended up full of easter candy and couldn't focus on anything when I got home Thursday... I hadn't gotten new lunch supplies, so that was a bust, and I was super anxious all day, at least in part because I had to verify that I knew how to do a couple skills and list off a bunch of stuff that I hadn't been focused enough to memorize. The skill check off went by fine (after having gone over all the information several times with classmates and correcting a lot of information that I had wrong... eesh. It was way at the end of the school day, but I'm glad it's over. I'll have another to do next week, but hopefully this weekend I'll be able to get my feet back under me and be able to study for it! I reminded my program director about my weird shoulder and she started treating me like I was made of glass or something =_= But in my other class, we learned how to do therapeutic ultrasound, which is both fascinating and nerve wracking! Friend rescheduled Swole dance party, which is fine because I had to go do tax prep with Chu, and by the time I got home I was super cranky. Still haven't managed to get up and do anything on my own though :/ *sigh* Work week begins tomorrow, and I have one last exam of the week due over the weekend. I hope hope hope that I will get my stable footing once more.
  9. Thanks! I think I'm not too concerned about these ones. I got one taken care of already on Friday morning. One I'm pretty confident on, one I need to do a bit of review for, and one I just need to make a cheat sheet for remembering names and dates that won't come up again for the rest of the term
  10. omg wut? Hi. I'm here, really >_> Week 3 was met with quite a bit of malaise. Not quite the rebound of "week 2 was amazeballs and week 3 is toilets" but I kinda felt like a non-participant in the things I was doing. Twas strange, uncomfortable at times, and more than a little annoying at others. BUT, let's do a bit of a recap, lest I forget: Monday: This was a massive day of productivity and awesomeness. Somehow managed to not do PT, but the things I did do filled post it notes. Tuesday: In a miraculous feat of rolling with the punches, I packed my salad for lunch even though I got the wrong salad at the store. Are you amazed? I'm amazed. Wednesday: If the malaise hadn't settled in yet, this was the day it started coating everything with "eh". Thursday: "eh" made sure I didn't have time to prep my lunch before leaving for classes, and there was definitely some amount of "It's okay friend, you can just forget that we have "get swole" on the calendar, I won't mi- on you're on your way over. Well I guess we'll do a thing." So I did do some cardio dancing. Friday: Worked all day, tried to focus on schoolwork in the evening with middling success. Saturday: Worked all day, didn't allow myself time to pack my salad so I worked through lunch and sustained myself on not great food. My text book motivated me to do my PT. Sunday: Worked all day but DID manage to bring my salad. Tabulation: Pack lunch: 2/2, but not on the 'right' days Proper dinner: n.o.p.e. *eyeroll* Meditate: 7/7 :O PT: 2/7 ... *ahem* Exercise: 2/2 Ok, so. Week 3: The week of tests, apparently. I have "Exam I" written down for all 4 of my classes this week. Good gravy. Monday: The plan was to go take a my math test, do some studying, enjoy not needing to be anywhere, Meditate, PT, and Capoeira. Tuesday: No early morning class, so I "could* sleep in a bit, but if I study enough tonight to feel comfortable with the material, I may try to take one of my tests in the morning. This is contingent on the instructor actually posting the test in a timely fashion. Lunch on campus, plus Meditate, and PT. DnD in the evening. Wednesday: Therapy in the afternoon and (hah) Psychology test due this day. Meditate, and PT. Maybe Dinner? Thursday: Campus lunchbox, Meditate and PT when I get back home. Get Swole Dance Party with friend scheduled for this day. Friday: Work all day, Meditate and PT. Probably do my last Exam of the week if the instructor has posted it. Saturday: Work all day, Meditate and PT. Probably pack a lunch, but this time because I need the extra hour on my paycheck >_> There will probably be time to do school stuff while I'm at work. Sunday: Work all day, Meditate and PT. Probably pack a lunch, study on the job ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Birthday party for my nephew in the evening! At some point this week, There will hopefully be a boardgame night because I'm told that actually spending time with the people I may be living with in the spring may help ease my anxiety about making that decision... Now maybe I can actually start doing some studying for any one of the 3 remaining tests this week...
