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  1. I've been realizing recently that I am in need of some re-branding. I need to start seeing myself differently than I have before if I'm going to make the changes I want to see in my life. I need to really commit, and decide what is most important. And I need to have some more meaningful inspiration. I've recently found that inspiration in an assassin of old, Teancum (pronounced tee-ANG-come). He was a stalwart general, and a deadly assassin. He was fit in body, mind, and spirit. He is someone I would like to emulate. In order to re-brand myself, and have a fresh start, I decided I would like to change my display name to Teancum, but that first I have to earn it. As such that will be my reward if I can live up to the name this challenge. Teancum was strong, active, faithful, and disciplined, so I must be too. This might be particularly difficult, as I will be away on vacation for 2 weeks during this challenge, so I have built some contingency plans into each goal. I think this test of continuing even when it is difficult while I'm away is exactly what I need though. I've also had trouble in my past few challenges accurately measuring my progress, so I've instituted a scoring system with clear pass/fail marks. My challenge will be as follows: First: Never miss 2 in a row - I will never 2 bad health choices in a row (ex. missing a workout, eating junk food, etc.). If I miss a workout one day, I will do it the next day. If I have a bad meal, my next one will be healthy. I think it will be so important for me to finally get this down, so that I avoid going into my spiral of apathy and giving up that tends to happen at the end of each challenge. Scoring: missing 2 in a row even once = challenge fail With that overarching goal, I will emulate Teancum by being... Strong - NFA Body Weight level 3 work out 3x per week Contingency: Do equipment free exercises of same type (ex. push, pull, legs, core) Scoring: 3/week x 4 weeks so Score/12, 90% is pass, zero week workouts are bonus Active - Skills training 3x per week on off days (Assassin skills: balancing, climbing, parkour, crawling, hanging, etc.) Scoring: 3/week x 4 weeks, so Score/12, 90% is pass, zero week activities are bonus Faithful - Scripture study daily Scoring: 7 days x 4 weeks, so Score/28, 90% is pass, zero week sessions are bonus Disciplined - NFA modified Level 4 diet (no sugar or fast food, vegetable daily, whole grains). If I cannot meet these guidelines (ex. fail to pack my lunch) I will fast for that meal to build self control and prepare to eventually try intermittent fasting. Contingency: While traveling I will need to eat out, but I will pick healthier option from menus (ex. Substitute veggies for fries, etc.). For sugar, if I feel I really can't refuse or make a better choice in a social situation, I may have one small serving, and never 2 in a row. Scoring: pass if above guidelines followed all month (I couldn't think of a proper way to score this, so it is just do or do not do. I think I have the right contingencies in place to allow enough flexibility to do it properly) I am really looking forward to this challenge, as I know it will be difficult, but I think it will be just what I need to change my mindset and my view of myself such that I can continue to succeed in the future. Also having a reward based on something inspiring to me will help increase my motivation. I'll try to post daily to update scores and get some encouragement!
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