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Everything posted by MAGICFATSO

  1. Last friday I found an offer and ordered 2 kgs of ice cream. I went heavy on the ice cream that night, but I had a lot left over in mi freezer, and it's so frozen that I'm not really tempted to dig in. When I decide to dig in, I end up having just a couple spoonfulls. I don't want to risk it and say that I found a solution. But it worked fine for this week
  2. It takes more time! You won't change in a week unless you starve yourself. Don't be dissapointed, but don't lie to yourself either! 350lbs is a big number, and it would be dangerous to drop all that weight super fast. You need you train yourself a new LIFE STYLE, and continue living that way after hiting your weight loss goal Keep this in mind: 1) While you are not eating nor excercising, don't obsess about loosing weight (if you are doing things right, then you are probably on track). 2) When you ARE eating, make the right choices, don't eat things without realizing what you are puting in your mouth. 3) When you ARE training, crush it. Repeat number one It is that simple really.
  3. Hello Jannit! I can relate to your story. I'm 26 years old and have been on and off the fit train for the last 3-4 years. I'm always looking for REASONS to do stuff. What is the MEANING of studying, working out, etc? The problem is thinking about it. Deep down, you know that excersising will lead to a better life. Eating healthy will extend your life and the quality of it. You know all of this. So just do it. I am being blunt because I am having a good week. At the end of the day, it's not about reasons or and meanings, it's about doing (what you know will benefit you), or not doing it. It's always better looking back and having some achievement to rely on. Wanna know what I did yesterday? I worked out, did my german homework and cooked a healthy dinner for my girlfriend and myself. Yes, it's small and silly, but it's one step closer to conquering the world. P.S: I had some ice cream too, but don't tell My Fitness Pal.
  4. In the subway, whenever I don't have a book, I meditate. It's noisy and discracting, but the key is to keep focusing on the breath. Sometimes at work I'll go to the terrace and sit and close my eyes and meditate for 5 minutes. At home is where I least often meditate, but when I do, it's amazing.
  5. Should I do the band walks before squating at the gym? On my off days? Every single day? I've been at the gym this week and the 1st 5 sets of squats maybe are ok, but I can see my ass going to one side on the last sets. No matter how focus I put on my left side, my ass moves to the right. But I don't know WHICH SIDE is weaker.
  6. 2 years ago I did 5x5, adding 2.5lbs to all lifts on every work out. Result: I stalled quickly, my form sucked, my knees felt weird. This week I got back to the gym and started 5x5 once again, but I am thinking about adding 2.5lbs to all lifts once per week instead of once per work out, giving me more time to work on my form and hopefully going longer before stalling. I am also on a slight caloric deficit, aiming to drop fat before going on a surplus. Reality is that I'm pretty fresh on my monday workouts but feel really tired on wednesdays, not to mention fridays. Even now, that I'm noob and doing the main lifts with the 20lbs barbell only. Any coments? Thanks!!
  7. Cool, thanks Disil. I was hoping for a "eat no more than X pieces a day". My goal is to loose weight, and start a slow bulk once I drop my body fat. I'm currently at 21-24% with very little muscle mass. sent from my Moto G while chilling the chillz
  8. Howdy y'all, hope you are doing great! I've been taking my diet a bit more seriously for the last couple of weeks, eating whole foods like 80% of the time. However, I started taking in a lot more fruit since I ditched the diet yogurts and low calorie snacks such as cereal bars and simil. I do know that fruit has a lot of sugar, but take this example. Yesterday I ate 1 small banana, 1 apple and one tangerine. On another day I had 2 bananas. I am taking in like 117grs of protein each day on avg. Are the carbs from the fruit bad? And by bad I mean Michael Jackson kinda Bad. Because I loved that album.
  9. Sorry to hear about your injury... what happened? Maybe this is not what you are hoping to read, but if your body needs to heal, let it heal Unless you are playing competetive rugby for New Zeland or something, let your body fully recover before hiting heavy weights again. Swimming is amazing for injured athletes.
  10. It all boils down to discipline. You are addicted to candy because "you know that you can't help yourself". But of course you can, you will have to be on your toes for some time, maybe a few weeks maybe a few months. Every time you are tempted to go for a candy, ask yourself: -Why do I want this candy? Am I bored? Am I strugling with work? Am I stressed out? Am I hungry? Maybe I'm thirsty? Can I NOT EAT THE CANDY, EVEN IF I WANT IT SO BAD? This means discipline, it's hard, and it sucks, but it's the only way of changing things, learing stuff and getting things done. See if you can do that for a day, one whole day without eating candy, just be aware not to fall into auto-pilot, or else you will eat candys without even noticing.
  11. Hi Junior, I will teach how to make the most tasty scrambled eggs. 1) Crack 3-4 eggs and add it to cold pan with a slice of butter (5-10grs). 2) Put the heat to medium-low and place the pan over the heat 3) With a latex spatula, or some non-hard-non burn material start mixing it up vigourosly. The butter will slowly melt into the eggs, now is when you add some pepper (no salt yet). 4) Keep cooking and mixing, once the eggs start to get chunky, evaluate if they are done Too slimy = undercooked / Dry = too cooked. Juuuust a tiny bit slimy is the que to remove the pan from the heat and continue stirring and mixing on the "cooling off pan". The heat of the pan itself will be enough to finish the cooking without drying the eggs. Add salt, eat! 21grs of protein for 3 eggs, you can eat straight from the pan, takes about 3-5mins to cook depending on the heat.
  12. I'm going to call it malnourishment, not the Africa kind of malnourishment, but not eating nutrient dense foods and sleeping enough often result in feeling like crap. Excersise is the least important factor when trying to get healthy, it's something like: Nutriet density of the food you eat > Quality of your sleep > Excersise. Cooking is the most powerful tool you'll have, and it is hard making cooking a priority, especially when you have to stop doing stuff or meeting friends for beer in order to have the time to cook. But batch cooking seems to be the most efficient and cheap way of the getting the quality food you will need for the next 2-3 days. Hiting the total caloric intake is hard, I still have trouble with that. Chickean breast has so few calories and fills you up so much. I think that the key is racking up kcalories with oils and healthy fats on non training days, and carbs from potatoes and such on training days. #BodyBuilding style. It's hard, not every day will go as planned, but have some "healthy, clean eating days" will start to change how you feel overall. Hope this helps, good luck!
  13. I had a co worker that did (still does) cross fit. He was stocked to the max about it, but! every few weeks he would complain about a new injury, it always involved a bad landing of the barbell on his deltoids, or an ankle sprain, or a damaged hand from doing ring pull ups for soooo many reps. That's my input.
  14. I agree with saturnreturn, and can only add that MAYBE it would be smarter to set goals you are 100% sure you can achieve. Take this for example: Imagine I plan to lift 75kgs squat by the end of 6 weeks. WelL. I don't know if my body will be able to adapt properly and lift that weight by the end of the challenge. However, if my goal is to strength train 2-3 times a week, then I am 100% sure that I can do that. That being said, good luck on your new challenge!
  15. Hi there, I'm no fitness guru, and I have failed so far following a specific training routine. HOWEVER, I have started a few weeks ago doing SOME body work exercises EVERY DAY, striving to add one repetition each day. So for example, on monday I did a total of 40 squats and 19 push ups, tuesday I did 41 squats and 21 push ups, today if I have time (because my day time and afternoon are taken), I will try to do 42 squats and 22 push ups. Im not doing sets and reps, I just hit the ground, do as many push ups as I can, rest for a minute, do 2-3 more, rest, do more push ups, until I reach my goal. I know it's not the BEST method, buuuuuut at least I am doing an average of 100 push ups a week, which is a HUGE difference compared to not doing them at all! This is just MY approach, hope it helps!
  16. I don't really know if if I'm an introvert or just an A*hole. My thing is that MOST of the time, I don't really care about what others have to say. By "others" I mean co workers and people who isn't really a friend chosen by me. I DO care about what my parents, brother, close friends and girl friend have to say though, they are cool people with really interesting opinions about stuff, we tend to get to deeper subjetcs while the mainstream would appear to be to talk about the new iphone, the weather, the team who is winning at "choose your favorite sport", etc. I love talking to people, but sometimes I get the feel that randoms just don't care for what I've got to say, so I don't even bother
  17. I started the "become 1% better each day" like 2 weeks ago, today I managed to crank 20 push ups and 40 squats while my GF was getting ready for work! Not an amazing feat, but two weeks ago I could only do 4 pushups to failure n_n

