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  1. Hi All, Attempting my first challenge. Do a 1-handed cartwheelDo 8 consecutive pull ups (convincing ones. Not those, tilt my head back so my chin is over the bar, ones)Don't skip any kung-fu/karate classes in the next 6 weeks. (Do one kung fu class either Monday/Tuesday, one on Wednesday and my 3 hours of karate on Thursday)Save up $3k towards paying off car debt. Do 6 Microsoft SQL Server classes via Microsoft E-LearningCurrently I can do 2.5 pull ups so 8 is a lot to aim for, but nothing ventured, nothing gained... I will be doing 3 sets of 8 reps (even if they are downward ones) as explained by this : this video helped me to do my first chin up, then my first pull up, but after that I got slack and have plateaued at only 2 good pull ups (currently on 5 chinups) I can do 2 handed cartwheels alright, one handed appeals to me, and I need to be able to do them both left handed and right handed. I will be using as a how to. I usually go to Kung Fu Mondays and Wednesdays, I want to mix it up a bit with some Tuesday classes because the Tuesday instructor is full on and does more stretching etc, whereas Monday and Wednesday are more technique and sparring. Of late though, I have been missing one kung fu class every second week, which needs to stop. I am pretty solid with Karate, I am a Sempai and help with the 3 childrens classes (45 mins each) and then the adult class (1 hour) and shouldnt have a problem keeping this commitment. I bought a $14,600 car earlier this year and need to recoup that money. I need to save 5k more to have that debt gone, I put away $1k a pay check which has been testing my frugal New Years Resolution, but so far so good. I put 3k there because that's how many pays I get in the next 6 weeks, any more is impossible. I want to progress my career towards database administration. Everybody needs databases, always. Seems safe and I do like SQL coding, so win-win. Recently got access to Microsfot E-Learning so will make full use of it. Looking forwards to more points, allocating them thusly. DEX-5STR-4, STA-1CON-4, STA-1CON-3, WIS-2 CON-1, WIS-4Looking forwards to reading all of your guys progress -Uru
  2. Hello out there, I know I'm a day late for the rest of the world but this is my Monday night so I'm still counting it. Night shift has to be good for something. I work at a midstream oil and gas plant, which means I work 12 hour shifts alternating back and forth between days and nights. I would like to say these are going to be the most challenging days but I do much better at drinking said water on work days but study less. The walking is hit and miss but I would like to figure out how much I currently walk and how much more I need to hit the 10,000 steps. Goals 1- Study and prep for my final exam in Power Engineering 4th Class -I have to wait for a response but I have this booked to write July 16th, the last day of the challenge. Still waiting, seems I missed a page so now waiting on my cheif to fill it out in the am and send it to me so I can request my exam. This is going well already! A- Studied at least one chapter every day and passed my exam. B- Studied five chapters or more over the course of a week. C- Studied six chapters or more over the course of two weeks. Every exam I’ve written in the past six years has been a passing rate of 70% or higher so I don’t have the option of lower than a C. I don’t hit this point. I failed. 2- Walk 10,000 steps every day -Buy a pedometer and use it, let's get my walking up and the move on to the 5k challenge! A- Walked 10,000 steps every day. B- Walked 8,000 steps every day. C- Walked 7,000 steps every day. 3- Drink at least 3- 32oz bottles of water a day and eat two meals completely paleo -I don't drink nearly enough water A- 3 bottles of water drank, two meals paleo. B- 3 bottles of water and one meal paleo or two bottles of water and two meals paleo. C- 2 bottles of water and one paleo meal. 4- Post to this thread on a regular basis. -I have a hard time following through with these challenges since I tend to have a rather insane schedule at the best of times so this is going to be a very important fitness goal for me. Mental fitness and following through! That and I never know what to write, I mean really who wants to read about my life. Which is humorous because I’m part of a online journal and quite enjoy reading up on what else everyone is doing… A- Post to NF at least four times a week and twice to LJ B- Post to NF at least three times a week and once to LJ C- Post to NF at least two times a week
