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Ryan Sannar

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Everything posted by Ryan Sannar

  1. Buy coconut Cut coconut Scrape coconut meat out Make coconut milk Drink Say Yum
  2. Welcome!!!! Glad to have you. There a hundreds of different options available to you. What I would suggest is try them all and find out what you like best. IE: Try working you way up to running long distance for a month, see how it feels and try to find that runners high (I'd suggest posting in the runners guild for help with a good starter running program/buy Steve's Nerd Fitness Running Guide), then check out weight lifting (Once again the guild/Steve's Book/Starting Strength [free copies online, just PM me]. Try gymnastics. Try PARKOUR (Its my favorite). As for your goals check out this article for Steve and Staci's definition of excellent shape. http://nerdfitness.com/blog/2012/02/23/a-newbies-guide-to-nerd-fitness/ If you have questions don't hesitate to ask anyone of us. It really is a very friendly community. P.s. Try parkour its the best!
  3. hahahaha. Well someone is getting bacon tonight and that someone is me. I'm going to have a go at that brussel sprouts thing too.
  4. Keep us up to date. Good luck.
  5. Congrats! My PT makes me do them, so I know your pain.
  6. I've learned that I'm good at this, which makes it fun.
  7. Couple of options Look up planche progression online: Follow that, its a static hold exercise. Work your way up to one handed pushups (see Convict Conditioning) Fingertip or knuckle push ups
  8. You could always kidnap their kid. Of course that sounds like going a little to far. Or here's option two... find new friends who will help you.
  9. Woot I love butterfly kicks! My body can without any prior weight training, max out at more than 1.5 times my body weight in a squat and 20 lbs more than that for my deadlift. It can overcome sickness, fight to the death, build things, withstand pain, dance, act, climb, run and somehow process the massive amounts of food I shovel into it. My body can handle sleep deprivation, muscle fatigue and torn ligaments. My body can heal. My body can break other bodies. My body can grow. But more than that, my body is a gift. One that teaches me how to care for it just by feeling a certain way. The coolest thing though... When connected to my mind; my body can do parkour.
  10. Holy. Hell. Oh my freaking gosh, if I wasn't in love with and dating my girlfriend I might just kiss you! Trying this asap.
  11. Then never stop calling them cardio hamsters, they'll change their mind eventually. Or bet them $50 bucks that if they do weight lifting properly for a month, etc.... You gotta find motivation.
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