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  1. MAIN QUEST: Train for Half Marathon April is literally just around the corner. My main goal is to continue to train for the half marathon. I have a goal finishing time of 3:30:00, and I really, really hope to come in under that. The rolling hills of Kentucky might have it out for me, so I am looking for more hill laden runs as we get closer. I am in my final four weeks of training… and these next few weeks will be critical for me to stay on track health, wellness, and fitness wise. Goal One: Kame House - Training Goku spends the majority of his early training with Master Roshi at Kame House, learning ‘the basics’. My goal at Kame House will be to continue my running 3x per week until my rest week, where I will not run from Wednesday until Race Day. Week One: 0/3 Week Two: 0/3 Week Three: 0/3 Week Four: 0/3 Goal Two: Snake Way - Conditioning Snake Way is one helluva long road filled with quite a few obstacles for Goku to face. He needs to be agile and nimble to make his way to the end of the road. My goal will be to work on my hip, hamstring, and shoulder flexibility to limber up the limbs for the half marathon and prevent any injury that may try to sneak up in the coming days. I will incorporate three days of stretching in per week. Week One: 0/3 Week Two: 0/3 Week Three: 0/3 Week Four: 0/3 Goal Three: Korin Tower - Strength At Korin Tower, Goku seeks more strength. I also would like to seek more strength XD. I will be keeping up my usual 3x per week lifting routine. Week One: 0/3 Week Two: 0/3 Week Three: 0/3 Week Four: 0/3 Life Side Quest: Capsule Corporation - Mind Dr. Brief is an incredible scientist and genius. So many of his inventions help Goku and his gang on their journey, and Bulma’s talents don’t fall far from the family tree. I want to use my brain… I have disengaged myself from the news so much lately because it’s ugly out there. I want to read three news articles a week to try to get a better picture on the world again. I’ll probably come back here to summarize what I read, because that sounds like a good plan. Week One: 0/3 Week Two: 0/3 Week Three: 0/3 Week Four: 0/3 EXTRA QUEST: Bad Guy Face Off Taken from the amazing LadyShello: For the upcoming 4 week challenge, 1 bad guy will be selected at random to battle against me. Each bad guy has been tentatively assigned with a battle type representing the 4 categories of goals for the challenge. Select the bad guy you would like to portray. Sign up to battle me HERE!
  2. This is a story about Schaengel, who went out of his comfort zone to find adventure and capture his dreams. It will be a long story. A story with setbacks and triumphs. So if you like a (hopefully) interesting story, follow allong... This is Schaengel our main-character. Even though not really out of shape (anymore) he is still working hard to become better everyday to achieve his two life goals ,living a happy life and leaving the world a little better place. I know what you might be saying, "what a dreamer". But like Son Goku the result justifies the means. And if the means are being a dreamer than that's okay. Like Son Goku Schaengel will go on a big adventure and you can follow him the next 8 weeks (or two challenges on this adventure)(Of course this is stretching the normal 4-week-chalenge but like the wise monk lu-tze once said: “Look, that's why there's rules, understand? So that you think before you break 'em.†) (Week) 1.Preparing for the travel: Like Goku, our hero will need some equipment and preparation before he can go on such an big adventure so week 1 will be dedicated to prepare for the travel. Goal one: Getting the Dragon Ball Radar Son Goku (or more precisely Bulma) got a Dragon Ball Radar to keep him on track. Guiding him and showing him directions and what to do. That's what our adventurer will need To do's: - Finish the travel itinerary for the China & Japan trip (China is provided by the university, Japan needs to be done) - Finish the two week plan (Tokyo & Kyoto) - Find the best way to use phone in Japan (and by that having a navigation-system) Order - Book ticket's that can be booked from Europe - Book bus and hotel - Buy the last travel things (padlock, SD-Card, new jacket) Goal two: Finding the first Dragon Ball The first Dragon Ball might be nearer than our hero thinks. So leaving home should be done the best way, and that way is with the dragon ball. For that our hero will have to look everywhere he normally goes without thinking... To dos: - briefing the university project team (so that the team can work without the dearly missed hero) - write 6 articles for the football club (1 nearly done 5 to go, every missed article will lead to a blank page in the stadium-magazine) Moved to week 3 - leave the house in a presentable way - look for a body weight workout that can be done in hotel/hostel while traveling - pack everything (This Quest will be completed when 4/5 tasks are done, the university goal is mandatory) Goal three: Finding two star Dragon Ball the second Dragon Ball will bring our hero to the far away city of Beijing. To stay positive and relaxed our hero will have to do the following things to rule weeks three and four to get his second Dragon Ball. - write 2 articles for the football magazine on the flight - Meditate daily (even though your traveling and the rest of the university traveling party probably won't understand) - 3 Workouts (body-weight, since running in Beijing won't be a good idea (smog)) - Take lots of pictures (and post instagram pics for friends at home) - Write a travel log every evening (Goal is achieved when meditation and travel log are done and workouts need to be at least tried twice) Goal four: 3 Stars Our hero needs to do things that will scare him or seem strange to him to become more powerful. Since our hero often has a problem with eating food he isn't used to (unlike Son Goku who will eat everything everywhere) his challenge will be to try one new thing to eat per day while away... (Goal achieved when tried 20 new things (that way travel-days where I might be to grumpy to try something new)) ...to be continued. Our hero will Continue his quest in march, when he will travel to Japan to find the remaining Dragon Balls and use his wish to start in an awesome new semester at his university training session with Muten Roshi. Finding Shenlong: To find Shenlong and get his wish granted our hero will have to find all seven Dragon Balls (measurements for the goals will be added later today). If he does he will get his wish (a chalk set for bouldering) granted (even though the travel is a wish coming trough already)
