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  1. This is the challenge through the end of summer! Whatttt! Craziness. Building off of some things I learned last challenge, I've decided on a different sort of set of goals. Lifting and gymnastics will continue as per usual with additional glute accessories in my lifting days and a continued focus on press handstands for cast to handstands at gymnastics, but these goals are going to be trying to break me out of the schedules I like to set for myself. And I won't be afraid to call myself out when I'm slacking and expect you guys to do the same. Goal 1. Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talent *Get out and do at least two fitness things each week that aren't just lifting or gymnastics. (Must be in different categories. Bonus points for getting a full set of 4!) -Hiking, rucking, going out of the way to walk for errands (at least 2 miles) -November Project, GymnasticsWOD workout -Outdoor crossfit, circuit workout of some sort -Yoga class, outdoor yoga, yoga video at home Lifting and gymnastics are my two loves right now, of course, but I want to be working in some other fitness activities in the coming weeks. This goal is to help address my weaknesses (cardio endurance), to get outdoors more and enjoy the summertime, and to prep for our vacation at the end of August. I need some SPICE in this life. Goal 2. Love yourself *5+ minutes of self-care (sun salutations, nail-painting, callus maintenance, foam rolling, etc.) per day *45+ minutes per week While I am good at giving myself care in the form of fitness and food, I definitely could stand to benefit from actually paying attention to other needs like taking care of my visual appearance better, taking care of my hands, and really doing a better job with foam-rolling. Something simple like sun salutations will count toward this as well. While I'd like to make a daily habit, I've also set a goal for the week in total as just five minutes per day may not be enough for the whole week. Goal 3. 5 Gs, Please *Defeat the prosnacktination habit of doom with a basic, visual points system on the fridge +1 point for every adulting task done between getting home and eating dinner -1 point for every snack eaten between getting home and eating dinner *Each week, try to get more points than the previous week This is going to be my new approach to try to tackle my habit of snacking when I get home from work or practice. I think it should be applicable to the weekends as well, as I go out and do errands and it's between those errands and making food for dinner that the habit really rears its head. Adulting is up to my own interpretation, but includes: dishes, laundry, folding laundry, unpack boxes, taking out trash, clearing out kitty litter, cleaning up desk, wiping down the counters, etc. #GAMIFICATION Goal 4. Back rolls?!?! (Cinnamon rolls!) *Revive the blog beyond the Bundt Bakers Club posts *12 posts to the blog before the challenge ends *Only 6 desserts can count toward this challenge goal I really do want to have a more active blog, and with the decrease in snacking from G3, I should be making more substantial dinners that will be worth posting about! Plus, I'm using up the weekly CSA and should be making sure to feature those veggies on the blog rather than just cookies, cookies, cake, etc.
  2. A MAN, A PLAN, A CANAL, PANAMA! I'm Raptron. I do gymnastics and I lift stuff, so I talk about both in my threads. I'm going THEMELESS this time around. My apologies. Goal 1. Welcome to the Jungle (It's a Bouncy House) *Go for a run 8 times between NOW (May 27) and June 20 *After June 20, add jump work 2x per week into workout program My Spartan Super is June 20. I should probably run a few times between then and now. I know I shouldn't technically have goals that start before the challenge starts, but hey, challenges don't always line up with our lives. Once I've gotten the running out of the way, I still want to keep some kind of cardio and explosive/jumping work should have the most direct application to my life and interests so that's what I'm gonna do. Goal 2. Press Up and Up *Press handstand practice 3x per week You want it, go get it, you got it. Practice counts for practice and it is a "I know it when I see it" definition. Ideally, I'd be doing this at gymnastics when I go to practice and if I don't hit three practices (which is going to become more likely now that summer is just about here), I'll set aside time to work on this at home against a wall, doing straddle sits, straddle leg lifts, and sock-footed feet drags. Goal 3. Get Glute Gains *1 glute-focused accessory as part of every lifting workout That booty though. I think my glutes are a bit weak, so I'm gonna put some extra work into them. Goal 4. Soup's On *Create a meal plan for each day that will account for everything I will eat that day *Post meals here for accountability *3 off-plan allowances per week that must replace something on the plan, not be in addition to the plan This is my first time trying a really formalized meal plan system. I'll likely be aiming for about 1400 calories per day, weighted pretty evenly for protein and carbs and a bit lower in fat because I tend to be happier and more energetic when I keep my carbs up. I may experiment with different rest day macros, but I don't want to get ahead of myself. Making the plan and sticking to it is the goal here, first and foremost.
