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Pallas Athena

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Everything posted by Pallas Athena

  1. Aloha, Sam, or whatever the Vanuatu equivalent is for that! Hope you have a marvelous time! Photos, please!
  2. Way to go, LostOne! Heh, AwkwardActive = AwesomeActive? Nice! Glad you had good support, and congratulations on getting the job done.
  3. After I did the 30 strict days of Whole30, the only food I had a strong negative reaction to reintroducing was ice cream. Thought I was going to die from stomach pains. I've discovered I can eat homemade ice cream (made with organic cream from grassfed cows, sweetened with honey, and NO added chemicals), but the commercial stuff is full of sick-making bad stuff. Beware. Hope you will consider a life "deloading" until you are thoroughly well. Also, have you gotten a second opinion on your wrist from a different doctor? Might be a good idea. Be well soon!
  4. Or maybe less stress on the weekend? I usually exercise more efficiently when I'm more relaxed. Loved your post about NF! I didn't make it to 4T, but I feel the same way. I'm more on target with my health and my life than I've been in decades, and information, companionship, positive attitudes, and support from NFers is the biggest reason. Thanks for the post.
  5. Oh, AJ, I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through with the kids. There's not much as stressful as an uncooperative teenager. Maybe you should assert your parenthood and take one of their bedrooms for yourself. Then you can get a lock and get a fridge for yourself. Make sure your own needs are met first and then tell them what's required if they want you to meet their needs, too? When my daughter was a teen, I tried to use Natural and Logical Consequences where you try to bring about a related consequence when tasks are not done. For example, my daughter would leave her dirty clothes lying all over the place. I told her it seemed clear she didn't care about her clothes, but I did care about having a clean house, so she had the evening to get them picked up or I would throw them away. She chose not to do it, so I got a big garbage bag and put all her clothes in it, hid it (I couldn't afford to actually throw them away), and told her the clothes were gone. I told her I was going to continue doing that whenever I found her clothes anywhere but in her closet or in the clothes hamper. I knew she cared about how she looked at school, and wouldn't be able to tolerate wearing the same few things for long. It finally worked. When she had picked things up for several days, I quietly put her clothes away when she was at school. It wasn't perfect after that, but it was a lot better. Until she moved out on her own, but that's her choice now. I wasn't as successful with her washing dishes, because I couldn't bring myself to let her eat off dirty dishes, and I couldn't handle the unhygienic kitchen. I decided since I was the only one who cared about it, I would just have to do it. The good news is they do turn 18. It doesn't last forever. Helps a lot to have other parents around for support. Are there any support groups in your area? Anyway, I know you'll find your way. So very sorry that it's so hard...
  6. Finally figured out how to set up a progress bar. Yay! I've added one to the first post in this challenge thread to show progress on my 10K squats program. I'll have to bring it forward into the next challenge or two before it's finished.
  7. Day 21 (Saturday): 1. Back exercises: no. 2. 10k squats: rest day. 3. Walking: no. Eat Whole30: no. Work on cookbook: no. Okay, Saturday I was working really hard to catch up on my webdesign work (got behind while my tooth was in pain), I was really tired because I didn't get enough sleep the night before, and I just didn't get anything else done. However, Sunday was much better... Day 22 (Sunday): 1. Back exercises: no. 2. 10k squats: 5x15 (8875 to go) 3. Walking: 75 mins. WIO (also did a dancing game with my daughter and grandson for awhile) Eat Whole30: yes! (ahhh....) Work on cookbook: no. Lots of exercise today! Fun!
