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  1. My time in this place is nearing it's end. My skills as a rookie Roller Ranger have kept me alive this long. The city has been good to me, it provides food if you know where to look as well as a means to get around if you know how to use it. The many slopes, rails and artificial surfaces suit wheels well. Outrunning the other scavengers is all part of survival in this city. My mentor has taught me well; he has shown me how to look after my body, how to fuel it for best performance, how to look past the bad and find the good. But now it is time to strike out on my own. He has his paradise and I have mine. I have heard tell of a place on the coast. Long flat surfaces to skate, lush green plants to eat, sunshine that doesn't have to fight through smog. I will journey there and make the coast my new home as others have before me. I will pass through the gates and evolve into a Roller Ranger. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a long time coming and I'm more than ready to take the next step in my evolution. My motivation to continue my fitness journey came when I discovered a passion skater for roller skating. I joined my local roller derby league and morphed from my embryonic to my larval stage. Now it is time; the imago stage calls! (A cool name for a cool thing!) It has been a cracking couple of year learning my sport and I may be getting way ahead of myself but I have felt lately that I've made a bit of a leap forward in my understanding of the game. I'm more confident because I feel like I actually know what I'm doing and can help my pack without waiting for the pack leader's call. Of course, I've still got loads to learn and I have a lot of developing to do physically but I am ready to take more responsibility for myself and for the team. Once I was a wide-eyed little lady clutching her bootlaces and skating around the outside of the track. Now it's time to graft those suckers to my feet and become a Roller Ranger! Upon completion of this 6 week challenge I enter the pupal stage to (hopefully) emerge be-skated and colourful! I will be gifted with a new name and some new beauties from the artists that are Wikko Skates. If you haven't seen them check them out here and here! I have already started the process of ordering my own set of bespoke skates that will serve me for the rest of my skating days not only am I super stoked, I am super keen to be worthy of them. So without further ado... Goal 1 (+2 STR, + 2 DEX) Workout 4 times a week. I currently have a 2 day split routine that keeps my workouts short so I don't feel like I've used up all my evening and giving enough time to relax afterwards before bed. Or course, I had to give them roller derby names so I call Leg / Back day "Beware the Booty!" day and Arms / Chest day "Brace Me!" day. My partner is a bit of a compendium of knowledge so he helped me work these things out as well as making our meals. So to make this work I have to workout 4 times a week. I can't miss one or it'll send the split out of whack. A - 24 workouts B - 20 workouts C - 16 workouts D - 12 workouts Goal 2 (+2 STA, +1 CON) Walk 150-200 miles over the 6 week. That's 5 miles a day. To stop me getting the bus when I can walk and get me out the office at lunchtime. I walk a lot anyway in my day-to-day existence but I've started to get a little lazy in terms of getting a cheeky bus ride when I could easily walk and eating my lunch at my desk in the office. I want to stop that and get out more when I can rather than stay in the comfy zone. A - +170 miles B - +150 miles C - +130 miles D - +110 miles Goal 3 (+2 DEX, +1 CON) Be more active during the workday. I've gotten myself a desk job. Something I never wanted. It isn't completely a desk job but a lot of it is me sitting behind a computer all day. It leaves me feeling splodgy and crap so I want to make sure I stand up more and wander around the office. Even I the weather is crap I'll go out for a walk, get some natural light and some fresh air and eat my lunch inside if needs must. I can do the mobility nerd fitness workout when I have the office to myself too. With my new lunchtime walk as well I'm going to make sure I at least get up and stretch once in the morning and afternoon. Getting up to go to the bathroom or make a cuppa doesn't count. Getting up to go do some physical work elsewhere in the mill does count. I could take a walk around the mill or go stretch in our storage room. I'm going to put a reminder on my computer to pop up at 11.30am and 3.30pm to get me out of the office chair for a bit. A - 30 days B - 24 days C - 18 days D - 15 days Life Goal (+2 WIS) Read at least 30 minutes a day, or at least one chapter, which ever comes first. I love reading and should do it more! It shuts me off from the worries of the day so I'll make sure I read as a way to wind down. I can do this on my big bus trip on the way to work or even at the end of the day before I go to bed. I even have a mental strength training for roller derby book I can read if I fancy it A - +37 days B - +30 days C - +25 days D - +20 days Side Quest (+1 WIS, +2 CHA) I'm venturing off to Scunthorpe for work midway through week 2 and coming back at the end of week 3. I'll be gone for about 11 days at the end of which I have a roller derby bout. My side quest is to make sure I act responsibly and healthily over those days, do a bodyweight workout in the hotel to reach my 4 a week, no alcohol, no crap food, no overdosing on tea or empty snacking. In previous tours I've got into a habit of big dinners, quick crappy lunches, snacks, too much tea and a beer or two with dinner in the evening. I want to make sure that I workout, don't drink alcohol, don't snack on crap and eat more healthily. I've written in my diary when I will do my workouts to get my 4 in a week and I'm going to practice the ancient art of discipline to stop getting carried away with my colleagues after we finish for the day.
  2. So it's official... I am addicted to powerlifting. I made it official today and changed my class to warrior. I love feeling like she hulk after a workout, and adding 10lbs to my deadlift (even though I think I could have pushed further), and 15 lbs to my bench last 6 week challenge was awesome. For this challenge I plan to continue getting stronger, more consistent, and perfecting my form while loosing a few lbs. To do this I must: Combining Powers - Continue lifting heavy things, and add in some LISS/cardio on off days - I need to add at least 3 days of LISS consistently throughout my week. (A - 3 weight and 3 LISS days, B - 3 weight, and 2 LISS days, C - at least 2 weight and 2 LISS day) Juggernaut gets it. My fitbit will be with me always, and know everything - I wore my charge HR for a while but let it die and didn't charge it for about a month until today. I want to get more in tune with what my body burns during weight/LISS days so that I can better meet calorie needs while not going overboard. (A - all 7 days, B 5-6 days, F less than 5 days) Limit that sweet sweet pasta, pizza, and bread - I get 2 meals a week with that as a main facet of the meal. I am not going to go crazy if I have to add flour to a recipe, ect for now. Complete meal prep so that it is easier to stick to the program and healthy foods. (A - 2 meals, B - 3 meals, F - 4+ meals)
  3. Hi fellow recruits. I am new to the forums so bear with me :-) I am a 51-year-old gal who is wanting to level up nutrition and fitness. I am still navigating through the Academy, and all the awesome information it has to offer. Main Quest– to lose 6 to 10 pounds during the course of this challenge; thereby increasing my health and wellness :-) Goal 1-MOVE-scheduling a walk;minimum of a mile, 3x-4x per week. Goal 2-LUNCH-plan ahead and pack/bring my lunch 4/5 workdays. Goal 3-SWEETS- to not eat any unplanned sweets/candy at work ( The location of my crappy eating ). I plan to use my fitness pal app to track my food along the way as well.