  3. I am a level 1 human adventurer and I want to be a ranger. I managed to loose a fair bit of weight last year, mostly due to stress and a small amount of effort. However some of it (alright, most of it) has crept back on and I feel worse about myself than when i was the same weight before. I guess that it feels like I have taken a few backwards steps. So a six week challenge sounds perfect to jump start me again. A nice manageable chunk of time that will hopefully show me some decent results at the end of it. I am a bit confused with the whole scoring system so will do my best, please feel free to correct me! So without further ado: My goals are: 1) To lose at least 10 cms off my overall measurements More than 10cm = Grade A10cm = Grade B8-9cm = Grade C8 or less = Grade F2) To attend the gym or a fitness class at least 4 times a week. Focusing mainly on strength training and C25K 4 times = Grade A3 times = Grade B2 times or less = Grade F3) To eat my five a day in fruit and veg and drink at least 8 glasses of water (more on gym days) 5 a day and water = Grade ALess = Grade F 4) Complete planning a trip to London for my daughters 16th birthday by booking hotel, theatre tickets, activities and transport Complete all 4 = Grade AComplete 3 = Grade BComplete 2 = Grade C1 or less = Grade F STATS: 5 foot 7, 199lbs, Waist 96cm, Hips 116cm, Thighs 64cm, Calves 48cm, Upper Arms 39cm.
  4. So this is my first challenge (officially), I came across Nerd Fit about 3/4 of the way through the last one and just decided to write my goals down in my workout notebook since I was a little nervous about posting on the forum. But I am about to be traveling to a summer camp in Maine to teach and I am not sure if they have a weight room so I have kept all of my goals for this 6 week challenge related to calisthenics and things that I think I will be able to achieve there. Anyway here are my goals: 1. 10 Handstand Push ups in one set (against a wall) 2. 15 Pull ups in one set 3. Consistently workout 4 times a week 4. Read for at least 30 min per day, increasing by 15min per week (30 w1, 45 w2, 60 w3 ex...)
  5. Hello all! This is my first 6 week challenge here on Nerd Fitness and it comes just in the nick of time too! I am leaving for a vacation in 7 weeks and desperately want to be bathing suit ready for my trip - cliche I know but true. Anyways, I have been diligently working away at the gym 5 to 6 times a week, getting in as much cardio and weights as I can, but I can't seem to drop the last 10 lbs, which is killing me because in the past 6 months, I can feel that I've built up some good muscle mass by lifting heavy in the weights section (my favourite part of the gym). However, after I read Steve's article about picking one goal, rather than trying to lose weight, gain muscle, and run a marathon all at once, I realized that I need to just maintain my muscle mass now and try to uncover it by dropping some body fat. The problem is that I start to put a plan in place for weight loss and then unconsciously slip back over to the weights section and all of a sudden I am again pouring all my efforts into building more muscle - it's addictive! I also like to run, but have a hard time slowing down to accommodate the lower calorie intake required to lose weight. In a nutshell, I find it hard to put an effective weight loss plan in place and stick with it, because I find building muscle and training for endurance so much more exciting. I NEED HELP!!! So, here's my plan to focus on body fat loss for the next 6 weeks, and I MEAN BUSINESS THIS TIME! 1. Complete the 28 Day Stripped Program by Tosco Reno. This means no dairy, no treats, no alcohol. I am also going to try to cut out grains. 2. Complete at least 2 endurance cardio and 1 interval cardio sessions at the gym each week. 3. Stick to a muscle maintenance program that includes 2 upper body days and 1 lower body day at the gym each week. Life Level Up Goal: 1. To complete all outdoor work BEFORE vacation: this includes planting garden, staining back deck, and getting the driveway resealed (this level up goal sounds so boring but it is really important). Good luck to all my fellow contest participants!