  8. Tonight I did 5x15 air squats--75 squats in just a few quick minutes! And I'm getting down pretty low now, too! It's starting to feel like there's some actual firm muscles under the fat on my thighs and butt. Yay! And I used to barely be able to get up off of our old soft couch, but now I pop up like a jack-in-the-box. So cool to do something that seems small and simple every day or two, making another few reps each time, and then suddenly realize major progress has happened a few weeks later. I really like focusing on just this one exercise for awhile and trying to get really good at it. Even though it seems so simple, the squat is such an overall fitness booster that I'm feeling a lot stronger. The only thing that bothers me about it is a mental thing--it takes such a small amount of time that I keep feeling guilty, like I should be working harder. It's in my head. In my body, I'm making major progress--walking about an hour almost every day, up to 75 squats at a time, eating Whole30 again (so the fat is peeling off, too). All feels so easy! It's taken me SO LONG to get here, though, to find the right combination of things. I am so grateful to NF buddies for the steady and nonjudgemental support. It makes a HUGE difference to have accountability and feedback. I wouldn't have thought about using the Wii to walk or found Whole30 without references to them on NF. Hopefully I'm been able to help others sometimes, too. I'm already starting to think about what's next for the next challenge. For the rest of this one, I need to put some major focus on my back exercises. I've got to spend some time identifying my current roadblock so I can get past it. I suspect I need a bigger space to work in than the one I originally planned. I have to keep watching where I move to make sure I have room to do full range stretches. It's annoying. I also need to time the exercises. I suspect they don't take as long to do as I think they do. In my head, I think it's going to take too long so I don't do them. Probably not true. Need data to overcome. I've decided I don't really give a cr*p about the cookbook. It'll get done when I have time to do it comfortably, or it won't. I don't really care. There are other things I'm more excited about, I guess.
  9. I completely agree, ytterbium! Otherwise, what's the point? I'm not trying to get strong to do amazing things in the gym. I'm trying to live better and be able to do the things I want to do.
  10. Oooh, envious that you have someone to hike with. I haven't found someone with a compatible pace and that I think I can count on under stress. Hoping to meet someone while hiking earlier this summer, perhaps, or finding people along the route traveling about the same speed. And yes, I live on Lummi Island on the fringe of the San Juans. Clove oil saved me the last couple of days before the root canal was done. It's amazing! Thanks, EmCee. I finally got back onto the Whole30 track again today, in maintenance mode this time, so no day counting. Felt good! I'm hoping to get that organized soon. That would be a lot of food for me to prepare because my meals feed three of us, but perhaps I could do at least the protein as you suggest. And i LOVE the lemon Larabars! I'm sure I'd like the blueberry muffin, too, but haven't seen it yet. There's a couple of others I found (cashew chocolate, I think, can't remember the other--I just look through the ingredients of whatever Larabars the grocery store has on hand). Thanks, Sam! It's all pretty much back to normal except for one small sore spot on the inside of my lip that I think is left from the needle poking. It's sure a relief to be able to brush/floss/eat normally again! Still have to get the bucks together to get two crowns, but the end is in sight. No one is more amazed than me, AJ! And thanks, Elastigirl!
  11. On pins and needles here wondering how things are going!
  12. Day 20 (Friday): 1. Back exercises: no. Starting over on these on Saturday. 2. 10k squats: 5x14 (8950 to go--that means I've completed my first 1000 squats of the 10,000 squats in the program--yay!!!) 3. Walking: 50 minutes WIO Eat Whole30: no, but didn't eat much of anything. Just wasn't very hungry today. Work on cookbook: no.
  13. Day 19 (Thursday): 1. Back exercises: no. 2. 10k squats: 5x13 (9020 to go) 3. Walking: no. (I did a kid's dance game with my daughter and grandson so got a good workout, but not specifically walking, so not counting it.) Eat Whole30: no (had white potatoes, otherwise strict, so getting back into the plan again). Work on cookbook: no. Now that my tooth is healing, I'm feeling more energy and motivation again--thank heavens! Felt good to do squats again and eat better. I don't feel bad about not walking today because the Wii dancing was really fun! I apologize for not getting back to everyone's recent comments and your own threads as well. I expect to be caught up again by the end of this weekend. I've got quite a lot of web work that needs catching up, too. I'm really grateful for all the support you've offered. Means a lot to me.
