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  1. Grandkai Gets-up & Swings into Action! Goal 1: Simple & Sinister 6x a week I want to do more with my kettlebells & after listening to the audio book for Simple & Sinister i decided to do this. 5 sets of 10 Kettlebell Swings & 5 sets of 1 Get-Ups per arm. 6 Times a week. Goal 2: Pull-ups & Dips I want to also get better with Pull-Ups & Dips, 2 exercise that give the most bang for your buck. So ill be doing the "20 Pull-ups in 6 Weeks" program/challenge & the "150 Dips in 6 weeks" program/challenge. 5 sets of X reps in each program/challenge 3 Times a week. Mini-Goals - Pick my teeth everyday before bed - Eat an apple everyday - Find some new recipes - Dedicate 2 days every week for Twitch streaming So that are my goals for this challenge. Mostly fitness but with little nutrition/health goals as well. Time to get fit for spring
  2. As some of you know, Snuggles was accepted into the Blue Water Academy for Higher Learning.(Grad School)to better support this goal, Snuggles will be going undercover to better understand how the school works and what she needs to succeed at becoming a world class Assassin. Because of this transition, this challenge will be a bit light as she will be working in the light of day instead of the shadows of night. She will need to transition how she sleeps, eats and gets to work. Snuggles has made improvements to her physical therapy, but there is still a ways to go. Her fitness goal is to continue to develop her Physical Therapy into a daily habit. For this challenge she will aim for 4 days/ 1 full set, 3 days some PT. Trunk Rotation 10 times Bridge 10 times Spinal stretch, Hold for 15 seconds 3 times both sides Dog to Camel pose 10 time Quadriceps Stretch, Hold for 15 seconds 3 times both sides Shoulder Rolls, forward and backward, 10 count each Week #1 of my challenge = .75(STR) & .75(DEX) bonus slice of cake or pie Week #2 of my challenge = .75(STR) & .75(DEX) bonus slice of cake or pie Week #3 of my challenge = .75(STR) & .75(DEX) bonus slice of cake or pie Week #4 of my challenge = .75(STR) & .75(DEX) bonus slice of cake or pie Fruit Ninja Returns: Pretty simple, eat 2 serving of Fruits daily. This will be tracked with a green star on her calender. A. = 24 days during the challenge = 2(CON) B. = 20 days during the challenge = 1.5(CON) C. = 16 days during the challenge = 1(CON) D. = 12 days during the challenge = .5 (CON) Snuggles final challenge may be the hardest. For this challenge she must work on improving her mind. She has gotten a bit lazy and is spending far too much time watching shows and not reading. For this challenge she is going to decrease her TV time and increase her reading/audio book time. This goal will be move developed after accessing where she stands at the end of the first week. Week 1 - Track how much TV I’m watching, what kind (show vs. movie)and when am I watching 1 (WIS) Week 2 - Cutback TV time to no more than 2 TV shows or 1 movie a day. (Exceptions are allowed for movie night when I can watch 2 movies) Week 3 - Week 4 - Builder Goals- Continue to track healthy habits Take time to write 2 times a week Take 5 minutes, 3 times a week to meditate Walk 7 out of 10 times to/from work Follow healthy eating from past goals Practice lock picking 30 minutes weekly Pass- Gain 1 (WIS) Fail- Lose 1 (WIS)
  3. Hello! I'm back! Also, I've been watching a lot of 30 Rock so bear with me... Last challenge was mostly successful but some of the big takeaways were these: Sleep is awesome. How did I forget that sleep is so great? Breakfast doesn't have to be a huge pain, inconvenient or packed with sugar. Movement is movement. I don't have to spend an hour at the gym to accomplish my exercise goals- I just need to be mindful about getting it in where I can. Meal planning is my friend: spending an hour or two at the beginning of the week to figure out my meals makes it much more likely that I'll have easy meals to make (or reheat), instead of picking up fast food or ordering pizza. Eating better = feeling better. Eating crap & drinking lots of alcohol = feeling sluggish and full of regret. My goals are mine alone. Some people will criticize, others will cheer me on, but at the end of the day, the only voice that's going to keep me going is my own. So onto the next one! My challenges this time around: Exercise/Move 4 times a week: Walk