  6. [awesome image to appear soon] The Challenge: Game loading... Hiya! So, this is my first challenge. Photos to come.(*Update!* Photos attached under Character Select!) I'm a fairly healthy person, at least I think I am. I practice Goju Ryu karate twice a week (though recently with some family issues and grandmother recently committed to continuing care I haven't gone to class often) and may increase that to three times a week, and am very interested in Krav Maga (probably out of the picture until I rehab my shoulder a bit more). My focus is on trying to lose fat while building muscle, agility and flexibility to improve my sparring. I'm a new brown belt and I want to learn to fight efficiently for my small stature and build explosive speed. A bikini bod by August isn't that bad, either - my long-term goal is to lower my BF% substantially (10%) by Aug 17, when my cousin gets married. Please feel free to pop in, chat, offer me some advice, yell at me to get my ass in gear, offer to show me the business end of your fist if I'm whining like a little baby, etc. I'm not too sensitive, though loving is always appreciated - as well as corgis. I love me some corgis. A little note on diet: I plan to follow the keto diet. I originally was intending to do Paleo, but I did more research on diet and nutrition and found that keto made the most sense to me for what I want to do. I plan to eat keto to change my body composition and use that as a tool to obtain my Aug 17 goal, then switch to Primal for maintenance. Character Select: The Mouse! Photos to come - here are the stats! Female22 Years Old5' 1/4"145lbs (already down 5 since mid-March!)BF: 38%Bust: 40"Waist: 37"Hips: 38"Thigh: 22.5"Bicep: 11.5"Yikes! I had calculated my BF% wrong! I'm at 38%! Wow... That's a bit scary. I don't look it, I don't think, but hey! It gives me something to measure, something to beat. Update! Progress Photos, up! (Also, not sure if it's working - had to do some creative online photo editing + loading to various services.) ***PLEASE NOTE! The waist measurement on the bottom is incorrect! It should be 38"!*** April 15 - Front, Side, Back photos! Diet Select: Keto! According to keto-calculator found through /r/keto. 1660 calories25g carbohydrates90g protein133g fatRound One: versus Carbs! (+3 CON) I have lost 5lbs since March 14th just loosely following Paleo/Keto guidelines - and by loose, I mean loose. So I have yet to see what a full keto diet would do to me. I am really excited and I'm hoping that having cut down sharply on carbs this past month will help to lessen the effects of keto flu. 'Cause, y'know, finals and keto flu don't sound like they'll mix too well. I plan to buy groceries every Saturday after karate (hopefully buy some from the city market or my local farmer's market [before they, sadly] close down in July), and spend Sunday cooking lunches for the week and maybe dinners as well. I will also boil some extra hard boiled eggs to put in the fridge at work in case I need a snack. My Goal for this round is: Eat keto every breakfast, lunch and dinner for 6 weeks, with 3 possible cheat meals during the challenge duration.Snacks must all be keto/paleo!A: 3 or less cheatsB: 4 cheatsC: 5 cheatsD: 6 cheatsF: more than 6 cheatsRound Two: versus Barbell! (+4 STR, +2 STA) Staci is a major inspiration to me - so is Athena. I'm a short gal, and I'm tired of being rotund and weak. I tried those calorie cutting dieting things, but that really didn't work. I could barely lift 10lbs for a pathetic, shaky curl the last time I tried it. And you know what - I don't want that. I want to be strong at sparring, I want to be strong at form, I want to do knuckle pushups, goddamit. Hell, I want to be able to feel like a rock when someone lands a punch on me and I don't want to be in pain if I get kicked (at least, not the kinds of kicks my club uses in sparring - we're pretty control frenzied). I want to be swimming in my gi and be able to do several MFEs without any kind of break. Will I get through all that this challenge? Probably not. I hope not. But what I do want to do is conquer my fear of barbells and earn myself a pretty ass that can power a kick through a wall if need be. My plan for this goal is to hit the gym on campus with my boyfriend every Monday and Wednesday and potentially Friday to do lifts. I may switch to bodyweight on Friday or omit the workout if I end up taking up the third karate day with our sister club (which is apparently much more intense). My Goal for this round is: Begin Starting Strength (with a bit of alternations, as I'm not sure that I should be doing