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  1. Hi there! I'm terrible at following plans, yet I terribly need one right now. I tend to view our capacity for action as being fueld by 3 jars: availability (time) energy (mental and physical) finances The three are linked together, they can supplement or drain each other. I tend to identify the main draining factor in my situation as the financial one, though, using my job situation as a catalyst, that tends to affect my availability and then, through poor life hygiene, my energy levels. Right now, I'm overwhelmed and don't know what to do so the point of this challenge is to figure it out. I'm going to do some reading, I'm going to try to implement a few things and, at the end of it, I want to have come up with a comprehensive plan that spells "care about your energy level first". That means I won't worry about getting fired (it may happen and it may not). I won't worry about people having to postpone their construction project and potentially taking us to trial. I won't worry about my ex landlord once again postponing fullfilling his obligations and keeping money that he has agreed to free up and that I need for my peace of mind. I won't worry about having no more holidays until the end of the year. I won't worry about my reputation going down due to me not being able to perform properly at work and that closing the doors I need to escape this situation. I won't worry about filling applications and staying at the top of my game for fear of loosing the opportunities I have until my batteries get fully depleted. I won't worry about any of that because, you know what? My batteries won't get depleted, and that means I have time. My batteries won't get depleted because keeping them charged is going to be my single point of focus. Razor sharp, wet stone on steel. This challenge is all about designing the blueprint, but getting the blueprint done also means testing prototypes: I'll have to go through what I want to get into motion later in order to see if it works. Easy to identify areas that should get focus are: sleep food hygiene physical exercise keeping a bare but functional home cultivating friendship setting and protecting out of network time getting in nature Now, here are the things that are cluttering my mind: things to do at work and the impact they may have on other people's lives how I'm getting trapped and the more time passes, the more my options close up the state of my vineyard, slowly turning into a jungle the state of my house, that I can't seem to keep decluttered, ever (it's very small but even then, I should be able to keep it in a working order) my former landlord, may he be living interesting times internships I have to do in order to finish my hiking guide training courses I've written it here so I can forget them. It's now stored in several databases, so it can get out of my brain. I don't really know what to do, because to get where I want to get, I'm afraid I'll have to just let go, and letting go is not something I'm used to doing. I guess I'll start by reading and, just to prove to myself that I'm dedicated to this, enforcing a "no network" area past 10 pm, along with a non-negociable sleep time of 7 hours a night. Tonight is going to be tough already... I'm welcoming all ideas and inputs, I know many of you have already faced/are facing similar conundrums. I'm currently thinking about sacrificing part of my financial stability to come to enlist a NF coach into helping me unravelling the secrets of being one with the universe. My old mind is fighting against it, arguing that I have accepted to be in my situation specifically because it was leading to a point where I could get in a safe financial place, that the tables are finally turning and that now is not a time to give in to my usual habit of finding a new skills building expense to put on the menu everytime some cashflow gets freed. I may act like my usual self and give up 3 days into the challenge, though I will try hard not to do so. First focus to reach freedom is to stop caring about everything in my job, and not care at all about targets people set to me. That means not giving a shit about what other people, including my boss and the citizens of our town think about my performance. Tough call. Edit: ok, I know I won't manage to hold the sleep goal. That one is, for me, too tough a beast to tame at the time being. Here's my single point of focus for the week, following admiral McRaven's advice: Every single morning: make my bed
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