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Wild Wolf

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Everything posted by Wild Wolf

  1. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! The Wolverine pic and "Full Metal Skeleton" artwork is FREAKING epic bro! I'm always glad to see you sir and love your goals! Oh that damn muscle-up. I too will be working on those again since I botched 'em on my 1st challenge, lol. In movnat, he calls them "climb-ups"...but either way... Maybe we could make a mini challenge out of it???? Shoot... wish I lived close, bro, I'd help ya get that porch on the SWANKY side of life You're a good man, sir, keep at it! Wolf
  2. Love it, love it, love it! I dig my KB's SOO much I also gave up protein shakes in place of REAL food. I've never felt better Good luck, and as always, I can't wait to see how this unfolds! Wolf
  3. The Wolf is BACK!!!! AHHHHHHHHHROOOOOOO! Hello everyone As most of you know, 2013 has not been a very kind year to me... SO FAR. BUT, I'm an assassin-warrior who gets stronger with each passing day. I generally have a positive outlook on everything and according to my friends and family, I'm one hilarious mofo! I like to keep things light, have a good time, laugh, workout, eat right, and spend time with my son, Racer. He's my whole world, and I love the lil guy to death! I also have another baby due, April 11th!! I can't wait!! We don't know if we're having a boy or girl but the names we have picked out are: Boy- Declan/Girl- Piper. I'm a HUGE fan of nicknames, so I would call Declan, "Dex's" and than Piper, "Pipsqueek" I've become OBSESSED with MovNat, which is the study of natural movement, and using the 10 principles of movement for fitness/conditioning: Walking, Running, Crawling, Lifting, Throwing, Balancing, Climbing, Defending, Swimming, and Jumping. I've also become obsessed with FOOD. More so than normal..lol. To be more specific, I'm addicted to living a paleo lifestyle when it comes to food. I just finished reading Robb Wolf's The Paleo Solution which I highly recommend! It's especially great for people just starting out with paleo or even a healthy diet change. My favorite thing was the 30-day meal plan Robb sets out in the book fixed up with ingredients and cooking instructions for all the meals! THAT was my saving grace and because of that, I became a "Wannabe Chef" SO, my new obsessions will play a BIG role in this next 6-weeks challenge! Along with getting back in the climbing gym and utilizing the cold steel training weapons I have.. OH! And the battle rope, lol. My new love, once I get everything for it, is my sandbag. I got a really good deal on Ebay for it, so, for now, I'm waiting on the fillers so I can start training with it. It can hold up to 85lbs..which is PLENTY for the upcoming months, and MovNat uses sandbags like weightlifters use barbells. I can't wait to start throwing that bad boy around! Listed below are my goals for this 6-weeks: Goal #1: MOVE that body, son! Since MovNat is my main source of my fitness/conditioning, this will fall under the "4(+) times a week" deal. I've already been doing at least that much, but this time will really focus on MovNat as a whole. The goal, is to start writing out my own MovNat workouts, which I have been, but get more creative!! Out of the 4x a week, 2 of those workouts have to be my creation! No if, and's or but's about it. I will post my workouts for ALL to see, judge, praise, or hate on, lol. STR, DEX and CHA will be my main source of attributes because movnat requires an immense amount of strength and dexterity in combination, The charisma part is for my creativity with the workouts and the fact that I noticed it was one of my weaker attributes! I was baffled cuz I'm a super charismatic hombre! Possible points: +2 STR, +2 DEX and +1 CHA Goal #2: Eat like our ancestors.. or ELSE! PALEO! Like I said before, I've become SUPER obsessed with food lately, more than normal, lol. Moreso obsessed with eating a paleo diet. The funny thing about paleo, is its pretty easy to do.. for me, anyway. I've been eating paleo-esque for sometime now..but have just recently over the past month or so cut out bread, grains, and dairy. BREAD... that's been the toughest part to cut away from my diet, which I fully expected it to be. I still have cheat meals from time to time that may involve some bread and some diary, but very rarely. Shoot, I threw away all my bread and grains the moment I realized why I needed to, lol! The goal here is to keep this train rolling and shoot for eating at least 20 PALEO meals a week. Thats 3 meals a day multiplied by 7 days out of the week, This leaves me with 1 cheat meal a week. 1 and only 1. I wanna be strict with myself and show a little discipline, people!!! Call me crazy, but I have felt amazing since switching to a straight paleo diet The other thing I want to do is post pics w/ cooking instructions and ingredients...that way I can SHOW you guys and gals the yumminess that is paleo! This goal consists of WIS and CON. WIS will play it's roll in learning more about paleo and staying on track and the CON deals with how I feel when I eat healthy, paleo meals..which is, like I said, AMAZING! Possible points: +2 WIS and +2 CON Goal #3: Run like the wind, you SOB! Haha. I'm liking the whole process of naming my goals if ya can't tell Running has been something that I always do, but have never really "enjoyed", persay. Besides charisma, my stamina attribute has lacked a lot since joining the rebellion, and I wanted to find fun ways of increasing this attribute. For my warm-ups, I've added in at least a quarter mile run on the treadmill. I would love to run MILES and not partial miles so my goal will be to run at least 3 miles a week. Most of you who know me are prolly thinking, "Wolf, thats way to easy, bro!" BUT, it's a healthy start for someone who doens't enjoy JUST running. One way of getting to this goal will be to add an additional run, weather it be a quarter-mile, half-mile, or even a full one towards the end of the workout...like a pre-mediated burnout! I've been wanting to increase my stamina with running for a whie now, so I figured "why not this challenge?" Why not, right? Possible points: +2 STA Goal #4: Preparation for BABY BELL! This is THE big goal for this challenge! (Bell is my last name, just incase anyone was confused) The new baby is due April 11th, which is right after this 6-week challenge ends. The goal is to PREPARE! And prepare I mean mentally and physically. This will be a challenge in itself because my wife left... which in turn means I've barely got to be there for this unborn, When she was prego with Racer, I