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  1. Then I guess those will come first!
  2. There's one of those machines at my gym too. I really do need to get on it. Since I injured my shoulder a few years ago doing pull-ups has not happened without pain. Maybe I can build it back up. Here's to both of us getting some upper body strength. yea do it! :mrgreen:
  3. Well since you're all experts on the subject....do chin-ups or pull-ups tend to be easier? I'm thinking chin-ups for some reason. I bet weighted negatives would get you to a chin-up faster, but I'll see if I can even handle regular negatives first. Although I really do want to invest in a weighted vest for running/rucking so I can do my army training properly.
  4. Good idea! There's a bar at my gym I can easily jump into a chin-up on because I can grab it with my feet still on the ground. I'll be there tomorrow night and I'll try it out.
  5. This is not very adventurous...but it was certainly a big step for me! I've been failing horribly at improving my pushups, and since I can't manage a pull-up or dip I usually just avoid thinking about them all together. Then when I was at the gym last night I pretty much had the place to myself...there was one person running, one person doing squats, and one person working at the front desk. I took the opportunity to try out the assisted dip/chin up contraption and figured out how much weight I have to use in order to actually accomplish both with good form - I hate the thought of fiddling with the weights, overestimating my strength etc. when the place is packed. It wasn't nearly as scary as I had built it up to be, although I am weaker than I though I was Now I have a new tool I can use to improve my upper body strength and I am beyond pumped
  6. 18 November - Day 4 (with a little day 2 and day 3 recap) RUNNING 1.5 miles today - .25 to the gym, 1 on the treadmill, and .25 home. I felt good running, but I'm keeping the mileage on the low side for now because I'm still feeling it in my shins. Hopefully I'll get some distance in this weekend Days 2 and 3 I did some running outside but I didn't keep track of mileage... :/ DAILY CONDITIONING Did it this morning! This was the first morning I actually managed to get it all done before getting ready for work - yay me! STRENGTH did strength yesterday, so took the day off. I'm excited to lift tomorrow night because the gym will be nearly empty LEVEL-UP woo! So I got not future planning done...but I have been kicking but at my job the past few days. My office space is going to be under renovation for the next two weeks so I had to pack up everything and move to a temporary location. All I could bring with me was one box (TINY temporary location) so I've been tying up lose ends, going through old paperwork from before I took over the job, and just being super productive in general. The move went well and I'm hoping I'll be able to scratch some time together to look into my future options now that I got rid of a lot of pending projects. YUMMIES I flippin love eating all paleo foods. LOVE. Somehow I don't miss grains (yet), but I think a big reason for that is I've been getting a decent amount of carbs from fruit. I'll cut down more on carbs once I get used to eating paleo...I'm just afraid to change too much too soon! Made some egg/bacon deliciousness in a muffin tin (thanks to those of you who've mentioned that) and they turned out to be an amazing warm breakfast/snack to replace my oatmeal habit. I even made a big girl steak recipe, which is a huge step up from my daily chicken, rice and veg
  7. yayyy! I'll provide something more thoughtful later!
  8. Thanks Alethea! Your responses were so helpful! I'm get more carbs than you suggested I probably should (more around 130), but they're all coming from fruits (I'm an apple eating machine, and at this time of year in New England they are pretty much the cheapest grocery item ever) and veggies so for now I guess its alright. It's still far fewer carbs than I was eating previously with rice everyday! I'll definitely have to explore the world of dark leafy greens...I love spinach but I haven't really tried many others.
  9. So I just prepared my 100% paleo menu for tomorrow and stuck it all in caloriecount.com to see what nutrient/vitamin levels looked like. Since I'm not used to this whole low carb thing...what do your fat/protein/carb percentages generally look like? Also, what paleo foods have a lot of calcium? Mine is wayyyy too low for tomorrow but I really don't know what to do about it. Thanks!
  10. haha me too, its excessive hair loss you have to worry about. Like if you're pulling gobs of hair out in the shower or have to sweep your floor after blow-drying.
  11. Ghost Soldiers: The Forgotten Epic Story of World War II's Most Dramatic Mission So this is about a Ranger unit, but I highly recommend it since you're considering JAG. It may not make you a better man per-say, but it will give you some perspective. My commander suggested I read it, and I'm glad I did.
  12. Good choice my friend. I hope you continue to feel like that's a good path for you! The ability to pass PFTs is probably one of the most motivating goals ever. I'm currently re-upping my fitness abilities so I don't get my ass handed to me at Army OCS. Granted I made it through BCT no problem, but since then I've been slacking off.
  13. Thanks for the reassurance and pointing me in the right direction! I've been poking around but there's a lot of material in here to read through. I'm planning on shoving the non-primal food to the back of the shelf over my fridge. The hardest part will be the fact that my roommates have tons of crap food. I mean, not complete junk, but definitely processed and it will be a test of will to resist the granola bars constantly within my grasp.
  14. Well I haven't done anything productive yet today (fail for my morning workout), but I have big plans As for RUNNING... Investing in some tape on the way home to hopefully reduce the strain on my shins before this turns into something worse. And maybe running outside a bit if the rain holds off! In the YUMMIES department... I am clearly eating way too much today, but 95% of it will be natural (I ate some dark chocolate a little earlier that a tech in one of my labs made himself...how can you say no to that?!) I know its only been like a week since I started reading up on all this paleo stuff, and 2 days of even eating all natural food (although I was at a solid 75% before), but I'm going for it (eating paleo that is)! I can just feel how happy my body is with the added olive oil, piles of veggies, and lack of processed sugars :mrgreen: As I've mentioned I do have a sort of stockpile of whole grains going on (1pack whole grain spaghetti, about 20 servings each of oatmeal and brown rice). I'll either be pawning this stuff off on my brother, roommates, or tapping into them myself when I get nostalgic. I also have a few cans of Campbell's soup, which I'm keeping just in case I get the flu or something and that's the only thing I can even think about eating. If anyone has any suggestions for the switch or wants to yell at me for even keeping this crap around, please feel free!! In other news, I've been have really weird dreams the past 3 nights. I never, ever have dreams...and now all this craziness is going on in my head. What gives?
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