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About Newbie2074

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  1. I’ve gone a huge amount of digging, but haven’t quite found an answer to this. I’ve been training for 4 months. 3 times a week. Calorie deficit. Around 150-180g of protein a day (I’m 83kg / 182lb). I’ve roughly tripled what I could lift at the start. As a bench mark, I was lifting 10kg for dumbbell bench press 4 months ago, now I am lifting 30kg (first set around 12, last set 8, proper form). This is where I am scratching my head. The gym machine I went on again Friday said I’d INCREASED by body fat percentage by 1%, lowered by hydration by 2% and here’s the kicker, lost 2kg of muscle mass in the process. I know gycogen levels, hydration and the uptake of more neurotransmitters in the muscle fibres can lead to strength gains and a reduction in muscle mass. But this much? 2kg much when I’ve tripled what I can lift? Overall, I’ve lost 4kg of body weight (2kg fat, 2kg muscle). Thoughts? Is the machine wrong?
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