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Bastian Fate

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Everything posted by Bastian Fate

  1. Well, I haven't been doing that well in terms of sleep or stretching... It's 11:30 now so I should really sleep. However, I did learn and record the bass line for "Into Free"! Slowly, I'll put all the parts together For now though, sleep!
  2. Thanks I'm keeping my goals small and attainable. Speaking of which, I should do my stretching now! Have a good sleep!
  3. C III - Entry I, The sun has set and risen hundreds of times since my last entry. Just like the sun sets and rises, things have ended and begun around me and in my life in that time. But Nin, my mentor, is ever elusive. That's not to say I have not learned in this time, I have, about a great many things. But the fact is, I have still not been able to catch him. It's been some time since I saw him in fact. Nin, a ghostly, shape-changing lupine, told me that if I can catch him, I will earn his wolf's amulet, and the power of the wolf. But to do so, I must awaken the wolf within me. I could go on about the events between then and now. But what point is there in that? The sun may have set for a time, but it always rises again. And so it shall. The past is behind me, the rest of my life ahead, and right now, in front of me, is an opportunity to change, a choice that always was, and always will be there. It will not be a fast process. I will not change all at once... I know it is foolish now to make your goals so large they swallow you. You want it to be the other way around, bite-sized chunks. And so, once again, I will begin my training. I know not how much I will journal from this point, and I admit some part of me is afraid of saying "I will succeed", for some part of me doubts that. But that is not the part I want to listen to. Dark Seb, the manifestation of my fears, is ever hunting me, but I will not lose to him. I will succeed. - Bastian's Journal My name is Sebastian Woodland; most people call me Seb, but as an adventurer, I go as Bastian. You can call me whichever you want! As you can see I wrote up a bit of a story here, to continue what I was doing years ago when I did a few 6 week challenges. Who knows if I will continue with that I felt like I needed to write at least one more though. So of course I am late to start this challenge, but whatever. The point is I am doing it. If being late mattered more than just starting, well, I wouldn't do much. I've been late to a lot of things in my life. I'm going to start using the nerd fitness character to keep track of levels and stuff, and just do what feels right, so admittedly I'm not looking into what the new rules and stuff are too much cause I feel like I just need to start. I can go back and change things later if I need to! I'm keeping the challenge reaaaally simple, and I'm going to stick with these in the next one if I still haven't gotten them as habits yet. Later, I can add more and improve in other areas. I just feel personally like I've been stagnant in this area (health/fitness/self-care - AKA really important stuff) for a long time and just have to start again now I admit I am kinda scared to even post this, I've been alone in my struggles for so long, it feels like a big step. But I also realize that is a silly fear! 4 (2) Week Challenge Goals: Stretch/Yoga every day Go to sleep by 11:30PM or earlier every day. Get up by 8:30AM or earlier every day. Record a cover of "Into Free", even if it's just one part to start with
  4. C II - Entry VIII, Kat and I had regrouped after a dangerous few days apart on our own separate quests. I had slept in foreign lands in my travel clothes for two nights, gone hungry from sparse food, and neglected to shower for far too long. On top of it all, I had obligations to stay up late, and discomfort enough to stay up later, leaving me tired, and I was hit with what some call an abdominal migraine for two days. All in all, it was a challenging couple of days, and admittedly I failed to workout or stretch or run in that time. I even neglected to play guitar, which is strange for me. Needless to say, when I returned from my journey I was exhausted and disoriented. It took me a day and a half with Kat before settling back in place and I slept more than usual to make up for what I had lost. However, just yesterday while Kat and I walked on through a forest, we decided to stop putting off our training. We ran to a small, familiar glade and there we did push ups, squats, and planking. It wasn't a complicated or even full workout, but it was a workout nonetheless and we made a conscious effort to do it, despite both feeling rather run down. And you know what? Afterwards, both of us, though physically tired, felt more awake and prepared and settled. I will catch Nin, just you all wait. - Bastian's Journal
  5. I actually completed the card deck project which I started 3 years ago, which means I can actually get stuff done and it also means I get an extra A+ for week 4!!! Report Card - Week 4 No Sugar: 0/0 A+ Stretches: 4/7 C+ Workout: 2/3 B Runs: 1/3 C+ Guitar Playing: 4/7 C+ BONUS: Card Deck 1/1 A+Overall grade Week 4: B Next week's goal: A-, that's my new goal! I've got 2 more weeks to get it!