  4. Hello! So this is my first challenge, so tell me if I'm doing it wrong... _______________________________________________________ From my Intro Post: A bit about me: My name is Beth; I am 33 in November; I am an American living in Australia, and I am a SAHM with a soon to be 4 yo and triplets that just turned two. I am currently 87.9 kg on Day 1, with some fused vertebrae from a car accident ages ago and some military service, and a deep seated need to do this right this time, despite the fact that I have been a 'bare minimum' type of person my whole life. Why I'm doing this: I'm doing this because I'm tired of using my current life (a billion kids and no sleep) as a reason not to like myself. I want to feel attractive, be proud of what my body can do, and when my kids say they want to be like me, I want that to be a good thing. _______________________________________________________ I joined right in the middle of the last 6-week Challenge, so I am super excited to finally start this one! My Main Quest: I know that wieght is not the be-all, end-all, but I need to drop a few kg to make my knees and joints less prone to injury. So my quest is to lose 6 kg in the 6-week Challenge. However, I want to do it in a way that improves my life in the long run... more activity, better nutrition! Part 1 - I want to consume NO LIQUID CALORIES for 5 days out of every week. I've already cut soda, and cut milk out of my coffees, but no alchohol, no juice... I really need to focus on water intake. Part 2 - I want to start running... so 3 times a week, I'm going to run... it doesn't really matter how long, as long as I give it an honest go, but I have downloaded Zombies, Run! so that will be fun. Part 3 - I want to branch out and try one new class every week. I am trying Zumba next week, and rock wall climbing the one after... I'm also thinking a martial arts, a yoga, and a sword fighting... I have to see what's available and plan ahead. My Side Quest: I have so many things hanging out around the place that need to be put together or built. So, that is my side goal. I am going to build the trampoline for the kids, the new bike for my son, the brand new kitchen that is going in, and the new garden beds out back. IF i finish those too early in the challenge, I will move on to all the crafting projects I have half started and dying slow, stifled deaths. Wish me luck! I'm a recruit because this is my first challenge, but once I'm seeing some results I am looking at the Assassins Guild
  5. My name is Valerie and this is my 2nd 6 week challenge, and my first as a scout. I've been a member of the Nerd Fitness Academy for a little over 2 months, and I'm really enjoying it. I'm getting SO much out of this experience, and I'm feeling amazing about myself and my performance. I am a PhD candidate in my last year of school, and I'm working hard to keep both my mind and body in shape. I was born a runner, but I lost a lot of my fitness abilities when I dove headfirst into school. I want to take that power back and be proud of my strength, my body, and what I can accomplish. Over the last couple of years, I have moved from barely able to run a mile, to completing 5 1/2 marathons in good time, but I'm still trying to break that 2 hour barrier: PR 2:00:08 (seriously.) In order to accomplish my main goal (below), I must get stronger and faster. My first 6 week challenge was interesting, and you can read it here: Smarter, Stronger, Faster Main Quest: Run my first full marathon in as close to 4 hours as I can in January 2016 at the Arizona Rock n Roll Marathon (my family will be there to cheer me on W00T!) Quest 1: Be able to do a pull up like it's not that big of a deal. As I get stronger, I get faster and I am convinced that this kind of strength will really help with my endurance Measurement: A = Pull ups are kind of easy B = I can do the pullup, but I sort of want to die C = I am so close to a pullup, I can taste it. Reward: A = +5 STR ; B = +4 STR; C = +2STR Quest 2: Drink Less Alcohol - this is the main source of my bad calories. I am SUPER social, and a social drinker. Measurement: # of drinks per week total - A = 7 or less B = 9 or less C = 11 or less Reward: A = +3 WIS/ +1CON ; B = +2 WIS/ +1 CON ; C = +1 CON Life Quest: In order to become as competitive as possible for the market, which just opened, I MUST get my digital portfolio in order. I have had a pretty beautiful one open for over a year, but it's never been finished. Potential employers will be looking at it as soon as I get my first application submitted. This challenge, I will have my portfolio finished, polished, and market ready. Measurement: A = Finished and Polished; B = Finished but not yet polished; C = Almost finished! So close! Reward: A = +2 WIS/ +2 CHA ; B = +1 WIS/+1CHA ; C = +1 WIS Motivation: Feeling good about my own accomplishments makes me proud of myself, and the direct result is confidence. I need to be confident and academically in a great place when I start interviewing late fall/winter. The more confidence, the more jobs I'll likely score. It only takes one - but I want the right one.
  6. So! As the title states I am currently a ranger but have noticed the crossfit thing just isn't for me and recently (as in this past week) started working out with a powerlifting trainer. This challenge is going to be pretty straight forward but I am hoping (and really think) I have found my workout passion. My Large Goals: Train: I have 2 weekly workouts with my trainer that are 1 hour each, and I will weight train once a week full body on my own. My rest days will be active rest with at least 30-45 min of walking or yoga, and I get one straight rest day with nothing required. Eat for Gains: Workout Day Calories :2235 p:150g c:240g f:75g Rest Day Calories : 1835 p:150g c:140g f:75g Drink All The Water: I have to get back into the swing of drinking water throughout the day because I see myself sipping on a cup of coffee for 4 hours and then realize I have to go work out and I haven't had any water.
  7. Ok here goes for my first 6 week challenge. Main quest I want to lose 20 kg by Christmas and get fitter and stronger. Quest one I read about this in another post. I want to go on the S diet. It goes something like this. No sweets, no soft drink, no sugar except sometimes on days starting with S. I am though going to swap out a Sunday for my birthday. You have to have sweets and naughty things on your birthday. A: for no screw ups B: for one screw up C: for two screw ups Quest two I'm being easy on myself for this one because I've hurt my back. I want to get up to the body brigade 2 workout by the end of the challenge. To get there I need to be able to finish all of body brigade 1 including all the squat thrusts. This is a pass fail quest. Quest three Do one fast until dinner each week. A: no screw ups B: one screw up C: two screw ups Life quest: For this quest I want to finish off my little recording studio in my backyard and start recording my folk music. I probably have 2 or 3 weeks left to finish the studio which gives me another 3 weeks to do some writing and recording. Maybe I'll be able to post a track somewhere if I make it.