  11. MOAR PT @_@ I think I said I'd share my crazy planner, so here we are: Diamonds are readings, squares are homework, right side up triangles are tests and quizes, and upside-down triangles are like "be at a place to do a thing". Color coded by class. Pink post-it is the 'to do' (to keep ahead of the due dates). NF tracker in the bottom right... I did my mediation and PT just so I could show today complete (yay peer pressure?) I had some classmates today complaining about how much stuff there was to keep track of just between 2 of our classes, especially since one of them has a bunch of stuff due online so I suggested writing all the assignments in a planner and they were all "didn't work for me 2 terms ago!" and I'm all "Whelp I hope you figure something else out because they won't accept late online work!" *awkward gun fingers* (this week seems to be an about average representation as far as lines used per day for the entire term, except for a few outliers- like March 26 can just go jump in a dumpster fire because it's used all available lines already loooollll) Now brb gotta go update the planner because the teachers keep emailing out changes to the schedule...
  12. Friday: Worked all day, felt kinda bleh, mostly enjoyed DnD but it went on super late and still felt kinda bleh through all of it. Saturday: Worked all day, and packed my lunch even though I hadn't planned on it originally. I like to get away from the office for a bit, but this at least lessened the chance that I would go off and get gas station food for lunch or something. I ate my (super basic) salad, but was also pumping myself full of bready things all day, so my body wasn't too pleased. After work, friend came over and we did 5 Fitness Marshall dances and OMG it was a fantastic mess. 10/10 will try again. Threw some frozen grilled chicken in the oven for dinner, did a meditate before bed. Totally failed at doing homework after exercising though. Wups. Sunday: See above about work and lunch. After work I finally got myself to do some homework and got through a unit's lectures in math so I can actually start making progress (and get ahead?) in that class. Dinner as with Saturday, and Meditate happened before bed. Week 2 summary Make a plan and stick with it: Kinda yeah mostly did! Pack lunch: 2/1 - Not on days I had planned on doing it, but I did it! Proper Dinner: ...4? I'm only giving myself partial credit, because it wasn't quite in the spirit of the challenge? Monday I didn't eat my veggies because the salad dressing reminded me of soap, Saturday and Sunday I made chicken but skipped any attempt at including veggies, and Wednesday was an excellent meal but I didn't make it myself Meditate: 6/7 Hells yes. I mean, It's been a bedtime practice which I'm not a huge fan of, but it's been more of a conscious choice to do it then rather than an "oh shit I haven't done this yet, better squeeze this in before I pass out" kind of thing. I'll take it PT: 3/7 ... which is admittedly an improvement. Lets keep going on this shall we? Exercise: 2/2 Still want to do more strength training, but dancing is good too. Week 3 Plan: Monday: Schoolwoorrrkssss, and a grand to-do list. Meditate, PT, and Capoeira in the evening Tuesday: On campus until 4, so pack a lunch! Meditate and PT when I get back home. Checking out one of my potential new living spaces around 5 or 6. Make sure Psych homework is done this evening if it hasn't been finished already. Wednesday: Therapy at 1, so scheduling schoolwork around that. Meditate, PT, and what the hell lets say Wednesday is "actually put effort into dinner" night. Thursday: On campus until 4, so pack a lunch! Meditate and PT when I get back home. Get Swole Dance Party with friend scheduled for this day. Friday: Work all day, Meditate and PT. Saturday: Work all day, Meditate and PT. Probably pack a lunch because I'm working with someone I don't feel comfortable leaving alone for an hour... This will be my evening for a bonus Get Swole session if I feel up for it. And ample time for schoolwork. Sunday: Work all day, Meditate and PT. As above for lunch. And for studytime. DnD is as of yet unscheduled, so it may happen Tues or Fri or not at all Now to get some lunch and get back to schoolwork :x
  13. I have excite for your upcoming belt test, you're going to rock it
  14. Lol yeah, they like to keep the ball rolling. There will be a week and a half "break" around the 1st week of April (air quotes because I don't need to go to campus but apparently there are a couple of things due during spring break?). There's also a full week break before and after summer term, but other than that, the terms only have a day or a weekend between them. It's really strange and I think it makes it really hard to focus on the last couple days of term when I'm supposed to be working on finals :/ but breaks also get me out of the school mindset, and it's hard to get back in the groove, so I almost prefer it this way? *Shrug*