for 30+ minutes Weight Train with 15+ minutes cardio Attend a yoga class / Complete a yoga video Variety has become really important for this challenge. I despise routine and if I just pick one goal, I can excuse the heck out of it until I don't do it. Having options (or back up plans) is going to be crucial for my success. Eat 2 veggies or fruits (raw or steamed only) every day I don't eat near enough veggies or fruits as it is- maybe 7 servings of veggies in the whole week? And very little (if any) fruit. So I'm planning to work that into my meal planning. Some substitutions: Steamed cauliflower for rice roasted rutabaga (golden beets) for roasted potatoes spaghetti squash for noodles (I don't eat much pasta anyway, but I love me some ramen. I'm going to have to play with this recipe) The one substitution I can't seem to find anything for is sour cream or cheese or mayo. I am really not a fan of greek yogurt and I've been looking for something creamy for taco salad, chili, sandwiches, tuna/egg salad, etc. Does anyone have any suggestions? Maybe this is just something I'll have to use sparingly when the mood strikes? Arrive at work on time 4 days a week This one is pretty shameful. About a year ago, when my health was declining, I started showing up late to work. Eventually this became a regular thing and my boss stopped commenting on it. Now, it's just accepted, that this is the way that it is and other people have ended up covering for me for the first ~30 minutes of the morning until I get here. This is definitely not putting my best foot forward and I'd like to get back on the right path. Habits created from my last challenge, including going to bed at a more reasonable time, will be really helpful for this challenge. I've spent too long waiting for the right time to take control of my life. It was always "when I meet the right guy", "when I find my true calling", "next year", "next month", "when I'm feeling better", or "when I find the motivation". But waiting for those days is just preventing me from reaching my goals, my potential, and the life that I want! I'm so excited to continue on this journey.
  4. Challenge #7 Physical – PT “A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.” 2 Sets (Everyday) · Trunk Rotation 10 times · Bridge 10 times · Spinal stretch, Hold for 15 seconds 3 times both sides · Dog to Camel pose 10 times · Quadriceps Stretch, Hold for 15 seconds 3 times both sides · Shoulder Rolls, forward and backward, 10 count each A. = 6 days a week = 2(STR) & 3(DEX) B. = 5 days a week = & 1.5(STR) & 2.25(DEX) C. = 4 days a week = & 1(STR) & 1.5(DEX) D. = 3 Days a week = & .5(STR) & .75(DEX) Physical – Tango Time “You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” = 4 Weeks = 2(STR) & 3(DEX) & 3(CHA) B. = 3 Weeks = & 1.5(STR) & 2.25(DEX)& 2.25(CHA) C. = 2 Weeks = & 1(STR) & 1.5(DEX) & 1.5(CHA) D. = 1 Week = & .5(STR) & .75(DEX) & .75(CHA) Fruit and Veggie Ninja – Level 2 Eat 1 serving of Fruits & Vegetables daily (must eat both) “It's so much more friendly with two.” A. = 6 days a week for both = 2(CON) B. = 5 days a week for both = 1.5(CON) C. = 4 days a week for both = 1(CON) D. = 3 days a week for both = .5(CON) Life Goal – Write in my Journal “My spelling is Wobbly. It's good spelling but it Wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong places.” “So perhaps the best thing to do is to stop writing Introductions and get on with the book.” A. = 12 times during the 4 week challenge = 2(WIS) & 2(CHA) B. = 9 times during the 4 week challenge = 1.5(WIS) & 1.5(CHA) C. = 7 times during the 4 week challenge = 1.5(WIS) & 1(CHA) D. = 4 times during the 4 week challenge = .5(WIS) & .5(CHA) Epic Quest bonus points for each digital entry I transcribe into my handwritten journal. (10 points each + 25 if I complete all)
