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Found 2 results

  1. A month ago, I was planning on hitting the parkour training really hard. Instead, while working on rail walking pivots, I took a hard fall and dislocated my elbow. Thankfully, rehab is going really well, and I should be cleared for everything quite soon. Since this challenge will be a whirlwind of working on schooling related stuff with the kids, rehabbing my elbow, taking a 1.5 week vacation, and otherwise trying to stay in shape, I'm incorporating all of that into this challenge. Goal 1: Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, and other schoolwork - I've now had 2.5 weeks of working with the kids on some piano, typing, writing, reading, and math (yeah, summer vacation starts really late here). It's going well, but it's more work than I expected it to be. So, the goal is to stay on top of this, and don't be half-assed with my prep. I'm just going to stick with nebulous grading for this one, but I'm happy to have the reminder to try to do my best. Goal 2: Care of Magical Creatures - I've had very little luck getting the kids to join me on long walks.... until we downloaded Pokemon Go. The goal is to capture and train wild pokemons by doing at least 4 family pokemon hunting walks each week. Goal 3: The Hospital Ward - I'm still rehabbing the dislocated elbow. At the moment, I'm at full strength and nearly full ROM, but the last few degrees toward extension and maybe last 10 toward full flexion are still painful. The goal is to do my PT every day, even while on vacation. Also, while my elbows won't be able to take the strain of pull ups for awhile, I'll instead go for a lower-strain, higher-volume approach by doing at least 2 sessions/week of high-volume band-assisted pull ups and incline push ups, and at least 2 yoga sessions/week. Goal 4: Use the Marauder's Map for some exploration - This one is simple. I'm taking a 1.5 week vacation right at the beginning of the challenge. I'm going to try my hardest to just relax, enjoy the vacation, go off the beaten path a bit, be patient when the kids inevitably get whiny or demanding, and avoid spending too much time on my phone. Yay! More nebulous grading standards. I'm still expecting to do my usual parkour classes over the next month, return to my normal yoga class, go swimming a lot, go climbing, and other fun things! But, until I know where I am with the elbow rehab, I'll have to wait on the parkour-specific goals.
  2. I really hope it's okay for me to just start a new challenge thread. I had to abandon all of my goals in the last one, so it seemed easier to just do a new one. Twins once again: How it all happened: Saturday, 6/11/2016, I had just finished two hours at the parkour gym, and was ready to start taking my usual class. To fill a little time, I started working on rail walking pivots (where you turn 180 degrees and then walk the other way). The first several went wonderfully. And then, my feet completely slipped out from under me, and I cartwheeled sideways to the ground, head first. I stupidly (but I'm not sure how stupid this was, since my only other option was to fall on my head/neck) braced myself with my left arm. Crunch. Huge pain, my elbow was visibly deformed, and no longer worked at all. The next 30 minute drive to the ER was pretty awful, as was the additional hour long wait before I could have any pain meds. And honestly, the pain meds didn't help that much. My elbow was dislocated, but thankfully, no bones were fractured in the process. After a heroic dose of propofol (the doctor's words, not mine), I was sedated enough for them to pop my elbow back into place. I was sent home in a cast. Today, 2 days post-injury, I am in a hinged brace with 20 degrees of freedom of movement. The swelling is pretty low, and I'm not in any pain at the ROM that I'm permitted to use. In 2 weeks, I have a follow up appointment, and I'll be starting physical therapy. All signs point to maybe 1-2 months of PT, which will still be annoying and ruin all of my summer and parkour plans, but it will be less awful than the ACL rehab. And there's no indication that surgery should or would happen, which is great. Goal 1: walking and rucking. Ed had to do a lot of walking. And so will I. The goal is to accumulate 50 miles over the course of the challenge of nature walks or rucks. Goal 2: Training to the best of my ability I can't do anything fancy. What I can do is work on my core strength and legs. So, the goal is to do core and leg exercises 3x per week Goal 3: Rehab. Ed needed to do intensive rehab after receiving his automail. I need to stick with my rehab protocols. The goal is to keep up with my knee stretching and foam rolling (old injury), and start doing my light mobilization and PT protocols (after I start PT). Goal 4: Hit the books Now that I have more time, I'll study and memorize the parkour instructor manual. Also, I'll finish at least 10 chapters of Harry Potter in Spanish. And, that's it for me. I don't want to stress myself out too much with this challenge. I was thinking of just dropping out altogether, but I really need the support of all of my friends here.
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