presses with a shoulder impingement)M, W, F lift schedule - one day may be replaced with bodyweight training, see next point.If I go to karate on F, then W would be a second lift day. If I don't do karate on F, then F would be second lift day and W would be BW.EDIT (May 13): As I won't be doing F karate nights at least until summer semester, the third point is null. However, see Round Three.A: 6/6 weeks completed (18 workouts)B: 5/6 weeks completed (15 workouts)C: 4/6 weeks completed (12 workouts)D: 3/6 weeks completed (9 workouts)F: 2/6 weeks completed (6 workouts)Round Three: versus Jennifer! (+2 STA, +1 AGI*) Jen's my cousin - mother of three (one just new and sooo cute~!) - and she has recently challenged me to run a 5k with her in July. I walked into W3 of the C25k program without too much issue. I want to be able to run 5k without stopping. I want to run it in 30min. I may run it with zombies chasing me, but I'm really really scared to buy the Zombies, Run! app because even the most benign little horror thing will give me nightmares for months. I plan to run Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday - T, S being two of my karate workouts. As a brown belt, I don't always get a good workout because I sometimes have to help teach classes, so it will be good to get some activity in regardless. I also plan to text Jennifer every time I run and report after the run on how it went. She does this to me as well, so it gives us both a big boost. My Goal for this round is: Run C25K training program every T, R, S (in the morning if possible, or anytime during the day - lunch hour is not sacred)Run 5k without stopping at the end of 6 weeks*EDIT (May 13): After some really terrible leg pains and a bit of a hard realization that karate + running = can't walk, I'm revising this goal so that I can replace my T/S runs with karate if the karate session is appropriately hard or taxing. Also, legit, shiko for 20-30mins a class is about equal to running and equal amount of time in my books... Or should I say quads?A: 6/6 weeks completed (18 runs)B: 5/6 weeks completed (15 runs)C: 3-4/6 weeks completed (9-12 runs)D: 1-2/6 weeks completed (3-6 runs)F: 0/6 weeks completed (0 runs)*running 5k without stopping will unlock +1AGI and the title "Mouse the Speedy" Round Four: versus Clutter! (+2 WIS, + 1 CON) My room is a terrible mess. My desk is horrid. I have no system for laundry, I'm worse than a frat boy (okay, I'm not that bad, I still do laundry on my own) when it comes to picking out clean clothes from a pile and I just don't like cleaning. But I'm done with that. It scares me to think of all the work I'll have to put into cleaning and keeping it clean, but my room and my desk are reflections of myself. I am not a slob, I am not disorganized, I am not careless. I am prim, I am proper, I am clean and I am classy. I want to be able to get my business cards (student cards) printed and sit them on a little organizer on the corner of my desk and know that a kick-ass awesome future-HR executive is sitting in the cleanest, most organized, most conducive to Tera Online dungeon runs and business case analyses desk ever. I want my room to be so clean I don't have to apologize to my boyfriend when he comes over. And I could use a fucking lot of help with this. Any tips, favourite strategies, etc? My Goal for this round is: Come up with a plan to do laundry.How do I store/sort the laundry?When do I do the wash? When do I dry it?When do I fold and put away?Clean my desk and put away all the shit I don't use.Get two large boxes and fill them with shit I don't need or use from closets and bookshelves - empty them after 3 weeks (2x in the challenge)A: 3/3 Done, room is clean 5/6 weeksB: 3/3 Done, room is clean 4/6 weeksC: 2/3 Done, room is clean 3/6 weeksD: 2/3 Done, room is clean 2/6 weeksF: 1/3 Done, room is clean 1/6 weeksMy major concern with this challenge is that I will have 6 days of activity a week - 3 heavy lifting, 3 short-term endurance running - and 2 days of "doubles" if I get lucky (tuesdays and saturdays with karate). However, I can easily skip the run on Saturdays if karate is hard core. I don't doubt that activity is good for you, but it's a bit much to jump right into. But I'm game. The concern about over-activity ties into what I want to do with keto. It's my first time doing something like that, so I'm a bit scared that I might be severely undercutting my calories. However, I'll go by feel and if I feel hungry, I'll eat protein and moderate fat. If anyone's got tips, I'm more than open for 'em. And without further ado... Game Start... FIGHT!