  8. So I signed up for the wipe out run that will be taking place here in Sacramento on September 5. My main goal for my first 6week challenge is to compete and only stop to catch my breath only four times throughout the race. To do that these are the goals I need to meet: Lose 20lbs by September 4 |STR + 3 Not really necessary but it will help me be healthier and in better shape overall for the run. I will work out for at least four days a week. Alternating between light and heavy workouts. A= 22 days B= 16 days C= 11 days D= 5 days F= 0 days Cut soda's out of my diet for 6 weeks |CON + 3 I say I don't drink a lot of sodas but three sodas a week adds up. so I will swap with water A= 0 sodas B= 3 sodas C= 6 sodas D= 9 sodas F= 12 sodas Run one mile each week for six weeks | STA + 3 yes I realized this goes past my event date but I don't care. I shall achieve becoming an assassin/scout/adventurer hybrid. To build up to this I need to practice everyday, or at least 5 days a week. A= 6 miles B= 5 miles C= 4 miles D= 3 miles F= 2 miles As a life goal, one thing I'm doing is trying to write a book, so as practice I'm currently writing stories on a fiction site. My goal is to write one chapter each week. Chapter written a week | WIS + 1 A= 6 B= 5 C= 4 D= 3 F= 2
  9. For my 6 week challenge, the main quest is to lose 6 lbs. In order to do this, I will work on my hiking/road marching. I will get my 12 mile time to under 3 hours while carrying 30 lbs of additional weight. Also, I will work my L-sit time up to 1 minute straight and steady. And lastly, I will get my 5 mile run time down to 45 minutes. The reason I am working on these specific goals is that they are, with the exception of the L-sit, actual requirements of my current profession, and I would like to exceed the standards that are set by my organization. I plan on losing 24 lbs over the next 6 months, as well as dropping my 12 mile time to 2 1/2 hours with 35 lbs, and running sub 36 minutes on my 5 mile. All of these goals will put me in the running for Scout/Sniper platoon within my battalion, something that I have always aspired form but never put forth the effort to do. -Edit: Forgot to mention, my challenge won't start for another week. I'm not in an area where I can weight myself. I'll still be working on the other stuff, but won't be able to get a starting point for a week or so.
  10. My name is Valerie and this is my 2nd 6 week challenge, and my first as a scout. I've been a member of the Nerd Fitness Academy for a little over 2 months, and I'm really enjoying it. I'm getting SO much out of this experience, and I'm feeling amazing about myself and my performance. I am a PhD candidate in my last year of school, and I'm working hard to keep both my mind and body in shape. I was born a runner, but I lost a lot of my fitness abilities when I dove headfirst into school. I want to take that power back and be proud of my strength, my body, and what I can accomplish. Over the last couple of years, I have moved from barely able to run a mile, to completing 5 1/2 marathons in good time, but I'm still trying to break that 2 hour barrier: PR 2:00:08 (seriously.) In order to accomplish my main goal (below), I must get stronger and faster. My first 6 week challenge was interesting, and you can read it here: Smarter, Stronger, Faster Main Quest: Run my first full marathon in as close to 4 hours as I can in January 2016 at the Arizona Rock n Roll Marathon (my family will be there to cheer me on W00T!) Quest 1: Be able to do a pull up like it's not that big of a deal. As I get stronger, I get faster and I am convinced that this kind of strength will really help with my endurance Measurement: A = Pull ups are kind of easy B = I can do the pullup, but I sort of want to die C = I am so close to a pullup, I can taste it. Reward: A = +4 STR ; B = +3 STR; C = +2STR Quest 2: Drink Less Alcohol - this is the main source of my bad calories. I am SUPER social, and a social drinker. Measurement: # of drinks per week total - A = 7 or less B = 9 or less C = 11 or less Reward: A = +2 WIS/ +1CON ; B = +1 WIS/ +1 CON ; C = +1 CON Life Quest: In order to become as competitive as possible for the market, which just opened, I MUST get my digital portfolio in order. I have had a pretty beautiful one open for over a year, but it's never been finished. Potential employers will be looking at it as soon as I get my first application submitted. This challenge, I will have my portfolio finished, polished, and market ready. Measurement: A = Finished and Polished; B = Finished but not yet polished; C = Almost finished! So close! Reward: A = +2 WIS/ +1 CHA ; B = +1 WIS/+1CHA ; C = +1 WIS Motivation: Feeling good about my own accomplishments makes me proud of myself, and the direct result is confidence. I need to be confident and academically in a great place when I start interviewing late fall/winter. The more confidence, the more jobs I'll likely score. It only takes one - but I want the right one.
  11. Those of you that cheer me on already know I got a Harley during the last challenge So I figured a Mad Max theme would be great this go around. Fury Road is not for the weak, and neither is my challenge this go around. Let's Ride... Task 1: Prepare for War - The road is a dangerous place, one must be prepared to fight for what is yours in order to survive - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Weights 3 times a week. Grading A: 3 times a week, B: 2 times a week, F: 1 time or less. Task 2 - Embrace the Heat - The environment is not a nice place, stay hydrated and get used to it. Drink a minimum of 60 oz a day, and walk outside at least twice a week. Grading: A: All water and walks, B: Most water and all walks, C: Most water and one walk, F: Not enough of either Task 3 - Eat to Survive (or Perform) - Nobody likes me when I am Hangry. Macros to follow - Training Days Calories 2235 Protein (g) 150 Carb (g) 240 Fat (g) 75 Rest Days Calories 1835 Protein (g) 150 Carb (g) 140 Fat (g) 75 Grading: A: Macros hit as well as calories within acceptable range (10 g or 100 calories) 6+ days a week B: Macros hit as well as calories within acceptable range (10 g or 100 calories) 5 days a week C: Macros hit as well as calories within acceptable range (10 g or 100 calories) 4 days a week F: Macros hit as well as calories within acceptable range (10 g or 100 calories) less than 4 days a week Extra Credit : 1 productive day per weekend, I have been sitting on my ass far too often lately. Grading - If all 6 weekends I get a productive day I can boost 1 Task grade up a level.
  12. My name is Valerie and this is my first 6 week challenge. I've been a member of the Nerd Fitness Academy for about 5-6 weeks, and I'm really enjoying it. I have never posted here, but I am active on the FB women's group. I am a PhD candidate in my last year of school, and I'm working hard to keep both my mind and body in shape. I was born a runner, but I lost a lot of my fitness abilities when I dove headfirst into school. I want to take that power back and be proud of my strength, my body, and what I can accomplish. Over the last couple of years, I have moved from barely able to run a mile, to completing 5 1/2 marathons in good time, but I'm still trying to break that 2 hour barrier: PR 2:00:08 (seriously.) In order to accomplish my main goal (below), I must get stronger and faster. Since this is my first 6 week challenge, I'm going to start out with some pretty small Quests and step it up from there. Main Quest: Run my first full marathon in 4 hours in January 2016 at the Arizona Rock n Roll Marathon (my family will be there to cheer me on W00T!) Quest 1: Run a mile in 7 minutes and 30 seconds by the end of the 6 week challenge. My PR is currently 8:06, so I have to shave off 47 seconds. Measurement: A = 7:30 B = 7:40 C = 7:50 Reward: A = +3 STA/ +1 DEX ; B = +2 STA/ +1 DEX ; C = +2STA Quest 2: Drink Less Alcohol - this is the main source of my bad calories. I am SUPER social, and a social drinker. Measurement: # of drinks per week total - A = 7 or less B = 9 or less C = 11 or less Reward: A = +2 WIS/ +1CON ; B = +1 WIS/ +1 CON ; C = +1 CON Life Quest: In order to become as competitive as possible for the market, which opens in my field mid-September, I MUST get 1 more article accepted (at least on a contingent basis) to a major journal. I have been devising and outlining an article all summer for a specific journal, and now I need to just write the thing. My life goal is to have the first draft complete and ready for review by my adviser by the end of this challenge. Measurement: A = Finished and Submitted B = Still need to write conclusion C = 1/2 drafted Reward: A = +2 CHA/ +1 CON ; B = +2 CHA ; C = +1 CHA Motivation: Feeling good about my own accomplishments makes me proud of myself, and the direct result is confidence. I need to be confident and academically in a great place when I start interviewing late fall/winter. The more confidence, the more jobs I'll likely score. It only takes one - but I want the right one.
