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Found 4 results

  1. Video not safe for work. (after listening to this a couple of times I'm beginning to think they aren't actually singing about bicycles.) C'Mon Let Me Ride Your Bicycle - yep, gotta do it if I want to race. I should have started months ago. Other Stuff - A little yoga and the occasional kettlebell wouldn't hurt any. Other, other stuff - Maybe don't eat like an asshole, perhaps drink something besides beer and coffee.
  2. Hello and welcome to my journey, Relieve Some Tension. The purpose of this journey is to cure my lifelong struggle with myself being tense and nervous all the time to the point where I walk very stiff and my core muscles aren't present. My mind is always busy and I'm here to learn how to calm it down. So here's the breakdown as to what I hope to accomplish for the next 6 weeks of the new challege starting June 9th. Main Quest: To become uniform with my mind and body in order to have control of how I react, adapt, breathe and take action. Here are the steps I'm taking to accomplish this: 1. Do the DDPYOGA workouts 3 times a week which I'm on my 4th week right now. 2. Allocate time in the day to meditate and focus only on my breathing for 5 mintues a day to help calm and relax my mind. 3. To build strength to be able to lift my own bodyweight and do amazing things with it. Side Quests: I have a couple that I would like to accomplish: 1. Build Muscle and Burn Fat: Losing weight is for the birds. The DDP YOGA program not only focuses on flexibility but also bodyweight and dynamic resistance exercises that helps in this area of fat burning and muscle building. The second and most important step is to follow the Primal Blueprint diet from Mark's Daily Apple to help me achieve the goal of melting off the excess fat and the great joy of eating real food and not that processed garbage. 2. Become 5K Ready in Running: Running is one of my favorite past times and I would like to get back into my routine of running 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes/workout to be prepared to run a 5K should one become available within the next 6 weeks. I plan on re-reading the article about running on here and adopting some new training tips on how to get more out of my running. Oh and it would help for me to get those insoles from Fleet Feet since I'm flat-footed. LOL Life Quests: 1. Keep on hammering down my debt until I become debt-free 2. Since I've mastered HTML and CSS programming, my next goal is to make my own website using these technologies. 3. Start learning JavaScript and JQuery to increase my skillset in the world of web development. Thank you for reading my journey and I plan on looking at this at least once a week to keep myself on task.
  3. Hello there, Druids. This is my 3rd challenge. I started with building new habits in my 1st and then using these habits to lose body fat with the Adventurers in my 2nd. The reason that I came to the Druids is so that I can start to: Main quest: Build habits that will protect my body and mind from harm. Harm to the body and mind comes in many forms: injury, illness, stress, anxiety, etc. I am not saying that this challenge will completely eliminate these things from my life, but it will give me the tools to prevent them as well as a means to deal with them when they do arise. Success in this main quest will be measured by the grades I receive in my goals. I expect myself to manage all Bs at minimum. Goals: Meditate at least 15 minutes every day. (2 CON and 2 WIS) I have read a little on meditation and it's benefits, but I have never tried it before. I will be experimenting with the various different types of meditation to find which is the best way for me. This is probably my most important goal of this challenge as it will improve both my mental and physical health. Grading (Days): A- 40+. B- 36-39. C- 32-35. D- 28-31 . F- Less than 28. Complete 2 hours of DDP Yoga every week. (3 DEX and 2 STA) I know it's not a traditional form of Yoga but it's the one that intrigues me the most and will still offer the benefits that traditional yoga does (flexibility, core strength, controlled breathing, etc). Grading (Total Hours): A- 12+. B- 11-12. C- 10-11. D- 9-10. F- Less than 9 Follow MobilityWOD every day. (2 DEX) This guy (Kelly Starrett) has been repeatedly recommended on this forum for diagnosing and addressing mobility issues. http://www.mobilitywod.com/ I plan to start at his very first video and work through all of his mobility WODs day to day. Grading (Days): A- 40+. B- 36-39. C- 32-35. D- 28-31 . F- Less than 28. Side quest Maintain a body fat % of below 15. (1 CON and 1 CHA) I have never tried to maintain weight before. In the past I was either aiming to lose it or eating whatever I pleased (and inevitably gaining it). I want to stay at around 15% so I'll be counting calories to do so. Current weight and body fat %- 177lbs at 12% Grading: A- Below 15%. B- 15-16%. C- 16-17%. D- 17-18%. F- Over 18%. Life quest: Create an Epic Quest/Life List/Bucket List. (2 WIS) A very important life quest for me. I will be looking to figure out everything I want to do with my life and then posting it on these forums at the end of the challenge. This will give me perspective and allow me to work out how and when I plan to do everything! Grading: A- Created an Epic Quest. B- Created most of an Epic Quest. C- Created around half on an Epic Quest. D- Started creating an Epic Quest. F- Did nothing. Thank you for reading, and I can very safely say that I am looking forward to Monday. Let's go Druids!
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