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About pulsewidth

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  1. Day 14 Goal 1: I didn't do that, lmao. Tomorrow is my big finals day, so I wasn't really worried about it. 0/7 Goal 2: 30 min of yoga. 1/7 Goal 3: I ate like 1700 calories because, again, I'm not really worried about that stuff and won't be until my programming final is over. What I've been doing to sort of even out my calories if count food eaten after an arbitrary time, like 8 or 9 pm, for the next day, but that's kind of dumb and has been messing me up a little. 0/7 Goal 4: I didn't spend any money today. 1/7
  2. Day 13 Goal 1: I had a few sips after my one job interview today, but other than that I waited until about 5 to drink some. 3/6 Goal 2: I did 30 minutes of yoga. 6/7 Goal 3: I ate about 1450 calories today. 3/7 Goal 4: I got some clothes and food today. 4/7 Tomorrow my soda goal is to only drink some when I'm done studying for finals.
  3. Day 12 Goal 1: I only had soda after 2, which was...not my goal, still. 2/6 Goal 2: I did 30 minutes of yoga, which felt really, really nice after lifting heavy. 5/7 Goal 3: I ate at about maintenance today. 2/7 Goal 4: Didn't spend any money today. 4/7 The semester is winding down, and 2/3 of my finals are on Monday, so I'm excited to get back on track. Next week I'm going to figure out what my exercise plan for winter break is. I'm going to be on campus for a month straight, with only programming to worry about, and the last time I lost a bunch of weight, doing it in a time where I had nothing to really worry about worked well. Tomorrow my priority is getting back to cutting calories, and to wait as long as possible before drinking soda.
  4. Day 11 Goal 1: I didn't have a goal. I drank a loooooot at like 12-2 am this morning for energy -- I spent so much time yesterday on schoolwork that I wanted to stay up later after I was done with it. 2/6 Goal 2: I lifted heavy today. I surprised myself with how much I could lift, although squats were difficult. 4/7 Goal 3: I had a sort-of-plan to bulk for a week while I have unlimited food at the dining hall, but I felt terrible today eating whatever I wanted although it gave me more energy at the gym. Plus, a week-long bulk wouldn't really do much based on me Googling it. So I'm gonna go back to eating lower calories tomorrow. And tbh, as a person who used to binge eat, I think I need to cut first before I even feel comfortable with intentionally eating above maintenance. I honestly don't even think that I ever would do the typical cut-bulk cycle once I'm down to my ideal weight (like, 10 lbs from where I am now). 2/7 Goal 4: Didn't spend any money today. 3/7 My goal for tomorrow is to only have soda before I have work at 3.
  5. Day 10 Goal 1: I didn't really have time today to really reflect before I drank any, but I mostly drank it when I was stressed or needed a pick-me-up before or in the middle of all the work I did today. 2/7 Goal 2: I hit my steps today! Didn't have time to do yoga. I did yoga at 11 pm! I'm excited to start lifting heavy after this crazy last week of school. My finals week is relatively chill after Monday, so I expect to go hard with it next week. 3/7 Goal 3: 1600 calories today. I'm still in a deficit, but that's not really reaching my specific goal. 2/7 Goal 4: I kind-of accidentally got an Uber today (long story), so yeah, not counting that as a win. 2/7 I'm going to be stressed out again tomorrow because I have to finish this essay (I always get great grades on papers, but this professor is a notoriously harsh grader) so I won't have any soda goals. I'll have one on Friday!
  6. Day 9 Goal 1: I had soda after classes because I wasn't hungry, and because I use it to alleviate stress, of which I had a lot of this afternoon! But I finished my last lab for my Comp Sci class, yay! 1/7 Goal 2: I did 30 minutes of yoga. 2/7 Goal 3: 1400 calories today, 300 of which are from my after-work snack. Getting stuff from the vending machine after work is kind of a problem for me but this is my second-to-last week of work before my student worker job ends, so I'm not too worried about it. 2/7 Goal 4: I spent $4 on snacks with leftover cash, and this goal is about not spending any money with my debit card, so I'll count that as a win. 2/7 Tomorrow I'm planning on writing a 7-8 page paper, and I have a job interview for a job I kind of want (Whole Foods), so I'm just gonna have my soda goal to be to think before I get the urge to drink it and write down those urges.
