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Everything posted by AKLulu

  1. No prob. I do what I can Sorry you don't get to go to Italy Good on ya for dealing with this like a champ and continuing to support your other people. I totally understand not going to AK now. It was only an off-chance that we'd have crossed paths anyways
  2. *huggle* Yay workout! Yay making work! Yay going to the therapist! Hope it turns out well
  3. Dark Raven really likes climbing people. Just sayin'.
  4. In response to spoilery stuff:
  5. Yuk it up, tall boy. At least short people aren't constantly reminding me how tall I am and trying to climb me.
  6. 1. No, not that I think you need help. I just want to help... you know... like little kids "helping" bake cookies. 2. Ticket to.... ride? Two tickets to paradise? One-way ticket? 3. Well, obviously -I'd- be giggling, but I was talking about RP's giggles Me tooooooo! I love perching and watching everything below me.
  7. That she is! Also she worries too much (like most moms) and wasn't a very good swimmer herself, so took the opportunity to help us out when the pool in our town was built.
  8. Consistency IS good. It used to be at least easy for me to avoid grains, but I've backslid a lot and that's what I finally started telling myself again today - One day at a time. TODAY I will not eat like a complete asshole.. and it worked. For the most part. *huuuuuuuuuuuuuuug* Hope tomorrow's better for you!
  9. I coulda handled it. And then I'd have had to help you kick Phoenix's butt... because it would be fun... and there would be giggling.
  10. Things I knew... yes... yes she do
  11. <3 I don't think I'd have been able to pass those up either. Were they amazing? The willingness or presence of mind/body to do something is definitely a big deal. I grew up commercial fishing and it's the same reason my mom put me and my brother on a swim team - so we'd know how to swim if we fell in. Yeah, in all practicality I'm not going to fall in the water in a bathing suit and goggles. I'm going to fall in with boots, waders, a raincoat, life preserver, and who knows what else. It's training the reaction that matters. Flailing or freezing up does very little, but if you have some sort of trained reaction that's a little more directed, you have a far better chance of coming out of things okay. And it works. I've been "tested" and I was out of the water and out of harm's way faster than I could have ever guessed I would be. So much so that even though I was thoroughly soaked and had nearly been smooshed by a boat, I was beaming. My dad was scared out of his wits, but I was proud to the point of amusement that my legs did what they were supposed to the moment I hit the water. It's not martial arts (and I talk too much), but I think it still relates.
  12. You could hire me to come take care of the kittens. I promise I'll show them pictures of you every day.
  13. I can't speak to your degree of handsomeness, but I'm sure you're too hard on yourself. In all likelihood I'll probably make you look better. Because I apparently have a penchant for looking crazy in pics
  14. Eating too many calories under consistently can lead to your body holding on the fat too. Don't forget that part. It could be a case of too little as opposed to too much.
  15. You smile with your tongue hanging out, lolled to the side? I think.... I want to be your friend. You'll make me look awesome in pcs Carved with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush given me by Svenge.
  16. Several people around here are really into listening to podcasts and audio books while doing long walks. I haven't tried it myself, but it seems like a good option. Instagram likes to make it extra tricky though. You have to right click and "view background image." It should be a .jpg extension. I tested it, see:
  17. I discovered the secret of pictures not-for-ants. I won't reveal the secret... but I'll reveal a larger version of the photo Good job, RP! Congrats! Hope you feel better soon, buddy.
  18. Hey, at least I let you know as soon as I found out there might be something going on. Chelsea's not very good at the planning ahead thing.
  19. ^ This Also, if you read enough of Mark's Daily Apple, you'll see that the primal guru himself doesn't say no to occasional alcohol (though he usually goes with something not made from grains like red wine or tequila) or dark chocolate. Little indulgences are fine and you definitely should NOT make yourself feel bad for them. I'm excited to hear about your exam! Oh... also.... FTFY. You make everything else so nice, I thought I'd help
  20. I feel much the same when reading some of the challenges, Catspaw. Gentle guidance only does so much. <3 your mini-rant.
  21. Okay, FINALLY caught up on your two pages of thread. 1) My Fitness Pal is good for tracking, but sometimes their numbers aren't always the best for fitness goals. They seem to be a lot more about weight loss... and when you don't have a specific weight goal (like me), it might cause problems. I know a few people have recommended going with a TDEE calculator and linked this one around chat before. I don't honestly know how much better it is than the numbers MFP gives you, but it might be worth running the numbers just for fun. I actually signed up for MFP yesterday just for funsies and was kind of shocked at the difference between what was recommended (I posted this in my log, but thought I'd share to illustrate): 2) I know it's not very exciting, but my protein snacks often end up being boiled eggs (or even scotch eggs). It also might be worth having "emergency" cans of tuna, sardines and the like around. Especially the canned tuna from the ethnic foods section that have tasty things mixed in them. Yummmm. 3) Definitely not lame. Strength training is good for lots of things! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! So jelly! I hope you guys have all the fun... and send pics. Also, sorry your challenge has been off to a rocky start, but good job for not letting it break you. Keep up the good work!
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