  3. What's this? An Assassin cat in the Warrior Headquarters? Trying to SNEAK into Valhalla?! Shhhhh. It's an Infiltration Challenge! I've been working with the Assassins for a long time, but over the next couple of months I want to focus more on just moving some heavy weight. I started out with Starting Strength when I first joined NF and am just now wrapping up my 8th 5/3/1 cycle, which worked really well in coordination with my 3x/week gymnastics practice, but as that ramps down, I can really ramp up my lifting volume without caring as much about fatigue on non-lifting days. I will still be heading to gymnastics practice 1-2 times per week and will likely post about it in here because I cannot resist, but it's just a secondary priority now. 1. Climb Up the Ranks The best way to get the intel I need from the Warriors is to become the Boss. I will gain my promotions by following the Cube Boss method. Start following a 365Strength program 3x per weekMust do 5+ minutes of mobilization pre-liftingBonus Objective: Figure out what is wrong with my left shoulder's position in my back squat. Fix it. Mobilize the bejeezus out of it. +3 points for each lifting session -1 point for not mobilizing Ideally I will be starting right off the bat with the first week of the Challenge, but I am a little concerned about my shoulder issues. It doesn't really rear its ugly head until I get beneath 200+ lbs and heavy squat day isn't until week 3, so I'm crossing my fingers that I can get it sorted before then. 2. Act Casual I'm just... ya know, walking around here. Going about my business, doing business stuff. If I run, they'll notice something is up. Better to just keep my head down and walk fast. Brisk and/or disadvantaged walking [read: rucking] for >100 minutes per week.+5 points per week, all-or-nothing I want to spend more time outside in general and miss walking around town. Plus brisk walking ain't bad cardio-wise and if I do wind up doing another GORUCK Challenge (NOT SAYING I AM), then it will be good to have time under my backpack in the plan already. This only counts going out deliberately to walk, not my regular old walking from place to place. 3. The Cafeteria Food Sucks Who is to say these people won't try to poison you? You cannot afford the luxury of a taste tester and there are so many unknown poisons that could be directed your way. Your cover could have been compromised without your knowledge and the very food you eat is at risk. The second to third weeks are the most risky as folks will be the most suspicious, so trust no one else to handle your food. TBD, but generally follow whatever nutrition plan I decide on each weekBonus Objective: Trust No One -- Two straight weeks eating only food I've prepared.+5 points per week +10 points for bonus objective 4. Adapt The trickiest part of infiltration is dealing with the curve balls and the unpredictable situations. I'll create contingency plans to deal with my known unknowns should they present a problem and have to deal with the unknown unknowns on the fly, like a the circus cat that I am. On days I skip gymnastics practice, feel sick, feel tired, or for some other reason take an unscheduled rest day, follow the Rainy Day flow chart to do something worthwhile when I get home.+2 points every time I do this, -1 point every time I blow it off. I realized last challenge that my unscheduled rest days turn into FUCK EVERYTHING UGH days and I want to do my best to subvert that reaction to feeling sick, tired, or dealing with injuries. I'm in the process of creating some options/activities to do when I find myself at home unexpectedly.
