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Found 11 results

  1. Some mood musique We had some interesting discussions about French dietary habits last challenge (small portions, variety, satiety, quality, etc) that made me want to try a little French-themed experiment this challenge. It may seem like I have a lot of goals (especially after the last extremely simplified challenge), but some of these goals are things I do pretty well anyway and am just adding it to round out the theme. 🍞 Boulangerie An important aspect of French cuisine is fresh, quality ingredients, especially BREAD 😍. Sure, vegetables too, but we will work up to those. My goal is to bake my own bread twice during the challenge. I have no idea how long I should expect a loaf to last, and I don't want to overwhelm, so two is a good goal to start. The bread does not have to be French -- in fact, I can almost guarantee the first one will be focaccia -- but baguette may happen if I am ambitious. 🍰 Patisserie Desserts are de rigeur in France, even among the svelte, but portion sizes are miniscule compared to American servings. So my goal is to keep desserts to French standard portion sizes - two or three good bites. The best way to make this portion size feel satisfying is of course to take smaller bites and savor a quality dessert (no prepackaged cookies, trail mix, or other low quality "junk foods"). A square of dark chocolate is fine. 🛶 La TraverSeine There is an annual rowing event on the Seine in Paris in early September. Kayaks, canoes, even dragon boats may enter for the 15k "explore" event or 26k competition. The route goes under some 30 Parisian bridges and past most of the tourist traps: Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame, etc etc. I...will not be going 😂. But, for fun I will pretend to be training for the event by indoor rowing twice a week (minimum) and actually kayaking at least once (hopefully the Poker Run mid-August). 🎨 La Louvre Continue my exploration of pen and ink art via the Inktober52 Instagram challenge. We are on week 29 (I think?) and I haven't missed a week yet! ⚜️ Lingua Franca Maintain my streak of foreign language practice on Duolingo (currently at 209 days).
  2. I'm currently a student and I travel between my parents' home and my boyfriend's home multiple times per week. Their eating-habits aren't exactly bad, but they're not that great either. At my bf's it's usually me who cooks. I'm also reliant on homemade lunch because we don't have a cafeteria or restaurant near the school and even the supermarket is ridiculously small for the number of people frequenting it. We're lucky we have one microwave for a student-body of probably more than 500. Problem #1: Breakfast It takes me a long time to get going in the mornings, so I don't have time to prepare anything fancy for breakfast. I used to eat cereals or muesli with milk or sometimes yoghurt, but that didn't feel too satisfying and it also gets quite expensive. If I only eat toast with jam or honey I'll be hungry again soon. I currently habe oats with nuts, raisins and yoghurt for breakfast, but I keep forgetting to buy more yoghurt, so now I'm looking for alternatives. I don't really eat eggs or bacon or anything savoury/salty for breakfast except maybe for weekends, and I'm running out of ideas... Problem #2: I'm a sucker for sweets and desserts. I love chocolate and cookies and cakes. I love to bake. But I have no idea how to get a good balance. I'm usually not eating as much as I used to, but I miss baking cakes. But I also hate feeling somewhat guilty for eating biscuits or chocolate to try and get me through a stressful day. Is there such a thing as healthy alternatives that won't recquire lots of fancy ingredients I'd have to get for lots of money at a specialised store? Because I still feel like my soul would appreciate these sweet moments in life. Problem #3: I'm a sucker for comfort-food. If I don't manage to prepare lunch or grab some leftovers I usually just quickly cook some noodles and throw some store-bought sauces or pestos and parmesan in. If I do manage to cook or have some leftovers, it's not unlikely for it to be something that may not be so very ideal as my go-to-recipes when faced with the question of what to cook. Jambalays probably isn't so bad, but Lasagna and Mac'n Cheese and pasta-bakes all have noodles in them again, which is usually recommended to stay away from in this forum as far as I've seen. I know that meal-prep is important, but I'm having trouble making it a habit because I feel like I have a rather limited repertoire of go-to-dishes while wanting more diversity, and also I keep forgetting about it and only remember that I should have cooked when I'm already supposed to be in bed because otherwise I won't get enough sleep and be completely useless the next day... Sorry for the long post, but I didn't want to spam the forum with multiple ones ^^" Any kind of help would be really appreciated
  3. Hi All, This will be my first challenge. I would love some feedback on how it looks and/or ways that I can improve them. Year goal -- lose significant weight by changing diet and activity level and raising my self-worth 6 Week Challenge Goals Health Quest No sugar bingeing – No candy in the house, must go out to enjoy dessert Separate binging from having a little extra Grading my success every Sunday A = No Binging at all C = Binge only once F = Binge more than once Fitness Quests Swim twice per week – focus on getting to the pool time in pool flexible Grading my success every Sunday This will be Pass or Fail 3.) Morning Walks, every day -- weather permitting! Grading my success every Sunday A = Walk 7 days B = Walk 6 days C = Walk 5 Days D = Walk 4 Days F = Walk less than 4 days BONUS: finding an alternative activity for bad weather days (This will bump me up a letter grade) Life Quest 4.) Noticing My Vocabulary -- The internal voice that says, "I'll do it later." – a) Notice when I do it, what’s going on when I do it Track when I do it. Write it down. No Judgment
  4. I made this pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving and it turned out really good. Here's my recipe: Nut Crust Ingredients · 2 cups walnuts (or nut of your choice) · 2 tbsp softened butter · pinch of baking soda · pinch of salt Instructions · Preheat oven to 350 degrees F · Blend nuts in food processor until finely grounded · Pour nuts into bowl and add butter, baking soda, and salt · Mix together and then use hands to spread into pie pan, thicker around edges and thinner across bottom · Bake for 10 min or until crust starts to brown · Let crust cool before pouring in filling Pumpkin Filling Ingredients · 15oz can pumpkin · 1/2 cup coconut milk · 3 eggs, beaten · 4 tbsp grade B maple syrup or honey (add more or less depending on how sweet you want it) · 1 tsp vanilla · ½ tsp cinnamon · ½ tsp nutmeg · ¼ tsp ginger · ¼ tsp ground cloves · pinch of salt Instructions · Mix dry and wet ingredients separately, then combine in bowl and mix together · Pour into pre-baked crust · Bake for 50 minutes at 350 degrees F (filling should be somewhat solid and not jiggle a lot) · Let pie cool completely before cutting into it ENJOY!