got to read books to him, talk to him about all the cool things we would be doing together and even busting out in song so they know their dad is a straight ROCKER! Not so much with this one... I feel really disconnected to this pregnancy because of everything going on, but I'm making the best out of my situation... the best I can, anyway... This will effect my WIS attribute in the fact that becoming wiser will ultimately help me on this journey..that and crap load of luck. I really wish things were different, but they're not, so I will be working on this preparation EVERY DAY. I will be putting $20-40 back each time I get paid in case of an emergency. And on top of that, the money I'll be giving Heather for Race and whatever else they need. I'm not sure how to mentally prepare for this, though... lol Possible points: +2 WIS Bonus Goal: Armed to the TEETH! Weapons training!!!!!!! At least 3 hrs a week of training. This can be done in 1 day, 2 days, or spread throughout the whole week. This will include my dual gladius and my tomahawk/tanto combination. Possible points: +1 DEX and +1 CHA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, there ya have it folks. The Wolf is back for another challenge and I have NO IDEA how it's gonna play out. All I know is... by the end of this 6-weeks, I will become... THE APEX PREDATOR! Wolf
  4. Here are The Wolf's results!!!!! Goal #1: Boulder 2x(+) a week averaging 2hrs a session Possible points: +2 STR, +2 STA, and +1 to DEX Points earned: +.5 STR, +1 STA and +.5 to DEX Outcome: I started out rocking this goal…no pun intended. Than as the weeks grew…and all the crap I was dealing w/ started to pile up. I’m disappointed with myself, but given the circumstances, I got a small portion of the points available. Gotta get back on the bouldering wall!!! I gave myself a full point on STA only because when I was there, I was there for a while and made use of EVERY minute. AND not getting pumped as quickly Goal #2: Yoga 2x a week Possible points: +2 CON Points earned: +1.5 CON Outcome: Despite one…maybe two weeks of only going once, I definitely made up for it by practicing yoga at the house. I take TONS of mental notes when I do go to the classes and figure out certain poses that really help me out. Like I’ve said before, my back has never felt better since taking yoga! PLUS, it helps with stress… which I’m loaded with at the moment, lol. Goal #3: Find time to train parkour/movnat at least 2x a week (+) BW routines Possible points: +1 STR and +2 DEX Points earned: 100%!! +1 STR and +2 DEX Outcome: I. SMASHED. THIS. GOAL. J. Started out kinda slow, than my natural movement mind took over and it was at least 4-5 times a week!!! I love Movnat and will do whatever I can to get lvl1 certified this year! Plus, it’s helping my overall conditioning out. Along with eating paleo… the 1-2 combo will forever be implemented in my life! Goal #4: Fix the Family/Spemd as MUCH time with Race as you can Possible points: +2 WIS and +2 CHA Points earned: +1.5 WIS +2 CHA Outcome: I woulda gave myself 100% with this goal, but things aren’t better with Heather but I did however spend as many seconds, minutes, hours out of the day devoting time to my son! Especially when my grandpa passed and I got him for like 6-days straight. Once again… his smile can melt off a lot of BS! Bonus Goal: Project at least a V2, consistently Possible points: +1 STR Points earned: 0 Outcome: Since my car breaking down and not having many opportunities to go climb, it was hard for me to project a V2 on a consistent basis… Oh well, maybe next time I’ll have an easier bonus goal… BUT when has “easier†been fun? NEVA!
  5. Eating a paleo diet is NOT hard. Real food is the best and MovNat is changing the way I look at fitness.. for the better!

  6. @ Elastigirl Thank you SO much. That means a lot, cuz my son is my world and I only want the VERY best for him... and my unborn for that matter @ Church Thanks, bud. You've been so cool since I joined, Church, and I just want to thank you! Get it BOSS! Weighted vest for LIFE, haha. @ Wolverine I do what I can with what I have, sir AND I'm definitely ready for the next challenge. I should be able to complete in more mini-challenges as well! Plus.. who's gonna constantly keep you on your toes? ... ME! Thats who! @ Red You're awesome, bro, thank you! THE WOLF was born ready! Ahrrrroooooooooo! I wanted to post my workout from yesterday b/c it was SUPER beast... I actually had a little trouble with it, lol. Warm-up: - 1/4 mile run on treadmill - 1 lap of wolf crawls,1 lap of crab walks w/ 40lb weighted vest 3 sets: - Box jump @ 18" x10 - Broad jump onto 25lb plates @ 6.5-7ft apart x6 - Push press w/ 70lb DB x6 - Overhead carry, 1 lap, 70lb DB (WOW...this was flat exhausting) - tripod transition x2 (each side) Bonus Round: - 1 rep of each exercise from previous 3 sets for 5 min straight (We did 3 total rounds of that) - Last "round" was 2 reps of each exercise with an additional 2-rep push press and overhead carry lap - Finish up with a 1/4 mile run at a good pace So 8 total laps with the 70lb DB carried over my head... On the very last lap I had to take a split 5-second break cuz my shoulders were giving out, lol. One of my friends was like, "You better finish that, Ryan, or you will no longer be The Wolf." I smirked, grunted, then lifted that bad boy overhead one more time to finish the lap! AHHHHROOOOOOOOOOO! I can't wait for next 6-weeks! Wolf
  7. @ Church Dude, I love the vest! I concur with doing 100% of everything with the vest one day...but you'll never plateau if you play your cards right I would say use the vest every other day. That way you're constantly confusing your body with the added weight. Please call them spartan crawls, lol, cuz my wolf crawls are just modified bear crawls, but much lower to the ground. Crawling around with the vest is nasty stuff, but I love it!! OH! And I got a wicked sandbag shell in the mail the other day... I got a good deal on Ebay, and snagged it up. I can't wait to get the fillers and start using it... it goes up to 85lbs! @ Happien Thank you, sir, learning to cook has been really fun and ultimately saved me a good deal of $$. You get creative VERY quickly and start concocting some DELISH meals! Next 6-weeks will have lots of food pics and goals to be met...cuz this paleo diet is REALLY helping me out. Go to the Movnat website, bro. And than click on the "blog" link. They have been posting MCW's almost every other day or so. MCW's are "movnat combo workouts" or Movnat circuits. They have beginner, intermediate, and advanced for every workout so there's lots of room for specification You'll be SUPER addicted once you start, sir! I do have excuses, bro, but I always remember this saying, “Loser’s make excuses; Winners make it happen.