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Posts posted by Thrillho

  1. On 9/27/2018 at 9:12 AM, Manarelle said:

    How's the reboot going? 


    Long story short... chronic exhaustion, insomnia and depression now MIGHT actually have SOME link to my extremely low testosterone levels (only took nine months to convince my doctor that I wasn't lying) and nascent IBS which isn't doing wonders for my energy levels. So... my focus isn't on this challenge anymore. I'm just trying to work on my flexibility and some light jogging, but mostly dealing with food and weight issues that are currently more pressing.


    Cheers to you all, and I hope you assassinate the heck out of your goals!

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  2. OK, somewhat of a reboot! I have such great plans to find time for all of this, and every night it's like 9:30pm and I crawl into bed to watch an episode of Bojack with my wife and I realize... well, the whole day is gone. My free evening time is currently being spent frantically editing a story for submission to an anthology. It's already been accepted, but is well over the wordcount limit remaining in the publication. 


    Tomorrow, I'm going to wake up a little bit earlier, try and power through a full workout as shown in the Original Post, and then walk my dog as a 'cooldown' before I need to start making lunches and getting kids ready for school. I've been doing better waking up early these days, so this might be where any self-improvement has to go. 



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  3. 3d spatial surveying scanner.  You ever see Prometheus? The gadgets with the lasers that they use to map out the tunnels? This is the real-life equivalent.  We need to run piping and new equipment through insanely congested areas, so I'm laser-scanning the areas, getting every last wire and bolt and whatnot. It's line of sight, so I'll sometimes need to run 8 scans around one pump, just to make sure I get EVERYTHING. And it ain't light. :D And we've got SEVEN active projects in this mill right now, so they figured "Eh, we'll just get him to scan EVERYTHING, as long as he's there!"



  4. OK, TO EXPLAIN... on somewhat last-minute notice, I got sent out of town to do some mill scanning.  I'm not entirely sure how to quantify it, but hauling 100 lbs of scanning equipment all over a working mill for three days (Top floor: 280'-3" above grade, stair access only), and working around boilers, furnaces, kilns, steam blowers, acid tanks, causticizers and delig reactors SHOULD count for a lot of leg and lower back exercising. 


    Now to work on the rest of the stuff. :D

  5. For most of the last four-ish years (might actually be longer...) I've been chiefly over with the Monks.  Boxing, BJJ, MMA, most of my fitness goals had been built around combat sports. It was pretty much my favorite thing. I loved having something that allowed me to actually demonstrate whatever physical skills and abilities I had. I loved the competition, and always getting better at something that I enjoyed. A couple weeks ago, I had what will probably be my last amateur boxing match. I didn't train nearly as hard as I could have for that fight, and I know I could have done better, but the thing is... I think I'm hitting that point in my life where I enjoy watching it more than I enjoy doing it. Only took 25 years.


    And now, in my advancing age (I turn 38 this year! Get off my lawn!) I really need to focus more on general mobility, bodyweight exercises, whole-body fitness, running, and maybe more recreational sporting. If my wife were here, she'd also probably point out that American Ninja Warrior is my favorite television show at this time of year, and then she'd poke me in the belly and laugh.


    So! If you'll have me, this monk is going to be swapping out the brass knuckles for some nice skintight black spandex.  Sneaky sneaky. Working out quantities of each of the following, per day, per week, to be determined.


    Challenge #1 - Aerial Combat



    Bodyweight squats combined and jumps.

    Hockey jumps (side to sides).

    Jumping split squats (sort of like lunges).

    My hips and knees are in terrible shape.



    Challenge #2 - That Upper Body



    Pushups.  The bane of my existence.

    Double-arm army crawls. Triceps and shoulders.

    Negatives, IF I can figure out some way to hang a bar at my house.



    Challenge #3 - Zero-G Combat



    Practicing handstands.

    Against the wall, to start.

    Probably for the entire challenge.

    I've never managed any success with these.



    Challenge #4 - Core Meltdown



    The picture is only tangentially related.

    Planks, and side-plank shifts.

    Maybe baseball slides, as well.

    Core, abs, obliques, lower back.

    Lotta repair work to do.


    Bonus Challenge - Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey Flexibility


    Wall splits.

    Pigeon stretches.

    Heel to butt stretch.

    I stiffen up easy, especially the hips and legs.


    I'm just using this challenge to sort of get me up to the level where I can set some REAL challenges for the NEXT challenge.  I hope that's all right!


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  6. Ditto.  I'm trying to bash down some ideas that have been clogging my head in order for me to focus on the next section of my serial, and TRY to finish the first draft of my contribution to the Collabor18 Anthology.