  18. Welcome to the mindfulness of NOW! Congratulations on your decision, strive to remember that NOW is what matters whenever you start getting ahead of yourself. If you are looking to drop some pounds, I would recomend getting your diet in check before you start making excersise commitments with yourself. Because you can train 8 days a week, but if your nutrition isn't good, you will not loose weight, and it is very frustrating. Good luck on your journey!
  19. I might be wrong, but if you want to get kind of an "all in one" mobility excersise, I would say SWIMMING! You move every single articulation when you swim, and it is also an incredible work out
  20. Lol, yea, I wish... It's really hard for me to make her move a lot though, I went from "Let's start 5x5 together", to "lets just do body weight stuff", to "lets just do 1 squat a day", to "let's take a walk". None of them ever happened =/ The after dinner walk is great tho, I've done it myself on a couple of ocassions and I felt very good I'll just have to be strong!
  21. Hi to all. First of all I want to clarify that I am not blaming my fatness on my girlfriend. HOWEVER, even when I try my best to lead a healthy example, we find ourselves in that situation of "let's order ice cream", and she starts acting like a 3 year old, making noises, wining and even barking like a cute dog (which only annoys me) so that I finally cave in and order the damn thing and end up eating half of it (it's my money right?). Some other times I am the weak one and try to get an acomplice to indulge myself. My question is the following: Do you guys/girls ever had this problem? How do you deal with not only controlling your cravings, but also controlling your better halve's?? I guess I could just order ice cream for her and not eat it myself, but I will obviously resent her for it. Maybe I just need to grow up
  22. Is it a good idea for a beginer to start with 5x5 to develop a solid base of strength and the switching to something like 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps upon hiting a plateau?
  23. Hey man I'm a fatty too, I hear you. I love all that food. However, it's very hard to find happiness in life if you give in to your cravings that easily. Try getting back on the wagon slowly. If you are eating out every single day, then just aim to go for a whole day eating healthy meals, I know that it will suck, but you have all the other 6 days of the week to eat whatever you feel like. When you are feeling stronger, add a second day of healhy choices, and before you realize it, you will be dropping pounds again. Good luck my man!
  24. Don't aim for perfect! Just do something. I used to find myself VERY frustrated when I set goals to work out 3x week and then missed a session. Now for example I made a commitment to make some squats and push ups EVERY DAY, no matter how many of them, it's better than not doing any of them at all. I am also using te 30 minutes break I get at work to go out for a refreshing power walk and the I climb to the 10th floor using the stars! Just remember that the idea of this is to do it for life, so gradual improvements will eventually make you feel stronger and healthier
  25. For the first time in my life I realize that people don't care about what I do, the same way I don't care about what others do. I only care for my loved ones to be happy and healthy, and ignore the rest of h8ers.

    1. MelNaux


      So true. Good you realize about it... better sooner than later.

    2. Hyperion


      world is a selfish place.

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