  15. Wednesday: a good day. I got to make a smidge of progress in Hellblade- Got through the Blindness Shard and nearly gave myself a heart attack. I was apparently like one step away from the creepy gross monsters finding me and... idk, absorbing me? It was so gross. And my poor little heart... Oof. That was a workout. Thankfully that's where I started the game, and I got another section done which was a lot less stressful, so I was able to end on a bit of a better note Also got to go out for my celebration dinner and actually ordered a filet mignion because I could. Meditation happened after dinner, which was probably not the best time to do it since I had had a drink with dinner, but it happened. No PT because I was lazy, but pretty much the entire time I wasn't playing around or celebrating, I was doing schoolwork, so that was cool and somewhat productive! Thursday: New term! I... did not pack a lunch. See above about being lazy, I didn't make it out to the store at any point to get myself lunch food. Woops. Despite my schedule being dumb (I had a class from 8-9:30 and then nothing until my lab at 1-3:30) I managed to get stuff done and felt somewhat productive, even if it wasn't actually doing reading or homework. When I got home after classes, I actually sat down to do a little more school work instead of just declaring "day's done! Time to binge youtube all evening!" so I'm a bit proud of that. PT and Meditation happened. This evening I believe we have DnD happening after work, so there will be no schooling. But Sat and Sun will be full work days plus some amount of schooling effort in the evening (or possibly during the day, if I can figure out what sort of homework I have that can be done at work). Saturday will be get swole with friend (by which I mean fabulous dancing). YAY.
  16. Aside: I'M NOT SCARED, YOU'RE SCARED. Q_Q (this may have been my cardio for the day)
  17. Looking forward to giving it (or something like it) a shot! Thanks! Exam went well. I'll probably have the official grades for everything tomorrow. I kinda expect to have 3 classes with 100% scores and 2 that won't be half bad- and while I don't quite agree with this "artificial inflation" of my GPA, I don't think I'll complain too much about it... *ahem* Monday: I studied, but not much really... I managed to run through most of my flashcards like 1.25 times. I was having a really hard time focusing on anything and actually felt kindof ill for most of the day, took an hour long, rather unpleasant nap in the middle of the day, and almost canceled on capoeira... But I DIDN'T. Capoeira was really fun and I can definitely feel it today (I also threw in a bit of PT while I was there. I meditated around lunchtime I think, and after capoeira I attempted some dinner. Chicken from the freezer (which was passable I suppose) and a chopped salad kit in a new flavor combo that sounded yummy but in reality kinda reminded me of the soap fragrance in my grandma's old bathroom so I didn't finish it. Woops. Tuesday: I took my final, felt pretty confident about it once I actually started reading the questions. Took some between-terms time to finally watch Deadpool 2 (I lolled), had a nice chat with the therapist in the afternoon. Meditation and PT have happened this evening, as well as a trip over to the ambiguous asian restaurant for a plate full of veggies. I'm spending a little more time this evening catching up on Critical Role (I'm so behind, which makes me extra sad when I actually have the chance to watch it live and don't feel like I should because *spoilers*) and making preparations for the upcoming classes. Tomorrow I'll be peppering schoolwork in between fun things like playing some Hellblade and (weather permitting) having an absolutely delightful dinner <3 Spring pls come soon I miss u