  4. I've got a workout program pretty well set in stone right now: gymnastics 2-3x per week and my 5/3/1 lifting program 3x per week. I'm comfortable with this workout schedule and it will only become more important to stick with it over the coming months as gymnastics competition season starts to amp up in the beginning of next year. Last challenge, I dedicated myself to working on known weak spots for me: my lazy hips, my hatred of the C2 rower, my nasty eating habits, and my bad attitude. This format worked really well for me and I saw a lot of progress over the course of six weeks without stressing myself about incorporating these additional goals into my already busy schedule. I am going to stick with what works, but take a new approach on dealing with my weaknesses: Target #1: Lungs High intensity interval training 3x per week Low intensity cardio has never really been my thing. Trying to get myself to jog last challenge was a huge chore and instead of addressing that head on, I am going to force myself to take the even suckier route -- intervals. My interval training can take the form of plyometrics, jump rope, sprints, hill sprints, NP stadium stairs, burpees, etc. HIIT has been linked with pretty significant improvements in V02 max and endurance, so if I stick it out for at least the next 6 weeks, I should see some rewards when I start working on floor routine run-throughs. A floor routine is only 90 seconds long, but they are punishing and exhausting -- much like sprints. These HIIT sessions will be post lifting workouts (or Wednesday morning, as needed). Target #2: Mobility and Maintenance Foam roll and lax ball 3x per week -- MUST foam roll IT band, quads, and adductors before AND after squatting on SundaysYoga 1x per weekSome creaky spots have crept up on me over the past few weeks. While I preach the gospel of mobility work and foam rolling constantly, I have not been taking care of my own body. I stretch, yes, but I have not been foam rolling or doing nearly as much aggressive pre-treatment for tight areas -- which unsurprisingly includes my hips. Target #3: Fuel Gradually increase calories toward maintenance + hit within ~200 calories of goal each day per weekStay within 500 calories of target cals every weekNot a deviation from last challenge, but reporting back every day and every week really helped keep me honest here. While I'm not aiming to cut weight this challenge, honesty is still good and I do want to taper up gradually rather than just hurling myself up at what I think should be maintenance and hoping it turns out okay. Target #4: Style Begin the 10 Step Wardrobe Revamp:Be done with my wardrobe detox by Week 2Finish creating my list for my capsule wardrobe by the end of Week 6I cannot for the life of me remember whose challenge I saw this on originally, but I've had it bookmarked for months and months, waiting for a change of season. I am going to focus mostly on my fall - winter wardrobe and leave my spring - summer wardrobe to be dealt with when it is seasonally appropriate. Let's gooooo~
  5. A bit delayed in posting this because I am still on vacation in Florida, but I'm here! I'm creating this challenge with the expectation that I will continue practicing gymnastics 2-3x/week and following the next two cycles of my 5/3/1 plan 3x/week. I'll still post updates from my gymnastics/lifting workouts, but my goal is not to be accountable for those things but instead for the goals below. I have a few weak spots that will continue to be weak because I perpetually avoid working on them. These include my hip flexors and my cardio endurance/capacity. I am also including my attempts at cutting down to a lower weight to make life easier on my joints in gymnastics as a weak point because it has been a focus/concern of mine for too long and I feel like I keep having these "just fuckin' do it" moments that putter out into nothingness. That is a weakness. Let's fix it. To help myself along the way, I am going to try to be mindful of how I am framing my thoughts. I want to focus on the process, the journey toward improvement rather than any concrete mile markers this time around, especially with regards to the recomp/weight loss and my cardio improvements. Weak Spot #1: Hips *At least 3 hip conditioning exercises after EVERY workout Weak Spot #2: Lungs *Row at least 500m before and after every gym session (3x week) *Run at least 1 mile once a week Weak Spot #3: Gut *Comply with calorie goal within 200 calories each day *Comply with weekly calorie goal within 500 calories *Post measurements/updates at 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 6 weeks Weak Spot #4: Mindset *Focus on the process rather than specific goals and reflect on a moment each day that has improved my life *Focus on the process during at least one gymnastics practice a week, going through full repertoire of skills I'll try not to be too boring. <3
