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The Battle Chef

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Everything posted by The Battle Chef

  1. I accidentally butchered the quote option, somehow. Would someone please recommend exercises or diets that could help me gain muscle or weight in those areas. Gaining muscle mass is all about stressing the muscles to a point where they need to be repaired slightly. Not enough that you hurt yourself but enough that the muscles gotta adapt to being used more. In addition you have to eat more calories/protein than your body would otherwise need so all that food energy can go into repairing and growing those muscles. You can specifically train whichever muscles you want by picking exercises that use those muscles. I recommend heavier strength training like powerlifting or strongman/woman over bodybuilding because you will have better levels of overall fitness as a result. HOWEVER: When you eat extra calories you are going to gain extra body fat. You cannot control where that fat accumulates on your body. Everyone puts it on in different spots depending on your genetics. We have no control over this and should not waste energy worrying about it. Also don't ever neglect the muscles that you don't really want to grow. Body balance is important. (example, people doing too many push exercises but not enough pull will have weak backs and posture problems.) I legit have a straight body and MASSIVE shoulders. You say that like it's a bad thing. It is not. What do you guys think, what should I wear to hide this. I have been told repeatedly that I am not permitted to have an opinion on fashion. Sorry! If you do try any kind of systematic training, one thing I want you to keep in mind is that most men (as in, those that have matured emotionally) don't really get hung up on looks as much as you think. Personally I care more about someone;s force of personality and confidence. I encourage you to try out different styles of strength training, find one you enjoy doing, and build confidence in yourself, physically and mentally. It really does shine through.
  2. Week 5 Day 2 Fasted cardio, 3.5 km in 1 hour. Hate fasted anything. I am not a pleasant person when I am hangry, but I have some weight to drop so oh well. As much as I love my dogs, they are old and slow so I cannot count time walking them as proper cardio training. It's great for being active and all that, but training stimulus it is not. There's a fresh layer of snow down so I ventured to work's "fitness centre" and used the treadmill.
  3. Starting this thread while I am nearly complete my first proper training block of the year. Week 5 Day 1 Overhead Press at 90# 3x5 Squat at 115# 3x5 Barbell Row at 115# 3x5 Yes, it is kinda sad that I can row just as much (possibly more) than I squat. I don't particularly like training after work, but I have very little choice this week as we're friggin' busy!
  4. I'm wrapping this challenge up now 'cause I'll be busy later. Recap: Main Quest: Restart the Tactical Barbell program. 100% complete. Secondary Quest: Get to the pool once per week. 100% complete. Secondary Quest: Get to the gun range once per week. 50% complete. Winter can go away now. Secondary Quest: No Fast Food or Alcohol. 75% complete. While I did not drink, there was the occasional fast food transgression. Still a significant improvement. Peace out guys, see you around the next challenge.
  5. Edited 19/09/03 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a little over a year ago. I'm managing it through medication and lifestyle changes under the supervision of my doctor, with little initial success. "Respawned" after a shitty summer, I'm trying to focus on being less harsh on myself. Throwing myself through training programs that beat me up too much isn't helping. Trying to be more flexible, and forgiving. Trying to make time for more things I enjoy other than work. I suppose the on;y "fitness" goals I have right now are shaving 5-8% body fat, and getting a decent enough level of conditioning that I can hunt coyote this winter.
  6. 5x5 is kicking my ass. The good thing about doing an introductory/onramp block is I can tweak things as I go. 3x5 for LIFE! I made a fortunate discovery on the intarwebz yesterday: Using lifting straps on a barbell to make a poor man's safety squat. (Not actually me in the video). You could use bands or an old belt if that's what you have, but it really took a lot of stress off my shoulders and wrists. Damn bar isn't long enough for me to grip it without feeling like I'm pinching the shoulder. It's an anatomical problem rather than a mobility one. Squats felt a lot better, probably because they are slightly more unstable and force you to use proper technique lol.
  7. Today's the day I add a 5th training day- light conditioning, accessory exercises, whatever else needs some attention. I thought it was perfectly ok to do circuits of kettlebell swings & good mornings. My body has informed me that this is not the case. Better luck next week!
  8. It's a thing. That's why paying attention to the overall trend is much more important than today's numbers when measuring weight.
  9. I really cannot overemphasize how big of a factor mindset changes have been for me getting sh*t done. Stop making excuses, show up and do your stuff. That's it.
  10. Deloads are important. It is a good book, very detailed. He deals with mobility, rooting out why something is hurting, tight or otherwise not working and fixing it yourself. Issues manifesting in your knee can usually be caused by issues above or below it, not neccessarily at the knee itself, for example. You do not need to use every single technique, and some people really take it too far but it helps keep you moving properly.
  11. Have you read Kelly Starrett's book "Becoming a Supple Leopard"? Might be able to help get less beat up.
  12. Only in the sense that I've added more volume. Having a hard time finding that balance of eating enough to help recover and not add more flab to the equation. Technically I've dominated half the challenge. The gun range and food part.... eh. There's another storm system heading our way so it's unlikely I'll get to the range again this week. Friggin' winter.
  13. Generic gym day is generic. 5x5 at 70%. Technically speaking, Tactical barbell demands, not suggests but DEMANDS a minimum of 2 minutes rest between sets, but I am having a hard time keeping gym sessions under 1 hour. I scraped off some rest time and barely fit everything in 60 minutes. Bleh. Now I am off to help a friend paint his house. Do you think paint fumes help with DOMS? Asking for a friend.
  14. I have Stoicism and the Art of Happiness by Donald Robertson. It follows similar lines.
  15. What a start to the day. Slept in to 6:30, which is super late for me. Went to the pool, got my swim in and finished just in time to avoid a family with 2 small, loud and spastic children. Dodged a bullet there! Took my dogs out for a 60 minute walk, had to put them away halfway through 'cause they are old and wanted to quit. So I went on without them. They were slowing me down anyway 650 m swim in 30 minutes. 3.5 km walk in 60 minutes. Makin' progress!
  16. Yeah, but it's really hard to appreciate the beauty of frost & sunrise through a TV. You just gotta experience it up close.
  17. Back to the glorious 70% that I was using for my warmup last week. Belting out 5x5 like a boss, while listening to The Lonely Island's "Like a Boss" on repeat. (Don't listen to it at work, folks!) I was using my new axle barbell for my warmup sets and I actually find it easier to grip than my beater bar. Hooray for giant hands, I guess? Also, who needs ice baths for cryo therapy when it's -2 C outside with high winds? Just stand there with shorts & a t-shirt for 10 minutes.
  18. I am so done with winter. It snowed last night, freezing rain this morning, fell twice walking the dog. Today was the last 90% day of the week. Did squats as singles to avoid aggravating my legs as much as possible. Looking forward to dropping back down to 70%, starting to get a little tired.
  19. This guy is extremely knowledgeable about sports nutrition & training. Gotta focus on one thing at a time!
  20. ...'cause handstands are soooooo easy and casual. Ya showoff
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