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Max Power

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Posts posted by Max Power

  1. So yeah, we're having a kid at the end of January, so my life is about to turn into this. 




    Right now, I'm just helping out FMP (the wife's acronym for those who don't know) and trying to keep the house in reasonably good shape.  I was on the road for a good bit of September, and at a conference for a week this month, during those absences the house kind of got destroyed because neither of us was up for doing much cleaning.  Everything is back in good shape now, but I've realized that I don't just need to hold the line, but actively dealing with things as I go along to keep from ending up spending my entire weekend on laundry and cleaning.  I've been back to lifting for the past six weeks or so and am feeling really good about it for the first time in forever.  Anywho, on to the goals, I'll address everything later.  Oh and I'm actually going to grade myself this time too, instead of just going through the motions. 


    Goal 1:  Prepare to Clean the house better. 




    I've got a list of things to clean on a daily basis but I need to stick to it better.  It seems like a lot, but once everything is in good shape, it should be pretty quick to go through.  If I get 30/36 I'll consider it a pass. 


    Goal 2:  Prepare to plan the food!




    I've gotten really good at food prepping for my lunches through the week, but I'm still not great with dinner, especially with a pregnant wife who has food issues.  So I need to come up with some meals (and alternate meals if needed) that I can fix rather quickly in the evenings.  I'm going to grade this one on a 5/7 days a week.  That will give us a couple of nights to do whatever.  30/42 for a pass. 


    Goal 3:  Prepare to Keep doing what I do. 




    My workouts are going really well right now.  For once, I'm not chasing the shiny, or thinking I should be lifting heavier. I'm doing 5/3/1 Boring But Big. I'm splitting the lifts up though. This way I can hit each lift twice a week one day for volume, and one day for strength.  It works for me. 


    Mon:  DL 5/3/1

              OHP: 5X10

              Accessories work as needed


    Tue: Bench 5/3/1

            Squat: 5X10

            Accessory work


    Wed: Yoga/Stretcing


    Thurs: OHP: 5/3/1

               DL: 5X10

              Accessory work


    Fri:  Squat: 5/3/1

           Bench: 5X10

           Accessory work


    If something comes up I move days around and can slide to Saturday if necessary, or if I'm feeling froggy, I'll throw some farmer's walks or yoke work in to work up a good sweat.  28/30 is a pass. 


    Goal 4:  Lose weight




    I'm back over 300 lbs these day, but it's a very different 300 than what I started with back in 2012.  That being said, there's still plenty of fluff to lose.  Right now the scale isn't moving, but I think that's more because of the lifting than any lack of progress, shirts feel looser, but pants (thighs) feel tighter.  So what I need to be doing is taking measurements.  I've started going for a 30 minute walk every night, I'll see if that helps anything, Take measurements every Monday, that's my goal.  6/6 for a pass. 




    Goal 1: Clean house 30/36 days for a pass

    Goal 2: Plan food better 30/42 days for a pass

    Goal 3:  Keep working out:  28/30 for a pass

    Goal 4:  Take measurements weekly 6/6 for a pass. 



    • Like 1
  2. I too have fallen off the Challenge train (or the last several trains I hopped on, actually...) So that's going to be a goal for me as well. 


    Oh and the bacon thing, I don't have any idea what cottage bacon is, at first I thought it was some sort of cottage cheese / bacon hybrid, and I recoiled in horror! But then I realized it was a home smoked version and now I'm all in!


    4. Do me. But with compassion.


    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to giggle about this line (because I'm 12) 



    • Like 2
  3. So, um, yeah. There's been some soreness. I'm not going to pretend it was mild. Or pleasant. Or that I didn't complain to boyf endlessly whilst begging him to rub my legs. 


    Thank god for deadlift day. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to squat - ha! 


    Actual footage of me post workout Saturday. 




    And I did a watered down version of your workout, I'm sure the 10,000% humidity in the garage didn't help. 


    Your gym sounds cool, just having a DL platform puts it above most gyms, actually being able to converse with like minded people is above and beyond. 

    • Like 1
  4. OMG, do it! I guarantee you'll be like this after squats:



    also, HI!  I'm glad you're back(ish?)!!!  Play with ussssssssss!


    Yeah, the craziness of the summer has started to calm down, and I'm starting to get back into some of my old routines.  I'm sure nothing else will be happening in the next few months that could possibly distract me...  


    I'm planning on having an actual real-life challenge on the next go round too.  I thought about rounding up a few of the old warriors to see if they wanted to throw into it as well.   