  13. CALLING ALL SUPERHEROES! Okay, guys. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Comrade Talls. I’ve been on my fitness journey for a few months now and a NF Academy Member since May 2015. I won’t give you my life story in the first post, but if you want the full scoop, my forum introduction is here. But here we go: First challenge. -- Up until a couple of months ago, I hadn’t read a comic book since I was a kid. I used to have a fairly respectable collection of comics when I was younger, but as I got older, I just kinda’ grew out of the hobby. FLASH forward 20+ years. I had been on my fitness journey for a month or two when I came into possession of a Green Arrow trade paperback. I consumed it in a day or two and completely fell back in love. I felt like a boy again. Maybe it was because I was on my own journey now, as well, but I found it to be completely inspiring. So I bought more. Soon, I was buying vintage Green Arrow comics from the 1980’s on eBay. In an effort to expand my superhero horizons, I decided to start following a second hero. Wanting to stay in the DC Universe, I took a leap of faith and picked a hero I didn’t really know anything about…except that he was the fastest man alive. That’s right. I’m talking about The Flash. As I began brainstorming my first 6-Week Challenge, I noticed a lot of themed challenges in the Rebellion Forums. This clicked right away with me, and I decided to channel my new-found superhero obsession by incorporating them into my NF challenges. So without further ado, I present to you my first 6WC: Superhero Training I: Main Quest: I don’t know that I’ve ever went on a proper run in my entire life. Sure, I’ve went on ‘jogs’ here and there…and I do a lot of walking, but I’ve never committed myself to being a runner. So my main quest is this: Run a 5K. I’m nowhere near this goal now, but my 6WC will be tailored to help me work towards achieving this. Goal #1 – Run at least 2x/week by starting the C25K program. I know the program is set up for 3x/week, but I’m 236lbs. and I don’t run at all now, so I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew. However, I will strive to get that third run every week. Every time I complete 3 runs in a week, I score a *bonus run* for that week. If I complete at least 4/6 bonus runs, I will obtain Flash's famous SPEED FORCE and buy myself a Flash-themed item at the end of the challenge. I’m thinking an awesome figure, statue or t-shirt. But the item is TBD. Goal #2 – Complete 3 Bodyweight Strength-Training Routines per week. I already do this now with NF Academy workouts (7 weeks strong, no misses!), but for my 6WC, I’m going to alter my routine up to be more Flash-friendly. The new workout schedule will look something like this: MONDAY – NFA Workout: Bodyweight Brigade Level 2A WEDNESDAY – NFA Workout: Bodyweight Brigade Level 2B FRIDAY – FLASH FRIDAY: Neilarey’s ‘The Flash’ Workout – Level 1 I also will be incorporating a variety of moves from The Flash workout into my Monday & Wednesday workouts to help jumpstart my superhero powers. Goal #3 – Eat a minimum of one fruit and one vegetable per day, at least 6x/week. Garbage in, garbage out, as they say. But if I’m going to go from absolutely no running to 3 workouts and 2-3 runs each week, I need to be eating the right food. I’m going to shoot for doing this every day, but I’m giving myself a 6x/week goal in anticipation of unforeseen circumstances (like a mini-vacation in August). Life Quest: Hit the books! I’ve been concentrating so much on my health and fitness the past couple of months that I’ve pretty much put my studies on the back burner. Currently, I’m taking a self-paced online course that I’m only about 1/3 of the way through. So as my optional side quest, I’m committing to studying at least once a week for a minimum of 2 hours. It doesn’t have to be two hours in a row, but I have to get the two hours in somewhere. Small steps to get myself back on track! Scoring: This is the part I’m a little shaky on still, but here’s what I’m thinking for my attribute points. If I do any of this wrong, feel free to let me know so I can edit it before the challenge begins. Goal #1 – Run 2x/week (12 base runs, with 6 optional *bonus runs*) 12 Runs – 100% | 11 Runs – 75% | 10 Runs – 50% | 9 Runs – 25% | Less than 8 Runs – 0% Upon 3 Week Completion: +2 DEX, +1 STA Upon 6 Week Completion: +1 DEX Goal #2 – Complete (3) BW Strength Training Routines per week, including Flash Friday Workouts (18 workouts total). 18 – 100% | 17 – 75% | 16 – 50% | 15 – 25% | Less than 15 Workouts – 0% Upon 3 Week Completion: +2 STR, +1 STA Upon 6 Week Completion: +1 STR Goal #3 – Eat a minimum of one fruit and one veggie per day, at least 6x/week. (36 possible days, excluding one available miss each week) 36 Days – 100% | 33 Days – 75% | 30 Days – 50% | 27 Days – 25% | Less than 27 Days – 0% Upon 3 Week Completion: +2 CON +1 WIS Upon 6 Week Completion: +1 CON Life Quest – Hit the books! Study for a minimum of 2 hours per week. 6 Weeks – 100% | 5 Weeks – 75% | 4 Weeks – 50% | 3 Weeks – 25% | Less than 3 Weeks – 0% Upon 3 Week Completion: +1 WIS Upon 6 Week Completion: +1 WIS SPEED FORCE BONUS: I’ve found that rewarding myself with new loot seems to be a great motivator for me, so I added a couple of bonuses to my challenge: Complete My 6-Week Challenge 100% - I buy myself a NF Flag to hang in my workout room. I’ve wanted one of these for a while, but this way I’ll be making myself earn it. Complete at least 4/6 of the optional *Bonus Runs* - I'll obtain the SPEED FORCE and buy myself an awesome Flash-themed item as mentioned above. Okay, Rebellion. This is what I’ve put together for my first 6-Week Challenge. How’d I do? Any and all feedback appreciated. Good luck to everyone else on their challenges, and I'll definitely be following along. Here's to an awesome 6-Week Challenge, Rebels!