†OK… So, I finished moving this past weekend and I AM STILL TIRED. 3-4 days worth of packing and moving.... I don't mind the actual MOVE part.... but I despise packing! Oh well, we got it all done, and I got 2 days worth of good workouts in. I turned the whole thing into a "Movnat" workout, hahaha. Lifting with PROPER form, Focusing on my breathing. And most importantly... looking good while doing it I also got to spend a couple days with Racer, which is NEVER a bad thing! It still hasn't hit me about moving...but this will give me a better opportunity to get back on my feet and save some $$ for the new baby..and moving on with my life... I'm not sure Heather and I are gonna work... lots of other things have come into play and they've changed the game for me. I'm still keeping strong and lifting my chin.. but it's still and every day struggle... OK, no more depressing talk! Here are my end results for the challenge... Which I sucked at I literally haven't been climbing in almost 2 weeks!!!! Goal #1: Boulder 2x(+) a week averaging 2hrs a session Possible points: +2 STR, +2 STA, and +1 to DEX Points earned: +.5 STR, +1 STA and +.5 to DEX Outcome: I started out rocking this goal…no pun intended. Than as the weeks grew…and all the crap I was dealing w/ started to pile up. I’m disappointed with myself, but given the circumstances, I got a small portion of the points available. Gotta get back on the bouldering wall!!! I gave myself a full point on STA only because when I was there, I was there for a while and made use of EVERY minute. AND not getting pumped as quickly Goal #2: Yoga 2x a week Possible points: +2 CON Points earned: +1.5 CON Outcome: Despite one…maybe two weeks of only going once, I definitely made up for it by practicing yoga at the house. I take TONS of mental notes when I do go to the classes and figure out certain poses that really help me out. Like I’ve said before, my back has never felt better since taking yoga! PLUS, it helps with stress… which I’m loaded with at the moment, lol. Goal #3: Find time to train parkour/movnat at least 2x a week (+) BW routines Possible points: +1 STR and +2 DEX Points earned: 100%!! +1 STR and +2 DEX Outcome: I. SMASHED. THIS. GOAL. J. Started out kinda slow, than my natural movement mind took over and it was at least 4-5 times a week!!! I love Movnat and will do whatever I can to get lvl1 certified this year! Plus, it’s helping my overall conditioning out. Along with eating paleo… the 1-2 combo will forever be implemented in my life! Goal #4: Fix the Family/Spemd as MUCH time with Race as you can Possible points: +2 WIS and +2 CHA Points earned: +1.5 WIS +2 CHA Outcome: I woulda gave myself 100% with this goal, but things aren’t better with Heather but I did however spend as many seconds, minutes, hours out of the day devoting time to my son! Especially when my grandpa passed and I got him for like 6-days straight. Once again… his smile can melt off a lot of BS! Bonus Goal: Project at least a V2, consistently Possible points: +1 STR Points earned: 0 Outcome: Since my car breaking down and not having many opportunities to go climb, it was hard for me to project a V2 on a consistent basis… Oh well, maybe next time I’ll have an easier bonus goal… BUT when has “easier†been fun? NEVA! I also had added in weapons training for at least an hour a day.. which was a partial success lol. I played around with them for at least 30 min or so..but then I’d get sidetracked with making dinner and cleaning, and all the other REAL world stuff that needed to be done, lol. I did, however, get a training tomahawk the other day… COLD STEEL FINALLY REALEASED ONE IN 2013!! Only $16 for it too… so I mainly practice with the ‘hawk and my training tanto! AC3 eat your heart out!! I owe you lovely people some pictures and vids of me swanging my steel around… that sounds dirty.. lol! But for real, I will be better at posting pics and stuff this next challenge cuz it’s gonna involve making paleo meals and showing them off! Thanks again for the LOVE and SUPPORT of EVERYONE here at NF! Everyone that has followed me since the dawn of time; Kibcy, Church, Wolverine, Warwolf, Happein, Elastigirl, Red1263.. and if I’ve missed your name, I apologize L I suck at life… *hangs head low* BUT.. to everyone who’s stuck with me, your efforts will NEVER EVER go unnoticed. You guys and gals are the heart and soul of these forums and the reason I come back for EVERY challenge. Love you guys! See ya next 6-weeks!!!! Wolf
  8. @ Elastigirl Yes ma'am!! The 70lb KB was truly a BEAST! I love it though @ Church LOVE the vest man. I use it for my crawling right now. Wolf crawls to be exact lol. They are like bear crawls but with my hips MUCH lower to the ground. I'm gonna start adding the vest for anything that involves jumping and climbing here soon. I almost added it to my traverse on the flat side of the pullup bar and I'm glad I didn't, lol. Cuz 4 sets of that back and forth 2x was beast enough! I take yoga classes at work, so its really convienent right now. Mondays and Wednesdays at 12:05- 12:50pm. I only pay like $14.50 for the gym a month, but since its right downstairs in the same building I work in, it makes making the gym THAT much easier. Or its classes My lower back has never felt better since Movnat training and taking yoga, so The Wolf highly recommends it! Here was today's workout: Warm-up: - ½ mile run - 2 lap WC w/ 40lb vest 4 sets: - Traverse back and forth x2 (6.5 feet across) (I'll get a video next time and post it up so you guys have a visual) - Deadlift 70lb KB x6 - Waist carry 1 lap (@ 70lbs)(This was MUCH tougher than I thought...my grip was loving it) - Leg swing broad jump x10 (precision landing on two 10lb plates) Lunch was leftover pork loin, the last of it, and about 4 cups of mixed zucchini and bell peppers all in one tasty-ass bowl!! I love eating a lot, and throw HEALTHY on top of that, makes me even more excited! Wolf
  9. Wow, bro.... Lots has happened since I didn't post for a while. It sounds like your still ripping Sabertooth to shreds, though! Messing with sleep is, like everyone else said, crucial and you will feel immediate effects. SO it's good you're not beating yourself up about it. Keep that up, sir. Your wife sounds like a wicked awesome woman, Wolv, and thats always a good thing to have! Keep at it bud, and know The Wolf always has your back. Wolf
