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About Teneris

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  • Birthday 01/09/1997


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    In the shadows of #NerdFitness
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  1. Whee! On Saturday (August 9th), I just did an easy one-mile run. On Sunday (August 10th) I got my friends Mitchell and David to run the cross country course (5km) with me; it was a pretty good time! Today was a solo 5km run on the cross country course, and I was checking out some of the teams that had practice while I was there! I'm hoping to have a larger group tomorrow!
  2. Okay, this is for yesterday! Katelyn bailed on me due to stuff coming up, so I ran solo. It ended up being about an hour and twenty minutes on my local running course (which encompasses a bit of a baseball field and a trail). It's estimated to have been over 5 miles, but I logged it as 3 just because I really have no idea for sure and I don't want to overestimate myself. Pretty good day, but my knees are sore today! I'm going to a party at 4 and I'm supposed to be running sometime before then. I'm not sure when, though.
  3. Today, me and Katelyn headed out again after a day off for both of us. Today, we both had a terrible run. For me, my pacing was just off the entire time; I was trying too hard for the level I'm at right now. It resulted in me being exhausted at several points during the course. For her, it was a combination of being insufficiently hydrated and being thrown off by her phone randomly refusing to play music. All in all, it was a pretty sad run; the only thing to do is ensure tomorrow's will be better! As a side note, I think that I may take Wednesdays off from running consistently for a bit. My practice gets really shaky when I'm doing it on non-consecutive days, apparently, so if I do add additional rest days, they're going to have to be consecutive. I don't really want to take any days off for a while still, though! I feel fantastic, all things considered.
  4. Woo! It's time to include capital letters in this here log! So today at about 11, I figured my friends had Cross Country practice today and so I went on a solo run. So I went out, and I decided to run for a full hour after I made it to 40 minutes, because why not? So I did that, and I was pretty stoked but I didn't even think about the distance. I went home and mapped the run; it was over four miles. Four. Fucking. Miles. It took a second for this apparently simple concept to sink into my brain, but when it did, it was one of the most hype moments of the athletic (lol) portion of my life! I'm still pretty dang proud about it, because I used to have trouble running one mile because I paced myself too quickly. I texted my friends who I know are runners. I received congratulations from two, except for one; my running buddy, Katelyn. It turned out she was still asleep. At about 2:30, she finally rose from slumber, and I got a short question as a response. "What about our run?" I hadn't realized she skipped Cross Country practice, so I pretty much just planned to fly solo today. However, one of my faults is that I will commit to things overmuch. "Sorry, I thought you went to XC practice! I'll still come running lol" So at six, as usual, I went to her house and was ready to go. She had some cleaning she had to do before we left, though, so I waited. Then, my friend David sent her a picture on snapchat, and Katelyn asked him if he wanted to come run with us. "You and who else?" She sent a picture in response. "How far?" "We're coming to pick you up." He had no say in the matter; Katelyn is one of my more assertive friends in that way. So the two of us embarked an hour after our intended time of departure to increase the might of our running party. Shortly after, we reached the school and we walked through the course so it would be hard to get lost. Dark clouds began moving toward us from the horizon, so we were unsure about how this run would go. I briefly considered walking the course, but I wanted to work with Dave; with my mild experience on the course and with running, I felt like I was his direct senior in this regard. So as Katelyn went at her own pace, I did mine and tried to help Dave by giving him advice and just being with him the whole run. We crossed through the first section of the woods, touched the matinee at the intersection leading to the school, and then progressed downwards. With me at a constant slow jog, and Dave switching between a slow run and walking, we passed the lower entrance to the school building. We began an uphill section, followed by downhill, followed by more time in the woods. Passing through mostly unscathed, we reached a downhill section which quickly leveled out. We then went up and over a series of hills, leading to a downhill forest path; by now, there was no light beside the flashlight we carried. The trees' thick canopy blocked out the near-death sunlight and the early strands of moonlight. After we reached the base of our descent, the hill that looped us back to the top was right in front of us. Dave and I both made it to the top, but he needed to take a break; he cut across the parking lot, skipping the hilly section and one wooded section. I am not a particularly brave person; this is more pronounced when I am alone in near-dark conditions, near the woods. I have had encounters with bears in places closer to civilization than I was at this point. As I broke past the hills and into the woods, I was placing my feet out of instinct, unable to see the forest floor at all. I sprinted to get away from anything that might have been there without my knowledge, and I do not regret the decision. Dave reconvened with me then, and we crossed through back to the matinee. We passed through the initial forest section once again, and finished by touching the gates of the track. All in all, the cross country course was a standard 5km (3.1 miles). Between this and my run at noon, I ran over 7 miles today. This, my friends, is what I call the prelude to a rest day. Next update on Thursday!