  7. I posted an early draft of my goals here http://nerdfitnessrebellion.com/index.php?/topic/17809-challenge-goals-thread/page-12. But I have decided that for my first challenge ever it's much better to keep it simple especially in light of what's going on in my life right now. My wife has been in the hospital since last week due to early contractions (the baby isn't due until the end of May and she's only on her 33rd week of pregnancy) so I will have to juggle work, going to the hospital, taking care of our son, and this challenge. And once our daughter is born I will have to consider how much sleep I'm going to get and factor that in the challenge. A recent mild asthma attack (most probably exercise induced) also served as a reminder to me to balance pushing myself with taking care of myself. So here are my goals for my first challenge: 1. Strength and Stamina goals: Work on my strength and stamina using bodyweight exercises. I've been doing this already since last year but for this challenge I'm going to alternate between the Angry Birds Workout and the Konami Code Workout. My schedule will look something like this: Monday: Angry Birds Wednesday: Konami Friday: Angry Birds Monday: Konami Wednesday: Angry Birds Friday: Konami I tweaked the Angry Birds workout a little. Instead of bodyweight squats I'm going to work on pistol squats. I also added the wheel pose to complement the plank. For the Konami Code workout I'm going to do as many as I can in ten minutes, with the intention of slowly increasing the number of circuits I can do. STR +2 STA +2 2. Work on my headstand. In my draft I referred to this jokingly as the big SCARY YOGA POSE. Well, it's not so scary anymore. I managed finally to gather my courage yesterday and just kicked my legs up against the wall. (YEAH! RAAAH! ) I held them up for about a second before lowering them to the floor. My legs were not straight up though so I'm going to work on both the form and holding it longer. DEX +2 3. Healthy habits: a. Get as much sleep as I can (especially important when the baby is born) b. Limit coffee to one cup a day with no sugar, cream, or anything else added - goodbye cafe mocha for now. CON +2 WIS +1 4. Music: Spend one hour a day working on writing songs and learning covers. The songs I write don't have to be especially good and I don't have to write one song per hour - but I have to set the time to work on them even if it's just a few riffs or a few lyrics. WIS +1
  8. Hey! I'm SianiFreeland and this is my first challenge. I have to say I have had a rough time so far with the Paleo diet and look forward to the community being able to help me stay on track. I have started working out with just basic squats, lunges, half pushups(cant do a complete pushup yet -___-) jumping jacks, and planks. I am looking to strength train soon My goals are to: Cut out candies, cupcakes(which I LOVE) and cookies, all the sweets really. I'm off to a good, but depressing start. Body Circuit Train 3 times a week. I have already started to workout and that's off to a pretty good start. Cook Paleo inspired meals atleast twice a week. This is going to give me the most trouble. As of now I am always scrambling to find something to eat other than stir fry and its downright frustrating. I am open to suggestions. The fitness level I am at now is unacceptable...no full pushups(I use my knees), 20 squats, 8 second plank, 30 jumping jacks, 15 appropriate lunges. I have to get better... My level Up goal is: Stay on track with my Student Debt payments. I have finally caught up but it is so hard to stay on top of it. So I am making it my goal to stay on track these next two months.