  10. @ Wolverine Yessir, I'm a big fan of #6 as well. Thanks for the encouragment, sir, I'm glad to be back and focused. I feel sane @ Church HAHA, dude, I love #2! I usually poop at least twice a day... but than again I have a pretty stellar diet full of fiber lol. Poop is and always will be a good thing haha! Unless your my son... lmao, I'll never forget that day... HE POOPED EVERYWHERE!!! Yoga.... I'm so new to it bro.. I really wouldn't know where to steer you. But I've heard hot yoga is really fun. I'm just fortunate that my job has a decent sized gym and offers classes such as yoga and pilates. Our instructor, Mrs. Sai, is this lil bitty asian lady who's CRAZY flexible! She said she hardly feels the stretches anymore... I felt great as always after yoga yesterday and went home to relax. I actually got like 9hrs of sleep last night and feel PUMPED and ready to rock today. Last night I made the most amazing tasting meal. It was my personal best 3 Hot Italian turkey sausage links with the film removed. I broke them up in little pieces and threw them in a skillet w/ olive oil on medium for about 10-15 min. I added in 4 handfuls of spinach and covered the skillet until the greens were cooked and wilted. On the side, I cooked 2 omega-3 eggs over-hard and put them on top of my spinach and hot Italian sausage mix.... DROOL! It was sooooooo freaking good. I highly recommend it. Add salt and pepper for taste. Yessir, Chef Wolf is in the HOUSE! I'm proud of myself Today is a kick-ass workout day, not sure exactly what I'll be doing, but someone was gracious enough to bring a 70lb kettlebell up to the gym...so I will definitely be using that and the 40lb weight vest! MUWHAHAHAHA! Wolf
  11. Yoga today. With all the stress going on in my life, yoga is an angel sent from Heaven... and it feels SOOOOO good to stretch out! I was shocked when I woke up this morning... I WAS SORE... Weirdest thing.. BUT I did do bear crawls aka wolf crawls with a 40lb weight vest. I guess I didn't expect it to hit my chest like it did..but OH WEE it's sore. For dinner last night I browned half a pound of ground turkey in some olive oil, than added like 3-4 cups of kale. For my sweet tooth: red raspberries and blueberries w/ a little balsamic vinegar. YUM. Breakfast today was a deli-turkey omelet w/ a bowl of unsweetened applesauce topped w/ cinnamon. EXCELLENT! Today for lunch was another mixed salad topped with a can of tuna this time. Balsamic vinegar for taste. BAM! ALL PALEO. Which is what I like My snacks have consisted of almond butter, almonds, celery, carrots, avocado, apples, bananas, etc. Anything paleo and is light enough to NOT fill me up. Reading up on The Paleo Solution is really changing my way of thinking. I THOUGHT I was in good shape and eating right... little did I know I was wrong. I'm at about 95-97% paleo.. give or take. I've cheated a little with bread and some dairy products over the last couple weeks, but the more I read up on bread and grains... it makes me sick. THEY'RE SOOOOOO BAD for you. Plain and simple. Robb backs up ALL his stuff with references and websites. I'm extremely thankful to have the book and it has a lot of GREAT recipes for someone just getting into the paleo...and Robb is an easy guy to understand. Yes, he has what he would call his "geek moments" but we are on Nerdfitness, right? Lol. This book comes HIGHLY recommended from The Wolf BTW, the recipes are good for ANYONE wanting to eat healthy. I just finished up the chapter talking about "fats" and the ins and outs of that subject. (VERY interesting and enlightening) Now I'm learning about how SLEEP may be the single most important factor when it comes to a healthy lifestlye. So now I know where my life goal is going next 6-weeks, haha. I'm gonna end with something released on the Movnat website a couple days ago. They are the The 7 MovNat Healthy Lifestyle Principles. No one, by any means, has to follow these, BUT they are awesome, they make sense, and #2 on the list is POOPING!!! What more could you ask for?? The 7 MovNat Healthy Lifestyle Principles How to be True to Your Nature and Enjoy Strength, Health, Happiness and Freedom. 1 Eat & Drink Right What we eat and drink on a daily basis is of paramount importance for maintaining or restoring health. 2 Poop & Eliminate Right Gut health is essential for proper nutrient absorption and toxin elimination, and it is intimately related to our dietary choices. 3 Sleep & Recover Right Restful sleep and adequate recovery time are essential for the optimal effectiveness of all other healthy lifestyle choices. 4 Move & Breathe right An active body regularly performing a wide variety of natural movement patterns acquires great athleticism and a high level of physical competence. 5 Think & Talk Right The way we think, our own perception of events, how we express ourselves and interact with others and the world has a profound influence on how happy we feel. 6 Love & Touch right Kind and loving human touch, as well as sensuality and a healthy sexuality help us to be relaxed, balanced, positive and loving. 7 Connect With & Immerse in Nature Right For ultimate health, fitness and happiness, our basic human biology requires that we connect with the powerful energies of natural environments. Enjoy!! Wolf
  12. Dang man... I've missed soooooo much of you kicking ass! 40lb weight vest... BOSS! I'm gonna start implimenting a 40lb vest... actually, I started yesterday It's very refreshing to see how well you've been doing! And as for box jump progression... it's hard to say, but just use your best judgement. I always say if its easy, time to bump up the height. Playing basketball for a good part of my youth helped me to develop really explosive legs, so I like to experiment with any box -like structure of 24in or more... makes it more fun. Instead of having that fear of busting face in the gym, maybe find somewhere where you are more comfortable, practice the 24in box jump, than go show-off at the gym! Wolf
  13. Today's workout: Warm-up: 1\4 mile run + 2 laps of wolf crawls w/ 40lb weight vest (This was tough. I believe I did a quarter of a mile in around 2:48 at 5-6 speed) 4 sets: Deadlift 70lbs x6 Chest carry 70lbs (1 lap) Broad jump x 10 @ 6ft Tuck swing 10 cycles I finished this workout in about 35-40 min. I was shocked...drenched...and felt AMAZING! Those tuck swings are tougher than I thought they'd be! Working w/ the 70lbs wasn't bad at all... though I do wish it was a sandbag instead of a dumbbell... in due time..in due time! For lunch I'm eating a mixed salad w/ balsamic vinegar and a 5oz can of pink salmon, Chicken of the Sea style! YUM! And it's paleo, so, check mark for that! Wolf