  5. so my friend matt couldn't make it since he had other stuff to do! katelyn and i went running anyways though. i got lost along the trail we were running since she can run at a pretty quick pace compared to me, but i lasted 40 minutes - i'm pretty stoked! i'll edit details in later, but it feels pretty fantastic to have gotten some actual distance done!
  6. okay! so i made this... saturday night, I guess? let's take it from yesterday then sunday i looked at the c25k program and i realized that i still wasnt really being challenged by the week 3 stuff. so i skipped ahead once again to week 4. this involved two 5 minute running intervals, which was a new pinnacle for me - i was sure i could still manage it if i maintained my pacing, as i had been practicing on the previous days. i started with my walking warmup, into the initial part of the workout - a 3 minute run. this was easy and i blew through it and the 90 seconds of walking rest that followed. it was time, then, for the first five minute interval - so i got my feet shuffling slowly across the road, pacing myself, and telling myself to calm down whenever i was getting too excited and going over my limits on speed. five minutes in, i realized i wasnt tired yet - my lungs and my legs both still felt like i was on top of my game. so i kept going. and going. and after twelve minutes, my legs gave out (after 4 days of heavy usage, i don't blame them). from there, i continued the program as it was defined on the website, but i wanted to change the ending. instead of another 5 minute run, i ran to the end of the road i was on, ran back to the other end, and then ran home. all in all, that interval lasted seven minutes. this is kind of momentous for me because i've never really ran this much before. i've signed up for the cross country team, but i've always quit before i had any major improvements. this time, though, i feel like i'm making progress. also i have another running buddy; my friend katelyn is joining me and matthew and we shall be the running trio. i'm also tryna get my friend alex into running and then assimilating her into our group; my goal is to create a group of runners large enough that we can always have a running buddy when we want one, even if we can't always run as a group. i think it will be pretty dang rad. edit: ill update this later with today's exercise stuff. katelyn, matt, and I are getting together later for our first communal run!
  7. heyo people im teneris long time member of the NF IRC channel and casual forum browser. i figure this would be fun to do so i'm doing it because why not. this will probably be erratic at times because i suck at forums. sorry in advance for any inconsistencies in my update schedule! today: tried to do week 3 c25k workouts. nearly got hit by car, decided that today was not the day for such effortswent to an amusement park. walked forever and a halfwent to a local town and walked around with friends for like an hour and a halfate absolute garbage because i left home at 10:30 and got home at 10:00.in better news, i may have enlisted my friend matthew as a running buddy! i hope to begin running with him a few times per week, either in addition to or while adhering to c25k. sorry for no capital letters anywhere, im not feeling it right now. super sleepy, so goodnight all ye nerds! edit: also worthy of note is that a local shop is getting really discounted produce right now and idk why. gotta pick up some more cauliflower, they have it for $0.99/head. mmm! edit 2: also the exact stuff i ate today was as follows: hot pocket (meatball + something or other i forget) one slice of bread with peanut butter on it a milkshake a cup of yogurt a bowl of mini-wheats a pb + blueberry preserves sandwich so that's like, what... 300 + 150 + 750 + 150 + 400 + 300 = 1950 kcals today as a total guesstimate. not bad for that, but my macros are pretty unreasonable with that freakin' all-star lineup. better food will happen tomorrow! waking up at 10-10:30, running more, and then im going out to pick up ingredients for an actual rad set of meals before work.
  8. yes cos let me judge you! > i want to know how it's going!
  9. This is incredibly embarrassing, especially on short notice, but I'm looking for someone to cover trivia tonight. Stuff came up and I'm going to be out later than expected and I won't be around to host.
  10. Hell yeah, Eddard! By participating even after you accidentally deleted your original post, you're overcoming adversity to kick some ass Training is hella rad, and flexibility is an important part of life. There are a bunch of nerds around here that are good with cooking, but I'm not one of them. I really sympathize with your goal of enjoying life more and anxiety management, though. For a long time in my life I dealt with anxiety around people, and anxiety in the more general sense of just being afraid of the future, the consequences of my actions, and things that weren't in my control. It's hella cool to see that you're trying to manage this - it's really worth the effort! Good luck on your challenge, Eddard!