  6. I've decided, like many others it seems, to take a short reprieve from the challenge format. Either I haven't been doing a good job of selecting SMART goals in the challenges or I just haven't been doing a good job motivating myself to care enough, so we're going to play it loosey goosey and try a daily diary format for a while. This is my free-for-all, spaghetti on the wall diary. Watch for falling rambles. I intend on faithfully reporting my daily workouts and food intake with a sprinkle of my general musings on health. I'm also starting a serious cut with a somewhat high deficit because attempting to do a low deficit, gradual cut has given me six weeks of absolutely nothing, despite a number of tweaks. So we're gonna go hard or go home with a focus on hitting protein requirements, eating a fuckton of vegetables, and keeping a sharp deficit most days of the week. Measurements will be reported here as well. Luckily, it's super easy to eat a ton of vegetables when you get to pick up a box of beauties like these every week: <3 vegetables I'm also unsure of what I want my focus to be these days, so maybe a battle log will help me refine my thoughts and allow me to play around with things like running, climbing, and hiking while also finding balance with my lifting and gymnastics goals. It's hard to be interested in so many things and not very good at any of themmm. Starting Stats Height: 5'6" Weight: 150.8 lb Neck: 13.5" Waist (natural): 28.5" Waist (at belly button): 33" Hips: 37.5" Right thigh: 23.35" Right calf: 15" All of these measurements are up significantly from my very first measurements last September. I'd love to get my waist down to my Sept 1, 2013 measurements by Sept 1, 2014, but we'll see how feasible that is. Other Sites/Logs Fitocracy - https://www.fitocracy.com/profile/julipher/ Myfitnesspal - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/raptronx Instagram - http://instagram.com/jujiboos
  7. Previously in Raptron's Thread... I rekindled my love for gymnastics, re-learned some old skills, joined a recreational team, competed at Nationals, and embraced the suck with my NF friends at a GORUCK Challenge. For the first time since last fall, I am without a serious training deadline and it feels kind of awesome. This challenge, I am going to try out a combination of hitting the basics and mixing up my bodyweight work to try to advance cool human body trick progression in a meaningful way. I will still be attending gymnastics practice probably 7-10 times over the challenge and give you guys updates on how that goes. I don't need it to be a goal for me because it's something I'm going to do anyway. Goal 1: Just kidding -- Every day IS leg day Lifting 3x weekLearn how to power clean properlyFilm form checks and get feedback on things to fix (especially for deadlifts)Back to the basics, linear progression style with squats, bench, ohp, and deadlifts. I feel like I should be able to wring linear progression out of 6 weeks of regular work. Part of this goal will to actually work on power cleans and get to a point where I'll feel comfortable subbing them in for deadlifts by the end of six weeks. Goal 2: Roll them Bones Inspired by some of the gamification in other assassins' challenges, I'm going to try out some randomized bodyweight work. Roll a die 3 times and do the work assigned to each number below. 5 minutes includes rest between sets/hold attempts, so I'll just set a timer for each exercise (other than the the pull/chin up work). Partial and negative handstand push-ups against the wall -- 5 minutes of work Chin-up, pull-up, and wide arm pull-up work (negatives, assisted, and as many unassisted as possible [usually 1]): one set of 5 each Back lever progression work -- 5 minutes Floor or hanging straddle holds -- 5 minutes Floor tuck sit or L-sit holds -- 5 minutes Straddle press handstand work -- 5 minutesAiming to do this 3x a week. I want a total of 60 minutes of static hold/bodyweight work per week, with some from these workouts and the rest coming from gymnastics practices. Goal 3: Run (in the) Forest, Run Go for a trail run at least six times over the course of the challengeGo for hill sprints 3x this challengeI did sign up for a trail run in July, so I guess I should probably do some running. Plus this gets me outside more to enjoy the summer, and