  14. Thank you everyone for the encouraging words! The Wolf is back with a ferocious howl, lol! Ahhhhroooooooo! My "quote" tool still isnt working, so... ARGHHH! It's good to be posting back, and I'm very excited to finish this challenge. So much has changed with my eating habits and workouts, I can't wait for the next 6-week challenge! Paleo and Movant are working wonders in my life right now and I absolutely cannot wait until I have an opportunity to get my lvl 1 movnat cert. It's gonna be awesome! And Movnat is where I wanna be with fitness. I want to teach others and be like Erwan Le Corre one day. 41 years old and in better shape than me....WAY better! And thats amazing. Movnat is about training for longetivity I'm stoked about todays workout. Not sure exactly what I'm gonna do, but it's gonna be one movement to the next... non-stop action, baby! I miss bouldering, but when I did get a chance to go I did things a little different. I would go back and forth from the gym area to the rock/bouldering wall. While up in the gym, I would work on box jumps from 24inch all the way to the big 36inch, carry/drag/and press the 53 and 73 lb KB's.. those bad boys are heavy. And then go climb for 5-10 minutes working on power and technique. I would rotate in and out for a little over an hour and always left with a great sweat and feeling great! And with paleo, I've made me some really tasty, and totally healthy meals. Just last night I made me a large turkey carrot quiche... YUM! Beef-stir fry salad, porkloin roast w/ zuchinni and cauliflower, and a few other meals go on the list of stuff I've made and I'm proud of myself for sticking with this. OH! And homemade sweet potato fries! Man.. I need to make another batch this weekend. I will re-post later with my workout and if I have time, some RP! Wolf
  15. So it's been a couple weeks since I posted... just been CRAZY busy... My lease on the apartment ends Feb. 19th, so I've been preparing for that. For the time being, I'll be moving back in with my mom. My goal is no more than 6 months to get some extra stuff paid off and save some money... cuz unfortunately it doens't look like Heather and I are gonna be moving back in anytime soon... The last week of January was rough.. my dad's dad passed away on the 31st so I've been dealing with that as well I was off from work for 5 days, 8 in total, and managed to get lil man for like 6 out of those 8! We had LOTS and LOTS of fun; watched movies, played outside, wrestled, ate good food... the works! Speaking of eating good food; I got The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf and have been using his 30-day meal plan he has set out nice and neat in the book. So far I've been doing a damn good job at eating paleo! Except for a couple cheat meals, I've cut out bread and grains, yes even WHOLE GRAINS, and diary. It's been ridiculously tough starting out, but I feel awesome. I've also been cooking a LOT more now. I've honestly cooked more meals the last 2-weeks than I had ALL of last year! I'm just not creative or that good in the kitchen... or at least I thought Workouts have been great, though with my PawPaw passing, I got a little off-track. I haven't had much opportunity to go climb the last couple weeks since my car broke down on me... I KNOW RIGHT... CAN I GET A BREAK FROM ALL THE BS... JUST FOR A LITTLE. UGH! So that's going on too... My interview from my last post went REALLY well. I was told I got the job, but now I have to wait for HR to unfreeze the position. It's whatev's. I'm in my current position and I'm at least thankful for that! So, as of right now, my climbing goal is sucking ass, haven't got a chance to do yoga the last 2 weeks, and Heather and I aren't anywhere close to getting back together. My movnat training and new paleo diet dive-in are the only things working as my saving grace for the moment... This 6-weeks flopped even harder than last 6-weeks... I'm disappointed! So with like a week left, I'll do whatever I can, but it's looking like I'm gonna lose a lot of points this time. I've actually been doing movnat at least 5 times a week. The workouts are INSANE and I love them. The movnat website has quite a few combo's up on the blog now, so anyone wanting a good visual, please check out: http://www.movnat.com/blog/ I had a chance to mess around with this one the other day and was left drenched in sweat, feeling SOOOO good! 4 sets of: Leg Swing Jump 10x to a slightly elevated uneven surface Push Pull Crawl 20m (non-linear path) Tripod Transition (flat wide surface, elevated 3-4 feet) Tuck Swing 10 cycles Sorry things have been so sporadic. After the 19th, I wont have to worry about moving and getting things together for that, so I should be able to post a lot more consistent. PLUS, Heather cut off the internet a while ago, so I haven't had access to the labtop or internet outside of work...and work has been cracking down on internet usage, =\ My mom on the other hand, a couple computers, internet, cable, FOOD. HER and my step-dad said not to worry about buying food. I say, " Ok thats awesome... Thank you so much! Wait, do you guys realize how much I EAT?!" It was kind of a funny converation, My mom explains how NO ONE eats leftovers... which shocked me, but whatever. I'll be the human garbage disposal.. as long as its Paleo. I'm thankful for my mom and step-dad being health conscience because it'll make continuing my paleo diet THAT much easier. Daniel, my step-dad, is doing something very similar to paleo, so him and I have been discussing all sorts of cool meals we can make in the future, And him and my step-brother, Brandon, are stoked about using my fitness expertise in the coming months. We're all 3 gonna fix up the garage and make it into a nice lil gym! There's already a bench with an assortment of plates and an ellyptical...BUT I'll add my 2x 35lb KB's plus my battle rope. I told Daniel we need more KB's, some big med balls, and most importantly, some SANDBAGS. With movnat, they use sandbags a lot. I can make my own and save money, which is what I want to eventually do, just gotta find about 2hrs or so to get 'er done! Backpack + 50lb bag of sand +gallon freezer bags + duck tape = Around $20-25 for a homemade sandbag Some things are looking up... while others are still slowly trekking along. BUT, I'm discovering I'm a lot stronger than I realized. Mentally, anyway, Thank you to everyone who's stuck with me through this insane ride. You're support means more than you'll ever know! I still need to take a pic of the dual gladius's but for anyone who has Instagram, check me out @ Wolflean. I have lots of cool photo's on there of the meals I've made and a couple of Racer and I... and for those needing any more inspirational pics of the abs (Wolverine), I got a few of those as well, lol. I was pleasently surprised to see I was the only "Wolflean" on there No numbers, symbols, or any other BS I need to do yoga today... so I may sacrifice a movnat workout for yoga... Yep, I'm doing yoga, haha. I'll be posting like a mad person this last week, so expect some AWESOME workouts here soon! Wolf