  5. This is definitely my favorite paleo-friendly brownie recipe yet, and I've made about half a dozen variations so far. This could easily be made vegan with a substitution of bananas for the eggs and agave syrup for the honey! 1c Almond Butter (if no salt added, be sure to add 1/2 tsp salt to the recipe) 1 1/2c shredded zucchini 1/3c raw cacao powder 1/2c raw honey 2 eggs (medium) 1 tsp vanilla 1 tsp baking soda Cinnamon and nutmeg to taste 1c dark chocolate chips (split in half) Pre-heat oven to 350 deg F In a food processor, combine all but half the chocolate chips until smooth Fold in remaining chocolate chips Pour into greased 9x9 pan Bake 35-45 min, or until toothpick comes out mostly clean This brownies remain slightly lighter than other gf options, but still have that beautiful fudgy chocolatey-ness that we all crave. It's a perfect after workout snack.
  6. Raw Coconut Macaroons Yield: Approx 10 Macaroons 2 cups coconut flakes ½ cup raw Cacao Powder ½ tsp Vanilla Extract 1/8 tsp Sea Salt ½ tsp Powdered Stevia ½ cup Maple Syrup Mix all the ingredients together in a large mixing bowl, adding the maple syrup last. Scoop out small mounts and place on a cookie sheet. Place in the freezer for at least 3-4 hours before serving.
  7. Hey guys, I'm having a BBQ get together with a group of friends for the 4th of July. I'd like to make some type of Paleo dessert. What are some easy dessert ideas that would be good for a BBQ and that are Paleo? And what Paleo dishes are you making for your 4th of July celebration?
  8. So I'm trying to eat PaleoISH for my first challenge, but I REALLY like sweets. Do you guys have any good recipes for those sweet cravings? I've tried some that are pretty bland. I know bananas have a ton of sugar in them, but a banana alone just doesn't scream dessert to me. Also, on a different note but still Paleo related, are white potatoes Paleo? I know sweet potatoes are, but I'm not a fan of those. . .
  9. So, I come from a family that has always made desserts part of our weekly meal plan. I thought there's no harm in having a small piece, if I've saved up calories for it and had a smaller portion size and wasn't going over my sugar intake for the day, right? So I'd set one day a week when I could have something sweet and processed, while eating clean the rest of the week. But now I find that even just a couple bites in my stomach gets really upset and I can't finish it. I'm not sure why this is happening! Will I never be able to enjoy a brownie again?
  10. So, after I've tried numerous times to find a good paleo pancake recipe and they usually ended up being a crumbly burned mess, I've finally found a recipe that made an amazing pancake! I wanted to a) write it down so I won't forget it and share it with you. Ingedients: 2 eggs 1 tablespoon of grass fed butter (you can probably substitute with coconut oil) 1 small, ripe banana, cut in small pieces. Some whole milk...about 1/4 of a cup (similarly, you can probably take almond milk for that) 4 tblspoons of coconut flour 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon stevia powder (you can probably do without) a pinch of salt Cinnamon powder to taste. Put everything into a food processor. (Melt the butter before you put it in), until it is an even mass. If it is too thick, you can add a little bit of milk. Warm a pan on high, melt some butter on it, and put the mixture on it, so it is about 1/3 of an inch thick. Important: Cover the pan! Then turn the heat to medium. Important: do not tough the mixture until it is baked through, so that it isn't liquid anymore, even on top. Then turn it carefully around and turn the heat down to low. You might need to put some more butter on the pan to stop it from sticking. Take the pancake off from the pan before it is too burned ^^. I served with some strawberries and honey I will also upload a photo asap. It was really filling, so you can probably feed two with it. Let me know if it worked out for you, so I know it wasn't once-a-lifetime luck that it worked out. XD
  11. Hey gang- I figured if anybody had a Paleo recipe for raspberry pie, the fine folk at Nerd Fitness would. I'm already planning on baking a Paleo apple pie next week from a recipe I found online, but my boyfriend is asking for raspberry pie and I can't seem to find anything. Does anyone have a recipe I could borrow for this? Or, barring an actual Paleo recipe, has anyone had any success substituting Paleo ingredients in a normal recipe? I'm specifically wondering about subbing in almond flour for regular flour. Thanks gang! ~Mighty_Mouse
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