  6. C II - Entry VII, After the workout, Kat and I joined up to practice our stretches. I contemplated what Nin had said... I would need more than strength and flexibility to catch him. I would need endurance, and quickness too. There is much for me to do. - Bastian's Journal
  7. C II - Entry VI, Journals can be difficult to keep up with. These past weeks have been difficult I must say, but things are looking up! I just finished a short album of music for a play of sorts, entitled "Cerulean", which has just begun touring. Aside from that, I've gotten back on the ball with my challenge. I worked out two days ago (with one day of rest), continued to practice my music, and have avoided extremely sugary foods so far this week. And, Nin appeared again. He came before me in spirit form, and told me finally of his little game. "You must awaken the wolf in you. Once you can catch me, you will have succeeded, and the form of the wolf will be yours to command. But you will know then to use it for good only. This..." he held up the pendant of the wolf's head, "will be yours when you catch me, as a symbol of your awakening." Of course, I chased him. But I could not catch him, I grew tired too quickly and lost sight of him, and my speed was just too slow. I hadn't the strength to climb over rocks and fallen trees quickly enough. So here I am, about to begin my training again. - Bastian's Journal
  8. I'm glad to be here to help! This next week is going to rock!
  9. I'm adding another sidequest: Complete the "Legends Card Deck" (a project I started literally years ago and has just been wearing me down ever since) by next Friday. I forgot to update in a while, so I'll be posting both last weeks grade and this week's grade. Unfortunately I've been so preoccupied with other things I've let this challenge slip a little lower on my priorities list than I would like... There are still three weeks to go though! Report Card - Week 2 No Sugar: 2/0 B Stretches: 3/7 C Workout: 1/3 C+ Runs: 3/3 A Guitar Playing: 7/7 A+Overall grade Week 2: B Report Card - Week 3 No Sugar: 3/0 C+ Stretches: 2/7 C Workout: 1/3 C+ Runs: 1/3 C+ Guitar Playing: 7/7 A+Overall grade Week 3: C+ Next week's goal: A-, that's my new goal! I'm going to arbitrarily add that if I complete the card deck, I get an extra A+ to add to Week 4's outcome, if I don't I get an extra F.... the stakes are high!
  10. https://youtu.be/G0UH-5I3jZA I completed sidequest 2! C II - Entry V, The following days Kat and I trained together. I managed to workout once, avoiding any vertigo. The ear infection seems to be leaving me almost entirely. I spent much of my time practicing my guitar, which I believe helped me heal. Kat played her harp, together we practiced and made music. In two days time, Kat and I plan to venture further into the forest then I have ever gone. We won't be able to bring much with us, but I feel prepared for the journey nonetheless. However, I am bothered to say that Nin hasn't returned. I fear I'll never be able to predict when he will return, or what his purpose is. And what of the pendant he held? I can only hope that soon he will show himself again and explain himself, but I fear that will not happen for a long while. - Bastian's Journal
  11. C II - Entry IV, Nin stood before me, all wolf, materializing from a shifting blue spirit form. After that, he changed shape again, appearing as the half-man, half-wolf I had first seen him as. He spoke "It is time for me to train you." I simply nodded, not knowing which questions to ask first. We began a workout routine, I was demonstrating to him what I could do. First a warm up, jogging on the spot, then squats, pushups (I had to lean against a rock at an easier angle for the last 2 of 10), then dumbbell rows. After the dumbbell rows, I faltered, my vision spinning. I was experiencing a relatively intense amount of vertigo. I heard rustling in the leaves beside me, and Nin vanished. Out from the bushes came Kat, as I sat on the floor trying to steady myself. "Are you alright?" She said smoothly, a hint of concern in her voice. "Kat! I've been experiencing dizziness for the past few days, on and off, as you recall. I just began a training session, only to be hit with a noticeable bout of vertigo." I looked around hazily, the dizziness ever so slowly fading. "Nin was here." Kat looked around at the relatively empty surroundings of my camp. "Perhaps I scared him off." "Perhaps," I said. Kat turned to me, saying "You should go to the nearby village, the clerics there may diagnose you. We need to know if it's serious." I slumped a little. I had just begun training once more, only to be stopped by an unknown ailment. I admit it was frustrating, but I knew Kat was right, and was glad to have her support. I stood up slowly when the majority of the vertigo had faded. "I admit, it's better to be safe." "It always is when dealing with one's health. I do not joke about these things." She helped me up. I smiled at her, thanked her, and we began heading east to the temple of Amordi, god of silver. They told me I have an inner ear infection. I'll be taking things easy for the next few days or week, but hopefully I'll still get some of my objectives completed. - Bastian's Journal
