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Everything posted by Morrigainz

  1. Today's workout (fasted!): .47 mile run 4:27 (I can't believe I used to do this in 4 minutes flat) PT stuff: crab walks 3x20 steps or so, up and back, with blue band (Imma need a black band soon) supermans with exercise ball 1x20 each side (these are getting slightly easier but i still hate them) side planks 3x40s each side (SO HARD but much improved from when I first went to PT) bb squat static hold 2x30s or so, 45 lbs bench 1x5 45 1x3 65 2x5 80 1x10 80 (AMRAP, because why not, F U bench) pullups 2x12 green band 1x20 green and blue band 1x20 black band with tiny tiny pause at top and trying to control the negative .47 mile run 5:01 I thought about trying to make it .5 miles, but I was gagging from fasted workout. So nope. But! This is the first time I've felt REALLY GOOD working out fasted. Usually my body is like, you have no fuel, I hate you.
  2. Morrigainz

    Tin Man

    Love yooooooooooooooooooooou BFAM!
  3. Housecleaning counts as exercise. Not even kidding.
  4. I've always wondered about that. I've never heard of Snackwells. *goes to Google*
  5. Yay!! You're amazing. TWOOOOOOOOOO WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKS and one day.
  6. I keep meaning to get Greek yogurt. So delicious. But so spendy. I don't eat a lot of bread anymore, but when I do we've started buying those sandwich thins. They're not bad.
  7. True. My normal snack of plain whole fat yogurt is 1/2 cup for 75 calories. A "serving" is a whole cup so 150 cals. Mr Mir accidentally got nonfat yogurt for me this week. A serviing - a whole cup - is 110 cals. But that shit tastes nasty.
  8. That's kind of what I meant. What are words? Durrr.
  9. Good for you! Get on it! What kind of exercises are you interested in? Just running, or things like lifting weights, martial arts, yoga, parkour, etc?
  10. Ohhhh good call. Has it been that long? I remember seeing your video at the playground. I bet rings are easier because you can widen your grip with them. Although that also makes you less stable so maybe harder. Hahaha.
  11. I think it's pretty subjective. I've been lifting for a couple of years but I don't have one yet. I don't think there's a particular bw/barbell weight ratio. There's another woman on here who's about my size and she lifts a bit more than me, and she wears a belt. The thing is that you don't want to RELY on the belt for everything, which is why cline said she only belts up on her heaviest lifts. I've been thinking about getting one also, but haven't taken the plunge yet.
  12. You could also PM Waldo on here. He is our body weight expert and recently-ish got his first bar muscle-up (I believe he's been doing ring muscle-ups for a while). You might also check out his site, Strength Unbound. Good luck!
  13. Welcome! My uncle is a member of SCA, and I remember he took me to one of the events they had locally when I was a teenager. I even sewed my own tunic. It was super fun! What's your diet/exercise plan look like?
  14. Yes but fat is also good for you. It is a necessary component of your diet. If it's 80 calories of fat, that's about 9 grams of fat total - really not that bad. If you're concerned about the calories, you could also cut back to 2 links instead of 3. Unexpected calorie bombs though - bread. Nuts. Oils. Avocadoes. Pasta. Also, depending on the kind of workout you're doing, you might actually do better with a protein/carb PWO combo rather than protein/fat.
  15. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i just found you.
  16. Thanks for the input, guys. I know marriage is hard work. Just, y'know, I don't think you ever realize how hard it is before you're married. Of course, it's probably like having babies. If you knew how much it hurt before you did it, you probably wouldn't do it. Anyway we have repaired so that's good. He's also stressed about work (it's his super busy time) so of course that never helps things. So. Yesterday. No zeroes: check. Work, even worked a bit at work, took meds. Made asparagus to go with dinner. Which then Mr Mir wouldn't eat, because apparently he only eats asparagus with steak and fish. W/e. More for me! 3 Mes: I actually failed at this one pretty abysmally yesterday. Unless you count taking my meds, but that wasn't a thing like "present me doesn't give a fuck, so I'm doing this for future me." Actually the two opportunities I had for doing that yesterday (going to the gym, cleaning up stuff at home), I did not do. But I'm kind of ok with that. Which leads to... Forgiveness: I forgive you, past me, for not keeping the 3 Mes in mind yesterday. It's going to take a while to really get this frame of mind set. And it's hard to do. And hard to remember. Also I forgive you for not working out, and for not being productive at work, and for not cleaning the house. We were tired!! Didn't get home + dinner eaten until 8, and then we ended up going to bed at 9. SO. TIRED. Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. Exercise and books: nope. Boo. The next few days are going to be very busy, since I'll be getting ready for our summer party. Lots needs to be done, mostly outside, and Mr Mir is so busy with work that he's probably going to be working most of the weekend. So that sucks. But I am looking forward to having our party and seeing people! I also have both therapy appts this week, and I'm FINALLY going to get my glasses tomorrow (they've been in since the first day I was in Toronto but I seriously haven't had a chance to go get them and I can't WAIT), and then I also have 2 dr appts tomorrow. One of them is my monthly med review. Med stuff. Someone was saying that they found med side effects to be cyclical. And I'm wondering about that. Because the Prozac was acting as an appetite suppressant, and then my appetite seemed normal. But lately, I feel like I can eat once a day. Or one meal and a snack. Yesterday I had a cup of nonfat yogurt (Mr Mir got that instead of full fat) and some raspberries in the morning, then I didn't eat again until the evening, when I had a sausage (maybe 300 cals) and about 8 asparagus spears (coated in olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic - yum). And I was TOTALLY FULL after that. I was even intending to eat some ice cream after that, but I was too full and also too tired. So I'm wondering if the meds have anything to do with it. The Wellbutrin. I am not feeling anything from it, aside from some of the random side effects. And I think I might be experiencing the insomnia again a little bit, because I've definitely had trouble sleeping lately. Also I'm definitely still clenching my jaw. But any antidepressant or extra-focusy effects? Nope. I feel just the same as I did on just the Prozac. So my med review tomorrow is with a new dr, and I hope that this new dr is better than the old one. Here's to hoping!
  17. Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuube. Seriously though if you don't have an oversized bath tub, that super sucks. I've found Epsom salts to be very helpful in the past. I've also heard of adding a little vinegar, but I've never done that, because who wants their bath to smell like vinegar?
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