  14. Wow, time goes fast... Day 14 (Saturday) through Day 18 (Wednesday): 1. Back exercises: no. 2. 10k squats: no. 3. Walking: 60 mins., 40 mins., 50 mins. (all WIO), 60 minutes hiking on a State park trail, 60 mins. WIO) Eat Whole30: no strict days. Work on cookbook: no. Thank heavens for the consistent walking, or I'd be feeling pretty pathetic right now. Daily walking is a major change for me, though, since it was a big fail for me last challenge, so I'm really proud of how consistent I'm being with building that habit. I was also really happy to do some outside hiking to see if I'm actually getting stronger from the walking in place. I'm was delighted to find out that I am! I felt like a machine out there! Even did a really steep climb up about 200 feet (so steep that it was mostly all stairs instead of trail, so that's equivalent to about 20 flights of steps, I think). Had to take a couple of breaks to catch my breath, but otherwise went right up. I also think the Walk It Out Wii game underestimates mileage quite a lot. My trail hike was 2.9 miles in about an hour. The Wii usually estimates about 1.7 miles in an hour (I think they base it on my height and steps per session). That's good, because I'd rather have it underestimating instead of overestimating.
  15. Amazing inspiring video. For a person my age, anyway. She's 86 years old! Finally got a root canal done yesterday. Yay! Still sore from the work but getting better. Will catch up with posts tomorrow. For now, thanks for all the support!
  16. I think the Whole30 developers have it right--being strict reduces the number of choices you have to make. Is it okay to eat this bad thing once in awhile? Does that mean once a week? Once a month? Once a day? Much easier to just say, "I don't eat that" every time.
  17. Awesome! Hope you find the right people quickly! Good for you getting on this and figuring it out! Concho is a lucky horse!
  18. Day 10 (Wednesday): 1. Back exercises: no. 2. 10k squats: rest day. 3. Walking: 30 mins. WIO. Eat Whole30: no. Work on cookbook: no. Day 11 (Thursday): 1. Back exercises: rest day. 2. 10k squats: no. 3. Walking: none (Wii was out of commission today) Eat Whole30: no. Work on cookbook: no. Day 12 (Friday): 1. Back exercises: no. 2. 10k squats: no. 3. Walking: 60 mins. outside on the beach (weather was wonderful today so took grandson and a friend for a beach walk outdoors--bliss!) Eat Whole30: no. Work on cookbook: no. The "Eat Whole30" sounds worse than it has been for a couple of those days. Even though at some point during the day I went off plan, most of the days have been pretty close. I can really feel the difference in my joints, though. The last sets of squats left me feeling a lot more stiff and sore than they should have, and I've been waking up with stiffer joints and more soreness in general for no apparent reason. I think it's because I've been eating foods that I excluded during my strict days of the Whole30 plan. Looking forward to getting more strict again.
  19. I am SO grateful for this list, LostOne! Thank you! I've tried several of the things you suggested (mint mouthwash, flossing, and warm water), with good results I'm happy to say! I'd also add tea tree oil to the list. I rub some on my gums near the infection. It works like a topical antibiotic and can actually help fight the infection. If that's not available, I've also used strong thyme tea (put about a teaspoon of thyme from the kitchen to a cup of boiling water and let it steep, then sip and slosh around the infected area). Thyme has a milder antibiotic action than tea tree oil, but also helps. Thankfully, I've got an appointment first thing Tuesday morning to see the dentist.
  20. Great suggestions! I need to plan better. I want to make a list of town food options, like the ones you suggest, that I can go to the night before and just pick out what works for the time I have. I feel like I'm starting from scratch every time, and by evening I don't have the mental wherewithal left to be creative. Better to have some cut and dried ideas to choose from, I think. Thanks for the ideas! I really appreciate it!
  21. Love your notes about eating Whole30. Also, sounds like your down days that you used to assume was because of bingeing or whatever, might have other causes. Hormones, perhaps? Maybe that underlies the bingeing, too? Might be worth some blood tests. Also, doesn't it do wonders for your self esteem when you are able to participate in events where others are eating their ways and you stick to your plan and eat how you want to eat? Feels awesome!
  22. So glad things are settling down for you at least a little at work! Sounds like it was quite an onslaught! We've missed you around NF!
  23. I think you should work on something else, like improving eating? Or assessing other life goals? Or sleep habits? Good time to look back on the rather dramatic changes you've made in recent months and see how you're feeling about it all, perhaps? Couple of weeks would be a wonderful amount of time for those kinds of things (for me, anyway).
  24. You go, Sam! Nice work! Hope you have a blast in Vanuatu and get that massage!
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