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About Reenzo

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/08/1967


  • Rookie

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    Tampa, FL
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  1. Reenzo


    Sorry, pics and explanations are in my profile gallery.
  2. Reenzo


    I made a set from the you tube videos, very easy, very inexpensive...maybe $20-25 total. All the workouts are downloadable, and you can be creative on that front, as well. I posted pics in another thread on DYI equipment.
  3. Awesome, where in central FL? I am in Tampa...prolly wont be able to get a tire - wife's objections - but juuuust maybe...
  4. Pics of the suspension kit are on my profile gallery. For whatever reason I couldn't get them to load to the message topic. If any questions on how to put it together, just reply to this. I will be checking up.
  5. Ingredients: 1 set of 4 strap "tie-downs" (think of the straps used to hold a motorcycle to a trailer) be sure to get the non-ratchet kind. You want a press-release, not a ratchet. 2 x screw-down carabiners (could use the regular quick release in hind-sight) as needed velco cable ties/cable controllers (I like to keep things neat, being a virgo) Handles (can be pvc+tape, but I used ones from store-bought other workout machine) 2 x strap handles from plasticly/clothy shopping bag, cut out and tied into loops Lookup, DIY TRX on the net and just put them together. I didn't cut anything off (e.g. the hooks, or extra strapping), which is why the velcro cable ties came into play. I tried uploading pics into this post, no joy. Will try to put them into my profile gallery. Hopefully with better luck!
  6. I have never met anyone in a circus! That is SOOOOOO awesome. What a job. I have nothing to offer, workout-wise, just a frikkin WOOT!
  7. I just finished making a suspension kit, a la DYI TRX trainer (think adjustable-length gymnastic rings). Very easy to do (cost about $20 total), and great for body-weight training. Easy to start at easy level, easy to make VERY difficult when ready. DOn't have any pics, but I will post some later.
  8. HHHHMMMMM, well, May 2013 is almost gone. I topped posting a while back, but have now returned (again, lol) The good news is I am about 3 full months into a a more sane workout project/program (i.e. one I can stick to without hurting myself). The best thing I did was go to the doctor, get my knee and shoulder looked at, and started physical therapy. So a) I had to workout at least once a week! and I got some really good advice on how to further that exercise at home. My wife and I also started some major dietary changes, essentially moving to a pseudo-paleo-without calling it paleo-'cause the idea kinda freaks my wife out-sorta menu. Results are beginning to show, more to come!
  9. Off to New Orleans this morning, woo hoo!!

    1. Ba'sini'on


      Mmmmm, Gumbo! Have fun!

  10. If no one else has mentioned the site of the Irish Polyglot (www.fluentin3months.com/) give it a try. He has a lot of links and articles, and speaks something like 6 or seven that he has taugh himself.
  11. Hi fellow Rebels! I have been here (mostly lurking) for about a year, got some real inspiration, started exercising with a good plan (I thought), and then got sidelined by injury (right shoulder & knee) around August. <boooo> Then comes my birthday & anniversery (trip to New Orleans), Haloween and the rest of the end of year holidays and my daughter's 4th birthday. (bump bump buuuuuummm) After ballooning up to my heaviest & largest girthy stomach (daddy, you have a big belly!) I went to the doc and got into physical therapy (hopefully to avoid surgery). At the same time I took to heart one of Steve's past articles on what to do when you get hurt. Short answer, I started (slowly this time) working on my core. a) the most unattractive part of my body the part of me I could work out without stressing my shoulder or knee c) if you can't try a couple crunches or leg lifts.....well basically I had had enough of myself So I started around the end of February. 2 x 10 crunches sitting on an exercise ball (maybe sit-ups, not really sure where the line between crunch and sit-up is) 2 x 10 leg lifts 2 x 10 side-leg lifts to work on my obliques (they tend to "puff out" [really cute, let me tell you] when I do the leg lifts, so I thought maybe they needed some extra attention). 30 seconds between sets, timed on a stop watch 3-4 times per week (and this part is important for me) including weekends. It has definitely NOT been perfect attendence! I miss a couple days in a row sometimes, and even had one week with just one day exercising. But I AM making progress. I am now up to 3 x 15 reps AND (druuuummm rooolll please) Yesterday (Saturday) I took my shirt off in front of my bathroom mirror getting ready to shower, honestly not even thinking about working out or flexing or whatever, and was shocked to see a big ole' divot of muscle right on the side of my abs making a triangle between my ribcage!!! (and THEN I flexed and it went even deeper!) That is a sight I have not seen since the the early 00's! (of course I have now been in front of the mirror like six times since then) Just thought I'd share. :-) Happy Rebellion to you All!
  12. Well, the shoulder issue was far worse than I thought. Heh, one month later and all. Anyway, I decided to really scale back the exercise plan (i.e. quantity of reps, number of exercises per session) and instead focus on getting my habit in play, with short easy workouts before coffee in the morning. More to come!
  13. Nijutsu training last night, lots of ukemi and flow movement exercise. Then a weird paint in the front of my right shoulder, which I think is due to my Monday night workout. Today is a recovery day, but I might do some light stretching, particularly upper bod.
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