  16. Great update per the goals, sir! Diet is and always will be tough. I struggle ever day with it... yes, even The Wolf struggles with it It's good to see your hygene is coming along... though it's still strange for Wolverine to be shaving 3x a week... but I'm sure he shaves every morning and just has a wicked 2 o'clock shadow with chops EVERY day, lol. Wolf
  17. @Kibcy Oh man! I'm sorry to hear about you getting sick!! I pray you get better soon! MovNat would be a GREAT intro to parkour cuz as Church said, it is the predecessor to parkour. It focuses on your movement and in the process you become stronger and create more stamina and endurance. There are drills where you start in a sit down position w/ weight anywhere from 40-100lbs and you have to execute proper technique and movement while getting up onto your feet! CRAZY stuff. The best part is, is it's all very simple @Church Great stuff as always, BOSS man. Hope things are going well with you sir, and can't wait to check out your progress later today!! Ok, so I plan to go to the pilates class this afternoon... I've never been so I'm kinda excited. AND, I should be having a little interview for another position here at work! I pray that goes well, but I'm confident in my interview skills. I just want a pay increase, lol. My other gladius was there yesterday and I was really excited to swing both of them around. I feel like a motha truckin badass! PLUS, the start of the final season of Spartacus airs tonight! AND, I get Race this weekend! What a great start to the weekend Wolf
  18. It was still dark out. The cold morning air swept across the plains as the sun began to peak over the horizon. Dawn. The start of another day. Mother Nature had been kind these past few weeks. Down in the foothills of the Silver Ridge mountain pass lay a villiage called Silverbrook . It was neither small nor large. A peacful villiage filled with generations of farmers, merchants, traders, and hunters that supplied the necessary needs to keep the villiage thriving. One such hunter stepped outside of his quaint little house. Bare chested, he was tall and lean. Strong muscles moved in different directions as he began to shake the cold out of his bones. His breathing was rhythmatic and precise. His blue eyes focused. His name was Ryan, but most people didn't know him by that. As the villiages best hunter, he was known as The Wolf. Skilled in stealth and hunting with the adaptability to survive, The Wolf was more than a mere hunter. He was also a provider and a father. Ryan entered his house, the warmth of the stoked fire enveloping his half-naked body. The Wolf knew he needed to be efficient this morning. His little boy would need a nice cooked meal when he woke. Ryan gazed over at his sleeping toddler. A smile worked its way across his face. With the stealth of a creeping spider, Ryan made his way over to his son's bed and kissed him gently on his white-blonde hair. " I'll be back, lil one.." Within minutes, The Wolf was fully dressed in his plated leather armor. Attached were all the necessary tools and equipment that would aid him in his hunt; a strung recurve bow that Ryan had crafted himself, a hunting knife, serrated and sharp, and a large rucksack made from goat skin. Today, he was hunting the king of the mountain. The Silver Ridge Kodiac... the meanest and biggest predator that stalked the surrounding area. There had been reports from travelers about this massive animal and the blood-thirsty rage it was in. So far, one other hunter was pronounced dead and three villagers. The Wolf knew he was the man for the job, but for the first time he was afraid. The Silver Ridge kodiac was know to be a man-eater. With a deep breath, Ryan shook the thought from his head. He was the best. And it would stay that way. With a quick prayer, Ryan looked back at his son and whispered, "I'll be back, Race." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yessir! I only want the best for my lil boy MovNat is incredible bro! You should definitely look more into it and try it out Hope you enjoy my lil RP moment!! Always, Kibcy, always I hope I still inspire you to kick ass, too! I had another great MovNat workout this morning! I did NOT go climbing last night. I actually got to take my yoga class yesterday during lunch. It went great as usual, and that hits my 2x a week for yoga... THIS week, lol. I just need to stay consistent and focused! Here was today's workout: 01/24/2013 3 sets: Push press @ 35lb KB x 8 Lapping + 20yrd chest carry w/ 35lb KB Tripod Transition w/out a balance beam (no access) x4 (each side) Precision broad jump onto 2 25lb plates @ 4ft, 5ft, and 6ft 400m tread run (1st set and 3rd set) Here is a slide of pictures from the MovNat website for this combo: http://www.movnat.com/movnat-combo-workout-mcw-lifting-carrying-balancing-jumping/ My gladius should be here TODAY.. sooo I'm hoping for that Hope everyone enjoys the RP. Wolf
  19. Thanks, Wolv, I agree! The session went pretty good... I'm still up in the air about our counselor, though. I felt like we both needed an OBJECTIVE 3rd party that didn't know either one of us. The lady that was counseling us, Brenda, knows Heather's mom... and Heather got to fill her in a little on Sunday at church with whats going on.... I wasn't too happy about that. Cuz I was at an immediate disadvantage from the start... I've decided to get another conselor on top of this one. Cuz I wanna resolve this mess as quickly and efficiently as possible! And I don't see the negative of having more than 1 objective 3rd party. EXCEPT this time, the playing field will be completely even. Yoga on Monday was excellent! I have a class tonight at the climbing gym, so I'm gonna knock 2 birds out with one stone this evening MovNat. Anyone heard of it? I love it. This is where I wanna get my personal training cert from. The whole idea and philosophy behind it not only makes sense but the workouts/combo's make for a terrific training session! The best part about MovNat is the extreme similarities to parkour and free running. This is a directly from their webiste: Who is MovNat for? The MovNat system is beneficial to everyone and will be both appealing to and effective for: -the unfit individual who’s looking for something more realistic and pleasurable than the Globo gym. -the specialized athlete who wants to improve performance and prevent sport-specific injury. -the CrossFitter