  12. Thanks Raven for the encouragement, and thank you Kat as well! :3 C II - Entry III, The past day I was hit with a slow dizziness, and at one point a startling dizzy spell. I hadn't seen Nin since swimming in the lake. This concerned me, but more immediately, I wasn't feeling too well. I decided it safest to return home, and after all, it was my mother's birthday. Our family gathered together and celebrated, though throughout the day I found it difficult to convince myself to perform any of my tasks. Even the day before I had felt a strange weariness sweep over me. I managed to entertain myself with guitar-playing and my brothers, and a day earlier spent some time with Kat. Now, today, I sit with my lunch. The vague dizziness is about me, so faint I could almost convince myself to get up and begin more training. But I feel unsure of myself... wait - I can see Nin! - Bastian's Journal
  13. THAT'S THE SPIRIT Stretch- do it for Jayde.
  14. Report Card - Week 1 No Sugar: 2/0 B Stretches: 4/7 C+ Workout: 1/3 C+ Runs: 4/3 A+ Guitar Playing: 7/7 A+Overall grade Week 1: B+ Next week's goal: B+! That's been my goal for a while now. Lets bump it up to A-, that's my new goal!
  15. C II - Entry II, I followed the old spirit for a good couple of hours into the night, but at each turn he was one step ahead of me. I ran for the first half hour or so, then began to walk, before finally giving up. I sat myself down on an old, fallen log, staring out into the darkness around me. My eyes had adjusted but still, it was difficult to see. I pulled out something to eat from my pack, and pondered how difficult it had been to decline the baker's offer of cake and chocolate from the afternoon. I had stopped by a small Imperial town, hoping to gather Intel and some much needed supplies. In the end, my willpower was strong enough. I considered how I had been able to restrain myself and was momentarily satisfied, despite losing track of Nin. I heard a twig breaking to my right, and saw Nin perched on a large, low tree branch. He cocked his head to one side, before darting away through some bushes. I pushed past them, creating a much larger ruckus than was usually accepted by the rangers. Past the bushes, I could see a faint light in the distance, illuminating some of the trees. I followed, with Nin nowhere in sight. Shortly, I arrived at the small camp, another single tent. This time, however, I recognized the tent, and the woman sitting by the fire. It was my companion, Kat! We greeted each other, and spoke merrily of our travels. Kat was one of the Catfolk, in many ways similar to Nin with her half feline, half human appearance. We had been friends for what feels like eternity, and always happened upon each other, frequently enough that it could only be explained by fate. I stayed that night in her camp, but didn't see any sign of Nin. And of course, I told her of Nin. Few others would have believed me, but I knew, more sure than anything, that I could trust her. ​In the morning, we made breakfast together, and traveled to a nearby lake where we swam for an hour or so. Simply staying afloat in the water was difficult for me, certainly worthy of an exercise. At one moment, while desperately attempting any kind of swimming except the doggy paddle, I noticed across the lake, a shimmering blue spirit of a wolf. It was another of Nin's forms, and he simply nodded approvingly before vanishing. I wasn't sure what it meant, but I knew it was better than shaking his head, and I could tell that going swimming was providing a good workout. The next day or so I spent with Kat. We explored, we trained, we laughed and joked. It was a good time. I brought out my guitar and she her harp, and together we practiced our own songs. It was a wonderful set of days, but I saw no more of Nin. In the end, Kat had to leave on important business, and I was obligated to return to my home village to help my brother pack, for he was taking his cart and moving to a nearby village the next morning. I'm afraid that's all I can write tonight, my hand grows tired and my mind weary. - Bastian's Journal