  5. Changing diet is definitely a good place to start, but I think you can do some decent workouts in the small window you've got.  I started out by setting a goal of working out every day, and to consider it a workout I would either walk for 30 minutes or I had to do three sets/ten reps of three different workouts.  I think doing something like that and a diet change would set you going in the right direction. 

    • Like 1
  6. Tl;dr weekend recap. PR snatch. PR clean and jerk. First triathlon. Best golf round of my life. Yeah, it was pretty good.



    Best Tl:dr ever!  Congrats on all of it!


    I used to have a goal of competing in a triathalon, but gave up on it when I realized that I drown instantly when presented with water. 

  7. Thanks for the kind words folks, it means a lot to me!


    I did manage a couple of small workouts last week, but now I'm back for the real deal. 




    20 X 10 (goblet squat)

    45 X 10

    75 X 5

    105 X 5

    135 X 5

    165 X 5

    165 X 5

    195 X 3

    BW X 10

    BW X 10

    BW X 10



    45 X 10

    65 X 5

    85 X 5

    105 X 5


    I took everything slow this morning and gave myself plenty of rest between sets, my legs are a little bit jelly as it is, so I think that was a good call.  I had hoped to do more for OHP, but I ran out of time, that's something I'll have to work on as I get back into this. 

    • Like 1
  8. Did the headache go away next day? Want to see how this danger day programming works out!

    All weights in lb or kg btw? :o


    Everything is in pounds right now, I'm keeping it light until I get back in the groove.  The last couple of weeks have kind of kicked me around, hopefully the Danger method will start next week. 


    I seriously have commented on this before.  I swear. I must have.  




    Welcome aboard! I'm not scared...






    Quick update:   I've been doing a lot of traveling the past couple of weeks, which has worn me out.  And my grandmother passed away last week, so I was on the road for her funeral.  I was hoping to get things back on track this week, but I couldn't ever get comfortable yesterday, I was in the garage for over an hour and really only did warmup routines and mobility.   I do feel better today though, so that did seem to help some.  I'm planning on getting back out there and lifting in the morning, but if I'm still feeling tight, I'll just keep it light, but I would like to get under the bar at least a little bit this week.

  9. I was sick yesterday, had a headache most of the day and just felt like I was in a fog.  I feel better today, but it affected my workout this morning.  It was taking me a long time to recharge between sets, so I ended up cutting it short.  So Danger Day 2 was a bust.  I got through most of the overhead work, and a few sets of 10 of the deadlifts, but ran out of time to finish up anything else.  I also forgot to take a picture of my notebook, I'll try and remember to do that tomorrow and I'll add it in with tomorrow's workout.

  10. I like how your thread has become the official E3 thread. 


    I've never played FFVII, I'm a bad nerd.  Last week, I noticed it on steam sale for around $8.00 so I bought it.  Now they announce the full remake.  My timing is excellent. 

  11. Ok, I'm caught up now.  Your thread ran away over the weekend.  I forgot all of my other comments I had once the topic of bbq came up.  If you ever find yourself going through Ackerman, MS there's a little shack on the side of the road called Sonny's Smokehouse.  Best brisket I've ever had, and I lived in Texas for a year and tried every bit of brisket I came across just to compare. 

    • Like 3
  12. (do people ever stop eating?!).


    In a perfect world, no. 




    I've never liked mayo, but I want to try homemade, I've always heard it is completely different than the jarred stuff.  And it's forever showing up in recipes that look delicious to me.  Now that you're saying it's easy, I really might have  to give in and make it. 

    • Like 1
  13. front squat friday!!




    love it


    It just seems right, doesn't it? 


    Oh there you are! Good plan to just get back into the habit first. It can be very motivating :)

    Nice lifts! HBBS = high bar backsquat?




    You are correct, I figure I'll differentiate since I have multiple squat forms moving forward. 



    Monday 6/15/15 Workout: 


    Danger Method Day 1 (sort of): 


    Warmups: As prescribed plus arm swings. 


    Bench: Floor Press: 

    10 X 45

    5 X 70

    5 X 70

    5 X 80

    3 X 95

    10 X 95

    10 X 95

    10 X 95



    45 X 10

    100 X 5

    100 X 5

    120 X 5

    140 X 3

    135 X 10

    120 X 10

    120 X 10

    120 X 10


    Good Mornings: 

    95 X 5

    95 X 5

    95 X 5


    I haven't done sets of ten as working sets in years.  My legs may never forgive me for this workout, not to mention that I've got seven more workouts of the same type before this block is over. As for as the Bench Press goes, it was changed to floor press because I never got around to building my bench this weekend.  My Saturday was filled with yard work, then the weather turned bad and I just sort of shut down for the day.  Once I get the bench complete I can add the GHR's into my work too. 