  7. Context will be forthcoming.  The first... chapter or two-ish is going to be an anachronistic mess, MOSTLY on purpose, to sort of throw you into Oscar's shoes, disorient you, show you snips of the past and present (1916 up to 1933) and his mostly-sensible world suddenly falling apart. Also, the very first scene with Baram I KNOW is missing la mot juste to make it clear.  It's clear in my mind, but my descriptions are perfunctory now while I just TRY AND FINISH A WHOLE DRAFT FOR ONCE. Thank you!


  8. Trying out a little something.  STARTING a story is always super, super hard for me, since I always feel like I NEED to cover EVERY preparatory base, when I really just need to... start the story, and maybe explain some stuff later.  So, quick question... does this mostly make sense?  (CW: violence)





    A bullet screams through the night, one hundred and thirteen storeys above the bustling city streets, and buries itself in the skull of millionaire industrialist Baram Mallory.


    Before the twin sprays of blood and brain had finished raining down on the opulent rooftop patio, Oscar nodded in satisfaction and pulled his eye away from the scope. Confirmation was always the easiest part of his job; there was very little ambivalence when it came to determining whether or not an appointment had been kept. The sight of the unmagnified world came rushing back, and he could once again appreciate (and perhaps take just a little bit of pride in) the difficulty of the shot.


    Baram Mallory owned, or at least had so recently owned, the top twenty-odd storeys of Triumph, the tallest and, in Oscar's opinion, gaudiest monument to excess of the four skyscrapers that bracketed, what else, Mallory Plaza. Triumph, Victory, Excelsior and Conquest, each taller than the next, and each one clad in linear but still somehow swirling deco shells of gleaming metal and black marble.  Triumph was draped in so much chrome that it was reputed there were always two crews at any given moment polishing the facade, ground floor to penthouse, day and night, rain or shine.


    Oscar could confirm this was a lie. It was actually four crews, one for each compass direction, and one of those teams was going to have a hell of a cleanup once Mallory's molls gathered their wits and reported the crime.


    “Crime,” Oscar snorted, dragging the monstrous rifle back from the birdshit-smeared parapet of the Chalmers Building. “That's a laugh.”


    More than a mile separated the south-facing rooftop patio of Triumph from the north-facing clocktower terrace of the Chalmers Building, as the crow flew. Taking into account the slight declination, and of course the arc the bullet would take as it soared up, drifted west, and descended, Oscar had calculated it as 2033 yards, give or take the variation in where Mallory would have been sitting at the time. By any measurements, that was a hell of a shot.


    His shot, Oscar thought. That's what they're gonna call it, someday. Oscar's Shot.


    He stomped that thought down, grinding it into the rocky soil of his mind. There were precious few things in this world that could make him smile, but he wasn't about to add murder to that list. This was just cold, hard math. Metal and numbers, nothing more.


    He shifted around, putting his back to the low concrete wall, and laid the tank-killing rifle flat. More than five feet long from stock to mole-snout, it broke down into three pieces that still required a full-sized suitcase to conceal. The five-pointed suppressor at the mouth of the barrel  looked like a collection of stainless steel funnels, and he'd be damned if he could explain how they worked, but he wasn't going to argue the point. The shot had come off like a dream.


    In the back of his mind, he wondered where they'd find the bullet. The original weapon's ammunition had been designed to pierce two-inch armor plating at a half mile; the one he'd fired tonight was longer, heavier, and made from some material denser than pure gold. One single skull wasn't going to slow it down appreciably. Still, there were no comparably sized buildings on the line that spanned from the Chalmers Building to Triumph, and on through to the ocean. Barring some sort of massive ricochet, it was probably lying at the bottom of the bay right now, maybe a mile out to sea, maybe more.


    Pity, he mused. Could have made some money selling that. The Bullet That Killed The Modern Age. I could retire on that.


    His hands moved swiftly and surely, breaking down the rifle into its various components and slipping them back into the velvet-lined pockets of his suitcase. Two indentations for the magnificently-threaded barrel, one for the stock, one for the mole-snout, one for the ammo case, and one for the scope.


    Oscar paused, holding the scope by two fingers, the eyelens already snugged into its pocket. Later on, when he thought back to that moment (and he would think about it a great many times, possibly more than any other individual snapshot of his life), he would come up with many guesses and theories as to what had stayed his hand, what had caused him to indulge his curiosity. He would consider fate, destiny, judgement, karma, divine retribution, or maybe the intervening hands of some ghostly entity that he'd wronged during his time on the Earth.  That last one pulled up such a huge list of possibilities that he'd given up trying to figure it out. It had just happened, and that was all that could be said.