  16. C II - Entry I, Long ago, I was told a story. It's an ancient tale, and it goes roughly like this... A grandfather is speaking to his grandson, and says "Within each one of us there is a battle between two wolves." "One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, inferiority, resentment, lies, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth." The grandson ponders this, before replying, "Grandfather, which wolf wins?" The grandfather says simply, "The one you feed." This tale has truth to it, to be certain. Recently, while travelling along the road I came across a small camp. The woods surrounding this path were dark and looming, and seeing firelight was welcoming, so I decided to introduce myself. Upon approaching the small campsite, I met a single man. He was old, and wise, and had the appearance of a wolf and a man combined; his face was a wolf's head, his legs digitigrade, and his body covered in wolf's fur. He was playing a strange melody on a small flute when I approached, and didn't show any signs of stopping when I stepped into the firelight. I waited for a moment before sitting down. I waited a bit longer, listening to the enchanting melody. There was something familiar about this Lupine, as though I had known him all my life. Eventually, during a short pause in his music I spoke up and said, "Well met, good fellow. You play the flute well." At that he stopped playing, and smiled at me. "Do you believe we've met before?" I was a little caught off-guard by the question. "I'm not certain. You do seem familiar to me." At this his smile brightened, his silver eyes gleaming in the firelight. "So you are not entirely unconscious of yourself." He stood up, and continued, "Bastian, I am the wolf, Nin." An old legend from my village told of the Great Wolf, Nin. He was said to be the father of all wolves, a guardian to all Lupine spirits. You might think that I'd have been shocked and unable to believe this man was such a character from ancient myths, but the certainty in his eyes was impossibly strong. This was Nin. I stood, and asked how he had known my name. He had been keeping watch over me. I asked why he revealed himself now. He said it was because I was ready. I asked, "Ready for what?" He sat, and motioned for me to sit also. I did. Taking out from his travel bag a small pendant carved like a wolf's head, he said "You are adult now, though you may not feel it. You are ready now to awaken the good wolf within you." He smiled again. "And I shall guide you in uncovering your true spirit." He held out the pendant to me, but as I reached to grab it, his form shifted, and he was suddenly pure wolf, leaping away into the trees. He paused and looked at me, the pendant wrapped about his paw, and I began to chase after him. That is how I acquired my new mentor. And so begins a new Chapter. - Bastian's Journal Chapter II - Awakening the Wolf My name is Sebastian Woodland; most people call me Seb, but as an adventurer, I go as Bastian. You can call me whichever you want! As you can see I wrote up a bit of a story here, I figured to keep myself (and other readers) entertained, I'd add a little fantasy story update as often as I can when I post my updates. Also, I love writing and don't do it enough, so this is a good excuse to get a little creative every now and then! Despite writing the story and stuff I can't keep track of my stats, that feels like too much for me to worry about for me personally. However, I am keeping track of my level! Honestly, the story didn't give away much about what I actually want to accomplish, I got pretty carried away in the fantasy aspect of it Below is my new 6 week challenge! Current Main Quest: To connect more with my body, and increase my energy levels and flexibility.To become stronger, and increase my stamina.Specifics:Comfortably touch my toes with straight legsRegain my ability to run for a long time: 1hourWithin the next few months, build up enough strength to do 10 pushups (no knees and no breaks inbetween; this would be amazing for me, I've never been able to do it yet) Nin's Steps A wolf eats well. I will take a different approach to changing my diet this time: I get an A+ for not eating any chocolate, candy, cakes, icecream, or similar sugary things in a week. Each occasion which I have one of these things brings down the grade by 1 grade. A wolf is flexible and knows it's limits. I will do my stretches routine every day of the week. A wolf has strength. I will do my workout routine every second day. A wolf is agile. I will run for at least 10 minutes each day I do not workout, barefoot style. A wolf's spirit is calm and collected. I will practice guitar every day for at least 5 minutes. A wolf is a wanderer. This Challenge I will climb mount Finlayson at least once, as I missed it last challenge (a local, semi-treacherous mountain ) to re-connect with my ranger Spirit. Side Quests: Finish making the armour pieces for my Commander Shepard Cosplay by the end of the Challenge - I still haven't done itUpload a video of me playing music of some sort to YoutubeFinish reading The Wise Man's Fear Weekly Grading Monday --> Sunday No Sugar: _/0 A+: 0, A: 1, B: 2, C+: 3, C: 4, C-: 5, F: 6+ Stretches: _/7 A+: 7, A: 6, B: 5, C+: 4, C: 3-2. C-: 1, F: 0 Workout: _/3 A+: 4, A: 3, B: 2, C+: 1, F: 0 Runs: _/3 A+: 4, A: 3, B: 2, C+: 1, F: 0 Guitar Playing _/7 A+: 7, A: 6, B: 5, C+: 4, C: 3, C-: 2-1, F: 0Challenge Grading Grading will be done each Sunday. Good luck everyone!