  7. Day 8 Goal 1: I didn't have any soda the whole time I worked on schoolwork today! 1/7 Goal 2: I did 35 minutes of yoga. 1/7 Goal 3: 1400 calories today. Almost binged but I resisted! 1/7 Goal 4: Bought Christmas gifts, a Magic Bullet for myself, and an HDMI adapter, which I needed before the end of the semester. 1/7 Tomorrow my goal for soda is to not have any after my classes are over at 2.
  8. Thank you for the advice! I don't like coffee or diet soda, but I wish I did so quitting would be easier. :/ Tea is working out for me as a substitute, though, for sure. Personally, I want to quit it because aside from my lower stomach fat, I am pretty happy with my body and have convinced myself that quitting soda will help get rid of some of it. Although I know part of it is genetics, it would also be helpful to not drink so many of my calories for the day too!
  9. Day 7 Goal 1: I had less than 20 oz total! 4/7 Goal 2: I did about 11 minutes of yoga. 7/7 Goal 3: I didn't really do anything out of the ordinary today. 5/7 Goal 4: Today I did my stats homework and a stat lab, and started on my last programming lab. 6/7 This is the last week of school before finals, so I'm gonna be tweaking my goals a bit to accommodate that. I also started a bullet journal that I'm probably only going to use to track habits, workouts, and calories, but I'm still gonna use this forum too. Goal 1: accomplish a goal related to soda that I set for each day -- this is much more sustainable for me than setting a month or even week-long goal Goal 2: be active -- either hit my steps for the day, do a half hour of yoga, or work out (lift/cardio) Goal 3: eat 1200-1400 calories each day for 6 days of the week Goal 4: don't spend any money (except on Christmas gifts, a blender, and an HDMI adapter) until December 15th The productivity goal is going to be met each day this week because I have no choice, so I'm gonna leave that one out! My soda goal for tomorrow is to only drink tea when I'm working on the schoolwork that has to be done tomorrow.
  10. Day 6 Goal 1: I had soda before 6 pm, but I drank less than 20 oz today so I'll count that as a win. 3/7 Goal 2: I did about 15 minutes of yoga. 6/7 Goal 3: Today I went out with my boyfriend and we got sushi and went to Target! 5/7 Goal 4: I didn't do anything productive today. It's a weekend but I still won't count it towards my goal. 5/7
  11. Day 5 Goal 1: I had roughly less than 20 oz before 3 pm! 2/7 Goal 2: I did a bit of yoga to release tension in my upper back and neck. Today was a cheat day for me, so I think I'm going to lift tomorrow because that makes the most sense to me to do after I eat a lot. 5/7 Goal 3: I started an art fundamentals class on Skillshare and had a little bit more kratom (the aforementioned substance from a few days ago) today. I think it's pretty good as a mindset-enhancing substance to take when you need a little creative inspiration, but I read that it contains a lot of heavy metals which is putting me off from buying more of it anytime soon. 4/7 Goal 4: I applied for other jobs because I realized my current one wasn't fit for my schedule both now and during winter break. I also took notes on the art fundamentals class. 5/7 Tomorrow my goal is to not have any soda before 6 pm. I think taking it day by day is much better for me when it comes to tackling my soda drinking.