  11. Hey folks! It's a few days in and I'm pretty happy right now. I'm procrastinating work a bit, but that's not important! The one definite thing my Halloween costume must have is a horse mask. The rest is still up in the air, but I love horse masks and I want to include one. NaNoWriMo has kicked my ass in the past, and that's why I plan on making this a mutually abusive relationship. Actually, that's probably not healthy... Aha, my friend, you are correct! But the thing is, I couldn't think of anything better at the time and no take-backs! Alas, that would only exacerbate my sorrow over the lack of book three, I think. This challenge is meant to be beneficial, not reopen wounds 'pon my heart! Anyways, good things are happening! I just got a boatload of work and that means that I'm going to be forced to stick to good habits (with this instance of procrastination excluded ) for a little while. I've come up with basic plot ideas for my NaNoWriMo book, and I already mentioned my Halloween progress. There are multiple options for community service that I'm looking into, but it's really nothing certain yet. The trees... are something that I have not touched on yet. Honestly, I'm afraid that I'll just think of Mulan with every attempt and be too busy giggling to actually do it. Either way I'm getting nothing done, so I'll begin attempts once I stem the flow of work! In other, entirely unrelated news, I'm super hyped for the next Dresden Files book. Dave Grohl has been hyping up Foo Fighter's next album too, and it's apparently being recorded right now! Enough about me, though, it's time to pose two small questions! Are there any books you're looking forward to in the near future? How 'bout any new albums?
  12. I've never actually gone to a NaNoWriMo launch party. Maybe I should, one of these years! Cool costume idea, good luck coming up with one this year, and thanks for wishing me luck!
  13. Hey everybody! I'm Teneris, long time IRC chatter/lurker (mostly lurker), and I'm a former Assassin with a small number of challenges under my belt! My fitness goals haven't changed, exactly, but they have definitely broadened, and that makes me think that being a Ranger would be the thing to do. In addition, I'm restarting my character from level 0 because I'm rerolling like this So, I'll start off here by givin' you all my freshly made character. Teneris, the level 0 Elan Ranger With that out of the way, I can nicely ignore stats until I stay focused! Very convenient system, I'd say. The next big thing to bring up is probably my quests, which are pretty kickass. Main Quest: Stay committed to school while kicking ass with physical, social, and mental health challenges. ​I'll be frank and say that I have issues. I want to do as much to alleviate them as I can without burning out, and I think I've learned my boundaries for burning out by now! Goal 1 (Social): Participate in a Halloween party with an interesting costume ​I'm awful at Halloween; my costumes are always terrible or non-existent. Honestly, this one is going to be super hard! Goal 2 (Mental): Gather ideas for NaNoWriMo I've been wanting to do NaNoWriMo for years, but by the time I feel like outlining a plot and all of that good stuff, it's already begun! Not this year, NaNo! Goal 3 (Physical): Drop at least 12 pounds Regrettably, the chub is at a level that is unpleasant for me right now. I have a lot of things in my life that require impeccable health, and this is a good step toward reaching that! Side Quests: A vital part of any RPG experience! ​Life Quest: Involve myself in Community Service Fitness Quest: Climb three trees! Hopefully this all checks out with the rules - I think that it'll go well. To finish things up here for now, I'd like to ask a small question: What're you doing for Halloween? I look forward to seeing any replies
  14. Hi everyone! I'm casually rereading The Dresden Files' last 5~ books in anticipation for the new book. In addition, I plan on hammering through The Perks of Being a Wallflower and The Book Thief in the near future. Hope y'all are havin' as good a time as I am
  15. Happy Monday, everybody! I did a few things over the past week that were pretty cool! Exclamation Points! I ate about a pound and a half of salmon on Friday and it was amazing!Realized that my jeans are fitting a lot looser than when I got them last month!I got excellent grades on my midterms so far!Okay, Goal #1 has been achieved for the last week - more excellence! Goal #2 is the one that breaks my exclamation point streak though - still can't fit into it. #3 is still a ways away, as I haven't sprinted since my 14.9s 100m about a week and a half ago. Gotta work on that some more! Finally, #4 - staying humble is easy when I've hardly accomplished anything - aww yeah!
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