  18. Week 1 recap: Pack lunch: 2.5/3 (the 3rd day it was packed, but not eaten due to shenanegans. Dinner: 1/1 Meditate: 2/7 (it felt "safe" enough to do on Weds and Thurs, but Fri/Sat/Sun I just... forgot. woops.) PT: 3/7 (I mean.. it's better than 0/7...) Exercise: 1/2 (the one was a little iffy, but a friend and I are excited to try keeping up with the Fitness Marshal next week, which is going to be a beautiful hilarious disaster.) Week 2: This week is going to be weird and very unstructured. Tuesday is the last day of winter term, so all I have is a final first thing in the morning, and then spring term starts on Thursday and oh my god what am I getting myself into. Pretty much this means I don't have to be anywhere for most of the day Monday thru Wednesday, so I have a lot of "free time". Some of this I am mandating as relaxation time, but today has to include a hefty amount of studying for the final, and between Tues and Weds I need to get at least a start on some of my class stuff for next term. Also, my school schedule is messing with my therapy schedule so at this time I don't know if I'll be going in for that on Tuesday afternoon or not at all this week... But what does this mean for the challenge...? Not having a framework to schedule my stuff around. Eesh. Let's give it a go. Monday: Study like a baws. Meditate (around lunchtime?), PT, Capoeira. Tuesday: Final! PT, Meditate, maybe have some therapy idk we'll find out. Play video games maybe. Wednesday: ~relax~ but also prepare for next term. PT, Meditate, go out for an awesome dinner celebrating surviving the term Thursday: New term! Pack lunch. Meditate. Weather willing, I may be able to take a walk around campus between classes, or sit in my car and listen to a meditation. Weather unwilling (which is more likely) I can either try listening to a meditation in the common area of the school building, or do schoolwork and just meditate when I get home. PT, Exercise, maybe. Friend is not scheduled to Get Swole thursday night, but if I'm feeling up for it, this is my extra day to do it. Friday: Work all day, Meditate, PT, probably DnD maybe? Saturday: Work all day, Meditate, PT, Exercise (Fitness Marshal dance party with friend, and she said last time that she would hang around afterwards to make sure I did some schoolwork instead of just zoning out for the evening. What a friend <3 Sunday: Work all day, Meditate, PT. Prep for next week and don't fall behind on schoolwork! Making an actual Dinner will happen at least once at some point in there. I've got some plans if I make it up to Costco this week... I imagine next week these will get a bit more detailed (especially behind the scenes) as I try to keep up with readings and due dates. I feel like the struggle of taking 4 classes isn't so much that there's so much work, it's that there's a bunch of moving parts to keep track of that don't fit together nicely. Next week maybe I'll share my planner page because I'm sure chaos will be happening by that point XD Bam
  19. Belated well wishes! Hopefully a weekend more of rest will have you back up on your feet
  20. My character is Georgie, an 8ft tall Firbolg druid, and she gets particularly grumpy when she's stuck in a city for too long. Luckily our new campaign is starting a bit north of Baldur's Gate, in the "fields of the dead," and our party has been away from the city for at least a week so she wasn't in too sour of a mood. But now we're trying to figure out what's making birds kill people :O We had a battle against some emus and I did a druid and managed to go the entire fight without injuring any of them, but I turned into a bear and tried to scare them away, which only worked after 2 turns. Good times
  21. seriously, i *still* feel kinda gross So, I brought lunch, but the way my test was scheduled and because I had to book it out of town to make it to my therapy appointment in time, I didn't really get to eat. BUT instead of getting a poptart or bag of crackers or something equally not-great from a gas station, I waited until I got to his office and got a protein bar from the shop down the hall. Therapy was rough and ended on a bit of a sour note, and I ordered my dinner wrong on my way out of town, so I ended up a bit cranky and didn't do my evening plan as planned. BUT in taking from @Mad Hatter's playbook, here are the good things that happened yesterday: * I got 100% on my practical exam, which was mindboggling because I could have sworn I was forgetting things the entire five minutes I was taking the test >_> -> The lab assistant commended me on my "relaxed attitude" (even if I may have been freaking out on the inside, which was only minimal at the time!) * About an hour later I got an email from the program director asking if I was interested in the club scholarship again this year (which I had discounted my ability to get for reasons, but I guess she's going to look into it!) * I now have my planner almost completely set up for next term, just waiting on the syllabus/schedule for my math class * I have my new DnD character about 80% figured out for tonight's game. Ok, I have the stats, items, most of the spells figured out. I don't really have much of her personality or backstory figured out beyond "Curmudgeonly cow druid." Not quite sure how she's going to fit in to the campaign setting, but we'll find out tonight! :x And now begins my work week
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