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  1. For this challenge, I am trying something new. I've been meditating for a few years now but never worked mindfully within chakra healing. In light of some recent life stress, I think this is a needed experiment. I'll have some fun along the way, too, by channeling some Avatar: The Last Airbender characters, as well as other bits of fun. Chakra Challenge Practice at least one from each of the following daily: Root (Earth/Red) Chakra: Grounding exercises: walk barefoot outside, feel the earth beneath your feet, sit or squat on the ground, sit beneath a tree and imagine connecting deep into the earth the way a trees roots connect to the earth. Kundalini yoga; standing poses such as mountain, warrior, etc. Listen to a guided meditation for root chakra or for feeling grounded Eat earthy vegetables from the ground, like potatoes and carrots, as well as animal proteins like red meat and eggs, spices like cayenne or tabasco, and red foods like apples and beets. Drink dandelion root tea Sacral (Water/Orange) Chakra: Practice deep, abdominal breathing exercises such as "breath of fire" or WHM breathing. Eat orange colored foods such as an orange or a tangerine Hip/core yoga poses such as cobra, camel, etc. Listen to guided meditation for sacral chakra Get near water and/or drink plenty of water; go for a swim if you can Vitality (Fire/Yellow) Chakra: Kundalini and abdominal/core poses, as well as abdominal breathing exercises (breath of fire, WHM). eat yellow foods (bananas, lemons, sunflower seeds, yellow peppers. Drink tea with ginger, chamomile, or mint. Listen to a guided meditation for solar plexus/vitality chakra Heart (Green) Chakra: Bikram yoga and poses that open up the chest/heart Open up your heart: express love, kindness, gratitude, and trust to others, even complete strangers. Eat green colored foods life leafy green vegetables, spinach, green peppers, etc. Drink green tea. Go for a hike; surround yourself with the color green. Do exercises that work the pectoral/chest area (pushups, etc.) Listen to a guided heart chakra meditation. Breathing exercise in which you hold your hand over your heart and feel your heartbeat as you breathe. Throat (Sound/Blue) Chakra: Sing a favorite song with passion and as loud as you want. Drink plenty of water. Observe the color blue, especially in nature. Speak the truth with love: if you have to say something tough, be honest but not hurtful. Listen to a guided meditation for throat chakra, especially one with chanting or humming. Laugh out loud, even if you don't feel like it. Find a secluded place, preferably in nature, and just roar! Read a poem out loud. Do a brief silent retreat in which you don't speak for an allotted period of time. Do a shoulder stand and/or similar poses. Fast to give your mouth/throat a break. Third Eye (Light/Indigo) Chakra: Child's pose or other forward bend exercises. Drink tea with coconut oil, raw ACV, and honey. Add lavender if possible. Watch the sunrise/sunset. Listen to a third eye chakra guided meditation. Massage the center of your forehead (location of "third eye") with your fingers. Eat purple colored fruits like grapes or blueberries. Eat dark chocolate (the heavier the cocoa the better). Crown (Thought/Violet) Chakra: Take a nature bath: shinrin-yoku Listen to a guided meditation for crown chakra. Sit in silence, eyes closed, and just breathe. Drink plenty of water. Drink tea with lavender Also do the following: Chakra healing guided meditation at least once/week Intense mindful movement session such as tai chi, qigong, or kung fu at least 3 times/week. Mindful walking at least 5 times/week. At least one day/week without technology (exception: phone for calls only). Take a "sabbath" or "retreat," a day of rest at least once/week. Read Frank Forencich's Beautiful Practice.
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