  14. Good evening fellow recruits, A little about me: 49 yo F, 5'6" (167cm), 156 pounds (71kg), attorney, mother of a teenager, owned by two cats and a very confused dog. I joined the Rebellion a couple weeks ago to jumpstart my weight loss and fitness efforts. My main goals over the next few months are to lose 10 (ok, 11) pounds before my birthday (December) and to try to PR at a half-marathon on October 31. My quests toward these goals, over the next 6 weeks, are: 1. Track my eating and drinking (all beverages, caloric and not, alcoholic and not) daily. I have the MyFitnessPal app on my phone. I will use MFP to track. I note that I do far better with my eating when I'm tracking; when I don't track is when I get sloppy with my eating. A = track every day (42 days) B = track at least 32 days C = track at least 21 days D = track at least 11 days F = track <11 days 2. Run four times a week, with one run being hill work or speedwork and one run being my long run. A = 24 total runs, including 6 hill/speedwork and 6 long run B = at least 18 total runs; at least 5 hill/speedwork and at least 5 long run C = at least 12 total runs; at least 3 hill/speedwork and at least 3 long run D = at least 6 total runs; at least 2 hill/speedwork and at least 2 long run F = <6 total runs OR <2 hill/speedwork OR <2 long run 3. Get into a strength training schedule on my non-running days. My quest is to strength train three times weekly. I am starting with the Beginner Bodyweight workout. After three weeks, I will re-evaluate to see whether it is time to move up to a more challenging strength workout. A = 18 strength training workouts B = at least 14 C = at least 9 D = at least 5 F = <5 My life quest for these six weeks is to engage in a morning meditation daily. A = every day (42 days) B = at least 32 days C = at least 21 days D = at least 11 days F = <11 days Motivation: I feel better physically and emotionally when I work out regularly and don't overeat. My moods are better when I run regularly. My joints feel better when I strength train regularly. I want to be strong and healthy as I turn 50 and beyond.
  15. C II - Entry I, Long ago, I was told a story. It's an ancient tale, and it goes roughly like this... A grandfather is speaking to his grandson, and says "Within each one of us there is a battle between two wolves." "One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, inferiority, resentment, lies, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth." The grandson ponders this, before replying, "Grandfather, which wolf wins?" The grandfather says simply, "The one you feed." This tale has truth to it, to be certain. Recently, while travelling along the road I came across a small camp. The woods surrounding this path were dark and looming, and seeing firelight was welcoming, so I decided to introduce myself. Upon approaching the small campsite, I met a single man. He was old, and wise, and had the appearance of a wolf and a man combined; his face was a wolf's head, his legs digitigrade, and his body covered in wolf's fur. He was playing a strange melody on a small flute when I approached, and didn't show any signs of stopping when I stepped into the firelight. I waited for a moment before sitting down. I waited a bit longer, listening to the enchanting melody. There was something familiar about this Lupine, as though I had known him all my life. Eventually, during a short pause in his music I spoke up and said, "Well met, good fellow. You play the flute well." At that he stopped playing, and smiled at me. "Do you believe we've met before?" I was a little caught off-guard by the question. "I'm not certain. You do seem familiar to me." At this his smile brightened, his silver eyes gleaming in the firelight. "So you are not entirely unconscious of yourself." He stood up, and continued, "Bastian, I am the wolf, Nin." An old legend from my village told of the Great Wolf, Nin. He was said to be the father of all wolves, a guardian to all Lupine spirits. You might think that I'd have been shocked and unable to believe this man was such a character from ancient myths, but the certainty in his eyes was impossibly strong. This was Nin. I stood, and asked how he had known my name. He had been keeping watch over me. I asked why he revealed himself now. He said it was because I was ready. I asked, "Ready for what?" He sat, and motioned for me to sit also. I did. Taking out from his travel bag a small pendant carved like a wolf's head, he said "You are adult now, though you may not feel it. You are ready now to awaken the good wolf within you." He smiled again. "And I shall guide you in uncovering your true spirit." He held out the pendant to me, but as I reached to grab it, his form shifted, and he was suddenly pure wolf, leaping away into the trees. He paused and looked at me, the pendant wrapped about his paw, and I began to chase after him. That is how I acquired my new mentor. And so begins a new Chapter. - Bastian's Journal Chapter II - Awakening the Wolf My name is Sebastian Woodland; most people call me Seb, but as an adventurer, I go as Bastian. You can call me whichever you want! As you can see I wrote up a bit of a story here, I figured to keep myself (and other readers) entertained, I'd add a little fantasy story update as often as I can when I post my updates. Also, I love writing and don't do it enough, so this is a good excuse to get a little creative every now and then! Despite writing the story and stuff I can't keep track of my stats, that feels like too much for me to worry about for me personally. However, I am keeping track of my level! Honestly, the story didn't give away much about what I actually want to accomplish, I got pretty carried away in the fantasy aspect of it Below is my new 6 week challenge! Current Main Quest: To connect more with my body, and increase my energy levels and flexibility.To become stronger, and increase my stamina.Specifics:Comfortably touch my toes with straight legsRegain my ability to run for a long time: 1hourWithin the next few months, build up enough strength to do 10 pushups (no knees and no breaks inbetween; this would be amazing for me, I've never been able to do it yet) Nin's Steps A wolf eats well. I will take a different approach to changing my diet this time: I get an A+ for not eating any chocolate, candy, cakes, icecream, or similar sugary things in a week. Each occasion which I have one of these things brings down the grade by 1 grade. A wolf is flexible and knows it's limits. I will do my stretches routine every day of the week. A wolf has strength. I will do my workout routine every second day. A wolf is agile. I will run for at least 10 minutes each day I do not workout, barefoot style. A wolf's spirit is calm and collected. I will practice guitar every day for at least 5 minutes. A wolf is a wanderer. This Challenge I will climb mount Finlayson at least once, as I missed it last challenge (a local, semi-treacherous mountain ) to re-connect with my ranger Spirit. Side Quests: Finish making the armour pieces for my Commander Shepard Cosplay by the end of the Challenge - I still haven't done itUpload a video of me playing music of some sort to YoutubeFinish reading The Wise Man's Fear Weekly Grading Monday --> Sunday No Sugar: _/0 A+: 0, A: 1, B: 2, C+: 3, C: 4, C-: 5, F: 6+ Stretches: _/7 A+: 7, A: 6, B: 5, C+: 4, C: 3-2. C-: 1, F: 0 Workout: _/3 A+: 4, A: 3, B: 2, C+: 1, F: 0 Runs: _/3 A+: 4, A: 3, B: 2, C+: 1, F: 0 Guitar Playing _/7 A+: 7, A: 6, B: 5, C+: 4, C: 3, C-: 2-1, F: 0Challenge Grading Grading will be done each Sunday. Good luck everyone!