  17. Final Report Card - Week 6 Paleo Meals: 3/4 B New Paleo Meal: 1/1 B Stretches: 2/7 C Workout: 2/3 B Runs: 2/4 C+Overall grade Week 6: B- Side Quests Commander Shepard Cosplay 0/1 F Write a song this month to post to bandcamp 2/1 A+ Finish reading The Name of the Wind 1/1 A Finish my arrangement of Dark World/Lorule theme for two guitars 0.5/1 C+ Climb mount Finlayson 0/1 FOverall grade Sidequests: C Overall Challenge grade: C+ Entry XVIII, Here we are at last, at the end of my first challenge as a ranger. I certainly gave myself a handful to deal with and honestly, I believe I did fairly well all things considered. Still, my quest is only just beginning, I've only gotten a taste of the wild, and I have plenty of momentum left to build. By my reckoning, C+ will be my score for this challenge. Not an utter defeat by a long shot, but nor is it a victorious finale. I must recall however, the great many trials I faced alone in the wilderness. Well, not quite alone; at many of my darkest moments my companion Kat arrived, and traveled with me, teaching me and helping me. I could not have done so well as I did without her. One thing which hindered me so was the intense heat. You must understand me, I am a ranger, born to walk for miles and survive in the wilderness. But I am from a land untouched by wild weather. Even the mildest of heat waves feel almost crippling to me, a weakness which I should like to overcome at some point. I always felt better under the cover of trees then the piercing heat of the sun, but nevertheless the brightness has been a welcome sight. Still, I long for the touch of rain. I was also dealing with outside forces, such as my hunt for work, and inner forces, such as Dark Seb. Kat and I might have scaled the mountain, but we feared in the heat we might collapse from exhaustion. I shall save that journey for another day. I would have struggled harder for that B+ this week, but in the end, other priorities got in the way. I definitely learned some things in my quest, though most were unrelated to my challenge. There's no sense wasting time dwelling on the past now though. I will do better in the future, and in the present. All in all, I could have done better. But a penny is better than no penny, a drop of water is better than a grain of sand. A tired wanderer is better than a dead one. And I survived. I'll get some rest, and see you all next challenge. Hopefully by then, we all with have improved in one way or another! - Bastian's Journal
  18. Report Card - Week 4 Paleo Meals: 0/4 C- New Paleo Meal: 0/1 C- Stretches: 2/7 C Workout: 1/3 C+ Runs: 1/4 COverall grade Week 4: C- Report Card - Week 5 Paleo Meals: 2/4 C+ New Paleo Meal: 0/1 C- Stretches: 0/7 C- Workout: 0/3 C- Runs: 2/4 C+Overall grade Week 5: C- Next week's goal: B+ Entry XVII, Last week, I encountered a group of 3 soldiers from the Empire. I thought I could take them on but when I approached, they were ready. I barely escaped, and without anything to show for it. I have much training still to do. Perhaps it is not yet time for me to join the rebellion... Though my own method of tracking would say otherwise, I have learned much these past weeks. I find it difficult to spend much time writing when there is still so much to do... I shall return to this journal at a later time. - Bastian's Journal
  19. Entry XVI, Tonight I wondered what to do. I had heard while spying the roads that a travelling band of Rebels was on their way here, and would arrive soon. This could be my chance to prove myself to them. I figured this gave me about a week of preparation. I stood by my camp, watching the tall trees around me. They held their breath, waiting for me to return to my training, and I nodded to myself silently before getting down on the earth beneath me. I had already made plans for the evening, but as I keep remembering, "I don't have time" is no excuse. So, I didn't do a full workout, but I dropped down and did 10 push ups (though not all at once, I still have a lot of strength to gain in that regard) and proceeded to plank for 100 seconds, by my reckoning. As I expected, it was incredibly refreshing. The fact is, I love training, I find it exhilarating and I can feel it strengthening not only my body but my mind also. It seems so foolish that anything could sway me to neglect such matters of health, fitness, and strength. But then I looked up again toward the dense trees, as a dark thought pervaded my mind. My Shadow could sway me, and taint my thoughts... Everyone has a Shadow. They manifest in different ways, sometimes invoking fear or anxiety, other times depression, confusion, or anger... many times it is a combination. These Shadows will follow us, providing us with challenges. But even a brick wall can be toppled; even a wide chasm can be crossed. Sometimes it takes building a 30 foot bridge to cross, but it is still possible. Forgive me, to all who read this. I get carried away in my thoughts. What matters is, these Shadows can be beaten. They are no stronger than their casters. And I intend to defeat my Shadow at our next encounter. - Bastian's Journal