  5. My injuries are healing, but now I must regain my power, my speed and endurance. I have journeyed far across the land to my new home and now I much be ready to not just survive, but to thrive. I have settled into my new home and my new job. I have started a routine that I need to improve to accomplish the challenging goals ahead of me. Like most cats I like short periods of activity followed by rest. I must be wary that in my nights off I am still seeking that activity, not just resting. My endurance is lacking so I just bought a new pair or running shoes so it’s time to break them in. I currently walk 2.7 miles 5 nights a week to work. For the active part of this challenge I want to start walking home after work. Week 1 = Walk home 2 days Week 2 = Walk home 3 days Week 3 = Walk home 4 days Week 4 = Walk home all 5 days On my off days I want to walk a minimum of 10k steps. This means I must be diligent in tracking my steps. *This goal may be amended to reflect the start of my 5k training if I am able to walk home from work all five mornings before the 4 week challenge has been completed. I have gained much weight over the course of my injury, I want to lose it. My diet must reflect that of a Rakasta, healthy and natural, not that of a goat who will eat anything it comes across. I have 2 nutrition goals. First I need to increase my hydration. Toward this end I will make this a two pronged attack. First I will increase my water intake gradually over the next 4 weeks to 8 cups a day. (I can have up to 2 cups of tea a day)Second, I will limit any calories I drink (soda, juice, milk, etc.) except a protein shake ONLY if it’s a meal replacement. Week 1 = 5 cups of water a day Week 2 = 6 cups of water a day Week 3 = 7 cups of water a day Week 4 = 8 cups of water a day For my second health goal I want to eat 1 real (not potatoes, dried fruit, juice) serving of fruits or vegetables every day. I will set specific goal increases after my first week to determine where I’m at. Week 1 = Week 2 = Week 3 = Week 4 = 5 Bonus points will be awarded for each new fruit or veggie I try and finish! I seek to bring my mind, my body and my spirit into alignment. I know for me, an uncluttered space leads to a more peaceful mind. Towards this end, my goal will be to vacuum my room once a week and to maintain it every day for the next 4 weeks. Week 1 = 4 days a week Week 2 = 5 days a week Week 3 = 6 days a week Week 4 = 7 days a week Like most felines, I am nocturnal so a day’s end is marked by my going to sleep, even though that is in the morning.
  6. Let's do it. I have been trying to get in better shape for a while. I used to be more active but a lot of people say that. It is hard sometimes to remember where I used to be in many aspects of my life. I want to be more reliable physically, increase my endurance and strength and become more capable physically and mentally. There are so many resources out there and I want to use them efficiently and NF is one of those communities I want to be an active part of. i'm going to try to keep up the theme of 'official /technical reporting' in my challenges, mostly as a creative exercise. First Challenge [02/29/16 - 03/25/16] Code Name: "Nemean Lion" Main Quest: Increase physical activity and improve fuel source utilization S.M.A.R.T Quests: i) Reduce soda and sugary beverage intake to x ≤ 12 fl. oz. in one day ii) Ensure fruit intake to x > 1 cup in one day and vegetable intake to x > 1 cup in one day iii) Complete x ≥ 20 minutes of moderate cardiovascular exercise (RUNNING/JOGGING) 3 times per week. Life Quest: Read x ≥ 60 minutes in one day. Reward: Submit order request: One [1] book "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six." Motivation: "it does not matter how slow you go as long as you do not stop" :HoosierNerd
  7. Tomorrow I'm starting my diet/less eating plan. I decided to go for mainly fruit, but I would like to have a hot meal once a day. I actually want to make it Paleo, but with a focus on fruit, do you have tips for that? The reason behind this is I tried the Atkins/low-carb diet, but after 3 days I just stop eating and start feeling ill, craving fruit. So, I'm just gonna eat fruit for breakfast, lunch and possible snacks while trying to make myself a healthy, warm dinner. I would also like some nice smoothie or fruity recipes to go with it. So, if you happen to have advices on a fruit-focused Paleo diet or smoothie/fruity recipes, please do tell! ~Renn