I actually don't mind running when it's hot because it's cooler than walking. Life Goal: Blogdor the Bloginator I signed up for my first community supported agriculture program this year and received my first farm share yesterday. (More info about CSA and the farm I've signed up with: http://picadillyfarm.com/csa/about-our-csa/ ) I'm creating a blog that will mostly focus on what I receive each week and how I use it, including recipes and general usage ideas + tips as I figure them out for myself. Pre-challenge goal -- Get the blog set up and ready to post on, perhaps including a post or two about this week's CSA share.Update at least 2x per week. I'd love to set a higher goal for this, but I figure it should aim low for the start.Bookmark http://eatdrinkbemighty.com/ if this sounds like something you'll be interested in. First CSA haul of the year:
  8. MAIN GOAL: STEAL PATRICK SWAYZE’S METAL TRAIN MAIN GOAL: COMPETE ALL-AROUND AT NATIONALS THE BIG KAHUNA NAIGC Nationals Open Division When: April 3 – 5, 2014 Where: Chattanooga, TN Events: All-around (Vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor) Description: I will be competing with at least 3 of my female teammates in the Women’s Open Division on Friday, April 4th on all events. Saturday, we'll watch the Finals from the more competitive division, cheer on any teammates who make it to Finals, and enjoy an awesome awards ceremony and banquet. Background: Former gymnast from ages 3-13, competed between ages 4-12, reaching USAG JO level 8 before leaving the sport. Diving team in high school, but dropped off the sports radar after that. Rediscovered gymnastics as an adult in July 2013, joined an adult recreational team in October 2013, and will compete in my first meet as an adult on 3/8/2014 as a precursor to the NAIGC Nationals on 4/4/2014. Goal 1: KEEP IT TIGHT It’s already habit for me, but it’s essential to my main goal, so we’ll keep it here for keepsake purposes. I’m dropping the cardio and WODs as part of this goal. I’ll still do them on days that I have the time and inclination, but I don’t want to include them as gradable criteria. Gymnastics 2-3x/week [3x a week every week it is possible]Strength training 3x/week [Weighted or bodyweight]Conditioning 5x/week [Conditioning after every gymnastics practice and 2x rest of the week]Goal 2: DR. GOODBODY Injury has been an issue for me the past few challenges (pulled tricep, wonky left shoulder, sprained right ankle, and probably others I’ve been forgetting) and I believe it will likely continue to be. This goal will focus on strengthening the joints that have been an issue for me (shoulders and ankles) and general upkeep and mobility work. As I’ve seen in the past couple of weeks, nothing cramps my style like injury, so this is gonna be my prevention route. Shoulder Shocker 3x/weekBand pull-aparts 5x/weekAnkle strengthening routine 5x/weekStretch 5x/weekGoal 3: PUT DOWN THE COOKIE I am officially calling quits on my somewhat ridiculous eating habits. I’ve been pretty lax on them over the past two challenges because I didn’t really care, but with such a large competition looming ahead, I’ve got some real motivation. I really want to look and feel my best at Nationals, which means adjusting my snack habits and leaning out so I can rock my high cut leotard and tumble with more confidence. Plus, it’ll just help out with my gymnastics over all, and I really do need to chill out with all the chocolate and cookie snacks. Follow my plan to reduce my snacking habits:Breaking fast at 12:00 PM every daySnack seshes limited to 1 at work and 1 in the eveningNo eating while standing around in the kitchen – must be sitting downKitchen closes at 9:30 PM on normal days and 10:30 PM on gymnastics daysLimited alcohol consumption to 1x a week (up to 6 times before Nationals)Life Goal: THIS IS NOT SUNNYVALE With my previous attention-sucking hobby of video games and my shiny, new(ish) energy-sucking hobby of gymnastics and working out, our house is constantly under Shit Siege. I hate the Shit Siege because it feels like a constant losing battle. This challenge, I am going to gain some ground and try to break the Siege once and for all. Go through our clothes, make donation bags, and ACTUALLY GET THE BAGS OUT OF THE HOUSEClean out fridge 1x/week and keep list of items use-by dates on the fridge to prevent food wasteLaundry at least 2x/week to get rid of that floor laundry clutterClean out pantry 2x/month for clutter maintenance All grading will be on the standard % scale per week. [90-100% = A, 80-89% = B, etc...]
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