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About fyrpixi

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  • Birthday November 22

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  1. So, I'm thinking about getting a stationary bike. I would like something with a digital readout. Space isn't an issue. I want something durable, that will last for years, and stand up to light cycling and spin cycle craziness. What would you recommend?
  2. Hey y'all! I'm your typical start to lose weight, fall off the wagon, get run over, and gain what I lost plus some. I have some issues that make my life a little complicated. In October we moved from Texas to the Midwest and I am far from adjusted. I also have high anxiety and don't drive. Which is super fun now that we have moved to a community in the middle of no where, and doesn't even have sidewalks for safe walking. So for now, I'm focusing on improving my poor yoga skills, and using my tiny trampoline until winter is over, or at least less rainy. I hope to find some other people to learn from and others to encourage!
  3. I hadn't heard of it, but I've been reading about it since you mentioned it and it's exactly what I want to do. I think my husband may try to get on board with eating healthier. Which will be awesome because I can not but something and be ok, but if it's in the house, I will eat all of the sweets and chips in one sitting. Hopefully getting nutrition figured out a bit will get us to both lose some weight and feel better.
  4. Hi @Guzzi! I am really bad about trying to "beat" my calories, so instead for now I want to just clean up my diet and move more. I will drive myself crazy overthinking every bite I take. Plus, I'm a baker, so I'm always sampling a muffin here or a cookie there (now I try to limit it to one mini muffin or half of a cookie). I'm trying to change up some of my recipes so they have less sugar. I love sugar. Sugar and carbs are my weaknesses. If I'm feeling down, I crave carbs. I'm only 5'1 and in the last year my weight has fluctuated from 140 to 120, typically hanging out in the 130s. I'm short, so any extra weight is very noticeable, but I don't care so much about my weight. I want to focus on how I look and feel. I want to one day do a pull up and have my heels touch the ground when I do downward dog. I want to kick the soccer ball around with my boys at the park instead of just watching. My joints hurt by the time I go to bed, probably due to the amount of time I spend sitting. I know I have to start slow, and that changes won't happen over night, as much as I wish they would. I just need to prioritize movement over Netflix for now.
  5. Thanks @Isaac Clark! I will check it out! I babysat a friend's toddlers today and that included taking them to the neighborhood pool for swim lessons. It was a long walk, but I did it!
  6. Thanks @Fenyx! It does help to know there are others who are also struggling and fighting, even though I wish no one had to go through this. I've tried meditation now and then, but I need a lot more practice.
  7. I'm a 32 year old stay at home mom of 2 boys with a side baking business who has an anxiety disorder. I have never really been fit, and have no clue what I'm doing, but I'm ready to learn! My anxiety has stopped me from doing many things (like learning to drive, that's right, I can't drive). I've read so many times about exercise helping with anxiety, and I want to explore that and hopefully one day taper down my medication. I want to be able to explore with my boys and share getting to see things together. We are planning a road trip to New England next year, and I would love to be able to hike a little without feeling like I've climbed Everest. Sadly, every time I think about this trip, my anxiety rears it's ugly little head and tells me that I'm so unhealthy that I will have a heart attack on this trip (I go through this every time I try to travel). I would love to be able to conquer my anxiety, or at least fight it off a little. Time to work on a Battle Plan.
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