  16. Hello everyone! I've received the NF emails for some time now, and I finally decided to get on the forums today and take my first 6-week challenge! I chose to be a Ranger You can see my challenge quest and goals here. I've never been a member of a forum before, so this is a completely new experience for me. Go easy on me! - Katie
  17. Hello all! So, this isn't actually my first challenge. I used to post here sporadically a couple of years ago, but I'm terrible at forums so I disappeared. Since then, I sort of fell off the fitness wagon (not helped by overdoing it and messing up my back a little), but now I've climbed back on it, and decided to try posting here again. I love the community and attitude here but I am terrible at forums...I always lose track of threads and then wander off. Taking another swing at it, and because it's been so long I'm treating this as if it were my first challenge. Here's to new beginnings! Some vital stats: Name: Abraham Occupation: Transportation planner/engineer Age: 27 Height: 5'10" Weight: 207.5 lb Currently obsessed with: Sense8, anything in Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere Favorite color: Red Max pull-ups: Hah. Main Quest: I kind of struggled with this as there are a million things I'd like to accomplish. Since I plan to do many of these challenges, I think I'm going to follow the approach of a book series: each individual "book" (challenge) has its own plot/goal, but all adding to the overall series story arc / main quest. I'll hop around from guild to guild to correspond with whatever the main goals of each challenge are. ...you know, I'm pretty sure that's what you're supposed to do. I guess just thinking out loud helped! Anyway, my snazzy catch phrase for the next 11 months is "build a body I'm proud of for Pride 2016." Part of this is aesthetics. This means a significantly lower body fat percentage (abs would be nice, but judging by my dad not having visible abs even when being in great shape in his 20's, they may not be in the cards...I'd be happy with a flat/firm torso), not having wet spaghetti for arms, etc. I imagine I'd be in the 175 ish pounds range, but this is more about how I look and feel than a number on the scale or even calipers. Basically, I want to feel totally at ease and comfortable taking my shirt off for the first time. Right now I'm uneasy in fitted t-shirts.It's not just about looking good though! Every May, my friend (who is a gym rat in good shape) does the Spartan Sprint, and so my performance goal is to be able to do that with him. I may not be able to keep up with him (though I will certainly try), but I want to be able to tackle the race confidently and have a reasonable shot at completing all the obstacles. This means I'll need to work towards getting stronger--especially in my upper body, which is severely lacking in the ability to do pull-ups, monkey bars, climb walls, or God forbid, rope climbs--as well as work on my endurance.As an aside, Pride 2016 = last weekend in June 2016. So that's the sneak peak of the series finale. But that's a ways off. The first step, and the main goal of this challenge, is to return to the healthy rhythm I had from mid 2013-mid 2014 and make fitness a lifestyle again. Once exercising and eating right are habits again, I can focus on more specific skills/weight-/time-/reps-/etc based goals in future challenges. My specific goals in this six-week endeavor: Work out at least four times a week. Five if my body is feeling up to it. Absolutely no less than three. My exercise program of choice is CrossFit--I love the variety and the team comaraderie, and contrary to what you might think, that isn't how I hurt my back, haha. I have a recurring appointment in my calendar for Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 6:45 am before work. Mobilize, mobilize, mobilize. My core is very weak, my hamstrings and hip flexors are always tight, and I have trouble recruiting my glutes into movements...I'm a mess, mobility-wise, and that is how I ended up messing up my back. Back squats + weak core = compromised posture and too much stress on my lower back. Thankfully no herniation, but I had to take a break. Back squats are still on hold for a bit but I can front squat fine. Anyway, I will commit to doing 20+ minutes of mobility work, core strengthening, and stretching per day, as well as attending a weekly hour-long "Active Recovery" class at my gym after my Thursday workout. I even got my work schedule on Thursday pushed back so I could do the AR class. Eat well, and make it home-cooked as often as possible. Going off various BMR calculators I have set a goal in MyFitnessPal for a 2,000 calorie/day limit (let me know if you think that sounds too low/high) in effort to start shedding some of these excess pounds. It's okay if a day or two is higher, if it averages out over the course of the week. A subsidiary of this goal is to cook as often as possible and to buy lunch at work no more than once per week. Life goal: spend at least 30 minutes/day studying French. Another thing I started on a while ago and stopped. I'm very much a beginner here, but knowing English and two Romance languages (Spanish and Portuguese) should help with the vocabulary and grammar. That pronunciation though.... Well that's my incredibly verbose (re-)introduction! As annoying as it is to have fallen off the horse, the only thing you can do is get back on, and that's what I hope to accomplish. See you all around the forums!
  18. Introduction: Hello All!! I'm Lula, and this is my very first 6-Week Challenge! I am fairly new to Nerd Fitness, but I tend to want to jump right in to the battle, so here I am starting the 6 week challenge. I work in construction management, so that means I spend a lot of time at my computer with semi-frequent job site visits. But overall I haven't been the most active person over the last few years. I joined the rebellion because I wanted to make a lifestyle change, and it was the only program I could find with such a great community that actually supports a healthy lifestyle. My current Stats: Weight: 166.3lbs BF: 36.7% Main Quest: Drop a few dress sizes and ultimately weigh in around 125lbs. (I would love to wear a size Small t-shirt, and a size 2 jeans) Quest 1: Workout or be active everyday of the week. (ie. running, walking, gym workout, yoga...) Measurement: A = 6 days/week, B = 5 days/week, C = 4 days/week, D = 3 days/week, F = 2 days/week Reward: A = New workout clothes & shoes, B = New workout shoes, C = New workout clothes, Quest 2: Follow meal plan to a T (at least keep it clean and vegan) Measurement: A = 18 meals/week, B = 15 meals/week, C = 12 meals/week Reward: A = Try a vegan restaurant, B = whole foods treat, C = dairy queen (slush) Quest 3: Give up soda and coffee!! Measurement: A = 0/week; B = 3/week C = 7/week Reward: A = WINE! Life Quest: Get up on my first alarm! Measurement: A = 5 days/week, B = 3 days/week, C = 1 day/week Reward: A = sleep in weekend!, B = sleep in sunday! Motivation: I want to increase my self-image and not avoid making new friends because of the way I look.