  8. HELLO FRIENDS After months of feeling like a binbag of old mashed potato perpetually falling down a grimy up-escalator in a dimly lit subway station, I am BACK and FANTASTIC and so very ready to completely obliterate the next six weeks. GOAL ONE: SWIM - Three hour-long swims a week - As many laps full-speed as possible with good form - Record that junk. - Bonus: go swim in the sea so that snorkelling gear I bought can be tested out GOAL TWO: CREATE FRUIT SNOW LIKE SOME SORT OF TROPICAL ICE GOD - Prepare lots of delicious, delicious kiwi, pineapple, mango, blah blah blah - Freeze it in convenient bags - Every day, put some in the juicer and watch as the magical blades of death turn it into fruit snow - Eat the fruit snow - Do not put rum in the fruit snow unless it's a Friday night. GOAL THREE: 1500KCAL A DAY - YOU HAVE DONE THIS MANY TIMES BEFORE - SHUT UP - DO IT - NO MORE - NO LESS - NOT RUM - NO GUESSING - WRITE IT DOWN - WEIGH IT UP - STOP WHINING - AAAAAA GOAL FOUR: STOP TALKING ABOUT GOING OUT TO DO MARINE SCIENCE, GET OFF YOUR BACKSIDE, AND GO DO SOME MARINE SCIENCE - WHAT TIME IS IT - I'M STILL AT WORK - NOT RIGHT NOW - BUT LATER - Go to the sea, conduct a basic benthic quadrat survey by taking photos along a line transect, and calculate the diversity of the visible organisms along that transect. - I don't care if the data can't be used for anything - I don't care if I can't actually identify the organisms perfectly - The point is, it is really irritating listening to myself banging on and on about all the things I want to do, and then watching myself sitting down and knitting in front of the telly, watching Blue Planet and dreaming. Dreaming is for when you are asleep. Go DO SOMETHING. AAAAAA. Points Available: 1: +2 STA, +1 STR 2: +4 CON 3: +4 CON 4: +2 WIS, +2 CHA Smart goals? - Uncomplicated - Quantifiable - Achievable - nothing I haven't already shown I can do before. Just got to avoid getting lazy. Further motivation: - Mama wants a drysuit - Mama is too fat for a 5ft 3 drysuit - Mama is too short for a fits-round-my-fat-bits drysuit - Mama is not willing to pay for a custom drysuit - Mama also wants a reasonably priced 7mm wetsuit. Monitoring: - I found my gold star stickers - Nothing beats a big paper chart with gold star stickers. THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN.
  9. Hey... As the title implies, I'm off to Uni in September as a Mature Student. This challenge is also complicated slightly by the fact that I have a couple of weeks planned visiting friends which may or may not make eating right and exercising a challenge. Therefore, during my 2 weeks away I will try, but will not be too hard on myself. The rest of the time, when I'm as home I will try to be more strict. My holiday weeks and weeks 3 and 4. I did find a reasonably priced gym that I can use while up there, but things can happen which make that difficult. I can also buy some of my own food while I'm there, but again... I'm not going to ruin my time with my friends by being all weird about it. So... here is my 6 wk challenge for the upcoming: Main Quest. (Carried over from my first challenge) Is to fit into my old suit for my cousin's wedding at the end of August. This will obviously involve loosing inches from my waistline, but I want do do it by getting strong instead and eating better. Target for end of August 38in. SMART quests (All of the following are including increased flexibility weeks 3 & 4 as discussed) i) To follow the 80/20 rule. To have unprocessed protein, fruit and veg 80% of the time and no more than one 'treat' thing per day minimum 5 days per week (more than one treat allowed 2 days) 3 + 2 CON 100% = All of the above all 6 weeks including the two holiday weeks. 90% = All the above, excluding the holiday weeks. **% = I'll figure out the true percentage if I get off track.. ii) Weight Lifting three days each week following 'Starting Strength' 2 + 1 STR 2 DEX 100% = Lift 3 times per week and stretch after for all 6 weeks including Holiday. 90% = Lift 3 times per week and stretch after for all 6 weeks excluding Holiday 75% = At least 2x per week for all 6 weeks. 50% = Less than three days per week for the whole 6 weeks. iii) Tracking my food and exercise daily on this site. 1 + 1 CHA 100% = Every day, including holiday and plus calorie and protein totals. 90% = Every day except holiday, or every day but no calorie and protein. 80% = 5+ days every week. iv) Reading in preperation for starting my Degree 1 + 1 WIS 100% = First Aid in English plus 2 other books of the reading list. 66% = 2 of the above 33% = 1 of the above v) Complete all the Assassin Minis and meet some new fellow Assassin friends. 1 CHA Motivation. To be happier and healthier, to be more able and to fit into the clothes that shrank when I wasn't paying attention and to not completely forget all about Uni until the day I have to go in.
