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About NerdGirlRunning

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  • Birthday 12/18/1993

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  1. I was finally able to update my milage! My boxing/parkour quests have distracted me from my walk to Rivendell, but I started training for a 10k this week so that should help me up my milage! Also the weather has been simply gorgeous here the last couple days. If only it would stay! Ran my fastest 5k in over a year last night and I wasn't even trying. It's crazy what good weather and actually being able to run outside will do for a person. My new running jacket is helping, too.
  2. Those are just what I'm working on for the next month. I have larger quests listed on my character page. I've been running off and on for two years, but not consistently for 2015. I started again with the new year, and can currently run a 5k in 38 minutes without it being too hard. Thanks for the motivation! I'm so excited to see my body get stronger and leaner!
  3. Sounds awesome! I haven't Done so well the last couple days, either, but I also got a good workout in! And congrats on that run! I still can't run under an 11 minute pace, but I'll get there eventually!
  4. I'm going to take that as a compliment, so thanks! It's one of my favorite passages of the bible - I actually have the reference for 31:17 tattooed on my wrist in Roman numerals. <3
  5. Today was a great day! After work I hit the gym and got 6 miles in towards my walk to Mordor, then I came home, cleaned for 1.5 episodes of Criminal Minds, and then then I cooked myself an egg skillet for dinner! Tomorrow is my strength day at the gym (so stuff that will help me towards my pushups, and parkour goals), and I have a great dinner planned. I can't wait to get to it.
  6. Goals: Loose weight/get fit. Late last year (December) I hit the heaviest I've ever been. I was not at all happy with my body and I finally just decided that something needed to change. Starting weight was 181lbs, I'm currently at 171lbs. Woot! I want to continue working on that and getting in better shape (i.e. gaining muscle, speed and stamina). Quests: Complete a 5k in 36 minutes or less Do 10 pushups Practice beginning parkour moves twice a week for a month Reach 10lbs of weight loss Become a better homemaker I live alone and let my house be too messy, and also I don't cook enough. Quests: Cook dinner at least twice a week for the next four weeks Three times a week, spend the duration of one episode of whatever I'm currently watching cleaning
  7. What an awesome thread! I definitely don't spend as much time in the kitchen as I'd like to, and I can't wait to steal some of y'all's recipes! Tonight I spent too much time at the gym (is that even possible?) so instead of making the turkey, sweet potato skillet I had planned, I made an egg skillet with turkey breakfast sausage, hash browns, onion and cheddar cheese. It had a whopping 47g of protein, which is awesome since I recently discovered that I don't get anywhere near enough protein in my diet.
  8. Ugh! Aren't you just sick of it!? I love running outside and this whole treadmill thing is killing me. Also, I'd love to be able to go for runs in the sunshine after work - you know, at 5 o'clock or so. :-P
  9. Thanks so much! So far I think I've figured it out. Great job, by the way! This will make it so much easier for me to keep track of my miles!
  10. Thanks! I'm super excited to continue on this journey with fellow nerds! I think seeing where everyone else is will really help motivate me. I've been less-than-enthusiastic about running the last week or so (this cold weather up in Wisconsin totally bites!) but seeing how far ahead of me some of you are is already making me want to kick it into gear and spend some more time on the treadmill everyday!
  11. Is it too late for me to join in? I started walking/running to Mordor last month and I'm so excited to find other people that are doing it, too!
  12. Just read through this whole thread and I'm so thankful for all the great advice! I've been working on strength training for about a about a month and a half, but I've been wanting to start parkour for a while, and this is giving me the courage to finally do it!
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