  20. Entry XV, With each failure, the steps back to the truest path seem more and more difficult. Hardly any part of me wants to look back on this past week, perhaps that is why this entry is late. I was attacked with a severe Aura Migraine a few days ago, but that doesn't explain the rest of the week. I know the challenge is only half over but I feel defeated... I also know that I can succeed, if I choose to do so. We shall see, next week. - Bastian's Journal Report Card - Week 3 Paleo Meals: 2/4 C+ New Paleo Meal: 0/1 C- Stretches: 3/7 C Workout: 1/3 C+ Runs: 3/4 BOverall grade Week 1: C+ Next week's goal: B+ B+, that is my goal. When I achieve that, I know I have done well! And it leaves room for improvement.
  21. Entry XIV, I didn't do a long one, but I did a workout! I also did yoga/stretches afterward. It's times like these that I am reminded of the importance of looking after one's body. Body, mind, and spirit are all connected. If you let one fall, it will pull the others down too. The same goes in reverse; if you bring one up to its maximum potential, you will raise everything in your life to be a little greater. - Bastian's Journal
  22. Entry XIII, A day ago, it began again... inside me, a flame of passion, pushing me and driving me to move. I must move... those words filled my head as subconscious thought though I did not say them. And after spending hours upon hours at my campsite reading books, inventing games, and searching the newsletters I had scavenged from the nearby inn for suitable work, I stopped. I had to meet my companion, Kat. Earlier that week, I would have taken a ride on a passing carriage or slowly marched along to meet her. Destination aside, my journey would have been aimless, almost a waste of time. When compared with sitting around on a carriage for half an hour, teleporting seems like an ideal option. But I wanted more from this journey; I didn't want to waste the time nor did I want to skip over it. I would use this time to exercise my body; I was to run. Each step I took my pace quickened ever so slightly until I knew increasing my speed would decrease my stamina too greatly. I kept on at a steady pace, my heart beating again, like an old dusty book being opened, and read aloud, its stories coming to life once again. This morning, Kat and I went on another exertion, testing ourselves to see how far we could travel. It was exhilarating. I'm connected with the ranger within, once again. I'm learning that for me, as hard as it is to remember at times, the greatest healer of personal stress is often a good exercise. Exactly the kind of thing Dark Seb wants to prevent me from doing. And so, as I write this, I am mentally preparing myself. I shall do a workout tonight... though perhaps I shall begin with dinner. I plan to add another entry within the next few hours, reporting my success. This challenge is far from over, and I still have plenty of time to finish strong if I work hard at it. - Bastian's Journal
  23. Entry XII, This past week I have lost track of time and this challenge, focusing on other matters. This week, I shall try to do better. - Bastian's Journal Report Card - Week 2 Paleo Meals: 2/4 C+ New Paleo Meal: 0/1 C- Stretches: 2/7 C Workout: 1/3 C Runs: 1/4 COverall grade Week 1: C Next week's goal: B+ This week I was dealing with a lot of unrelated stress and trying to sort out other parts of my life... I need to prioritize more, but I haven't given up hope for this challenge!
  24. Entry XI, Today I made a dangerous decision... only time will tell if it was the best one. However, it was the decision my heart yearned for, and I have the support from my family at my home village. On a more related note, I ate for dinner chicken and steamed yams, a delicious and filling paleo meal. - Bastian's Journal
  25. Entry X, Sidequests, sidequests, sidequests... by the look of things that's what this week will be full of. I have still been running, which is good! And I know I will get a workout in soon as well. I am however distracted by other things at the moment; worthy things, to be sure, but I don't intend for the distraction to last. - Bastian's Journal
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