  10. Since working out and cutting most carbs from my diet, I've replaced them with fruits. Usually (on work out days), I wake up, brush my teeth and drink a cup of water. Then I wait 20 mins and start my work out. After my work out I have a banana. This is usually breakfast/brunch depending on the time I wake up. After dinner, I typically have some more fruit. Today, for instance, after dinner I had 5 strawberries and one doughnut peach. So today's fruit intake was: 1 banana, 5 strawberries, 1 doughnut peach. Is that too much sugar?
  11. A few years ago I found out the surprising fact that fruit juice has as much sugar as fizzy pop, and is actually unhealthy. source. Since then I have just been drinking water as I love the taste and find it more refreshing than any other drink. However, over the past few days I have been considering starting to drink fruit juice again, but in moderation, like a glass a day.( I don't eat any fruit because I'm not really a big fan and whenever I buy it it ends up going off and I throw it away. I only eat 3 times a day and don't really snack so I never think to go and eat some fruit. I try and eat plenty of veg with my afternoon and evening meal however. If I drink a glass a day, would this be an okay way to get some of the nutrition I am missing by not eating fruit? This would be purely for health reasons as I don't find it any nicer than water, so would it be worth it? I'm underweight and trying to put on lean muscle mass. Obliviously I'm trying to eat as much protein as I can but it's difficult as meat is so filling (and expensive). I also struggle to reach my daily 2200 calorie goal, so would this be a good way to give it a boost?
  12. Main Quest: Fit into size 7 jeans by Nov 27, 2015 I'm pretty proud of myself that I have managed to develop a consistent exercise regime over these past few months! I've noticed changes in my body and people have commented on how great I am looking. I feel stronger, happier, and more confident (WAY more confident) about myself. There IS such a thing as an Amazonian Hobbit, I am sure of it! SO! Develop excellent exercise habits and build a bunch of muscle? Check! Drop body fat so that I can actually SEE those muscles? Ummm............ I'm still in size 12 jeans, though they are loose enough that I need to wear a belt. I've been reminded again that I "can't out train my diet" and "can't outrun my fork" (thanks Steve for your latest article). I feel confident enough in the habits I've built of training regularly that I now want to focus on what I eat - amp it up just a tiny bit. I already have a solid foundation of decent eating (a far cry from the bags of chips and jars of salsa that I used to have for lunch) but I clearly either a) eat too much; or have the wrong proportion of foods...i.e., too much grains and not enough veggies/fruit. (Or could be both a & b, but we'll tackle this one at a time). Since I am not prepared to mentally challenge my portion sizes, I've opted for challenging the ratio of foods I'm eating. Huzzah! WHICH LEADS ME TO: EAT MOAR FRUITSNVEGGIES!!!!!!! Challenge Goals: 1. Eat (at least) ONE fruit per breakfast meal. +2 CON +2 CHA +1 STA I don't eat breakfast on Sundays and Wednesdays so that will be 5 whole fruit a week! 2. Eat (at least) ONE cup of veggies with each lunch and supper. +2 CON +2 CHA +1 STA The only exception to this is if/when I am eating at someone else's house. 3. Continue with current Exercise Regime! +2 CHA +2 STR +1 STA Includes: M/W/F: Stronglifts, etc., and PlanksForTheWin (I made that one up) TUES: Bootcamp & Jacobs Ladder THURS: Jacobs Ladder SAT: Cycling with a Friend (at Gym) *****M/W/F is mandatory. The other days are bonuses, since I am trying new stuff and have acquired a new workout partner for M/W and Saturday. Thanks for joining me! Questions, comments, hi-fives, and awesome gifs are always welcome!
