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Tanktimus the Encourager

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Everything posted by Tanktimus the Encourager

  1. Have fun. We await stories of awesome upon your return.
  2. You know you're gonna make it when you make fitness a priority like you just did. I googled and the only ugly pandas I found were drawn.
  3. Maybe the Nerds meet at Ihop then go find the shuttle.
  4. Really good job. Does your son get tempted to eat bacon if you cook it while he is there? Or does he find it nauseating? The snarky part of me wanted to say your son would probably feel better if he ate protein and why not try bacon, but that would be mean.
  5. If I had stayed up all night with allergies I probably would have overslept and not worked out either.
  6. Sorry you're struggling, but I'm really excited to see you still at it and not giving up. Just keep doing what you can and the results will come.
  7. I remember reading something about meeting the shuttle at some IHOP in the airport. I hope that helps. Hopefully people will be wearing NF gear to be identifiable.
  8. The Mighty Rurik returned home from his sojourn to the land of crumpets and Earl Grey refreshed and at the same time slightly...off. Not wanting to fall behind with his companions, he put together the next installment in his quest of awesome efficiently and wisely. Yet his power did not go unnoticed. From the dungeon dimensions Roki, ever his greatest foe, rose up to challenge him. Knowing he could never stand to to toe with Rurik, he came at him from behind, with doubt. Appearing as Rurik would if clean shaven and weak, he began to whisper in the ear of our Hero. "You're not strong. You're not going to succeed. Your goals are weak. You lack ambition." Roki took advantage of Rurik's weakened state brought on by travel and afflicted him with illness, and whispered again. "You half-assed this quest and you're half assing your effort." And Rurik marshaled his strength and healed, then he looked Roki square in the face and said, "No,You're wrong" and proceeded to awesome the hell out of his quest. And his companions came and each took a turn kicking Roki in the giblets while telling Rurik he was amazing.
  9. Dude, you're doing even better than normal. I can read a confidence in your posts that wasn't there a couple of weeks ago, and you weren't exactly lacking in that department to begin with. You are awesome2.
  10. Good job getting things done. I look forward to tales of your victory over the curmudgeon. You'll do just fine without your trainer. Just keep up the good work.
  11. There is nothing wrong with eating after a run as long as you make a good choice about what you eat. Good job on getting that run in. Was it real world or dreadmill?
  12. I'm guessing you might not read this till you get back from CAAAAAAMMMMMP, but here goes. Your rant reminds me of me not too long ago. I was thinking similar thoughts to what you were, and, like you, I knew a lot of the right things to tell myself about what was wrong and what I should be doing to make it right. I thought I feared success and that I was sabotaging myself without realizing because I was scared to succeed. I also thought I was lazy because I didn't try much and kept spinning my wheels in what you called the "ordinary." I found out through some soul searching and a counselor that I was only 33% right. I was sabotaging myself, but I didn't fear success and I wasn't lazy. I feared failure and I struggled with perfectionism, which were actually intertwined. I realized I didn't want to try anything if I didn't think I was going to get it right the first time I tried it. I had tied my sense of self so much into my perception of my performance that sub-consciously I was worried my self-esteem would crumble if I failed. That's also why I had a hard time with motivation, I didn't want to expend any effort if I didn't think I'd like the result right away. What helped me (and I'm still working on this) was redefining failure to mean not lack of success, but rather lack of attempting to do something.
  13. If reading is that important, make it a priority and de-prioritize something else, and chew sugar-free gum while you read.
  14. Watch out for those panic attacks, if you get another one it may be a warning you're taking on too much. Study well and SLEEEEEEEPP!
  15. That's not uncommon for older siblings, especially ones in your position. Even if you were their bio-mom dealing with all this my advice would have been the same. They're grownups, and they have the right to be buttheads. The only way to preserve your sanity is not to get hooked into their drama. I bet you're a great big sister.
  16. Accountability is practically what the forums are for (and cat memes). We are here for you.
  17. Again, I'm glad I'm not the only one. My guess is it's a holdover from fight or flight, the body dumps (pun intended) excess weight to make us faster and so less blood has to be diverted to the intestine. I gave a friend a ride after a medical procedure, who then bought me lunch in gratitude. I also had dinner at the cafeteria in the hospital tonight. However, since I didn't pay for lunch and both meals were full paleo I'm only counting it as one variance.
  18. They are, glad to know I'm not the only one thus afflicted. If I were in a more remote area I'd just take care of it where I was, but I am in town, that sort of thing is frowned upon. From the last time I said this happened to me or from your own experience? Thanks. I've discovered my slow pace is somewhere between 4.5 and 5 mph. Lift day tomorrow then thursday is calling for 8 one minute intervals.
  19. Rangerbrain sounds a whole lot nicer than shiny-object-chaser. Nymeria and Rurik, you guys are awesome and inspiring to the rest of us.
  20. I have nothing crafty with which to barter, but I'd love to negotiate for a cross-stich version of the slaying the dragon adulting badge.
  21. Sorry about the family dynamics but it sounds like you made a breakthrough with stress eating. FWIW any lecturey text is not going to be well recieved no matter how you word it. Your best bet (and probably least favorite option) is just to do what's best for you and Lord Shello and hope everything works out with the rest of your side of the family. Let them know what you are doing, state you'd love to see as many people as possible, then let things fall where they may.
  22. Sounds like a good day, make sure you juggle the kids over a soft surface in case you drop one.
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