  3. My Mission: To create a maintainable fitness plan and get back to my pre-summer weight of 145. Summer is full of fun, beer festivals, and food. I have been able to stay within about 5-7 pounds of my goal weight (which I achieved back in May), but I’d like to quit making excuses and make fitness a habit again, rather than relying on my revved up metabolism to keep me in check. Kaio-Ken… TIMES TEN! (Goal 1) Workout 5x per week for 30 minutes or more. This worked out really well in my last challenge, so I am doing it again. Instead of feeling pigeon holed in one program, having the ability to realize it’s gorgeous out and I’d rather go for a bike ride is important to me staying on track. It brings the enjoyment back to fitness again. And that will keep me stable much longer than feeling trapped by constraints. I would like to work toward a balance of cardio and weights while training for a 10 mile in October. It’s Over 9000! (Life Quest) Continue paying off credit card debt and saving for the future. With plans for baby on the horizon, this is getting even more serious and more important. Goals this go around will be: - Pay $100 off on both credit cards per month ($100 a pay period to one card, and then $100 to the other the next pay period). - Put $100 per pay period into a savings account - Cut back $150 allowance per paycheck to $100 and LIVE WITHIN THAT RANGE. It’s okay to say no. You’re so totally allocated right now. Get used to it. KAKAROOOOOOT!!!!! (Goal 2) Core work 3x per week You've got to have a strong core to do all the yelling Vegeta does... And I need a strong core because I don't really have one. I plan to try to get 10 Min Abs in 3x per week, or supplement with other core workouts. Eternal Dragon, by your name, I summon you forth, Shenron (Side Quest) One Cleaning Project a Week I can’t gather Dragon Balls and wish my house clean. Believe me, I've tried. I’m starting a list of projects I will work on throughout each week to slowly chip away at all the projects I need to take care of that have been driving me NUTS. Take garage sale labels off of four boxes of books to bring them to Half Price Books for resale. Finish revamping and organizing the craft room. Take donation boxes in the garage to Good Will Organize brewing kit (under stairwell and in sunroom) Clean the freaking master bedroom already! Complete ALL laundry in the laundry room and put it all away. Buu Turn You Into CANDY! (Goal 3) Eat out only once per week and stay as clean as humanly possible. I realize I can’t eat clean 100% of the time, and that some restaurants are pretty clean as is. I want to be as aware of what I choose to put in my body as possible. My goal remains the same from last challenge -- one meal out per week.
  4. I had always thought that saiya-jin were a little strange for getting stronger after a fight, or somewhere where they really tested their limits. BUT after reading the recent post here on NF about becoming Anti-fragile, I have realized that it might not be out of the reach of people! My goal is to harness my inner 'anti-fragileness', and enjoy a classic from when I was a kid at the same time! One question... I am starting this quest of mine now, but, what happens if I am in the next 6 week challenge too? Am I to assume because this is all to get people into healthy fitness lifestyles, that I can take the 60 day challenge at any time and have it count towards it? EPIC QUEST To become a Super Saiya-jin (100% Anti-fragile) CURRENT QUEST: Training for the Tenkaichi budÅkai! (Lose a combined "20 inches" in all of these areas; in 6 weeks) - NECK (for most people, this is the thing that connects your body to your head) - SHOULDERS (both arms down at your side, at the widest point from shoulder to shoulder) - CHEST (lift up your arms, wrap the tape measure around your chest, just above the nipple, and then lower your arms) - BICEP (either left or right, but be consistent) - WAIST (at the belly button for consistency) - HIPS (measure the widest part of your hips) - THIGH (left or right, but pick the same spot on your thigh each week) GOALS FOR CURRENT QUEST: 1) Working out or doing something active at least three times a week. o A = Three times this week o B = Two times this week o C = Once this week o F = Nothing 2) Plan out (and eat) meals following the Paleo diet. (2-3 meals a day) o A = 6+ days of compliance o B = 4+ days of compliance o C = 3+ days of compliance o F = Less than three days of compliance. 3) Get at least 8 hours of sleep (This will likely be the hardest part) o A = 6+ days of compliance o B = 4+ days of compliance o C = 3+ days of compliance o F = Less than three days of compliance.
  5. So I've restarted my blog recently, and I just published the first in a series of articles on the basics of working out and nutrition for martial artists (well more for martial artists who like Dragon Ball and are just getting started or who have tried supplementing training with further exercises and only succeeded in burning themselves out). I thought I'd pass it along. Any feedback you guys would be willing to give me would be greatly appreciated. You can find the article here: http://nerdjutsu.com/achieving-your-ultimate-form-part-1/ Thanks!
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