  12. Day 4 Goal 1: I did it! Well, I only drank water until when my classes end. Guess I'll count it towards my goal of drinking less soda in general. 1/7 Goal 2: I lifted again today. It wasn't the best -- I felt super insecure about lifting light (in a gym full of people on my school's sports teams!) but it also made me realize that I could lift way heavier than I am, I'm just being cautious about injuring myself. My goal for lifting next week is to lift as heavy as possible without hurting myself now that I'm sure I have the form down. 4/7 Goal 3: I didn't really do anything in particular that was out of the ordinary that made me happy today. 3/7 Goal 4: I did programming homework, my stats project, and stats homework. Woo! On the other hand, my sleep schedule is totally messed up. 4/7 Oh yeah! My goal for tomorrow is to have less than 20 oz of soda before I work at 3!
  13. Thank you everyone for the encouragement!! Day 3 Goal 1: Completely forgot about my goal for yesterday, but I already set out my tea bags that I'm going to use for tomorrow's mini-goal. I'm going to restructure this goal over the weekend. 0/7 Goal 2: I lifted after a few hours of going back and forth on whether I should or not. It being windy out is not a valid excuse when the gym on campus is literally a 5 minute walk away! Also, I haven't hip thrusted this semester for some reason, but I'm finally getting back into it. 3/7 Goal 3: I met up with two people today, admittedly for school-related stuff, but I didn't cancel on them! Progress! I had a migraine when my boyfriend and I were going to hang out, unfortunately. I think next week I'm going to temporarily turn this into a goal to not be in my dorm room for a major part of the day. It's starting to give me cabin fever. 3/7 Goal 4: I'm starting to catch up on my programming notes and study for a film test tomorrow. A combination of my Lexapro and me not wanting to leave my dorm because of the weather has messed up my sleep schedule, so I'll probably end up doing extra work tonight if I can't sleep. 3/7
  14. Day 2 Goal 1: Also did not do this cold turkey. I'm thinking what I will do on Thursday (Tue/Thu are my busy days) is hold off on drinking it until after my classes end. I ate 1300 calories today, and 500 of them were just soda! Now that I'm comfortable with eating less calories, it seems like more of an issue than usual that a huge chunk of them are being taken up by something of no nutritional value. I drank some tea today at the dining hall instead of soda, but at that point I had way too much caffeine and was feeling antsy. However, my goal for tomorrow is to substitute 2 of my drinks (I usually drink about 10-15 oz at a time) with caffeinated tea. 0/7, but a baby step of progress was made Goal 2: I did a bunch of transverse abdominal exercises today. 2/7 Goal 3: Not sure if it's allowed to talk about drugs on here that are legal in certain states (no, not weed) but let's just say I did something out of the ordinary for the first time that made me happy and it was pretty good! 2/7 Goal 4: I did more programming and statistics stuff, and will do more statistics stuff at my student worker job tonight. 2/7 I've tried to do these things in the past but always felt super overwhelmed when I didn't succeed at everything from the get-go, but having this public component makes it feels manageable and I feel like I'm actually making progress, or at least keeping myself accountable.
  15. Day 1 Goal 1: Didn't do this. But I didn't get the urge to drink it until later in the day, which is nice. A weird issue I faced today was that the medication I'm on makes me not hungry at all, and the only thing I was craving was soda. Like, I wouldn't have hit even 1000 calories today if I didn't drink soda. It's hard to push myself to eat something instead of drinking soda because the pleasure of it lasts way less than drinking a soda for a few hours. Another problem is that free soda is very easily available at my school. I'm still going to keep this challenge to keep track of my thought processes when it comes to my soda addiction. I don't want to give up on Day 1! But I might readjust the goal so I don't fall back into the cycle of failing and then hating myself for failing a goal that might be too high for my willpower at this point in the semester. 0/7 Goal 2: Oh man, I was so sore from lifting yesterday, but my hip is feeling mostly better. I walked a lot today and did about 15 minutes of yoga. 1/7 Goal 3: I had plans with someone for later today and instead of cancelling like I normally do when I feel like garbage, I compromised and met them on campus (instead of going to see a movie that I would have definitely felt tired and cranky during)! Making progress with my social anxiety and general flakiness definitely counts towards this goal. 1/7 Goal 4: I finished my gargantuan lab! 1/7
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