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Everything posted by VorJoshigan

  1. Not sure if this counts, but my favorite is kale chips made with bacon grease - put some kale in a bowl, get your bacon grease soft, massage into the kale & bake for 10-15 min at 350. You probably don't need to add salt, but I do. I've been having trouble with low blood pressure since I lost weight, so I'm trying to load up the sodium.
  2. My goals are in an entirely different genre, but I'll put them out there anyway. dates are purely for fun and based on a 2lb/week loss rate. First off, I want to get to 290 pounds some time in October because I have not been below 300 since some time in the 90s. Next I want to get to 250 because that is the cutoff for a lot of things that have weight limits - from skydiving to riding a Segway. That should happen around February? of next year. After that comes 220 because that will be the first time in my life that I will be overweight instead of obese. I hate the word obese so much. June 2013? Finally, I want to get down to 191 because I will literally be half the man I used to be & that's just a fun thing to say. September 2013? I have no idea what my body is like at under 200 lbs, so I don't know if I'd be interested in getting down to "normal" bmi at 183 or not. Just brainstorming, but for strength goals, perhaps focusing them on some theoretical functional task would help with coming up with a good goal? e.g. "squat 191 lbs so I can carry the future version of my new friend Josh out of a burning building" or "dead lift 350 lbs because that's how much a rock weighs that I want to move in my yard"
  3. uh... <looks at avatar> <looks at sentence> <furrows brow> <looks at avatar> <looks at sentence> <shakes head side to side> Thank goodness you're never going to be the head-turner your friends are. You're a different kind of head turner altogether (in a good way). Life would be so boring if all women looked the same, even if they all looked like Beyonce or Florence Colgate or take your pick.
  4. I said no to a 5th beer last night. Gotta start somewhere.
  5. I'm getting a FitBit Aria in the mail shortly. It's similar. I will report back with my findings.
  6. you bastard I can't do 20 pushups of any kind, but I did 20 bodyweight (320) squats.
  7. THIS. I like to think the best of people, so maybe there's some benign explanation to his comments? Getting an explanation might help you understand if he's worth the breath you expend to talk to him.
  8. Yeah, that article pissed me off. She misrepresents the findings of the study which were not particularly conclusive to begin with. I think the article was written as click-bait. Just driving traffic. I expect better from the Atlantic.
  9. I really like this. Also, I shall concur with this sentiment. All in favor say aye. AYE! Motion carries. As for the ladies in the first post, |dramatic sigh accompanied by sad shake of head| I... I wish them the best on whatever road they travel. As a man with mega stretch marks who got to at least 45% bodyfat, it was kinda hard to take the high road in my last statement.
  10. Just to be devil's advocate, what if waking up from cryo makes you really weak? Maybe the character is super strong and could totally to full push ups, but when suffering from the cryo crankies, even half push-ups require a herculean effort.
  11. Welsome Nat! I'm not eating paleo either (yet?) but my I attribute much of my success thus far to a near total avoidance of sugar and processed grain. The first few days suck. A lot. But hang in there! It gets better and you become stronger and more capable. I am going to challenge you to go ahead and climb those stairs to your office at least once a day. I decided last November that I was going to take the stairs to my condo (6 flights) every day & seeing the difference over the months has been a nice motivator.
  12. You can, but why do you want to? If it's because you're hungry, then yeah - eat something. If it's because you want to get more protein, I wouldn't bother on days where you haven't worked out. As I recall, you're about 190ish. That's 86 kilos & the recommendations range from 1 gram per kilo for maintenance to 2 grams protein per kilo for heavy lifting. If you are already set for protein, I'd recommend an avocado or something for satiety.
  13. Definitely recommend checking with a doctor. I would also recommend working with a trainer to make sure you are using proper form. If you are using too much shoulder in your non-shoulder exercises, that can do a number on your neck/back muscles.
  14. As the youngsters say these days, this thread is full of win. I came to the realization a couple years ago that I love stupid disaster movies. For a long time I was ashamed of this realization, but I've come to embrace it. When I don't want to think, when I just want to veg out, it's time for some disaster porn!! Megafault was indeed deliciously terribly awful.
  15. Nicole - HIIT = high intensity interval training. Google will have more if you want to look into it. There is a lot of info out there and a lot of permutations & combinations. One of the benefits is that you can boost your metabolism more efficiently by working out more intensely for smaller amount of time. The catch is that it can be hard for somebody just starting out to get to the appropriate level of intensity safely. I second betsy's goal advice. It's important to have SMART goals: Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant to the bigger picture Time sensitive
  16. Thank you for my laugh out loud of the day. It's a great way to start.
  17. I said no to S'mores. Real honest to god s'mores made over a fire with real Hershey's chocolate. Damn I'm awesome.
  18. Wow - not cool. OTOH, I love post-hoc comebacks. "Well actually I was lying, I've decided to go to another gym - one that isn't run by assholes" "This gym teaches healthy habits? This is the first I've heard of it." "Suck it!" OK, kinda running out of steam on that last one.
  19. I love my new iPad - especially the screen! I've been digging a lot of photo apps. I'll try to add some app suggestions here when I get home tonight.
  20. Yeah, I pretty much ignore all of their numbers except my macro proportions. For me the biggest thing is just to track everything I eat. If I don't do that, then it's really easy for me to get off track. My eating autopilot is stuck in Augustus Gloop mode.
  21. Awesome video. I love it. It reminds me of the song from Lonely Island with a line "There was a bunch of old white people dancing..."
  22. Isn't it good form for most exercises to keep your weight off your toes anyway? Now you have a really good early warning system.
  23. I think this ignores a fundamental shift in language. Sub-groups have always hated it when their words have been (mis-)appropriated and re-defined, but I think that trying to shove the "toned" genie back into the "tonus" bottle is futile at this point. I do agree that there isn't a very good consensus of what the meaning of the appropriated "toned" means, and that usage of it in a fitness community like this one could lead to poor communication. It's obviously led to at least a few ladies getting hot under the collar when the word is used in their direction.
  24. I would say that in my mind "toned" is a notch below "muscular". e.g. based on your avatar, I would probably call you muscular instead of toned. Another problem is that muscular sounds kind of vague to me. Theoretically somebody could be "muscular" and have a layer of fat over that. For an example of this - have you seen the pics from the last few years of Arnold Schwarzenegger? He's obviously still technically muscular, but I definitely wouldn't call him toned. Since we're in a female having muscular bodies thread, is this a gender issue? Toned is used about men as much as it is women (based on google searches for "(s)he is toned" at least) though "muscular" seems to be used about 3 times as often for men than it is women.
  25. My ass is particularly bad. It's ginormous. Oh. Not what you were referring to? I think my favorite thing about nerdfitness is that there isn't really a one size fits all mentality. It's all about what works for YOU. I'm glad you are turning your powers from evil towards good.
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