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Posts posted by cline

  1. I care about lifting.

    You're either talking about sex or SU's event is a strip club.

    Mmmm okay then

    Tonight was heavy squats, work sets at max push press, tons of heavy benching which continues to go so well, assistance work. Finish w 40 pushups and I don't mean half ass bend elbows only ones.

    And I did it all in my lifting shoes. Go ahead mock me.

    Hung w bros, chatted up a guy I'm going to squat w and another dude I'm going to lift with. Good night.

    And not sex and not strip club (ewwww).

    Super spartan. SU is a spartan headband wearing dude.

    I will yell loudly, ass slap, and drink.

  2. Dunno when I last updated.  Blah.  I've been lifting and fighting with people.  All good stuff.


    You don't care about the lifting.


    Here's last night's Muay Thai:  checking kicks and returning with a great combo.  So we worked defending punches and working the leg check (which is how all the guys have been breaking legs lately... lol).  Totally banged knees with my partner - big big contusion.  BWAAA HAAA He says "welp, that will be a big bruise" and I said "welp, add to the other ones.  Okay?"  Him:  "okay!".  I haven't worked with him in a while b/c he's been out so I was happy to see him.  '


    Basically we threw a punch combo and opponent kicked us, we checked it and then tossed back a cross, liver shot, and cut kick (or I did a fade away sometimes).  We did some clinch sparring with random people and one dude decided the best way to do that was to cover my face with his glove.  WHAT?  I had to tell him to stop as that is not an effective clinch technique.  LOL.  But I worried about abrasions b/c I had big meeting with pres today. Facial abrasions from clinch gone wrong is hard to explain.


    I'm going to train in a few.  SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 


    Tomorrow, I support SU on an event he's doing.  We've decided to spend the night there.  I've been promised nudity, ass slaps, and beer so obviously, I'm kind of excited.  Who cares about supporting SU when there are ass slaps.

  3. You squeed on the phone when he said that, didn't you?  I totally can see you squeeing over that.


    (Though to be fair, I would probably also squee over that.  I really should try to find a gym near my parent's place one of these days...)



    ^^^^She did. You know she did. There's no way a squee could be contained at that point. And then SU did an eye roll. :D



    Well yea.  I know.  But I figured I needed to add something to the thread to let her know I'm still keeping an eye on her stuff. :tongue:


    I believe I expressed my undying love and willingness to have the man's children.  Spousal unit is okay with that. 


    Don't you just feel sorry for spousal unit?  Go away on long weekend and wife is looking around for a squat rack.  Meanwhile, he's killing time doing random stuff. 


    me:  what are you doing now?

    SU:  sled

    Me:  now what?

    SU:  shoot baskets

    me:  now what?

    SU:  ab wheel

    me:  now what?

    SU:  KB

    me:  how about battle ropes? 


    Poor guy. 

  4. pullups for most people here are an ego thing.  Read most women's threads here sometime.  When I developed bad tendonitis and figured out it was the pullups... they went fast.  DROPPED b/c why?  who cares?  I need to be able to do other stuff.  I don't need the ego boost.  Every once in a blue moon, if I'm feeling it, I'll check to see if I can still do a few b/c it's a good check in with the lats and obliques.  But otherwise... smeh. 


    Running on a different surface is probably a good idea for a while.  A park.  Or do you have a good hs track nearby?


    Mark is funny.  eating people... mmmmmm.... but I don't want to eat fatty people I want protein people.  Soylent green is people.   (none of you remember that and I don't care GET OFF MY LAWN - which is green... like soylent green which is people)


    I am considering the cert.  I talked to all the testers and first official certified folks.  I talked with Mark about it.  I believe so fully in the primal lifestyle. 


    And you know... I've never been as happy or as healthy as I am now b/c of my primal lifestyle.  I don't sit on the couch for hours playing video games, I don't get sick, I don't spend all my time in doors with only one person.  Life is amazing.  Outdoors is amazing. 


    Primal.  Yup. 


    I thought you'd like that article.  It's so true.  And we can all sit around and judge others and use our pride (ego!  there it is again) to talk about how amazing we are bc we didn't eat Grandma's birthday cake... it's just not that simple.  But then again, we are social animals and the social stuff is fascinating. 

  5. So, I was reading this today and wondering if the reason for some of my recent aches and pains are overuse injuries. RunKeeper was kind enough to inform me that this August was top month for time spent running and distance traveled with the last week of August being my top week in those categories for 2014. This despite that I didn't record any of my beach sprints in RunKeeper while I was on vacation. That's a lot of running for this body. Coincidentally, parts of my body were complaining to me when I was out running during the last week of August and the start of September.


    I hurt my arm after doing more pull-ups in 3 weeks than I had in the previous 2 months combined. Although, that was more of an actual injury rather than overuse, but I'm wondering if part of the reason its taking so long to heal is because it was primed for injury because of overuse causing the injury to be worse than it should've been. But, it didn't feel like overuse at the time. It felt freaking awesome to bang out 3 sets of double digit pull-ups, but maybe it was too much too soon? I don't know.


    The ankles and knees feel more like overuse. So, next challenge I might cut back on the running a little bit. Since the thunderstorms kept me from my second 5k for the week, tomorrow will be a burpee run on 3 days of rest. If it goes better, then maybe 2 4 mile runs a week will be better than 3 5k runs and I'll keep the burpees to just resistance training workouts.


    Yeah, so this could totally be it.  Let's break it down a bit.


