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  1. Main Goal: Bodyweight Bench Press Goal 1, Bench: Continue to lift on my current SS reboot type of program. Briefly, I started a Starting Strength type of noob program to recondition myself, and I'm staying on it until I've burned out all of its usefulness. I have more brutal an painstaking details about what I'm doing in my programming thread. Right now I'm doing 2 days each week of 5x5 Squats, Bench Presses, and Deadlifts with a few assistance lifts thrown in at the end. Squats and deadlifts increase by 10 lbs, and bench by 5 lbs. My next workout will be: Squat: 215# 5x5 Bench Press: 160# 5x5 Deadlift: 275# 1x5 Basically I'm just sticking to the lifting plan and lifting at least twice each week. My only plan right now is to stick to this since it is working. I lost about 5 lbs last challenge, and my lifts are increasing. Grading: 10 workouts to pass. (I'm including week zero in the final score, and my sidequest grants bonus points). Sidequest: Workout number three: I've struggled to add a third weekend workout. So bonus points if on Sundays I manage to do the following: Front Squat: 95# 5x5 Clean and Press: 65# 5x5 Assistance work. These two are to be integrated into my SS-esque program later. C&P will eventually be split into power cleans and presses when the press starts limiting the clean. I can even do these at home if needed. Goal 2, Hit nutrition goals: Stay under 3200 cals/day, by 7-day average. For the first week, I need to be under 3200 daily. After that, I need to maintain my weekly average under 3200. I'm starting the challenge with a 7-day avg of 3359, so I need to bring it down. Grading: Percentage of days below 3200. Sidequest 1, Battlelog first: I collected awesome data last challenge. My goal is to continue collecting it. The only thing I want to change is to make sure it gets to my battle log. I often tend to come to my challenge threads and post, but after the challenge is over, if I didn't repost in my BL, workouts and things get lost. Post all workouts in BL, and update with nutrition and weight data weekly. +2 bonus pts. if all my workouts make it to my battle log. Goal 3, Chins, curls, and core. I need to make these the focus of my assistance work. So each time I do assistance I have to, have to, have to work on at least one of the three. Chins does not mean rowing or facepulls or another back exercise, it mean grabbing onto a bar and at least doing partials and negatives of chinups. Curls means any curl variation. Core means any core exercise. It doesn't sound hard but for some reason I can quickly forget any of these when I do assistance work, if I have time to do assistance work. Goal 4, Mobility: Do one stretching, foam rolling, and/or yoga session each weekend. LUYL: (aka other shit I've got going on in April) Gardening: Spring is here so I've got to prep those garden beds and plant things out. I just want to make sure I work on it on my weekend at least one day. Writing: So I still have that damn paper to finish writing from grad school. We're almost done, but I've barely spent any time on it since I started working again. Same deal, I just need to spend one night each week working on it. Without this paper, my advisor can't give me a good reference so I'm not likely to be moving forward with my career much if I don't finish it. Art: I haven't painted or drawn anything in a while. Again, I want to spend some time on it each weekend. I have three days off each week so I hope I can devote a good chunk of each day to each of these.
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