  9. The morning was cold, grey, monotonous. And silent. It would have to be, otherwise the zombies would come. I stretched the fatigue of uneasy sleep from my muscles, and rubbed warmth into the gooseflesh that raised itself upon my arms. Sleep was blinked from my weary eyes as I took note of the time on my analog watch, bless it's little battery and the seemingly eternal life it possessed. 6:30 am. I was running late. More quickly than my tired body was prepared for, I rose from my nest of cozy pillows and comforter. I shuffled and bumped amongst my things, careful not to wake my bunk mate. My vision swam as I collected my gear, while my brain was still reaching back, calling out to the dreams I had so rudely pulled it from. Running shoes, jacket, beanie, pack, comms radio; check and check. With silence earned through practice and frequent run ins with mortal danger, I eased my way to the door, patting the hefty pit bull I called my own on the head. I glanced around the house I called "home" and sighed. It was funny how the world worked. When people had all kinds of unnecessary things, like television, cell phones and virtual games all over the place, they still seemed unhappy. Unsatisfied. Now most people's homes were much like mine, barren of all but the most basic furniture, wash basins, blankets for keeping warm... and all we wanted to be happy was to be safe. That was it, just the one thing. I shook my head and turned to step out of the front door. My dog zipped past me into the yard and proceeded to pounce every puddle in sight (of which there was no shortage.) I chuckled. At least someone was enjoying the weather. I picked my way through the marsh of my front lawn and grimaced as mud oozed over the toes of my shoes. That was definitely going to soak in. The slick muck that was the dirt driveway was maneuvered with some difficulty, but finally, I stepped onto the street. "Sam, this is Runner Three, copy?" I said into my radio, wishing I had a pair of gloves to keep the chilled weather from numbing my fingers. "Yeah, halfling, I got you. Just heading out? I expected to hear from you much earlier." I scowled, loathing the communications operator of Abel Township for coming up with that blasted nickname. And what's worse; it caught on. With everyone. Even my old partner. "Screw you, Sam. I'll let you know when I'm beyond the gate." The radio was slid into a pocket on the side of the light weight pack I wore, so whatever grunt of affirmation I got from Sam was lost. Lost... now there's a word that hurts. I took the road at an easy pace, meandering about the ruined streets of the ruined town in an unconcerned manner until I reached the gate at the central entrance of Abel. I checked in with Sam and unlocked the gate, the key to which was a responsibility given only to those that could bear it, like us runners. I took a deep breath as an excuse to hesitate before stepping beyond the gate, locking it carefully behind myself. When I turned and stared at the corpse of the world that lay before me, my past washed over me like a riptide of acid. Memories of terrible, horrid things gnawed at my mind with a shark's teeth, unmercifully tearing at my conscience. "Four... run, Four. Don't let them catch you, just leave me..." I shook my head and glared at the surrounding woods with renewed resolve. Those filthy flesh eaters would pay. Now that I was outside of town, I picked up the pace, and a quarter mile down the road, I turned onto an obscure foot path. In the woods, stealth was more important than speed, so I slowed down, choosing my footing carefully, snapping no twigs, brushing no leaves. In Abel, the rule was that you avoid all contact with the afflicted. If you're bitten, then you're shot. In the head. Twice. Only the militants were allowed to engage because they were allowed access to weapons. Well, if you ask me, most of them are also slow, and have over inflated egos to carry around because they're "the big bad boys with guns." Puh-lease. I have a weapon that none of them can touch. I stepped into a clearing filled with other survivors much like myself, except that I recognized none of these people from Abel. "Otaku, you're here." I have a guild of Assassins who are helping me train to fight amongst their ranks. Who engage the enemy swiftly, and with a force that is as silent as it is deadly. A group of people who are going to help me make sure that no one is ever lost to me like my family was, or like my partner, Runner Four was, ever again. Before anything else, let me explain my mouthful of a name: An otaku, for anyone not aware, is a Japanese term for a nerd, or someone lacking a social life. Otaku's are usually associated with being obsessed over anime or manga, or something else geeky. That's me. What otaku's aren't known for is athletic prowess. Now, I used to be cool with that. I'm not any more. I want more out of my life than vicariously living out someone else's fantastic existence. I want to do something amazing *myself.