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About practicefailure

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  1. Sorry for the late reply - I was travelling. Ultimately what I want to do is resume skiing, resume playing soccer and basketball. Those are my real highs. Parkour also sounds like fun. I swim to lose weight, because that's what works best. I could easily live without it though.
  2. I don't disagree with you. However, "what you enjoy doing" is relative to your level of fitness. I used to love skiing, but I haven't gone skiing in 5 years because the last few times it was such an ordeal and I felt I was pushing my knees beyond what is safe. As a kid/teenager I played tons of soccer and basketball, but that is at best half as fun now not having the stamina to play as I used to. It took me years to make this transition, but eventually I figured out how to have fun when I'm not doing what I love most. So I can swim and have fun. I can go jogging and it's fun. When I started the bodystrength workout it wasn't much fun, but after a while of doing it I do like feeling stronger and more energized. And I think it makes me more resistant to injuries. So I'm going to stick with it for now. I'm still sporty at heart, but not at body. I'm trying to get back to a healthier weight so I can resume where I left off.
  3. My main goal is to lose weight (overweight) and get fit again (have been very inactive for a few years now).
  4. I've been thinking recently about how a ton of drink products are actually not very useful at all: - fruit juice (sugary) - soda (that one's obvious) - various fancy sounding coffee drinks (often sugary) - smoothies (sometimes sugary) After making the necessary adjustments my drink menu is basically limited to: - water (at will) - black coffee (try to stay at 1 per day, not exceed 2 per day) - black/green tea (at will) (I rarely drink alcohol because I don't care much for it in the first place) Then I recently discovered that tea actually can contain quite a bit of caffeine (according to something like this). So all these years I've been drinking easily 5-6 cups of tea every day without realizing. I've had some issues getting to sleep at night lately (even though I have zero stress in my life at the moment), and I decided to try removing the tea. That way if I drink coffee at least it's deliberate that I'm looking for caffeine. I still really miss the hot drink, so I drink hot water instead which is a bit... unimpressive. My question to you is this: assuming you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and not have any adverse effects from what you drink - what is actually safe to drink? (And doesn't it suck that drinks manufacturers give us so few useful options.)
  5. Hello all, I started with the beginner's bodyweight workout a month ago. I've done it 9 times in all, interleaved with some cardio. The first time I tried it it seemed very tough. I only did 2 rounds, and the next few days my muscles were so sore it's not fun anymore. (I generally like the soreness as a twisted kind of reward, but this level of sore was just beyond anything I've experienced). It would typically be every 4-5 days, with some running/swimming days and a rest day every so often. This past week I've upped the frequency to every 2nd day, with yoga on off days. These days I can do the 3 rounds pretty sustainably, with little to no soreness afterwards. By the time I'm stretching after the workout I'm bathed in sweat, so it "feels" intensive enough. This is what I do: 20 squats 10 push ups (on my knees - in fact I realized I had been doing them the wrong way at first, just lowering my shoulders instead of the whole torso) 20 lunges 2x10 lifts (10 for each arm) of a bag I packed with a bunch of books and an old laptop (13kg) 25 sec plank 30 jumping jacks Observations: - The squats and the lunges don't feel that heavy anymore. I wonder if I should be doing something tougher. - The push ups are really tough and by the 10th one my arms are seriously shaking. If I do proper push ups I can do one, at best. - I'm not sure if the bag is heavy enough, since I can often do 10 without pausing. For the first several weeks I didn't even do this step, I recently added it. - I'm not sure exactly what the jumping jacks are for. (If not just to increase my heart rate?) They're not hard to do. Basically, my arms are still getting a challenging workout, but my legs can do more. Should I be doing another round of the workout (and just extend it to last longer and longer) or should I be doing something different?
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