    Still, it would have been nice to put the blame somewhere.


    High above him, the brilliantly-lit northern clock face of the Chalmers Building clicked smoothly from 1:07am to 1:08am. Oscar pressed his shoulder against the parapet, shifted his legs beneath him, and lifted his head a few inches above the lip. He brought the scope to his eye, resting the bolt-lock on the concrete for stability, and easily located the roof of the erstwhile richest man in the world.


    Drenched in his own blood and ichor, millionaire industrialist Baram Mallory stood at the edge of the penthouse patio, one foot on the wrought-iron railing, and pointed directly at his would-be killer. Directly at Oscar.


    There was no mistaking the pose, or the angle. Oscar could make out nothing of the man's arm behind that accusing fist, and its single outstretched finger. If they'd set up a stringline between the buildings ahead of time, Baram's gesture could not have been more accurate.


    As though he'd been waiting for Oscar, the grotesque, steaming mass of red and black split to reveal a row of perfectly white teeth. Teeth that, moments before, had been so much enamelled shrapnel, ejected from a skull that had been liquefied down to the shoulders. Oscar couldn't hear him, but even through the dripping sludge there was no mistaking the single word spoken by those infamous, perpetually-smiling lips. 




    -    -    -    -    -



    “Baram Mallory.”


    Rupe Tiller nodded. His nose might be permanently blossomed, his cheeks shiny, his teeth stained scotch-yellow, but his eyes were hard and steady. That went a long way with Oscar. He'd had enough of the stony-faced  honchos with the firm handshakes and frightened eyes.


    That still didn't make those two words any less insane, so Oscar tried again. “Baram. Mallory.”


    Rupe nodded again, and to his credit he didn't smile. Clearly, there was an understanding regarding Oscar's disbelief. “You know, he's been on the books before, in a way. Technically, he ain't ever been OFF the books, know what I'm saying? Someone like that, there's always gonna be... friction.”


    “But you're bringing it to me now. This isn't a new appointment, but...” Oscar chose his next words carefully. “... the situation's changed.”


    Rupe agreed by tossing back his drink. The appointment had been offered and received, and now was the time for banter and barter.  Couldn't do that on an empty stomach. “Yep, this is a new one, in a way, and it ain't no fooling. Three em, in escrow. Naturally, given the... nature of the appointment, timeframe's a little special. Ten days after public acknowledgement, with notarized notice given two days prior regarding the exact time and date of the appointment.”


    It was Oscar's turn to nod, slowly, contemplatively. That made sense. Some appointments were notoriously tricky, by virtue of the people involved. Someone gets their brains ventilated in a parking garage, a hundred men are going to try and claim credit, most of them just for the exposure. Someone's house disappears in an oil tank explosion, or their limousine ends up crimped by a cement truck, you're going to have a hard time proving it wasn't just an accident.


    Funny as it might seem, the post-war crop of lawyers had been a Godsend to the executive hit man.




    “Good Friday.”


    Oscar moved his hand away from his own drink. He didn't care for scotch, certainly not when it was ice cold, but it was all part of doing business with Rupe these days. The old quartermaster didn't trust temperate folks, or anyone without a vice; considered them unclean, and clearly up to something worse. Oscar could drink it when required, but at the moment he needed to keep his hands clasped. Righty was trembling, and it just wouldn't do to have the ice in his tumbler rattling. “Good Friday.”




    “With two days prior notarization.”




    Numbers raced through Oscar's head. “So they think you can just punch a millionaire's meat ticket with nine days prep and a two day note.”


    “Not they, and not me,” Rupe said, with something approaching emotion in his voice. “They must think SOMEONE can do it, for that price, but I think YOU can do it.”


    The fee was also definitely starting to raise some alarm bells in Oscar's mind.  Three million bucks, in escrow. Rupe wouldn't be sitting here talking about this appointment at all if he weren't damn sure the cash was good, and this wasn't just a healthy amount used to garner some special attention. Hell, this wasn't even retirement money.


    Someone out there in the big black world, either a person or a committee or a board of directors or some other bunch of red tab brass, wanted the most famous man in the world dead, and was willing to put up enough money to buy the Presidency to see it through.


    Oscar shrugged, grabbed his scotch and tossed the amber-colored kerosene back in one motion. Much too quickly for any uncertainty in his gesture to be noticed. “Why not?” he said with forced grandness, sweeping his arms back to take in the whole of the dingy room. “Yeah, why the fuck not. Spring's been slow anyways, and I get dusty when I'm not busy.”


    Rupe frowned, and for the first time looked fidgetty. “There's gonna be some competition,” he warned.