* I want to do something impossible. I want to fly. (No, not literally. However, this is the reason why my profile image is a picture I drew of a guy sprouting wings. Metaphorically this is what I want to happen.) If I could fly over the ground, like other people I've seen, that would fulfill my need to do something extraordinary. If I could freerun, that would be enough. So... I'm super excited! The seventh marks day 1 of my first NerdFit Challenge! =D So here are the four goals I'm going to try to stick to for the next six weeks. Goal 1: Since this is my first challenge, and I'm just starting to get myself on the right track, goal numero uno is gonna be fairly simple (as will they all, I'm sure.) Keep to my conditioning regimen that I have outlined in my daily battle log here: http://nerdfitnessrebellion.com/index.php?/topic/22318-assassin-log/ I already have outlined how the whole thing should progress, so it sort of measures itself out, so long as I keep track of how long I've been going. Yay! I'm not going to deduct from my grade if I take a recovery day, maybe once a week. But this stuff isn't that hard, so any otherwise putting off and I'll start reducing my percentage. [sTR:2 DEX:1 CON:1] Goal 2: Goal 2 will be running. I really need to work on my cardio if I plan to do freeRUNNING, hehe. So since I don't have a track around here or anything at my disposal (in the middle of nowhere,) I'm going to run around the house. Yep. I don't know how far around that is, so instead of measuring the distance I run, I'll time how long I can keep running. Right now I have practically no wind (at all!) so I'll time myself and spend the duration of the challenge trying to increase my time every week. Maybe adding a minute a week is realistic? So if I can sustain a run for two minutes, then by next Monday, hopefully I can last three, and so on. I stopped timing my run duration during the second week because running in the mushy yard had me twisting my ankle a LOT. At the same time I was also doing zombie runs more frequently than laps anyways. So, basically that's what I've changed my running goal to. I figure at least three missions a week? That gives me a rest day in between each one, and the weekends to decide what I feel like doing. Missing missions will cost me a letter grade instead of decreased loops. [sTA: 3 DEX:1] Goal 3: Ah, the diet goal. Originally, this was to start the paleo diet, but being as I don't buy the groceries, this isn't a realistic goal. So instead I'm going to trade my three or four cups of coffee a day for one cup of joe and lots of water. This shouldn't be too hard. No excuses on this goal. More than one cup of coffee a day= a deduction in letter grades. I like strict guidelines ;D [CON:3 CHA:1] Goal 4: In my battle log I mentioned KhanAcademy.com. It's an awesome resource that's like online school, but for no credit. My goal is to finish three lessons a week for the duration of the six week challenge. Woot woot for smarts! Unless the internet goes out and I can't find something else to constructively occupy my mind, then there's really no reason I can't accomplish this one. For every week that I don't complete three lessons, I'll deduct a letter grade from this goal. (Six weeks, five letters. I could potentially screw myself on these =D ) [WIS:3] I think I can reach these goals, so long as I stick to the plan =) Here's to the next six weeks! (Edited for grading outlines, intense zombification, and because I realized I was typing Khal instead of Khan. Thanks Game of thrones. Thanks a lot.)
  10. Greetings, fellow Scouts! First challenge, but I've been working out/eating clean for three months prior, already lost 30 lbs, so I know I can do this. Link to my (very nerdy) Fitblr. GOALS! C25K I'll continue to do the C25K app 3x a week and get to running 1/2 a 5K by the end of the challenge. +5 STA +5 STA ( A+ ) I rocked C25K each week and ran 20 minutes straight for the first time in my life the other night. Body Weight Training I have my own body weight training routine I made to do 3x a week on my non-run days. (Link to my routine here.) +2 STR +2 STA +1 STR, +1 STA ( C ) I didn't do weight training as much as I should have. Paleo I've been doing Paleo (with Keto mixed in) and sugar free for 3 months. I vow to continue this and additionally not eat out or eat complex carbs for the next 6 weeks. +3 CON +2 CON ( B ) I ate out a few times, but I did NOT eat complex carbs and stuck to paleo. 3D Game Programming I've been meaning to get better at game art so I can help my boyfriend make games. (Bachelor's of Science, Video and Game Art Programming) So during the next 6 weeks, every day I'm going to practice and get better. +3 WIS +2 WIS ( B ) I barely did any game programming, most of it was reading the dummy guide. But I DID start up Spanish again. So... Bonus point? I log my daily food intake as well as exercise on the LoseIt Website and app. Did this daily, lost around 10 more lbs during the challenge. Final Count 11/15 points Final Grade: B New Stats: Level 1 | 6 STA | 1 STR | 1 CON | 2 WIS BONUS! A progress picture for you. Before/During - 30lbs lighter. I would like to lose 12 more lbs during these 6 weeks. That's only 2lbs per week, I know I can do it! Edit: Updated end stats.
