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Everything posted by Laghail

  1. Is blaming things on Br0ki, the stealer of gains, still a thing around here?
  2. I seriously did. Big props on the introspection to identify passions and discard ones that don't make sense for you larger goals. One thing that my "ranger brain" also needs to keep in mind is the opportunity cost of not being free for a new thing. Not that I want me to be paralyzed from trying new adventures for fear a better one might come along, but I want to recognize that a fully loaded (overloaded) schedule is also saying no to anything else that comes along. Well done on your spreadsheet.
  3. Hah! It turns out the Spirit Awards are an independent film version of the Oscars!
  4. Sunday, 12/2 Care & Cultivation– Sunday ended up being the day I consumed all the Chicken. A wad of lard, 3lbs of Chicken, one metric sh*t ton of paprika, black pepper and salt to taste, and then a light dusting of berbere (Ethiopian bbq dry rub/curry powder) - dayum. I didn't plan ahead and my Chicken was all frozen, so I added a cup or two of water in the lidded pan on the stovetop so the steam would compensate for no thaw time. See the CI below but I essentially ate a whole Chicken by myself, and made additional for partners in Crime of Mrs. laghail and my wildcard little brother. Dog training, yoga, and German happened - meditation wasn't much of a thing this past week and I need to change that for the week to come. Suffered severe emotional trauma on Sunday that still has me reeling - found out my older brother is doing Crossfit crossfit. There may be no god. Conditioning – Rest day in theory, but I spend several hours moving furniture and boxes with wildcard little brother, which makes me not feel bad about enacting a one man Chicken Crime Caper. CI was high (duh) for a non-gym day at 2470, with 56g carbs and 298g protein (new record!).
  5. Their flashback device gives it this fast, almost airplane-level, joke pacing. Keeps my ADD brain happy.
  6. I know the rules can seem arbitrary, but the intent is to incentivize hypertrophy training. I can handle an evolving ruleset in the name of fun + gainz. They're making me seriously consider doing tons of extra sets of elevated pushups because, damn, those account for about 2/3rds of current tonnage. Solid tip on pacific heat. I think I'm halfway through Brooklyn 99 right now and that's my lulz show of choice ATM.
  7. They're so cute! What is training them like?
  8. Apologies for a possibly redundant question, but what percentage of bodyweight for a pistol squat/step-up or weighted lunge? Entered at the 65% of bodyweight+bb/db/kb carried, but let me know and I'll revise.
  9. That seems accurate and not overstated whatsoever.
  10. You have rats? Pics plz goes without saying, but there's a few other rat keeper nerds around here. But yeah, little RBG is likely closer to rat size than she is a golden retriever.
  11. It's not actually horrible, just takes a bit of mental preparation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cincinnati_chili
  12. Eh, sometimes you can just enjoy the date and have a tasty meal, fitness can't just mean eating boring food and causing pain to your body. Some kind of enjoying delicious things has to be in there. Well done.
  13. For serious. You're not a powerlifter for realzies until you have to talk about damage to your crotch. I tweaked an adductor magnus the first year I was lifting and had to take a few weeks off squat to let it heal. Just part of the territory and great topic to chat about at work - be sure to include lots of pointing at the affected area to keep it classy.
  14. Solid pun. What about "...but things are just henry rollins along."? Wut is that gif? You officially win the WTFGIF award of the week.
  15. Good thinking Arg. I usually use 99% ground turkey and it's fine so long as I splash a little oil in the frying pan.
  16. This. A uhaul utility van will average you about $80 for rental + gas. Not the worst, but bribing a friend with crockpot-noms to borrow their truck or whatnot is my go to.
  17. Seriously, she's been like 3 different people on that show in her arc from fat-loser-pam, fight-club-sex-goddess-pam, and mad-men-nose-candy-pam; making her my three favorite characters on that show.
  18. You said you'd join AMNAP. Probably. That one time. #AMNAPfoLIFE #Team2isastupidname Join AMNAP and do the odd bodyweight contribution as the mood strikes you?
  19. It took me a beat even when I knew they were all three different pairs. #attentiontodetailfodayz
  20. Goober child? Morning workouts are da best. I find there's still a rush crowd at most gyms around 5:30 or 6am, but nothing as bad as evenings, and people are mercifully less social. Except for the seniors/silver sneaker crowd, and they typically don't touch the power racks. Curious what the gold's franchise is like, lemme know. If all you can find is the treadmill, my knees have liked incline sprints in the past. Even after deadlifts, the incline is easier on my knees and doesn't cause my hams/calves to freak.
  21. Aww, T-rex arms are just big enough to cuddle a teddy!
  22. Holidays are the worst! There's three plates of cookies between me and the breakroom at work, and sunday, the lady that lives upstairs is doing serious Christmas cookie baking. What's a good date night dinner like?
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