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About Rebe_J

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    Northern Nevada
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  1. Sorry I wasn't following. This is probably not helpful but: Eating something between dinner and bedtime is a habit I stopped many years ago by turning off the TV. TV snacks were more of a habit than a response to real hunger. I finally realized this when there was something on TV that we wanted to watch and we didn't have any snacks and we made a special trip to the store! I ended up losing a lot of fat and I attribute much of that success to ditching TV. Twenty-some years later, we rarely miss it. According to the W30 experts, if you're truly hungry, have a mini-meal that includes protein, vegetables, fat, such as tuna salad on some cucumber or bell pepper slices. If something like that doesn't sound appetizing, then it's probably "brain-hunger." If it's brain-hunger, find something else to engage the brain. Sounds simple, but it's not always... Now, if I could just follow my own advice consistently.....
  2. When I follow the meal template, I can go 5+ hours between meals without feeling hungry. My typical first meal is big. I always have some sort of protein to heat up with roasted Brussels sprouts (or other vegetable) and sweet potato. Usually I put two fried eggs on top, and have a handful of cherry tomatoes on the side. Getting enough fat is a big factor, in my experience. Hope that helps! I'm not currently doing an official Whole30, but I try to stick to the meal template for most meals.
  3. A lot of the writing (Hillis) seems aimed at a younger crowd, but I'm a sucker for anything Dan John-related.
  4. You are so right. And I know that's what I need to do. I've been listening to my Inner Brat too much... Today, I laid out the whole program that goes with the book, Fat Loss Happens on Monday, by Dan John and Josh Hillis. It's a habits-based plan for nutrition and exercise. The food part works with my Whole 30-ish eating plan and the workout plan is a multi-phase KB program and starts with a metabolic phase. I did the first workout today. During the bodyweight squats, I could feel my right knee beginning to give me trouble and it dawned on me that maybe I should try squatting with my inserts in my shoes. I usually work out barefoot and need to turn my toes out quite a bit. Well.... The inserts did the trick. No knee pain and better ankle mobility. Moving up on my shopping list: new shoes. It's time to purge the shoes that are killing me (Skechers, I'm looking at you) and replacing the ones that work for work (Merrills) and investing in another set of inserts. So far, so good.... Back to work tomorrow. Workout #2 on Sunday.
  5. DH and I are recovering from our colds. I'm a few days ahead of him, so I'm feeling pretty good. I can't remember when a cold virus has slammed us so hard. The upside is that the weather has also sucked, so it's not like we're missing anything fun outdoors. We've stayed dry and warm and safe during the recent snow/rain/flood events. My head is full of stuff (besides mucus) about what I want to do and where I should start (again) with training. I have such a hard time picking something and sticking with it. A friend calls it "Exercise ADD." One minute I want to do Tracy R's Swing! program. The next minute I want to get back on Dan John's 40-day program. Then I look at Fat Loss Happens on Monday. then I'm back with the NFA workouts. I want to do Simple & Sinister, but I need to build up to it. (Jeeze, I sound like a spoiled, whiney brat.) There it is. Decide on a program and commit to it. That's my challenge.
  6. Thursday Jan 5 Well, yesterday after doing the grocery shopping, I started feeling a cold coming on. Sore throat, sinus pressure, achy, etc. So I blew off much of my weekly cook-up plan and just took it easy. I'm still a little puny today, but I think with some medication I'll be able to do most of my projects. We have about 4" of snow, so I'm not going anywhere, unless it's a big emergency.
  7. Wed, Jan 4 I'm still hanging in there. Sunday morning I got on the scale to see where I am at the New Year. Yikes! I managed to find nearly all that I had lost since June. I'm not going to let that discourage me. My clothes are tight enough to remind me of what happens when I don't take charge of what I eat. I have completed three days of clean eating. It's too early to notice anything, but I woke up with a sore throat and draining sinuses. I won't let that derail me.
  8. It was an OK day. I didn't have perfect Whole-30-compliant food for my meals, but I was closer than I have been in months. MONTHS! I came home from work and did what I call a workout. It was pathetic, but I did it. First I did a full body warmup, then some mobility drills for my ankles, knees and feet. Then I did one time through the NFA BW workout A. And I modified the squats to go easy on my knee. I am not going to jump in right away and push too hard and then get hurt or discouraged and quit. Hopefully, I have finally accepted the fact that I am in control of what I eat and how I move. I'm in control; now I have to take charge and do it. So Far, So Good.
  9. Good Morning and Welcome 2017 Like many others, I'm happy to say goodbye to 2016. I feel like the year brought more negatives than positives. Giving it some thought, I realize it wasn't as bad as I thought. It just wasn't as good as I had hoped for. Ain't that just like life, though? It's a Sunday, so I have to work and it will be busy. I have to be in my office by 5:30am so I am packing some food for a meal at my desk. I'm the only one there until 8, so it's OK. I also plan on clearing out all the junk food that has accumulated in the work area. I am guilty of bringing some of it... I have good intentions for 2017 and I promise not to get into an "all or nothing" mindset. I will start and develop new healthy habits. Slowly. Here we go....
  10. In my case, Rebe is short for Rebecca, which I believe is from the Hebrew. I started today with a good breakfast that is compliant with the Whole 30 meal template. I'm not sure I'm going to go all in with a W30 this year, but the more I stick to the templates, the better I feel...in many ways.
  11. Hey there. Thanks for checking in with me. I've let a lot slip in the past few months. I'm going to be better at this. Really. I like the Academy; I think it's worth the money. I've done numerous fitness/diet plans and NFA is laid out logically and it's fun. It's probably more fun if you create your NF character and really jump in. I'm not there yet; I'm pretty old and don't get a lot of the pop-culture references. I say, give it a go! And good luck!
  12. Yesterday, I had a nice lunch out with a friend from work. Today, DH have eye exam appointments in the afternoon, so we will do something fun this morning. Then I have some Christmas treat so make to take to work on Sunday. I figure if we have to work, we should have some fun. Yep, I have to work on Christmas. I think I have have worked more Christmases than I have had that day off. It's the nature of the hospitality business.
  13. I'm still battling my Inner Brat about getting serious about stuff. I've figured out that I have plantar fasciitis in both feet. Ouch! I'm doing some mobility exercises and reading about shoes; I have never worn heels higher than about an inch or so. Now I have another reason to lose some serious weight. Seriously. ETA: After reviewing some of my recent posts, I think I might need a good kick in the ass. I have great intentions, but not so great action. Obviously, I'm not the most effective on my own.
  14. I woke up this morning feeling like I had slept well. I'm feeling more well rested than I have recently. Yesterday was a lazy day. The wind was blowing very hard and the lights kept blinking, so I didn't start any big cooking projects. We lose power nearly every time we get strong wind gusts. (I don't know how that happens with underground utilities, but whatever.) I did get some things done, but we spent much of the day reading and playing games. I devoted some time to my NF Epic Quest...except for doing a workout. Like I said, LAZY. The weather is settling down and today I will finish my cook-up. I will do a workout. I will continue my discussion about retirement options. I will peek out from the dark place where I've been hiding and really start. Really.
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