    Pullups.  Man they are hard on the elbows/arms.  They are really rough.  It's how I really developed bad, nagging tendonitis.  Since I've stopped doing them, I'm better off.  But think about it this way - you are doing stuff with that arm all the time outside of your pullups - picking up a kid, mowing a lawn, picking up bikes/toys, working at your computer, lugging groceries, and running b/c yeah you use the arms.  So naturally, it's going to take forever to heal.  Want to heal something well?  Rest.  Sucks.  So, yeah, it's going to take a while.  And while I agree pullups are a great exercise, I disagree that they are the only exercise. There are lots of other great things out there that won't bother the old arm.


    Running.  Feet and ankles and knees - take a POUNDING when you walk.  When you run.  When you carry kids up the stairs.  Actually, lugging around extra weight is really bad for knees and ankles.  The thing is running brings joy.  So... what to do.  Some ideas - change up the surface you run on.  While you might be slower, your body might thank you.  I know I'll be killed for saying this but consider cushy shoes.  I cannot run in minimalist shoes b/c my ankle.  It cannot take that beating.  I found a good moderate shoe.  Consider different types of running versus just the long slog.  Maybe just a few sprints one day, maybe a tempo run, maybe soft surface.  Changing it up to minimize time under the pounding might help.


    AND maybe you can find another cardio substitute some days?  bike riding?  swimming?  I dunno. 


    But yeah, overuse sucks.  You can figure this out!!!


    And MDA is brilliant.  did you see yesterday's?

  6. Traveled out of town this weekend!  Whoo hoo!  so I missed Muay Thai Saturday (boo) but got in a lot of walking and a lot of talking to random people I met randomly.  Ha ha.  I was NOT wearing capri pants.


    Sunday went to a super duper awesome globo gym.  Go ahead haters... hate on it.  When I called to ask about free standing squat racks at one gym, I got "ummm.. yeah... we have one" and I tried to clarify and gave up.  I called globo gym and dude quicky and enthusiastically says "YES!  Matter of fact... WE HAVE THREE!".  All the love for you my friend. 


    So I dragged spousal unit off to the amazing globo gym.  I would join this place in a heartbeat if they built one in my city.  *sigh* Vacation romances are always like that....


    Anyhow... I worked moderate squats for sets, deads to heavy reps and then deads for volume (multiple sets), bench to heavy reps and then bench for volume (multiple sets) and then 4 assistance exercises.  BAM! 


    Then we did some shopping and hung out. Got insulted by shopgirl who thought for sure I was a size L (I was not).  My friends met us and we talked sailboats and dogs all night. 


    Came home and went to ADVANCED MUAY THAI!  SQUEEEEE only 8 people were there!  All the awesome.  Coach had a brilliant idea that we should start class with:  5 min kick ladder, 1 min rest, 5 min kick ladder.  So you kick only right body kicks for 5 mins.  1 for you, 1 for partner, 2 for you, 2 for partner, etc.  Using pads so you kick HARD.  GAH!  5 mins same leg goal is AMAP.  Then left leg.  GAH!  Dying.  Oh and it's 90+ degrees out and super humid.  Then we worked counters and I LOVE working counters.  So much winning.  Coach asked me to stay for the second class.  Ha ha ha ha... NO.


    Going lifting soon.  SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE  (but it's no globo gym... sigh... I love the globo gym)

  7. Glad to hear that the ribs are better!!  Capri pants rant???  Hum ..... hafta find that.  Although, I'll admit that I DO wear them ..... sometimes ...... 


    Capri pants!!!! GAH!  My only issue is that it's all women wear.  What's wrong with shorts?  What's wrong with track pants?  Why ONLY capri pants?  WHY?  And they do not hit at the most flattering part of the leg..... 


    Sometimes is fine but why are capri pants the ONLY pants women wear?  Please make it stop.

  8. Playing catch-up.

    Capri pants rant was epic.

    Holy shit re: the roof on your pub. Glad everyone is ok.


    Remodeling! Sounds like the bathroom is going to be pretty, er... Sexy.

    Muay Thai cornering!

    And healed ribs!

    So good!!

    Sex bathrooms FTW. New fixture isn't up yet. They are painting first. Blah blah.

    Cornering!!! Bring on the blood and spit!

    Ass slaps.


    No pain in the ribs? Lifting all the heavy things?


    Yeah that was happiness. I was so happy they didn't hurt.

  9. You'll be fine. Really. There's a lot of downtime. Lots of warm-up time.

    I often lift all three or all least two big lifts for weight and volume. I'm fine.

    Don't over think.

    Or I'll make you eat paleo..... ;-)

    You'll be great.

    • Like 1
  10. Good heavy lifting last night!!! Got out of work early for the weekend and got more time at the gym!!

    Best part was a certain type of row was programmed. Last time, I had to stop them bc my ribs hurt so bad. This time...no pain!!!! That felt so great. Probably safe to say the ribs are healed. Even racking weights doesn't hurt any longer!!! Working through a different issue now...sigh. But working away.

    No Muay Thai today bc BUCKEYE FOOTBALL!!! So today is planned rest day (but loads of walking).

    Go get 'em BUCKEYES!!!

    • Like 1
  11. Pulling is the easy part. I open at 90%.

    I also often train all three lifts in a single session though. It's not unusual for me to do a single day of work on squat, dead, and bench (usually in that order, which I know is different).

    Anyhow, you'll be fine. You have enough experience and 3 lifts!!

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