who wants to broaden and improve their movement skills and attain greater levels of physical competence beyond general physical preparedness and conditioning. -the amateur obstacle racer who understands technique is as important as conditioning and want to optimally prepare for the race. -the parkour aficionado who needs direct coaching, or parents who want a safe environment and practice for their kids who want to do parkour. -the elderly who want to be able to keep up with their grandchildren on the playground. -the patient of physio and occupational therapy who wants movement that complements and supports treatment. What you can expect to gain from the MovNat Certification: Learn the only physical education and fitness system entirely based on the full range of natural movement skills. The MovNat Certification covers Movement Efficiency Principles, 50 Fundamental Techniques in locomotive and manipulative skills*, safe and effective progressions, movement variations and drills, Coaching Movement Efficiency, MovNat programming for individuals, groups, and more.Introduce a new philosophy and training methods to your clients that will engage their mind and challenge their body more than anything they have tried before.Obtain the knowledge of how to do more with less equipment both in the gym and outside.Separate yourself from your peers by holding one of the most unique and comprehensive training certificates available!Now that seems pretty freakin awesome to me! So not only would it benefit me doing parkour.. MovNat is like the foundation of PK! So why not learn straight from the source and kick ass at the same time? I don't see a negative to this Here was my MovNat workout yesterday, 01/22/13: Outside Warm-up - Chest carry w/ 35lb KB @ 50ft (50ft there/50 ft back) Focusing on good posture - Wolf crawls (ka Bear crawls but lower to the ground)@ 50ft going foward, 20ft going backwards, 10ft side-to-side, and the remainding 25ft back 3 sets: Rotational swing throw and sprint w/ 8lb med ball x 8reps (after the initial throw/toss, you had to sprint to the med ball and throw/toss it the opposite direction)Duck under w/ 35lb KB x 8 reps each sideFarmers walk w/ bench step-over 35lb KB (1 set)Broad jump w/ precision landing @ 7.5 feet x8 (2 sets)1-legged 8lb med ball pass X 10 repsWe were at the top of this large hill over by my job and we had to walk about... 150 yards to it... carrying the 8lb med ball and my 35lb KB... So we both initially got "farmers walk" in with those 2 weights, switching off who carried em. GREAT, great workout! The med ball rotational swings... holy smokes. Those babies WORK! I will impliment those many times over Today's workout 01/22/13: Inside Warm-up -6 min medium walk pace on the treadmill. I walked about 650m, so a little over a quarter mile. This was plenty to get my core tempature raised and loosen me up. Instead of sets and reps, I focused more on time. Set 1 @ 7 min continuous: - 45lb chest carry w/ good posture lapping around the weight machines @ 35ft - Wolf crawl lap - One-legged swing hop to 2 25 lb plates spread out 4ft w/ a third jump onto a 24in box/step platform Set 2 @ 6 min cont.: - 45lb plate farmers walk lap (switching arms each round) - crab walk lap - One-legged swing hop " " " " " (same as last set) but spread out 5ft Set 3 @ 5 min cont.: - Farmers walk w/ 2 35lb KB's forward 12ft- backwards 12ft - Broad jump on the 2 25lbs plates spead 6ft apart as well as the 24inch box Of course we stretched afterwards each day...every day, lol. But just w/ these 2 days of MovNat training... WOW. I can't deny the results! SO re-configuring my parkour goal @ 2x a week. I will add in MovNat as another option for that style of training. Parkour or MovNat. I'm having a blast training this way and can't wait to add a weighted ruck/backpack in the coming months! It's gonna be epic! I get Racer this weekend and I'm more than stoked! Since he, has a little kid, doesn't really listen to what I say, but does what I do.. I wanna get MovNat rolling in his life. He's already gonna be better at it than me...cuz lets be honest; kids have no fear and they play and move like we, as adults, need to be moving. I'm working for longevity here, peeps! I wanna live LONG after my records have fallen! And I wanna see as many generations as I possible can... Training the way I'm training.. as long as I maintain a healthy diet w/ optimal rest, will get me to where I want and need to be! This also brings me to the whole RP aspect of my challenge. I think I finally know which direction I wanna take it... So hopefully when I post next, there will be some RP elements mixed in!! Wolf
  20. Wow, you're killing it bro! Love it! BTW, I got a chance to check out the barstarz link. It's very cool! I actually started implimenting the push-ups in the morning time and need to get back on my pull-ups. I guess I was kinda burnout after my 1300+ the last challenge, haha! Way to go Wolverin!!! Wolf
  21. Haha, that's true. I hate when I try and limit the possibilities of my imagination Hell yea they are! You guys are right... Why not do both?!?! I went climbing again on Saturday and a little bit on Sunday, so actually got in 3 days this week, but hardly any parkour... ugh! So there's that, lol. AND I got another new PS3 game... and quite possible one of the coolest OVERALL games I've played: Far Cry 3. Now, I've never played the first 2, but the guy at Gamestop assured me it was pointless and unecessary to play either of them. He proclaimed FC3 as on of the best games HE'S ever played! I was drawn away from the game b/c I'm not much for 1st-person shooters. But he did remind me of Dead Island...prolly the best 1st-person shooter I'd played. I was talked outta buying Dragon Age 2 and The Walking Dead game for this one game, lol, and the guy was 100% right. I freakin love Far Cry 3... love it so much, I stayed up till 7:15am playing it....WHOA!!!! And the best part is, is I am only like 25-30% done with the game! It truly is an amazing game: The upgrade system, skills, hunting, and weapons are all very realistic. And hunting is very fun, especially killin' me some sharks!!! Cuz I dislike sharks, they scare the crap outta me! Haha. There was one part where I had to dive off a cliff and swim to this underwater cave... I thought I was gonna crush the controller with my new climbing grip I was sooooo nervous. Yes, I killed any sharks around the cave BEFORE I dove in...but that doesn't mean the AI in the game won't send a damn thing after me!! PLUS, during that same part, I almost drowned, too! So 2 games this week I've played, and 2 great reviews. I give DmC a 9 out of 10 and give FC3 a 9.5 out of 10. The