  11. I'm a wanna be Assassin on my first challenge.... Goal 1(Diet/Fitness): lose 12lbs - I have a bit of weight to shed (approx 40lbs). Plan: Workout 6 days/week for a min of 30 minutes. A- 10-12lbs lost B- 6-9lbs lost C- 5lbs lost D- 2-4lbs lost F- 0-1lb lost Goal 2 (Diet): Complete 30-day Paleo challenge Plan: Meal plan, keep all non-paleo food (for the kids) in a separate bin/shelf. My biggest downfall is cheese and bread/pasta. A- Complete challenge B- n/a C- n/a D- n/a F- Don't complete challenge Goal 3 (Fitness): Go to CrossFit 2x/week. Plan: Join CF (foundation classes are complete w/ 3m membership). Sign up for 6AM classes, Tues/Thurs. Already have a great group I'm working out with and really like my coach. Hopefully all my xfit friends will keep me motivated (they are the reason I joined in the first place!) A- go to 12 CF classes B- go to 11 CF classes C- go to 10 CF classes D- go to 9 CF classes F- go to 8 CF classes or less Goal 4 (Life): De-clutter and organize family room, master BR, and DD1's room . Plan: Spend 2 hours every weekend focused on cleaning out toy bins and book shelves. I need to get all the stuff under control and hope to donate 1/4 to our hope house. A- 5 weekends B- 4 weekends C- 3 weekends D- 2 weekends F- 1 weekend or less
  12. Hello everyone, Below I have my plans for this upcoming 6 week challenge. I've signed up on the official form, and signed up on acountability team document. Please let me know if I need to be more clear or revise any of my goals. These are three Diet/Fitness goals, and one Level Up Life goal. Remove all sugars (real/fake) from my drinks. I normally drink my water with crystal light, and my tea with obscene amounts of sugar. I have some naturally sweet loose leaf teas that I will start with, and cut the sugar I use in half over the next two weeks then trying to do the remaining four weeks without any sugar. Get back on the Primal wagon. I did a 6 week Paleo plan in late summer and really enjoyed it, I also lost 20 lbs, but I did not keep up with it and gained every ounce back. Below I have included my weekly basic shopping list. I work close to a Wegmans and they allow me to build really good, cost effective shopping lists on their website. I have a $100 weekly grocery budget for two adults. 5lbs Spaghetti Squash1lbs White Onions5lbs 80% Lean Ground Beef, CLUB PACK5lbs Boneless Center Cut Pork Chops, CLUB PACK5lbs Boneless Chicken Breast, CLUB PACK1lbs Breakfast Pork Sausage1 Harvest Blend (Frozen Vegitables)1 Mixed Vegetables (Frozen Vegitables)1 Broccoli Florets (Frozen Vegitables)1 Mirepoix (Frozen Vegitables)1 Pepper & Onion Blend (Frozen Vegitables)1 Rainbow Blend (Frozen Vegitables)1 Spring Blend (Frozen Vegitables)The total for all these items comes to around $55 allowing me $45 to add items relevant to that week’s meal plan. I will be creating my weekly meal plans in Google Drive and I will make those public and share the link on this thread. Each week will also be updated with what did and didn’t work with the recipes, as well as if we decided to eat out instead of cooking. The plan is to be comfortable cooking Paleo/Primal for good. Last time I had the plans written out FOR me, this time I'm making my own. Do the Beginner Bodyweight Workout 3x a week. This will be a great way to keep my activity levels up. I bought a 2.5 gallon water jug for the dumbbell portion of the workout. Let me just say that jug is the cheapest 20lb weight you will ever buy. My goal is; by the end of this six week challenge to be able to do two of the three reps without having to stop and rest in the middle of the exercises. Clean up my credit card bill. Vague, but stick with me: Remove all the non-monthly recurring charges that are on my card. The ones off the top of my head are my World of Warcraft subscription, and Typefrag server costs.This would leave only my car insurance payment, and my health insurance payment on that card. That would allow me to KNOW that my credit card bill will be a set amount every month and I can budget around it more closely.The goal is to reduce the total amount of charges to that card and try to stay below the 30% mark on how much of my card is being used, this will assist in continuing to build my credit and having the extra credit around to pay for emergencies. I think that’s it, any suggestions would be welcome. Happy New Year, Skilde
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