  13. Recipe for 6 Fruit-Muffins pictures will follow - and also the description on how to make the coconut milk yourself Shouldn't be eaten too often because of the high amount of saturated fat - if it's true that this is a villain, I'm not so sure about that. But I love this meal so I thought I'd share it. Ingredients: 30 g coconut flour (1 oz)1/2 tsp. backing powder (or less)1/2 tsp. cinnamonbananapinch of salt150 ml coconut milk (you can make that yourself)1 eggmuffin baking sheet and muffin paper formscoconut oil / butteranother fruit (e.g. blueberries, peach, pineapple, ...)Preparation: Whisk yolk. Add coconut milk, cinnamon, salt and mix it up well. Whisk the egg white till stiff. Cut the banana in small pieces, add them and mash it (e.g. with a fork) as good as possible. Mix the coconut flour into it and then the fruit cut into little pieces also. Gently fold in the stiff white and let the mixture sit for 15 minutes Grease six muffin paper forms with coconut oil (or butter), put them into the forms of the muffin baking sheet and then fill it with the mixture Bake the muffins at 180 °C top and bottom heat for 40 minutes After that allow the muffins to cool before you take them out of the form! I wrote "stiff white" I don't know how you call it in English. In German we say "zu Schnee schlagen" what means literally "beat to snow" and the "stiff white" is the "Schnee", the "snow". Can anyone tell me?
  14. Hi everyone! This is my third week into Paleo and I’m doing relatively well, but I am a little bit concerned about my fruit intake. I would usually have 2 or 3 fruits a day, mostly apples or tangerines (less often pears or strawberries, and rarely bananas). Usually one as a snack 5 or 6 pm, and another after dinner 9 pm or so. Eventually if I am super hungry or craving for something sweet I would have one extra at some point of the day, usually this happen in the evening, or as a late night snack. Is this amount ok? Is it too much? I don’t expect to see drastic changes in my body within two or three weeks, but I am willing to lose weight, and I don’t know if this could be holding me back. All advice is welcome =) Thanks in advance!
  15. Hi all, My family recently decided to go on the Atkins diet, and I was wondering how this compares to Paleo. I've always loved fruit and potatoes and having to leave that out is hitting me the hardest, so does anybody know of any comparisons done or anything? Does one have a significant advantage over the other? Could I mix them (I love dairy too)? Which one gives me the fastest and best results? If you can, please include a source for your information (personal experience included). Thank you so much!!
  16. I don't know if any of you watch It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia, but it's one of my favorite shows. On one particular episode the gang was going on a road trip and made a stop at a street market. There was a group of vendors selling fruits and vegetables, and it came up in discussion that the character Charlie had never eaten a pear. I don't recall the dialogue in its entirity, but it came to surface that there are a lot of fruits and vegetables that he had not once eaten in his entire life as a 30-something year old adult American. I thought this was hilarious. Well I came to find out that my friend that had been living in my basement is exactly the same way. We were discussing cooking and diet, and he let it slip that he had never eaten a peach. I was taken aback, because how does someone living in America never, not even once, eat something as common place as a peach? The conversation continued and I found out that not only had he never eaten a peach, but he had never so much as tried to eat a brussels sprout, asparagus, pears, blueberries, and a whole host of other extremely common fruits and vegetables. I called bullshit on the blueberries, because I remember my mother-in-law making a cake full of blueberries and that he had eaten it. He revealed then that he had meticulously picked out all of the blueberries and thrown them in the garbage. Now I don't think that episode is funny any more. I'm mortified. What is going on in this country where we have food in abundance and yet people making unimaginably bad dietary choices, not only for themselves but for their children? Are there a lot of people like this? It still blows my mind when I think about it. Please tell me he is in the minority. Most people make their kids eat fruits and vegetables, right? Please?
  17. Guest

    Potion Brewing

    Any good ideas for tasty "potions"? I have been thinking of this for a long time, but I have the problem that I don't know any recipies for shakes or "potions". I also need some of those tiny round bottles that they use in all the rpgs. any suggestion on where to get them?