only reason DmC got a 9 and not a 9.5 is the length of the game. I beat it in about 11hrs of gameplay... BUT the story and the action and all the sh** talking from Dante... WELL WORTH IT! Playing FC3 also makes me think about my MovNat training and how that, like parkour, focuses SO much on movement. It's all such a great way to train...a functional way to train. This is why I add in the parkour and movnat stuff to my routines. The functionality of it all. Cuz when the SHTF.. I wanna be ready for ANYTHING!! My 2nd gladius should be in this week, so weapons training will officially start once I have those bad boys I'm gonna cut the training to a minimum of 30min and if I wanna train more, I have the option too. I just keep adding stuff to my plate and I think my eyes may be bigger than my stomach, haha. Speaking of loading up my plate... I won't be able to do the Alpha Warrior challenge this go round... I need to be smarter with my money, and thats just not a priority at the moment. Getting my family back together is the top one at the moment, and I need to focus on that. Now, thats not gonna effect my training, cuz lets be honest, it's keeping me sane, lol. And I would rather save my money for something I could use... all the time. Like the G1 ruck for the GORUCK challenge. My training will take a whole new lvl with that bad boy, and I can't wait. PLUS, a good ruck is one of the number one staples for survival gear. You gotta have something reliable and sturdy to survive with you... and carry your crap According to the reviews and the numerous hours, days, months the G1 has been tested in the field, it's virtually indestructable. I've gone threw 2 duffle bags in the last 6 months..they keep breaking or falling apart on me. SO personally, I'm ready for a realiable ruck/backpack to carry me into the next 20 years or more! An investment WELL WORTH the price once I save up enough for it. I have yoga this afternoon and some marriage counseling tonight... I'm gonna go in with an open mind about everything and see where this takes us. Hopefully somewhere much, much better! SO wish me luck on that! Wolf
  22. Dude! Love the new profile pic and loving your workouts! You'll be wolf-lean in no time! You should get yourself on a katana and squeeze that into your workouts, lol. You know you want to! Wolf
  23. I went climbing last night... And got a great workout as usual! I managed to send a V2 I'd been workin on for a while, and then consistently got quite a few V1's I spent the rest of the time mainly traversing and climbing various 5.10's up to about 25ft. I love free climbing the big walls... They make me feel more alive, I guess, lol. I trained for about an 1hr 45min an had a GREAT pump afterwards. I also did around 50-60 diamond push-ups in-between climbs to work my negative muscles, or the muscles I don't really use for climbing. At the very end of my workout I did 10 kettle bell swings @30lbs for each arm, 10 goblet squats at 53lb kettle bell, and Russian twist x10 on each side with a 12lbs medicine ball. That was just to get a last burnout before I left Not sure what I'm gonna do today, but something lol. I've been playing the new Devil May Cry... And lemme tell ya, it's freakin wicked!! I love it. A great reboot to one of my favorite franchises of all time. This Dante is something much more than the old one... I can't quite put my finger on it, but the creators from Ninja Theory did a kick ass job! I'm gonna play some more this afternoon after I drop race off at my moms. I got another night with him and called in sick today from work... I needed another night, lol. After playing though, it makes me wanna make The Wolf a demon hunter assassin instead of a vigilante lol.. Make him the whole half angel kinda deal with dual gladius .... I just might tweak it to do that I know, I know... I'm so indecisive lol Wolf
  24. Damn! What a workout! I know those dead lifts killed your hammies lol. But damn! What a workout! And definitely good luck with the interview, Fear, I can't imagine you NOT getting in, so, yea I woulda had trouble getting up for Parkour after all that myself, so don't feel bad bro. Always listen to your body and you will become the embodiment of fear itself! Wolf
  25. @Fear Ahh man, that's too effin cool bro! I would totally buy it off you I've always wanted a real tomahawk for really only 2 reasons lol: 1) to train with it cuz it's badass, and 2) just in case the zombie apocalypse happens.... Hahaha! I agree that we are VERY similar bro, and I'm honored to be like someone that has a wicked cool name and you're goals are truly ninja, dude. I need to check in and see whatcha been up too @Kibcy Haha yes ma'am, I got all those weapons and soon adding another training gladius! I'm very excited to have both swords in my hands. Out of all the ones I've messed around with, the gladius is my favorite... Even over the katana, lol. But the downside to the gladius is it's short reach. With me being taller, it's not that bad... Adding in the 2nd sword will help with my range because I can use my agility to always be on the offense.. If that makes any sense. Because by itself, unless I had a huge shield, the gladius isn't the best choice. Spending time with Race had been awesome. We've been watching movies and playin, so it's been super chill I love spending time with him! @Wolverine Heck yea bro! I love it my cousin loves this kinda stuff as well, so I'm gonna start training with him. Me on the dual gladius and him on the katana.. He is badass with the samurai sword, though. For now, I'm switching off hands with my lone gladius at the moment. The 2nd one should be here early next week, and then the real training begins! Plus, Spartacus starts the 25th! Perfect timing! Soooo for some reason, I decided to look up GORUCK, b/c I had seen it on RandomWarriors page a couple times... And I want it. I wanna do the challenge sooooooo bad! The bags are sick looking... Just expensive but I'm gonna stash a little $$ away for the next couple months and get a G1 ruck. Not only would I get it for the challenge but I would use that thing for everything... EVERYTHING It would also be a really cool way to train with in general. Doing push-ups, pull-ups... Going bouldering. All sorts of possibilities! This is another thing to look forward too and will be notched on the list of accomplishments for 2013! I gotta take Race back tonight so I plan to go climbing afterwards since I haven't been in almost week! Wow... I wish I didn't have to go back to work.. I'm gonna miss the crap outta lil man Thanks for the support everyone, you guys are awesome! Wolf
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