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Everything posted by Plazmotic

  1. And now, the weather yesterday’s results: Intermittent Fasting – ummmm, I think that I may have to throw this out the window due to my progressing morning sickness. An empty stomach makes me hella nauseous, so I’ve begun nibbling on small bites outside my prescribed window. Hopefully once the MS eases off I can go back to proper IF. Freggies – Salad with lunch and a banana with dinner. Flossing – Didn’t get to it, but brushed my teeth at least? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grrrr, I have a cold. I’m not surprised honestly, just annoyed. It’s due to the a combination of “went to convention on the weekend where all the germs are” + “pregnancy supresses your immune system” unfortunately. Feeling not as nauseous and sore boobed today, but still a little queasiness remains. Accidently drank an extra cup of black tea yesterday, bad Plazmotic! This is bad because I’m not supposed to have too much caffeine in pregnancy, plus black tea in the evening makes it impossible for me to sleep properly at night… which is exactly what happened. Tired. Cranky. Waiting for the work day to end so that I can go shopping for new boots and Tylenol.
  2. As a lover of cabbage AND vinegary things AND Korean food, I have to admit… kimchi doesn’t do it for me. Things that taste fermented really turn off my taste buds. (See: beer, kombucha, etc.)
  3. Well just to let you know, you get more done on a random Tuesday than I do in a full two weeks. Yay for Dr. Horrible Singalong! My fave songs are Freeze Ray and My Eyes.
  4. Straight up black pepper, my friend! Maybe even some cumin and/or coriander powder if you want to go full Indian.
  5. The key to eating yogurt without turning it into dessert is to eat it like an Indian raita. I eat plain Greek/Balkan style yogurt with pepper, cilantro, and diced tomato/cucumber.
  6. https://www.wired.com/2008/03/butterflies-rem/ Butterflies are amazing little creatures. Too bad I am scared of them.
  7. If he can run for mayor with 5 unagreeable heads to slow him down, you can do this challenge!
  8. Just want to chime in to say that even if you look for yourself and find the warrior woman isn't there anymore, she's someone else, that's okay! People and their priorities change, as long as you find someone you are happy and proud to be that's all that matters. Your goals are so epic! Following!
  9. Not sure... I know there's a variation of Parchisi called Chaupar in India, which is what Chowka Bara is more closely based on.
  10. Let's hope this is the conclusion of the studio saga!
  11. Throwing in my two cents: my husband and I played that game as kids and had different names for it since I'm from India and he's from Pakistan. He called it Ludo like the Brits, we called it Chowka Bara.
  12. Ughhhh it's was like -7C this morning, spring in Canada is BROKEN.
  13. General weekend update: Friday - IF completed, only had freggies with lunch, forgot to floss Saturday - IF missed, freggies with every meal, flossed Sunday - IF missed, freggies with every meal, flossed Points of note: 1. Friday night we watched Theory of Everything in commemoration of Stephen Hawking. Really good movie, I like that it portrayed that Hawking was brilliant but also a cheeky little shit. 2. Saturday went to Comic Con! So many cool costumes to be seen, also saw one of my buddies who was dressed as Red X from Teen Titans. In the evening we went out for dinner and I had the most delicious cauliflower & sunchoke soup, mmm. 3. Puttered around on Sunday, I was mostly inside and it was nice to have a day where I barely wore shoes LOL. Had another blood test and the results were hella encouraging, my HCG levels are robust still!
  14. I have friended you on Twitch! Hopefully I can catch a livestream some time!
  15. Tomorrow I am going to the nerdiest of nerd events: Comicon! Not going to cosplay, instead I will just wear my Superman t-shirt. My husband and brother are coming with me. Note to self: withdraw cash tonight so that I can go nuts at Artists’ Alley. After Comicon, we’re going out for dinner/drinks to celebrate St. Patty’s. I will have to come up with some kind of casual lie to explain to my brother why I won’t be drinking. Other things that have to get done once Friyay arrives: - Set up appointment with our accountant to submit taxes - Laundry - Watch more Jessica Jones
  16. Yesterday: Intermittent Fasting 10am to 8pm - DONE (Actually we had dinner at 6pm and didn't eat anything else after that because it was heavy Afghani food) 1 freggie with every meal - DONE No drinking pop or juice during weekdays - DONE Nightly flossing before bed - DONE (Both flossing and brushing got done. Was too exhausted for a sitz bath tho.)
  17. This is too funny… one day out of boredom I asked my mom how to knit (she’s a pro, I am currently wearing an amazing fair isle sweater she made for my dad in the 80s) and my dumb fingers and brain couldn’t wrap my head around how it worked. Then I noticed she had a crochet hook and asked her how to crochet, but she admitted she’d forgotten. So I looked up basic stitches on YouTube and BAM, instantly made sense to me!
  18. Was worried all morning yesterday that I felt pretty great, then in the afternoon the nausea came roaring back and reassured me. Also reminded myself that nausea isn’t always supposed to be so prevalent this early, it’s more a week’s 6-9 issue. Trying not to sweat things too much, I’ll reserve my worrying for blood test and ultrasound days or something, all other days are stress-free zones! Yesterday I was trying to pinpoint what this mild morning sickness reminds me of and then I figured it out. When I was a kid I’d take these long road trips with my family. Near the end I’d be hungry but out of snacks, I’d tried reading in the car but that gave me motion-sickness, and I’d just feel kind of suffocated and weary. That’s what morning sickness feels like, LOL… trapped in a car with motion-sickness and no snacks. Today I am feeling far more ill than the day before, crampy with mild nausea and hunger. Plus for some reason my right ankle, hip, and knee are achy, like there’s a storm a’comin’ and I can feel it in my bones.
  19. Following! Good luck with this! I know I'd fail so hard, free food is my kryptonite.
  20. I wish I could knit, alas I am a mere crocheter. But the stash challenges are the same.
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