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About Kuniko

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  1. I live in Europe! Norway to be exact. We are opening the school today actually, some subjects will still be online tho, at least for my two classes. Tbh I am very confused and hopelessly tries to pay attention to the managment during meetings haha. I have just told my closes coworker to just tell me straight out when I have to meet up at school or not! Hopeless
  2. FRIDAY 1505 I am back at work! Class in session! Everything is a bit chaotic, good thing I respond well to chaos heh! But still. We have a soft opening this week, but next week all the students come back, which is a bit strange , its only like four weeks left of the school year. I have a fairly active day when I work so I get my steps in, diet is ok as well, lots of crispbread with low cal cheese hah. Not my favorite and prolly not the best, but better than eating air fryer onion rings for breakfast... I have bought groceries to SMASH the next week! "Im starting over monday"! Gonna get that tattooed...
  3. Thanks for the reply! Morning playlist actually sound pretty cool, I love music and always use like a video game playlist whenever I work cus I read somewhere it helps, idk tho. I did try time blocking and it worked until my laziness won haha. Im torn between the go easy on myself/ use the time to get your shit together mind set, so frustrating
  4. Were alot of kids who wanted their picture taken with me as well! My five minutes of hometown fame!
  5. Ok, so I am STRUGGELING! I work from home, as a teacher, but I don't have class every day, on mondays I have no classes, on wednesday nothing before late. When I was younger I was a night owl, but with blood, sweat and tears I managed to force myself into being a morning person. I became that annoying person who jumps out of bed at the crack of dawn to go for a walk or something. It also helped that I felt I always had a million things to do/wanted to do. Now I remind myself of how I was when I had a long period where I was unemployed. I wake up when the alarm ring, and then I just think...why? I have enough to do, no problem there, but I cant seem to get into it. Eventually during the day I also just end up watching tv... So, it reminds me of when I was unemployed. I have no motivation to use this time to better myself or start on one of my billionth craft projects. I dont really even want to do my job hah! I kept thinking. Maybe this is because of the pandemic? Why is it like this? I am home all day, why do I need to get up, go to work, get home, to actually get the push to DO stuff! I am home all day now and all I have accomplished is learning the affinity suite and leveling another wow toon! Anyway. Is there anyone in the same situation? What are you doing, if you are working from home now, to keep a routine during the days? I tried keeping a routine, it worked the first week... It just makes me really frustrated haha. I just needed to ramble/rant a little, but I am very curious if anyone else is struggeling right now, and if it is due to the situation the world is in. And very curious of those who manage to keep a schedule! Thanks!
  6. I randomly put lentils into alot of what I make, because they dont really have a taste! It took my bf a year before he asked what they were, he kept finding them in so much of the food I made haha. I haven't tried to make lentil pudding, but I did use them in my porridge!
  7. Thats what I thought as well! People put spinach, and kale and everything in it! I just didnt want to buy it because it was expensive haha. I sometimes have frozen spinach that I put in, but its these really though frozen spinach cubes so I let them thaw over night.
  8. Its really good! I think people get a bit caught up in the veggie part haha, but I put a whole, peeled lemon in and it just taste like lemon, I love lemon! Have to remove the seeds tho, I dont remember why but its either that it can ruin the blender or that the seeds are toxic or something 😬 I have tried chocolate whey in it, but that did not work! So I either add lentils to the shake or have a proteinbar with the smoothie!
  9. Do you take magnesium? I think thats for like muscle soreness and stuff. I also have that problem sometimes, when I am out walking casually its ok, but if I go too hard too quick they feel heavy. I have taken magneisum, and it feels better, ZMA also works. I have chronic shin splints tho.
  10. Thanks! Nice to meet you too!!! When the Two Towers premired I went to my own town, not the capital, to watch with my mum, I dressed up as well and I was the only one hahaha! But jokes one them! The cinema was freezing and I had a cozy cloak!
  11. I dont know HOW many "how to be an adult" books I have read! I always used to get side eyed by my mother in law when I bought a new cleaning book or something, she visited me the other day and I told her to mind the mess, but my worst mess now is better then what it was before! Progress! Maybe I'll have a second go at Konmari and minimalism now 😁 And not only the whole "not bothered to cleaning", but the other side as well, when you have to clean the kitchen and suddenly you end up hyper cleaning the hallway drawers haha, how did i end up here!
  12. My doctor said that as well. Or, we can't use the dopamin that is available, so thats whats the meds are for, to actually realizew there is sum dopamin there!
  13. SATURDAY0905 So. I haven't done any exersice, only been more aware, not sit still for long, walk on the spot in front of the TV. Low key stuff, but still. I have been in a very deep, dark, rabbit hole for a while now haha, so every little step I celebrate! Eating healthier and portion control is easier now as well, I don't binge anymore. I eat fruit and veggies. I finally managed to clean my kitchen as well, I know this is like a baaareee minimum of what any grown adult should do, but I've had a period of just being extremely apathetic and lazy, the ADD meds still don't work optimal and I have been struggeling with cleaning and such all my life because of the ADD. But I'm trying! And I will pat myself on the back for any improvements, regardless of how small. I'm contemplating buying the ring fit adventure to nintendo switch as well, but I have to do some gameplay research, cus I have a habit of buying stuff thinking it will fix my life. Anyway, diet is ok, not following a specific meal plan yet, but I will try to be more on track next week or something. Exercise is like nill. But I want to do like a squat challenge, just doing goblet squats every other day or something simple like that, I can't overthink it, then I wont follow through.
  14. I was vegetarian and then vegan for many years. Eventually it made things really hard because I ate really unhealthy on the vegan diet, its basically just lack of knowledge and skills when it comes to cooking. I became vegetarian because of enviromental reasons. Now my job can make it very hard, I'm often out sailing and we just make one big meal for everyone and we dont have the resources to make a vegan meal just for me, I often bring my own food tho. I was also vegetarian when I was in the navy, but there were a couple of others on board who also ate a vegetarian diet. I now make mostly vegan food at home, but I get eggs from our neighbour who has chickens, and I eat the venison we hunt ourselves (I know hunting is a contriversal topic, and I am willing and open to discuss it with anyone and talk about it). So I dont buy any meat in the stores. I also still eat cheese at times, but Im trying to limit that as well.
  15. Yes! When I got the diagnose I just went "wow, this actually explain everything". I can now understand more of why I am like I am as well, like the fact that I am not just lazy, its the ADD giving me troubles. My BF as well says I am different now, in a better way, like its easier to keep up with my line of thoughts. The medication also really helps with the boredom eating!
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