  18. I know I know drinking juice is bad. Even the "healthy" stuff like Bolthouse and Naked Juice that are supposed to be good for you are loaded with sugar and you don't get the fiber like you would if you just ate the berries and apples etc....HOWEVER, what if I say threw a handful or two of berries and a slash of almond milk or water? Would that be just as bad or would I reap the benefits? Thanks!
  19. Name: Andrew Williams (Artinum) Race: Underpants Gnome I've done so many of these challenges now that I've run out of witty biographies. I'll stick with the basics - I've been with the Scouts for a while now, having graduated from the Adventurers, largely due to my desire to run. My running has, however, hit a plateau, and I have discovered a new interest in cycling that has further impacted on my running sessions. Oh, and I have a blog (link in my signature). FITNESS GOAL 1: Running Out Of Town (2 DEX, 2 STA) Over several challenges, I have reached the ninth and final week of C25K. And I've got stuck. My last three attempts at the 30 minute run have clocked in at 17, 21 and 27 minutes (so improving, but all still less than week 8's triumphant 28 minutes). I'm getting stitches a lot. Is it the warmer weather? Dehydration? Eating too much during the day? I've no idea. But goal one is to finally finish off this bloody course! Three complete runs (preferably in succession) will see a win. FITNESS GOAL 2: Ten Pull-ups (4 STR) I was thrilled and delighted at the end of my last challenge to find that, after regularly taking on inverted rows and stuffing myself with calories and protein, I finally managed some pull-ups. They were weak, they were limited, but YES! This goal is to continue my hard work, building up my strength some more and knocking out a set of ten pull-ups by the end of the challenge. DIET GOAL: Be Fruitful And Multiply (3 CON) I'm not entirely clear where to go with my diet at the moment. I'm loathe to make any efforts to reduce anything at this stage, as I'm trying to build up strength rather than lose weight. Instead, I'm going to add something to my eating - I'm concerned I don't eat nearly enough fruit. My aim is to eat at least one item of fresh fruit a day. Half points will be awarded for juice or preserved fruit such as raisins. AIm - to manage this for at least 80% of the challenge. LIFE GOAL: Website Relaunch (2 WIS, 2 CHA) I did contemplate my novel for this goal, but that's difficult to quantify. Instead, I have another goal in mind - I'm going to overhaul and relaunch my proofreading service, Indieproofing. I started this site as an experiment in January 2006 to see if it would work as a business. Seven years later... yeah, it kinda works. But it will never make me more than pocket money as it is. I'm currently planning a new site with new services and pricing structures, and I'm going to actively promote it to potential clients. Aim - finish and relaunch the site by the end of the challenge.
  20. I'm wondering if you feed your children paleo ? My husband and I have always been 'good' eaters and we both love cooking, so the junk food ratio has always been low here. No fizzy drinks, no fast food, no ready meals ... but we used to eat a lot of pasta and the kids loved it. Now we adults have both started paleo 'dieting' (we both want to lose a bit of weight). I don't want to scare off my kids but I'm feeling so much better that I feel kind of bad giving them their same old sandwiches and sweets. I've notice before that the more fruit I have in the house, the less sweets they eat. So I'm definitely throwing out the sweet box tomorrow (they'll never know, they'll think their dad has eaten everything :-)). But other than that, I'm not sure. DD eats at preschool four times a week, so I don't have to worry about that. They serve clean, healthy food with lots of veg but standard recipes with grains. DS takes lunch boxes to school - right now he still gets sandwiches every day. Am thinking of switching to 'real' bread aka bread from the 'artisan' bakery instead of packaged slices. I still want them to be able to eat cake at parties, or when they are at friends' houses. So i'm not thinking of banning any foods. Just some tweaking. Any thoughts ? :-) Any experiences ?
  21. Does anyone here do Paleo or any similar whole foods diet with a food allergy? Specifically nuts and fruit, in this case. My roommate and I are trying to clean up our diets, but it seems that the majority of food suggestions and recipes use nuts or nut oils. We're both allergic to nuts and fruit with varying degrees of severity. Anybody else have to work around diet limitations like these, or have any suggestions? It doesn't seem to be a very common topic...
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