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Everything posted by cavemom

  1. Morning yoga: Yoga for the Winter Blues - 30 minutes (This was nice. I'm starting to feel a little sore, so I'll probably take tonight off from doing yoga. We'll see)
  2. Here's mine: I kinda want more someday, but have never made my mind up on what, which tells me I should wait.
  3. Evening yoga: Yoga for Weight Loss / Strengthen and Lengthen - 40 minutes (I really liked this one. I felt like I was working pretty hard, but I also feel really relaxed, and ready to get in bed)
  4. It can't come soon enough. Today was really rainy and windy, so I didn't even get outside, except the portion from my car to the library. Thanks, I'm really enjoying my challenge so far this time.
  5. I hear you. I think your upcoming half marathon is probably enough of a focus to keep you physically active, but not necessarily enough to motivate you to eat well. You'll figure this out though. I believe in you.
  6. That sucks. There are a lot of things I don't like about Utah, but the mountains and just the beautiful outdoors pretty much makes up for it.
  7. Thank you for linking that habitRPG site. I have always wished I could make the daily grind of cleaning and all that stuff into a game.
  8. This is a great idea! Like Raxie, I like PaleOMG for my paleo recipes. For my kids, though, the cookbook Eat Like a Dinosaur was the best.
  9. You could always meditate in bed, as you're falling asleep.
  10. I love hiking too, and can't wait to get back to it when the weather warms up. We've got so many mountains around here that it'd be ridiculous not to get out there and enjoy them. We all got hydration backpacks for Christmas too, so we are set.
  11. I'm glad we can share our outsideness goals. Your challenge looks great!
  12. I really like your Weasley board idea. My boys are kinda young for it, and are mostly homebodies like me, but when my 16 yo daughter comes back to live with us again next year, I might implement something like it.
  13. When it comes to diet, sometimes I think when I give myself leeway to have treats just once in awhile, it turns into treats all the time. Without a clear definition of when I allow myself to have treats, I eat them thinking I will just do better the rest of the week. But of course I don't. I don't have any advice for you, except maybe to be very specific of when you can eat off plan. It's hard when there's junk food in the house, but it sounds like with the doughnuts, they weren't even in the house. I've done that too. I'll be at the store, and see chocolates on clearance. And then I buy them, go home, and eat like 1000+ calories worth of chocolate in one sitting. We need to just not buy the junk, right? And figure out substitutes for when you're feeling like you want to snack. For me, I like to have a snack when I'm watching TV or movies. And in general, it's unhealthy stuff. I'm still working on figuring out healthy substitutes that I will actually enjoy during those times.
  14. Thanks, Raxie! Morning yoga for today: 12 minute interval training - 12 minutes (This was definitely more HIIT than yoga, but there were some yoga-y poses, and it's a good warm-up for more yoga, cause your muscles will definitely get warm) Morning Sun Salutations - 13 minutes (This was a great sun salutation sequence, until it ended right in the middle. I guess it's part of a larger session, but they definitely could have ended it in a better place. I'll be looking for more by this instructor, though)
  15. Evening yoga done: Detox Yoga - 20 minutes (Another session with Adriene. This one was nice, but I didn't even come close to sweating like she talked about.) I did better with the eating today too. Got in a lot of fruits and veggies, and no crappy foods. Yay! Spent a bit of time outside. The forecast is saying rain the next couple of days. I hope it's wrong, but I guess rain is better than snow.
  16. Thanks! I'll try to keep posting links to the videos I do. I'm strictly an at home yoga person, so all I ever do is videos.
  17. The only idea I have about quantifying less stress is to maybe keep a journal or just jot down your stress levels for the day.
  18. Good advice about my body not being a garbage can. That's good to remember. It's just that it's cheesecake, one of my favorite foods. But I have a hard time having just a little slice, and not wanting more. I really think I need to cut the sugar. I did a whole30, and felt really pretty good. Sugar cravings were gone. And then I added back in 85-90% dark chocolate, and it was enough. I need to get back to that place.
  19. Your hair looks so pretty!
  20. Lookin' good! I do a thing called Bountiful Baskets, which is like a co-op. For $15 each week, I get a basketful of produce. It's nice because we get a lot of stuff I'd normally buy, but sometimes things I'd never buy, and I'm forced to try something new, which is a good thing.
  21. Good work yesterday! Do you plan out where you'll run ahead of time, or just go where the wind takes you?
  22. Nice job on your second day. It sounds like things went great!
  23. Morning yoga: Gentle yoga routine - 8 minutes (I needed something really light after the madness of last night's session) I might do more later this morning.
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