  19. Rioghain takes a deep breath and fingers the Blood Opal jewel which hangs around her neck encased in an elaborate and time-darkened silver frame, attempting to center herself in preparation for the start of her training. She still finds it difficult to believe she is even here, on the steps outside the hall of one of the oldest Blood courts in Askavi Terreille. A world away from her home in Chaillot, she knows only an inkling of what her older brother had to sacrifice to secure her a place in this court and its training program to strengthen her mind and body before making her Offering to the Darkness and descending to her true jewel rank. She knows little of the world outside of Beldon Mor, but the creeping suspicion that he has put himself in grave danger for this opportunity is enough to push her not to waste it. She will do everything asked of her because she must, for him. She opens her eyes again to the world outside the front door to the court's home palace and wipes away one tear brought to her by thoughts of her brother. It will be the last one spared here. Today is the first day of the rest of her life. Six weeks from now, if she has completed the tasks set to her by her new mentor, Rhaegar Yaslana, she will make the Offering and find out where she will stand in the ranking of the Blood for the rest of her time in this Realm and the next. It has long been thought that no amount of training or meditation could change the true potential of one's Blood rank, but in the years since the return of Witch, Queen of the Blood, this notion has been challenged, and Rioghain's older brother subscribes to the belief that potential can be manipulated--enough to stake his life on a chance for her to better hers. Rioghain's people are round of face, soft of edge and curve, and historically known for their lighter jewels--being Blood Opal by birth already makes Rioghain one of the darkest-jeweled of her race alive. Eyrians--the home race of Askavi--are quite the opposite. Their bodies and minds are sharp, fast, and flexible, and they lean toward the darker jewels by birthright and by Offering. This is why Rioghain is here. She will make a better life for herself than what was left when Witch's witch storm destroyed the corrupt Blood of Beldon Mor, including her parents. She will create a new legacy for her family that is not tainted by the horrifying revelations that came from the storm. She will train with the Eyrians until she is something new--something strong, sharp, and agile--and she will start today. She sets her jaw and descends the grand staircase to join the ranks of her new family. Challenge One (7/28/2015 - 9/8/2015) Part 1: Eyrians are sharp-witted and, though there is nothing they love more than to fly, they are emotionally grounded. I will complete one 30-day yoga challenge within six weeks. Hopefully consecutively, but the ultimate goal is just to keep it within six weeks. Part 2: Eyrians are hunters and gatherers. I will subscribe to a Paleo food diet a minimum of six days per week. Part 3: Eyrians recognize the importance of leisure and recreation in moderation. I will go from drinking beer several times a week to limiting my alcohol consumption to red wine and clear liquor and only two days per week. Part 4: The training program for young Eryians includes intensive strength-building to prepare their bodies for flight. I will perform a minimum of three NFA workouts per week. Part 5: An Eyrian knows that focus and concentration are what keeps them in the air. I will meditate for between 2 and 30 minutes every day.
  20. I've been absent from this site for a while. In that time my fitness has really fallen by the wayside. I still work full-time, but am now also a part-time masters student in a sit-down major (Finance) and just spent months packing and moving. I'm mentally and physically exhausted and can't seem to recoup. I feel a good part of my problem is that I've abandoned my discipline in these areas: Sleep - if I'm lucky I allow myself five hours on a weeknight Diet - I'm eating double what I need due to stress, and have fallen off my paleo wagon Schedule - My days are over committed and extremely hectic If I can start reigning in these three areas I'll be on my way back to more optimal health. I'll address the exercise (or lack thereof) in the next challenge... Thanks for giving me a forum for accountability, and where I can take a good, honest look at my bad habits.
  21. So my last challenge had a lot of slip ups but I am moving forward and looking to really make this year a good one for myself. I joined a GAME On! challenge with a buy in of 20 bucks, and I am taking my goals from that and implementing them here. Since that started yesterday this 6 week challenge is going to be more like 8! Train All The Days- 60 minuets of activity 5 days a week, 20 minuets minimum of activity on "off days" 6+ Days per week - A 5+ Days per week - B Less than 5 - F Drink All The Water- 3 liters per day, every day. 6+ Days per week - A 5+ Days per week - B Less than 5 - F Don't Eat All The Things - eat 4 to 5 small/proper portioned meals per day (1 quest bar/protein shake counts as a meal per day). I will stay under my 1600 calorie limit on heavy workout days, 1400 on light workout days. The game on challenge rules allow 1 meal and 1 day off, so I am sticking with that as the rules. No alcohol except 1 drink allowed with the cheat meal, and then on the free day. 6+ Days per week - A 5+ Days per week - B Less than 5 - F Life Quest: Save up for my Cruiser now that I have my motorcycle endorsement!!
  22. Entry I, The dirt road I walked upon became more faded with each step, and soon enough I had journeyed beyond any civilized land... into the wild. This was it. This was my first time travelling outside the village, and into the world, alone. I had only minimal training before this moment; my home village had been visited on occasion by a Knight of the Rebellion, and he had taught me a few things. But I was not ready... not yet. That would be my first real challenge. Just being able to survive out here. "Remember, when travelling into the wilderness, it's not swords and arrows that will kill you. You must first find water... next, food." The Knight spoke those words to me; my first concern would not be to defend myself from the agents of the Emperor, but to forage for food, and water. I hardly knew good plants from bad, how to skin which animals, or if I could even stomach it. This was my test... though it was not entirely by choice. Several days ago, a legion of Imperial soldiers marched into town. They found the Knight, and they took him prisoner. They have no honour. A speaker for the Empire stood in the village centre, warning that all who would even breathe a word of rebellion would be crushed. I had never felt such a weight over the village; it was the heaviness of fear. It was then that I knew, I could delay no longer. The world was calling; I needed to prepare myself. I knew the road ahead would be long and dangerous, that I would have much to learn, but I also knew in my heart that this journey was vastly important. I needed to join the Rebellion. - Bastian's Journal Chapter I - Into the Wild My name is Sebastian Woodland; most people call me Seb, but I as an adventurer, I go as Bastian. You can call me whichever you want! As you can see I wrote up a bit of a story here, I figured to keep myself (and other readers) entertained, I'd add a little fantasy story update as often as I can when I post my updates. Also, I love writing and don't do it enough, so this is a good excuse to get a little creative every now and then! I wrote this part in my first challenge but I don't think anyone saw it since I joined halfway through, so here it is: "More about myself: I'm a wannabe indie video game creator, as well as musician, artist, almost anything creative. I've also been using HabitRPG for a year now, and it's greatly helped me, but I think this community will be even more help! I love video games, role-playing games, and movies, sci fi and fantasy, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, Mass Effect, Zelda, Dark Souls, that sort of thing. Since I was a kid I always looked up to the heroes in these stories and wished I could be just as awesome as them; being able to run for long periods of time and defend myself, doing cool acrobatics, climbing mountains, etc. The thing I'm really focused on now though is trying to raise my energy levels, becoming more flexible, more in-tune with my body, and yes, becoming stronger." Specifically for this challenge, in case you couldn't tell from my short fantasy story, my goal is to learn new, healthy foods, learn how to prepare them and practice doing so. For the time of my first challenge, I managed to work out every second day, but in between then and now that sort of fell short. So I also plan to continue with that. This challenge will probably look very similar to that one, with a stronger focus on food instead of working out. Current Main Quest: To connect more with my body, and increase my energy levels and flexibility.To become stronger, and increase my stamina.Specifics:Comfortably touch my toes with straight legsRegain my ability to run for a long time: 1hourWithin the next few months, build up enough strength to do 10 pushups (no knees; this would be amazing for me, I've never been able to do it yet) The Steps I will eat a Paleo meal at least four times a week, and try a new Paleo meal once a week. I will practice preparing this food myself, as I am not skilled at cooking (yet) which is an important skill for any ranger! - I'll count this as training Stamina and Charisma I will do my stretches routine every day of the week - This is like training for both Wisdom and Dexterity I will do my workout routine 3 days a week and run for at least 10 minutes 4 days a week - Constitution and Strength training This Challenge I will climb mount Finlayson at least once, maybe more times (a local, semi-treacherous mountain ) to re-connect with my ranger Spirit. - This counts towards Stamina and Wisdom Side Quests: Finish making the armour pieces for my Commander Shepard Cosplay by the end of the Challenge - it's been way too long since I worked on it seriously (and I didn't succeed here last challenge)Write a song this month to post to bandcampFinish reading The Name of the Wind (which is really good so far!)Finish my arrangement of Dark World/Lorule theme for two guitars Weekly Grading Monday --> Sunday Paleo Meals: _/4 A+: 5+, A: 4, B: 3, C+: 2, C: 1, C-: 0 New Paleo Meal: _/1 A+: 3+, A: 2, B: 1, C-: 0 Stretches: _/7 A+: 7, A: 6, B: 5, C+: 4, C: 3-2. C-:1-0 Workout: _/3 A+: 4, A: 3, B: 2, C+: 1, C-:0 Runs: _/4 A+: 5, A: 4, B: 3, C+: 2, C: 1, C-: 0Challenge Grading Grading will be done each Sunday.
