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Alfaso Taylor

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Everything posted by Alfaso Taylor

  1. A perfect body posture leads to great personality and confidence. You can try yoga to perfect your posture. You can try these postures for shoulders - Bharadvaja's Twist, Big Toe Pose, Bow Pose, Camel Pose, Cat Pose, Cobra Pose, Cow Pose and Dolphin Plank Pose.
  2. Search on Google you must find very useful stuff. Some YouTube channel done fabulous job, you can follow that to start learning yoga.
  3. I think yoga is best for stretching. You can try Yin yoga that involves most posture to stretch different body parts. You have to try yin yoga.
  4. You can start simple yoga postures like Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Child’s Pose (Balasana), Cat Pose (Marjaryasana), Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), Half Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrāsana) and Hero Pose (Virasana). These yoga postures definitely help you to increase flexibility.
  5. Peacock pose is difficult for beginners, you can use block for support, it help to increase little bit stability of the posture. Try it regularly you will definitely do it. This asana improve strength of forearms, arms and abdominals.
  6. Warm up is essential to perform any exercise. So for better result always warm up before doing yoga. You can perform Leg Stretch, Eagle Arms, and Child’s Pose etc. for warm up.
  7. Meditation is a way to calm down your mind. In your case you have face problem because of lack of knowledge about meditation. Meditate in quite place and try to focus on your breathings. Try to empty your mind or stop thinking and keep breath in and out. Try this… this is basic..
  8. You can use Yoga to increase flexibility of your body. Yoga mudra is the other way to activate different parts of body, it is also very helpful to resolve issues related with body pain.
  9. For me chakra challenge is tough. How was your experience? And one more thing are you beginner?
  10. India is the hub of Yoga. My friend takes training from Rishikesh and he join 200 hr yoga teacher training. The environment and training both are wonderful. He suggests me to try this at least once.
  11. Your goal is not so far to achieve but you have to try out some postures of yoga which increase flexibility and do some stretching it helps to reach your goal soon.
  12. Thanks for sharing such useful information about Meditation ....
  13. Yoga has lots of benefits as you mentioned earlier, but it also depend on your efforts and what type of yoga postures you are practicing. Everyone can take advantage of yoga but keep in mind that you do it yoga in right way means take some yoga classes and try to understand and learn basics of it.
  14. In beginning it is little bit difficult. But you can try some simple Yoga postures like Shavasana (Corpse Pose) that is the easiest pose and you can also try Tadasana (Mountain Pose). I hope you can try both.
  15. Your Experience is same as mine. It’s difficult to start Meditation and Yoga but with time all things changes very quickly. I was also face trouble in Asanas in beginning. I can suggest you easy and simple asanas like Bhujangasana, Trikonasana and Sukhasna.Practice as much as you can.....
  16. Mediation is the relaxing way to heal your mind as well as your body, it's difficult to focus in beginning but as time passes who feel more energetic and relaxing.........great try keep it up
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