    I didn't track my food this weekend, I didn't have anything planned and just sort of snacked through the days.  It was a bad idea on my part.  Back to work today though! 

  14. Ok, I'm all caught up (and very hungry after looking at those food pictures).  I may have to steal your "Find a todo list system that works for me" plan.  I'm terrible at keeping up with what needs doing.  Good luck with the challenge! 





  15. 6/12/15


    Front Squat Friday:




    Goblet Squat: 

    20 X 10


    Front Squat:

    45 X 10

    75 X 8

    105 X 5



    185 X 2

    185 X 2

    185 X 2

    185 X 2

    185 X 2


    This workout was kind of inspired by a few things.  I'm starting JDanger's Dangerous Method next week, and I haven't front squatted lately, right now it looks like my wrists and the bar digging into my delts are going to be my sticking points, which is good.  I can fix those two things fairly quickly.  That made me feel good, so I just went ahead and did some more squats for poops and giggles. 


    Yesterday's food went a bit overboard, I kind of knew it would with eating at five guys, but that had been on the books for a while. 


    Cal:  2,805 / 2,527

    C:  172 / 221

    F: 178 / 98

    P:  132 / 190

  16. Well when you put it that way, it sounds like a vurry smart purchase.


    Have you been getting up early now to work out??


    Yup, I'm much better at working out in the mornings anyway, I figure I've already interuppted my sleep, so I might as well do what needs doing. 


    As for workouts, I'm afraid you won't see too much in the next few days. I have to work 5x 12 hours shifts in a row now because I'm going out of town next week. >.<


    One of 5 done today! 4 to go!


    So....if my posts start to get really jaded and sarcastic, it's because I'm slowly loosing my faith in humanity. Again. :tongue:



    Ooh! This will be like watching an episode of House!




    Seriously though, good luck! Get lots of rest! Stay sane! 

    • Like 1
  17. FYI: when i google image search [deadlift platform diy build], RHOP pictures are within the first dozen images. 


    You're internet famous now. 




    Ohh, Roo, you should start selling autographed RHOP platforms now!

  18. I need you to make that face when you use your yoke.


    That is an interesting gym purchase. Most people wouldn't get that one right off the bat when starting a gym. They'd go for...you know....benches and kettlebells and such.


    Do you have a sled too??



    Also, here is the pic of my MADE BED.




    The hoodie and the lamb are for snuggles. So they are allowed free reign of bed.








    I think that's the face everyone makes when carrying a yoke. 


    I bought a Rogue Yoke that also doubles as a sled, and rack.  I knew I would eventually want a yoke, so it made the most sense.  I can also move it around my garage and it doesn't have to be bolted to the floor.  It's fan-damn-tastic. 


    I wouldn't have even noticed the lamb if you hadn't mentioned it, and since you asked so nicely, I will not laugh at it... Nope, I won't...



  19. No workout this morning, I moved furniture instead.  We ordered a new bedroom set a few weeks ago and they called yesterday wanting to deliver it today. 


    I'm getting back in the habit of tracking my food again.  Yesterday was pretty good, my protein was low, I could have added a shake in, but I wasn't confident in my bbq nacho calories I had made for supper (it was sort of a leftover smorgasbord).  I ate a smaller breakfast this morning, because some of us from the office are planning on eating at Five Guys for lunch, I knew that would be a big calorie bomb.  To top that the boss brought in donuts today and since there is work being done in the lab (which is basically our breakroom, we're disgusting) my desk became their home.  Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to show them how foolish that plan was. 




    Cal:  2,466 / 2,527

    C:  211 / 221

    F: 104 / 98

    P:  167 / 190

    • Like 1
  20. Hmm, that reminds me, I need to break out my Oly shoes and start lifting in them more. 


    That sounds like it was very informative.  I'm sure I would hate having someone watch my squats, but it probably wouldn't be a bad idea.  Maybe that'll be something I do in the future. 


    As for the breathing thing, one thing that helped me (back before I was re-noobed) was breathing while driving down the road.  When done correctly, I could feel my back pushing into the seat more without moving it, if that makes sense. 

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