  23. Yay, it's time for my second 6-week challenge! (I'm one day too late, but still.) As my exercise schedule currently consists of Crossfit, sprinting and running, I figured I belong to the Rangers guild! ^^ As for a race, I think I'm a nymph: I like being alone in the forest, I secretly wish to live in a tree (house) in the woods, I have many plants in and around my room and I have a thing for flowers! Main quest My main quest of the previous challenge was to lose 18 lbs. This is still ongoing, so I'll keep it as a main quest – but honestly, the subgoals for this challenge don't necessarily contribute to this. The thing is, the subgoals from the previous challenge are kind of my habits right now! So I will lose those pounds eventually along the way ^^. Subgoals Stick to the 80/20 rule (unhealthy food/snacks limited to 2x a week) \\ +1 CON, +1 STA Most of the time, I eat pretty healthy (Primal/Paleo-ish) but lately I've been having more unhealthy snacks and drinks than usual. Of course it's completely fine to eat something unhealthy every once in a while - but not too often. Therefore, I want to stick to the 80/20 rule again instead of the 50/50 rule that I tend to follow right now... Go for a 10-30min morning walk 3x a week (preferably in nature) \\ +2 STA, +1 DEX, +1 STR Walking is very healthy for the body AND the mind. I find that I don't do this often enough and I know that it really helps me, physically as well as emotionally (have been getting a lot of stress lately). And I get some fresh air in! Because I'm not sure about the length of the walks yet (and I'm quite busy on some days), I want to aim for something between 10-30 minutes to begin with. I'll see how that goes! As for the days, I think I'll do this on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (those are the days on which I usually don't exercise). Eat more iodine: 2x fish, 1x kombu/wakame soup, take supplements \\ +2 CON, +1 STA I'm kind of worried that I'm suffering from iodine deficiency, so I want to incorporate idione-rich foods into my eating pattern and see if that helps. Seaweed is healthy anyways. (:Life quest 1. Find a summer job \\ +2 CHA, +1 WIS Summer vacation is coming and I want to earn some money! Therefore, I'm looking for a summer job. I really want to have this settled as soon as possible. 2. Meditate 1x each day 3x a week (at least 5 min.) \\ +2 WIS, +1 CHA Meditating is something I've wanted to do for a loooong time. I easily get stressed and tend to worry a lot, which is not a good thing. I think that meditating can definitely help me with this and I want to make it a habit! I'll start with guided meditations and use YouTube/apps (like Stop, Breathe & Think and Calm) to help me! I'm ready to get started again! ^^
  24. Hey there everyone, Title is in reference to this shirt, which I think is hilariously awesome (and don't choose Nah!) http://www.lookhuman.com/design/76687-burpees-for-paragon-squats-for-renegadepint Always been in decent enough shape, but definitely wasn't into any sports or anything physical in school. So there was a long time where I didn't 'identify' as someone who went to the gym. I started exercising casually when, in a period of a lot of stress, I was hit with a freak, really bad case of acne practically overnight. My college had fitness classes, so I started aerobics. It was pretty awesome to dance to music twice a week, but then I graduated and started volunteering and didn't have money to be in any kind of fitness class. I was still scared to 'exercise myself', but I started running and was able to run a 10K. I quit running right after that because of knee pain. I wasn't really too consistent for a while - I also did a 6 month stint at a CrossFit gym, which I also loved, but I had to quit that when I was laid off from my job. It was a few months after this that I casually went to the gym while visiting my brother for a mostly easy workout and what I thought was a light weight deadlift for me. All I can say is that either I was horribly imbalanced or just forgotten my form, and I came home and thought "Something is not right with my hips." A couple of weeks later, when the hip pain still hadn't subsided, I went to a doctor and was diagnosed with hip flexor tendonitis. For a while I stopped exercising completely, and that came along with its own issues of anxiety and depression. Now, I spend all of my time at the gym stretching and strengthening so that I can get my body realigned and reverse all the years of bad posture and bad form. I see a chiropractor twice a week. I'm also hitting my diet pretty hard - which part of this challenge. As an overall focus, these 6 weeks are going to be to reset and refocus. Goal 1: Something physical every day. The idea is consistency. The end goal and focus in this is to heal my hip and adjust my body for maximum awesomeness!! I can't actually burpee or squat right now - At the end of 6 weeks, my goal is to be able to again! Goal 2: Home cooked meals. Again, consistency. Goal 3: Sleep before midnight, if not sooner. 8 hours a night goal. SideQuest: Kill the laundry monster of doom. Let's get physical 7%7% Home cooked goodness 7%7% ZZZZZZZZZZ's 7%7%
  25. Name's Charlie. I am a nursery nurse with 9 years of MMA (mixed martial arts) up my sleeve, but since an injury (partial retinal detachment) 2 years ago I've had to stop training along with any other high impact sports. Instead i am focusing on strength and flexibility by training on the aerial silks. Main goal To climb unassisted to the top of the silks Missions Go to silks class once a week Do flexibility increasing yoga every other day Complete daily bodyweight workout Side quests Drink 1L water a day Eat paleo Life quest Start my new job
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