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Found 2 results

  1. These challenges have been awesome for me and I think this is going to be my sixth challenge so far. I have found that I start out really strong but somewhere near the fifth week, something comes along to slow me down. That fifth week has been riddled with injury, illness, job loss or some other excuse to keep me from finishing as strong as I want. Because of that, I am going to consider each and every day a new beginning and a new end. Instead of working up to a six week peak, I am going to live in the moment and enjoy every workout that I do. I don't need to peak and reach the end, instead I want to enjoy each and every workout for what it is. That way each workout becomes a stop along the way and what I did the day before or will do the next day doesn't matter. 1- Six weeks of intense HFS.: Knowing how much the Hip Flexibility System helped my kicks since I started doing it, this time I want it to be the main focus of this challenge. I am able to kick higher and better than ever before and now I want to raise the bar so that I can increase the height of my kicks. I know that doing HFS at least four times a week would really help but I am going to do what I can and not set a fixed goal. This will include the other parts of the program that include the core workout and SMR work. I will also work on any movements that contribute to my kicking success but again with no fixed plan. 2 - Add an additional Martial Arts training day each week: Even though I had a dedicated kata training day each week, I need to dig down and find the answer to training, for real, outside of the dojo. I am going to declutter my home dojo and hang up the pictures of my Sensei's to motivate me. At least one extra hour of training at home is what I want to do this time. It's only six extra hours over six weeks, right? 3 - Write a book: Even though I wrote a lot of blog posts last time, I need to get a book published. Getting my first published book will give me the momentum to publish more books, including my kata books. I have no excuses this time and if I don't get that first book finished in six week I expect a public brow beating from all of you.
  2. Sunmage

    Druids Lodge!

    Welcome to a fresh new 6 week challenge! If you are a returning Guild Member: Glad to have you back! If you are new to the Druid Guild: Welcome to the BEST of all guilds! We know this to be true because we did a tour of all the NF guilds 2 challenges ago. If you are new to NF and this is your very first challenge: Congratulations on taking the first step towards a better and more balanced life. You are Welcome to join the Druid Guild. We recommend that you read the Adventurer's summary of information. They've done an awesome job at summarizing all the key points. Those folks are very organized... they have to be, as they run the largest Guild we have! ​ You can also watch this awesome video: We will have awesome mini-challenges created by Chanda! Your Druid guild leaders are Chanda, Evenewbie, livingroovy and Sunmage. You are welcome to contact us should you have any questions! Use this topic to chat, ask questions and generally have fun with your fellow druids. I am really looking forward to the next 6 weeks. My goals are at work and I can't wait to apply the new goal rules to my ideas. Please read the new goal rules and define your mission on your way to what you want to achieve! Be the best Druid you can be: excel at your own challenge goals and motivate your fellow druids! Are you ready?
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