    “Oh, of course.”


    “Not the friendly kind.”


    “Yeah, I get you. You know, Rupe, after you make the sale isn't the time to start trying to talk me out of it. You sound like a shitty door-to-door, trying to upsell an icebox to your old lady.”


    “I ain't talking you out of it! My commission would let me retire, too,” Rupe laughed, too loudly. His eyes swerved around to his own drink, and seemed upset there was none left. “Just... want you to watch yourself. It's going to be a sloppy week. Not everyone's as careful as you.”


    Oscar didn't miss the implication. An appointment like this, a fee like this? There might as well be a mob armed with carpetbags and picket signs following Mallory around for the next week, all of them trying to figure out the man's habits, his routines, his weaknesses, and plan out their hit. Mallory would have to be an idiot not to notice all the sudden scrutiny, and he'd have to have surrounded himself with idiot bodyguards, to boot.


    It would be impossible, of course. Mallory would bunker down until the attention blew over. He'd leave the country. He'd change up his routines, at the very least. Be unpredictable. He'd have multiple homes in the city, probably more upstate. A man like that could afford to employ a virtual private army. Anyone looking twice was gonna find themselves dragged into a convenient alley and have every extremity that could conceivably be used to pull a trigger very deliberately removed. 


    Oscar frowned, as he did when a pleasant thought wandered unexpectedly across his mind, and then smiled. Rupe flinched; he found Oscar's smiles distinctly unsettling. “So, should I-”


    Oscar nodded. “Send the papers to my office.”


    -    -    -    -    -





  9. Been away a while.  SO... sleeping has been up and down, exercise has been up and down.  More sparring and bagwork, less weights, more sleep (sometimes), much less sleep (other times). I would say I am sticking to my plans more than 50% of the time, but it's the end of the school year, and my wife is working more than full time, so there's some days where at no point between waking up and going to sleep do I get more than 10 minutes of time to 'do something'.


    NEXT WEEK, school is all done for all of them, and most of their extracurriculars are done, so we'll be settling into a new routine.  AND...! When I get back from visiting the in-laws at the end of the month, I start construction on the first part of the Ninja Warrior playset!

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  10. Good, hard workout on Saturday w/ bagwork. 

    Good, hard sparring with my son on Sunday. I focused on boxing and covering, he padded fully up and was throwing kicks. He's 6'0" and closing in on 200 lbs, so he's a pretty good sparring buddy for now.


    However, I've had a cold since Friday and that's totally thrown me off whack.  Down on sleep, but still making all of my dog walks and other appointments, so I'm kind of zombified right now.

  11. My opponent is shorter than me, but considerably larger, but from what I can tell from his video, he doesn't know how to throw from the hip.  It's ALL arms.  So, as wierd as it sounds, I MAY actually be able to beat him with technical skill.  Hey, there's a first time for everything! :D

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  12. Define 'technical'... ?


    I have my heavybag set up in my garage. I'm going to be going through all my old routines, focusing in particular on head movement and triple-jabs. In July, I'm going to be going to striking nights back at my old MMA gym, just to get the ring rust off of myself. 


    Other than that, I'm largely focusing on FITNESS and CARDIO, and repairing my knee.  I know I've got sufficient skills (IE, the bare minimum) to be at an event like this, and I know that I'm tough enough to take whatever my opponent can dish (and I just saw my opponent's submission video, and I will admit to being a LITTLE intimidated), so my goal is just to get my body in the best shape that I can so I can last all three rounds and, if it happens AGAIN, the sudden death fourth round.

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  13. Spent about an hour last night with my son's thera-bands, just doing one-leg resistance extensions.  Stretched a lot this morning.  It feels a lot better, but even just sitting for two hours at work I can feel it starting to get sore.  Gonna be a LOT of office walks today!

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  14. I'm the same way. I put off writing more than anything else.  I need to START... and thankfully I've started for tonight! Catch me!  633 words so far!

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  15. Actually, I've got some new plans for the morning. If I get up as early as I am, I am going to take my dog to the meadow early in the AM, when no-one else is there. She can go off-leash and chase mice and foxes all she wants, and I can just jog back and forth and work on my speed and my cardio (bottom of the meadow is about 1km long). I can manage some jogging a lot easier than I can manage weights and bag work. Hoping that jump starts my metabolism, or... something, to wake me up. :D

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  16. Yeah, working on diet and just 'the new habit' of getting up early and doing stuff.  I've removed a lot of things from my phone, actually, so rather than spend half an hour in bed when I wake up, I just check Twitter and head downstairs. So that's something!   #smallvictory :D

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