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Mary has a little lambchop

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About Mary has a little lambchop

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  1. Thanks so much for the response!! The levels idea sounds great, sometimes it takes a lot of effort to even get on my bike so I love the thought of just trying to make it through my favorite song
  2. Hi everyone, For the last few weeks I've been feeling pretty blah, low energy, and uninterested in everything (pretty strong signs a wave a depression is coming), and I've also had almost zero physical activity for the last month or so because my dog doesn't want to walk very far in the snow and I just haven't put any effort into home workouts. I know getting some exercise will help get me out of this depression funk, but everything workout related appears super boring, lonely, or too hard, and I want some kind of supportive community. I googled fitness for artists and then fitness for nerds on the off chance I could find a program with similar weridos that are also trying to get fit and I was so excited to find this community!!! Here are my goals: 1) use my stationary bike 3 times a week (should I set a time goal too? any tips on what's reasonable?) 2) find a fun dance or yoga workout class online or ask my friend to do virtual yoga with me (my friend and I have been talking about this for a while but I just don't have the energy to plan it and she isn't really stepping up to make concrete plans) 3) take one long walk a day even if my dog doesn't want to tag along
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